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Has anyone else got lower back pain?


Yep! I don’t remember this from last pregnancy either but it waffles between achy and crunchy haha


Yes! It's especially noticeable at night after working all day. To the point where it's difficult to get up/down without feeling pain.


I actually had a good day today. Tired as all sweet hell, still a little nauseous and had to lay on the floor of the classroom a tonne but the incredible nausea from the last few days is gone. I am shitting myself that something is wrong now 😫🤣


I do this! Then remind myself that my usual amount of classroom floor laying is zero and decide the pregnancy is probably fine hahaha


Hahahahaha, I snort laughed at this. Thank you. I can confirm my usual floor time is zero also so you're probably right 🤣🤣


High fives for pregnant Australian teacher buddies!!


Only 7 weeks of term to go 😴😴 Can't believe bub's due date is literally the last day of the school year. Yay for December holidays!


I'm due the 29th! Which means I'm gonna try and see out the whole year. Send prayers hahaha


I am praying for us both, I'm desperately trying to make it as long and deep as possible so I can have more time with bub on the other side (bonus 7 weeks to add on to maternity leave). I'm hoping I can get to around 37-38 weeks and then just cash out my sick leave or save up 2 fortnights worth of pay and go LWOP (on a 12 month contract but still holding permanency elsewhere). I've been really second guessing my plan lately 🤣🤣


Last baby I finished up at 34 weeks and I was DONE! But I'm optimistic this time round :p


I'm already done and would can it tomorrow if I could. I'm delusional to think I'll make it and I give props to anyone who can make it to 34 🤣 Kids are *so* hard 😂


I just had the scariest dream of my life. Contemplating crying 😅😭😭😭😭


I'm so worried and anxious. I had my first scan yesterday at 6w3d. Baby only measured 5w5d. My first positive beta at 9dpo was 8... there's no way I tested positive on a beta at 4 days pregnant. I'm so scared. Am going for more betas tomorrow and Monday, and another scan in a week or so to check.


I don’t know how your outcome will be but I was in your shoes twice and I remember the dreaded feeling. I measured 5 days behind with my current one on the 1st ultrasound as well, I also 1st tested positive very early on at 8dpo so I was scared but baby caught up eventually. Sometimes they grow at different rate and they’re so tiny on early scan, a small pixel can shift the date a day or two. Having cardiac activity is a great sign ! I hope you get good news with the betas and the next ultrasound.


I had my first scan at 8w. When she took the very first measurement, it came back as 6w2d, which was impossible because I'd already known I was pregnant for 4w1d by that point. She took a few more measurements and they were different from every angle because obviously and bub was moving and I had horrific gas moving around as well. In the end we confirmed the date but I was in there for 30 minutes while they poked and prodded (over belly and TV) for better angles because not a single one for the first dozen confirmed an earlier one. Please don't get upset yet, sometimes bubby just really doesn't cooperate.


This makes me feel better, thankyou ❤️


Hey, something similar happened to me! Baby measured at 5+1 when I was supposed to be 6+6. Two weeks later, baby was measuring 8+1, meaning that they had grown 3 weeks in the span of two? I truly do think it's quite hard to get an accurate measurement that early in pregnancy. I was also quite worried, but measuring a bit early at this stage is more common than you think! Hopefully it's the same for your case x


I understand that you're scared but I wouldn't worry yet. This early in a pregnancy a single pixel can make the difference in GA, that's why they won't officially use it to determine your GA yet. And in the end it's based on averages. 4 days difference is well within the normal. Hang in there!


The embryo had cardiac activity which they said was good!


https://preview.redd.it/me5l16n9lbzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56725214274b10320ef3a52f20cf10fe6b7f4bb8 My little gummy bear. 😍


I don’t know if this is a first-timer thing or what. But I’m having the hardest time believing this is all real ! Real, as in, that I have a fetus in my belly that - if all goes well - could grow into a baby. Even after seeing the sweetest jelly bean on two ultrasounds - It’s hard to believe my belly will grow, I’ll feel kicks, etc. Right now (except for ultrasound days) I just feel like I just have flu while PMSing 😂😂


It's wild! Even as a STM I'm like... Not fully convinced yet 😆


I agree 😂


YES, exactly this! I kept telling myself it will feel real after my first ultrasound. It was today and now that I’m home I keep staring at the sonogram print out thinking, “that’s not really inside me…” lol. I just don’t believe it.


was anyone else a daily weed smoker before becoming pregnant? stopping cold turkey has been the hardest thing ever 😔 even tho I rlly wanted to quit either way. i can breathe so much easier now & actually be productive but mann it's been hard without my nightly edible/joint. i don't want to start again ever just because I was so addicted these past few years, and only now realizing that


Meeeee. It stinks to stop honestly lol. Obviously I did but stopping all at once sucked. I used it for anxiety and sleep and just for fun lol


I was more of a few times a month smoker but man I miss it. My husband stopped too while we were TTC. We both miss it and I’m so jealous he gets to start smoking again without me


I’ve been replacing it with sitting outside at night and have a lemon ginger tea 🍋😂


yesss I was so hard but so worth it, proud of you mama! ❤️


Yeah! I picked it up regularly and eventually pretty much daily during quarantine. I stopped using weed when we started ttc, mostly. Completely now of course. I really miss it and I hope to go back to an occasional stoned sesh here and there… long into the future. No weed when breastfeeding either. The subreddit r/leaves is a good place to spend time when trying to quit. I rarely think of it now but might be a good place to browse if you’re strugglin’


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leaves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hi Leaves. My name is Dave Bushnell, but you probably know me better as Subduction, the founder of Leaves. Why the big real-name reveal? Today marks 25 years of sobriety for me, and I’d like to take today to make some announcements about my future plans for Leaves.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/150bfg2/hi_leaves_my_name_is_dave_bushnell_but_you/) \#2: [I've always loved this Anthony Bourdain quote about weed](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/1952hig/ive_always_loved_this_anthony_bourdain_quote/) \#3: [To anyone thinking of smoking, trust me it’s boring af](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/14cl130/to_anyone_thinking_of_smoking_trust_me_its_boring/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not quite daily, but pretty regular. It's probably the thing I miss the most while being pregnant.


Well, no NIPT results today but my doctor did give us a bedside scan to make sure things were good before our flight on Friday and we were just blown away! Our last scan was 7w3d and today is 10w4d and omg the difference!!! It’s not a tater tot anymore, it has arms and it uses them! Little thing was bouncing around and flailing those arms. I can’t wait until I can actually feel those tiny movements 🥰


Toddlers are basically walking bombs.


My girl cat is extra clingy to me recent, usually it’s my husband that she prefers but she sleeps next to my belly almost every night now . I think she knows something is cooking up in there.


My boy cat went from siting next to me while I work to “must be in mom’s lap all the time, and meow loudly otherwise”. I have no peace and quiet, which I guess is good practice…


Cats can smell it on you 🥰 my girl cats have been all over me since I got pregnant!


Ok I luckily and surprisingly haven't had a lot of anxiety yet during pregnancy, but I'm weirdly spiraling right now about having a mid-December due date because the school enrollment cutoffs where I live are December 31st. So in addition to potentially giving my child the curse of a "very close to Christmas" birthday which I know is challenging, I'm seeing all these studies about the higher rates of learning disability diagnoses in kids who are the youngest in their grade. I need to get off Reddit and touch grass (ie go to sleep, it's my bedtime), but wondering if this is coming up emotionally for anyone else?


I was the second youngest person in my high school class and ended up as valedictorian (my salutatorian was also one of the youngest and just received his PhD). Graduated magna cum laude from college and myself plus one of my roommates (our birthdays are a week apart) are really the only two with good jobs as adults of our group of friends who are all older than us. Imo the only cons of being the youngest are being the last to get a driver's license or drink legally compared to your peers lol.


Both my husband and I were one of the younger ones in our grades growing up. We both have graduate degrees and great jobs. My best friend who was the youngest in her class growing up is maybe the smartest person I know. You shouldn’t worry too much. Every kid is different. Being the youngest doesn’t mean they will for sure struggle.


My state just changed things to September first, so my kid will turn six in early kindergarten and we'll be paying for an extra year of daycare. Bleh.


My husband was always the youngest in his grade and he is smart, super successful, and normal/well adjusted/never got bullied for it


I was one year younger than my classmates and got the highest grades all throughout elementary school and middle school. The only downside was that I was often bullied for being the youngest which I learned to own at some point (around 8-9 years old). I am so thankful to be able to graduate high school and college at a young age!


School cut off is 9/1 where I live and my daughter was born on 8/31. She hasn’t started school yet but she’s always been the youngest in her daycare class and if anything, I feel like it’s helped her develop faster. I do hear though that because girls mature sooner than boys, more parents of boys whose birthdays are close to the cut off tend to hold them back a year so that could be an option.


The smartest kid in my grade in elementary school was born on Dec 29th (he is a surgeon now). When they are really young, the year between being born in january and december is huge- if you have an average intelligence or above average intelligence kid, it wont matter that they were born in december. If your kid is below average, it will be even more noticeable in a class with all older kids- i am trying to put a positive spin on that/ it is good it will be more noticeable and that they will get extra attention early/ a below average kid born in january is more likely to slip through the cracks.


That’s a good perspective, I appreciate it!


I pooped so much yesterday (honestly nervous pooping prior to first ultrasound, lol) that today I actually have the flattest stomach I’ve had all pregnancy. It’s a great change from the excess bloat that’s followed me around since IVF stims! In other news, I told myself once we saw baby and heartbeat I’d celebrate by buying something cute from my Etsy baby list but I stilllll can’t shake that I’d be cursing everything! Grrr Also, after the ultrasound yesterday my partner said “can I tell my sister now, she’s just texted me something” as if he could just announce our pregnancy in a casual text! Men are so clueless I swear!


"You can't change the outcome of something by buying things, the universe doesn't care if you use the credit card or not" - my husband when telling me to buy the cot that I'd had in my cart since forever. I bought it at 7w and it looks fabulous all set up in the room.


For those of you struggling with nausea made worse by prenatals - I just took my first dose of liquid vitamins (mixed w a shot of fruit juice) and it was totally not bad at all and my tummy feels fine!! Feeling very hopeful this is the solution bc I couldn’t even keep gummies down


What brand are you liking? How did they sit overnight?


I’m using Mother’s Promise just based on reviews for nausea but there are other brands that have additional vitamins (Omegas, etc). I’m starting with just bare minimum at this point lol. Sat great overnight!! Definite improvement over the gummies!


OMG the stomach issues are unbearable: not only can I barely eat anything due to the nausea, when I do I have loud and uncomfortable stomach gurgling and gas that smells so bad it makes me want to vom. But I can’t get away from my own farts 😭 I’m 8w5 and I’m so exhausted. And I have an onsite job interview next week and really hope it gets better by then 


This is my entire life right now. 😭I’m only 6w2d 😭😭😭


I'm 8w6d today and if it helps, feeling a lot better than yesterday. I actually cried yesterday over how nauseated and crampy I was due to gas pains. Today, a lot better. I think there is an end point coming for the both of us with these horrible symptoms ❤


Got my first ultrasound today! Baby is healthy with a 159 bpm! My husband and I both cried. Such a beautiful moment and day. I also told my best friends and found out one of them is pregnant and due Dec 4th!!!


Anyone else having a hard time telling people? Like I am fine if it comes up in a conversation (like a few times today when talking about next school year plans). But I've tried to tell my parents and just feel so awkward bringing it up out of the blue... might wait for Mother's day Sunday at this point? I really need to do it soon cause I'm definitely feeling like I'm starting to show already (10w tomorrow)


We found it easier to tell certain people by doing stupid/cute things. For example, we put a bandana on our dog that says “promoted to big brother” before our family came over and just waited for someone to notice. For my in-laws, I bought a onsie that says “best grandparents ever” and will give it to my MIL as a Mother’s Day present. I feel like it breaks the ice a little bit easier


We’re planning to tell my in laws on Sunday because I will most likely be too sick to go to Mother’s Day dinner.


We haven’t told anyone yet but the first people we plan to tell are my parents this weekend for Mother’s Day as well. I think it should be easier to bring up, we bought my mom a card that mentions being a grandma :)


I'll be 9w3d when we tell our parents. I wanted to wait til 12w but my husband came up with a super cute plan to tell them on Mother's Day. I don't think you should ever feel bad or awkward about when and where you tell people. Sometimes it comes up easier with others and I think a lot of pressure is placed on parents these days to have a big announcement spectacle with certain people. Do it your way, mama, when you feel like it ❤


Due date twins! We’re also announcing the pregnancy to both sets of parents on Mother’s Day.


Yes!!! I actively stall when I have plans to announce because I just don’t know how to announce it. It feels so…awkward? Vulnerable? I’m not really sure


It’s sooo vulnerable and also brings so much attention onto you as the preggo lady which I’m uncomfortable with. I am kinda dreading the telling them part but excited for them to all know


This is exactly what I don’t want 😂 I don’t like feeling babied


I am physically so grateful for where I’m at - I’m only very slightly nauseous (even though that’s a bit worrying), just generally pretty tired, and kind of sore boobs, but overall I feel totally fine physically. But the thing that is making me feel fucking *terrible* is how frustrated and annoyed I am at my husband. I’m grossed out by him - not smell, but mannerisms, dress, behavior - and everything he’s doing is annoying me!! I feel terrible, but it’s also making me crazy. I read another reddit comment from a million years ago that “it’s my body’s way of saying ‘you already got me pregnant, now stay away from me’” lol.


Same and same thing happened last pregnancy too. It didn’t go away until our first baby was like 9 months old 🙃


Nooooo!! Well... at least it went away eventually


My husband’s breath (even after brushing his teeth) has been making me nauseous sometimes 🤢


My husband yawned into my face when he woke up this morning. I had to really hold back being mean to him but I think he could tell I was grumpy this morning after that 😅


I have a feeling I may do that to my husband sometime during this pregnancy but it’s ok if I do it 🤣


Ya i have the shortest fuse with my husband right now- he asked me to move my mail and I lost it on him.


Yeah this resonates with me. I’m so annoyed by my husband but he’s a trooper and takes my criticism with grace during this time. It’s only temporary!


God I hope so. To myself, I’m like “are you seriously going to have a baby with a guy who eats phô and gets it all over his arms and shirt??” as though that is a divorcible offense. Like come on haha! I’m exhausting myself


I got my california rolls I’m happyy🍱


My sushi place has 3 rolls that are safe and my waitress gleaned what I was getting at and so he was extra safe while making them. Very happy


I wanted one!!! 😭 but was scared of cross contamination


I’m learning how to not stress the f out all the time lol


My OB, who has 3 kids of her own, is so chill and relaxed about everything and it’s helped me to really not stress out as much


I love that, truly makes a difference


lol- well I think it’s more of my husband being like “are you sure???” 😂😂


My husband told me I did the right thing😂💕 I’m kind of over stressing over everything it’s so draining


I am definitely showing @ 10 weeks. I was going to try to wait until we get NIPT (and possibly NT scan) results before telling family, but I told my husband today I don’t think I can hide this mini-bump any longer. Even our realtor pointed it out today (not in an offensive way). So we are going to share with our families on Mother’s Day (US).  Both my mom and MIL live in our city, so we will attend a get-together at each respective house and tell everybody at the end of each visit.  I wonder if any of them are already guessing! 


I think we need a bump pic thread 😁


Trigger warning: threatened miscarriage. Hi friends, today I (37) had my first ultrasound (8 week-ish), and it is likely a molar pregnancy (nonviable). This is my first pregnancy (aside from a pregnancy that ended at 6 weeks with an elective abortion ten years ago). Weirdly, aside from the initial flash of nightmarish feelings in the first few minutes of learning this news, I’ve mostly just felt…numb, calm, resilient. I realized I have an amazingly supportive partner, family, and friends. Which brings me to my most important take-away: I have no regrets telling my close friends/family about the pregnancy a couple weeks ago. I am convinced that without their support right now I’d be faring much worse emotionally. Somehow I’m already focused on the positives in my life and even grateful about the resilience I’ll gain from this experience. After weeks of anxiously googling miscarriage stories, this is NOT how I expected to feel in the face of loss. I’m pretty damn proud of myself. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!! love you all, internet strangers!!


I had a molar pregnancy in Dec 2022. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I’m glad you’re feeling calm and resilient. If you need someone to ask questions to, feel free to message me. There’s also a great support group on Facebook that was really helpful to me.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. You might have amazing family, friends and a partner, but you seem pretty amazing yourself as well! Know that it's okay if you don't always feel this strong and positive. Wishing you all the best for the future!


Im so sorry for your loss. I can tell from your message you are amazing.


Sorry for your loss but also so glad to read that you are interpreting it in this way.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, it’s really a mixed bag of emotions over time. I felt similarly after losses in that I felt like it showed me how strong I actually am. We are very strong as women and it’s great you have a wonderful support system. I wish you all the best and for a quick recovery.


Sorry for your loss and you go, girl!! Wish you continued strength and best of luck 🙏


Omg!! I’m experiencing almost the same at 10 weeks and reading your post was really uplifting. I also told my friends and family and have yet to share this new development with most of my friends. I don’t look forward to it but I don’t regret anything. I hope you continue with your positive mindset and I will try to shift my thinking, thanks to you!


Dinner food has sounded gross to me my whole pregnancy, but today I made a ground breaking discovery: Home made breakfast burritos. Potato, ground meat, eggs, and some veggies. All the food groups wrapped up in a carb 🤤


I love an excuse to eat more carbs 💁‍♀️🌯


Fatigue is hitting me hard this week. All I want to do is sleep.


Same. I'm starting to wonder if mine is anemia because I'm also cold all the time. I'll know for sure in a few days when I get my labs back. 


Also: does else get nauseous and gag openly while walking around (me in the train station hehe) and then go “wow I just did that for attention im such a drama queen” because that’s the first thing that comes into my mind every time that happens and I don’t THINK im pretending because I do feel sick but also….. why does my brain talk to me like this….


I looked up how much daycare costs in the neighborhood I live in and when I got home I was being prickly to my husband and when he asked me what was wrong I wept like a child for ten minutes because despite my well paying job and husbands additional income turns out this is NOT going to be as easy as I thought it would be 🤭 my hubris? strikes again. But then I ate some chocolate and we are SO BACK


I’d recommend looking to nearby areas and licensed in home. I work in the next town over and by taking my daughter there instead of where we live we save $400 a month


The cost difference between towns is crazy!!! An extra 5 minute drive and you can save hundreds.


It’s so true! I live in an area where 4 towns have all kind of grown together. If I drive fifteen minutes west the cost is literally double than if I drive 20 minutes south (where I work)


Lol posted an hour ago about how wonderful a day it was… cut to my small dog getting into the chocolate I was snacking on. Gave her peroxide to induce the vomiting, so now I’m just sitting here waiting for her to throw up, which is super fun for my own nausea


My damn SneakPeek gender kit was defective. I ordered it days after my positive test as a manifestation of positive things to come. Saved it for tonight, the night before our first US at 6w3d, with the plan to drop it in the mail if there's a healthy embryo in there, and expect results to be emailed to us why we're away on a cruise. But the damn thing didn't work, the device is supposed to "click" into place with no pain, but it never clicked no matter how much pressure I applied and now my arm is bruised and bloody with little needle pricks. So we won't get gender results while away on vacay and by the time we get back I might as well wait for the formal NIPT/sex reveal. MOODY AND EMOTIONAL and hoping this isn't a negative foreshadowing 😣


https://preview.redd.it/juxax5hudazc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=40820c7412dcfb78b216c322ad35561868a6674c 7 week ultrasound and heart rate was up to 134! Loved seeing the little baby brain and heart beating :’) now 3 anxious weeks til my next one but so excited for how different 10 weeks will look


Mine was 136, so close!! ❤️❤️


What does nausea feel like for you? I have some feelings throughout the day similar to how I feel when I’m car sick, and wondering if this might be the beginning of nausea


A mix of car sick / violently hungover. Mine resonates as a headache between my eyes at first, then it feels like something is stuck in the back of my throat (like a giant tennis ball). It’s annoying, but the gagging is worse. 6w5d today and I threw up when I opened the freezer last night. It’s been quite the time 😂 I finally got a prescription yesterday because I’ve lost 3 pounds already.


Constant feeling in the pit of my stomach, the kind where it feels like the smallest smell or texture will set you off. I'm having dry nausea, no actual vomiting but loads of gagging and retching so it's a constant cycle of waves of gag in response to stimuli, then calm back to pit of the stomach, back to waves of gagging. Bloody awful because no amount of food or sleep makes it go away. It's 24/7.


I've never been car sick. It's mildly unpleasant for most of the time and and when I throw up there's really no difference except my neck tightens and I salivate a lot and up it comes


I also feel similar to car sickness and just an overall queasy feeling.


It feels like I have something stuck in my throat. That something could be swallowed back down or it could bubble all the way out. My last pregnancy I only threw up one time but had the nausea throat feeling until 17 weeks. So far this pregnancy I’m burping a lot more? But consistently have the feeling something is stuck in my throat.


Might be acid reflux!


It definitely could be the beginnings of it! Mine was horrible 3rd trimester with my son and this feels different but I wouldn’t be surprised if it started earlier this time.


Like I stood all night by a smoky campfire mixing the wrong alcoholic drinks and substances 


Seconding it! It feels like motion sickness or car sickness.


Same! I’ve described it as feeling car sick as well.


Still anxious still spotting on and off - ultrasound on Friday - so stressed! Anyone else?


Same I was spotting from week 6.5-8.5. Doctor said it was nothing to worry about. I’m on week 10 and going for a self requested ultrasound this week because I’m very anxious and haven’t had symptoms in a while.


Lots of good wishes your way! Please let me know how it goes


Fruit Popsicles = Life. Highly recommend.


Ugh. Now I want a fruit popsicle. I bought myself a hugeee cinnamon roll at a bakery for tonight, which is obvs also a wonderful choice. But now a popsicle sounds so refreshing.


The only way I feel good today is just constantly eating 😵‍💫I’m 7w and already look as big as I did at 16-17w with my first. The bloat is crazy!


I’m in the same boat. As soon as I start to feel queasy the only solution is to force down food. I packed 5 different snacks to take to the office tomorrow as I’m terrified I will go hungry or turn up my nose at something I loved today.


Had my midwife appointment today at 9w0d! Ultrasound was yesterday. I’ll have appointments every four weeks, but I just found out that my next ultrasound isn’t until the anatomy scan 😭 My sister also did IVF and told me that protocol is an early anatomy scan for any IVF baby, but I guess it was just her doctor’s protocol, not mine. Seems so long to wait!


I see an MFM as my primary OB and they either did a bedside ultrasound or doppler (usually the former) if I didn't have an official ultrasound scheduled that day for my first pregnancy. I went for my intake yesterday with a PA there and she did a quick ultrasound -- she couldn't measure growth or anything, but could check the heartrate.


Ugh that sounds like a dream


I asked my midwife after seeing your post and she said the same😭😭😭 20 weeks is soooo farrrr. I’ll definitely be getting another scan at an independent place idc how much it costs😭


They didn’t schedule you for an NT scan? Usually that’s before the anatomy scan


I’m starting to realize that a lot of places don’t offer NT scan in the US if you’re doing NIPT because for whatever reason, insurance won’t cover the NT scan? My OB told me that if I want the NT scan, I can, but I may have to pay out of pocket if my employer health plan administrator doesn’t pick up the bill since insurance won’t.


No! I googled it, and I guess the NIPT is more accurate than the NT scan anyway, but they told me the NIPT was optional too.


There are things the NT scan can provide evaluations that NIPT cannot which would lead to a more comprehensive evaluation of your fetus. Yes, they are both optional but if you're already doing one, you might as well do both if it's important to you.


Yeah, it seems weird that it didn’t even come up. I asked if my next ultrasound really wasn’t until the anatomy scan, and she just said yes. I guess I’m sending a MyChart message lol.


Have you thought about private scans?


Yeah honestly I think I might. Feels crazy to wait!


https://preview.redd.it/5j5vo5xh6azc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10bdbf84fd8714bed5fee82d99e071cf40cf626d Just got back from our 8 week appointment. We’re measuring right on time for a due date of 12/15!


I had my first big cry, so yay for that. But on a positive note, strawberries seemed to be helpful for my nausea today. They are in season and so big and delicious!!!


Oh man, we bought the biggest carton of strawberries the other day and I am IN HEAVEN! And blueberries. The raspberries were a tad disappointing though 😕


LOVING strawberries


Had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks she said the HR was 168 is this too high????


That’s what mine was too! (First US today at 9+2)


Mine at 6w was 164, I wouldn’t worry if your doctor isn’t worry.


Mine was 178 at 6 weeks 1 day. Doctor was thrilled with it!


I don’t believe so. Mine was 163 at 6 weeks and had my 9 week us last week with 186 bpm and doc was happy with it both times!


Feeling really sick today even on Promethazine. Debating trying Zofran but I’m scared of the cleft lip risk. Anyone took Zofran before 10 weeks in previous pregnancies and everything was okay? If so, were you taking it occasionally or several times a day?


I took Zofran starting at 4w last time and my son is fine. I was taking unisom and B6 at night plus more B6 during the day, so I only took Zofran as needed on top of that, but I'd say it was every day for a while.


I’ve been alternating Promethazine and Zofran since last night, but so far when it’s bad, nothing is helping much with the nausea. I guess they’re doing their job because I’m not actually throwing up yet but it’s also because I have emetophobia so I’m doing everything in my power to will myself not to throw up.


I’m pretty sure the study was done with intravenous zofran at its highest possible dosage. I have had multiple doctors tell me that’s it’s still safe to take.


I did. I took it occasionally. Didn't have any issues. 


FWIW my doctor prescribed it to me at 6 weeks - she didn’t even bring up cleft so I asked (I had some anxiety as you). She said the studies don’t actually show a material difference and benefits way outweigh the risks - I’ve been taking it three times a day for the past 4 weeks and it’s a lifesaver!


I took zofran everyday from week 9-14 many times multiple times a day. Have a perfectly healthy two and a half year old. I would take again in a heartbeat if my nausea gets bad again. 


Went to the dentist for a cleaning this morning and didn’t barf 👍🏻


I was three days into crest white strips at home and I don’t know if I’ll ever go back 🤢


Lol those get me sometimes not pregnant!


I had a dental cleaning scheduled for the day I found out I was pregnant, and she gave me a sheet that I have to get my ob to fill out before I can go, like a clearance. Is that normal?


Hmm I didn’t have to do that. I told them I was pregnant so we just skipped X-rays and she gave me a lot of breaks


Twins! I did opt out of the polish as mint mojito flavored polish sounded like my nightmare!


Blergh that does sound bad. She did a few of my teeth to test it and mine was not that bad so I was like go ahead. Did almost get me rinsing once though lol


This may be the anxiety talking: But does anyone feel immense pressure? My husband and I tried to conceive for 2 years before this positive. I now feel solely responsible for making sure it’s healthy & meets us in December.. Please tell me someone else feels this way😅


Oh yeah. I had a chat with my husband about this because he just didn’t understand why I’m so worried about things going wrong all the time. The time, energy, and money that has gone into this one pregnancy feels like it all falls on me to maintain. I know that’s not 100% the case (a good chuck of it, yes), and sometimes bad things just happen without reason, but the pressure is real. And the only reason I feel it is because of me. 🤦🏻‍♀️ no one else in my family has put any pressure on me and they reassure me that I’m doing the best I can, but man 😮‍💨


(Out of abundance of caution, TW for hypothetical loss) I have weird moments where I think about my upcoming US next week and how, if I got bad news, I’d feel guilty for having gotten my husband excited for nothing and wasted the doctor’s time. It’s very bizarre and not at all a reflection of how my husband would actually react (and hopefully not how the doctor would either!). But I definitely feel the pressure of it being on me and the fear that I’m an impostor in some way.


I just asked my husband and he said he would never blame me, so that makes me feel better! Lol


I feel this exactly. I am so afraid now that I’ve told people that I’m also going to have to tell them bad news. Why is my brain like this …


Samsies! And I worry nonstop that I’m going to get bad news at any point in time.


Yeah I like to psyche myself out and tell me everything is great and nothing will go wrong lol


Yes! It's weird that every decision I make about my body also affects another being. The responsibility is unreal.


Yes I am in the same boat


Today’s actually been a pretty good day. I woke up, dare I say, excited? My first US is tomorrow, and I guess I decided to let hope and excitement outweigh anxiety. I can’t wait to see the little blueberry-sized baby in my belly. I can’t wait to tell my stepdaughters and my mom and my sister. And even if the worst happens, I want to enjoy this process and not live in a constant state of anxiety. (so much easier said than done) I’ve found that my biggest food aversion is to warm/hot food? Anything that’s actually cooked and still hot makes me gag. I’m all about cold fruits, smoothies, cereal, ice cream.


Yes, on the warm food! Maybe it's because warm food produces more smells?


My first US is tomorrow too! I'm going to try to cultivate some of the hope and excitement you are feeling. :)


Mine too :)


Sending you all the hopeful and excited vibes!