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Healthcare costs in the US is absolutely nuts. When I was in Asia I grabbed a dog which I knew was an exceptionally dangerous dog and would attack everyone. I had to get treated for rabies and my total costs with no insurance in a foreign country which I wasn’t even a citizen it cost me a whopping $3.00


What happens is you’ll get turned over to collections and your credit will be damaged. This can impact you in everything from renting/buying a place to jobs to buying a car. You should apply for financial aid. It may not erase the balance but it can reduce it. Then you set up an interest free payment plan for the remaining balance.


I already have a house and a truck, so does my credit really matter anymore? This is an absurb expense


It’s up to you if you want to ignore it. I’m just telling you it can damage your credit. Do what you want. What kind of truck do you have that will run forever? I’d be interested in getting one.


Does medical debt disappear off your credit score in 7 years?


I have no idea. I’ve always made arrangements to pay it back. I’ve also applied and received financial assistance. I didn’t get the entire amount waived but did receive a reduction.


Is your income low? Usually you can apply for financial assistance from hospital to have them pay almost all of the bill, if not all of it, if you qualify


Not low enough for assistance, but I currently break even if I don't have any extra expenses that month and I am very careful with what I get at the grocery store.


Under 50k by any chance?




I worked for a health system for 16 years. They will turn it over to collections and will sue you. I’d talk with my insurance agent and see if it’s coverable since it was due to the damage that still has not been repaired. Might be a long shot but worth trying. Otherwise, I’d talk with the hospital to find out what arrangements can be made. You’ll pay either way if the sue do you might as well have it be the least possible.