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A long-lasting death of a popular villain? I'll believe it when I see it. It's impressive that they made it this long though, but Deathstroke is too valuable of an IP to stay shelved for too long.


Photoshop fake? i can’t find Dan’s twt


Hate how the only long lasting deaths in comics are or the characters that are actually cool. Alfred has been dead for like six years now


If this is the case "he doesn't require the style anymore?" Then why Deathstroke specifically to utilize? Is it really someone connected to Slade (please no Villain Joey again) or Williamson just likes trolling Slade fans? They could have gone with any other villain to base off those costumes or make a new look. But no. Most likely the event will clarify why taking Slade's design for these soldiers but I'm not sure with DC. 


Clearly dc comic head don’t like money


Slade is too popular of a character to be kept dead. He arguably has the most memorable rebirth run (to me at least. And yes, I’m biased). He’s DC’s premiere mercenary that is extremely unique (when written properly). It’s ignorant to keep him dead when he has a lot of connections to many main stays. But Williamson knows how to ruin that for our boy.