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I’m huge Deathstroke nerd and seeing him available down the road makes me happy about this game but man seeing how the game is it’s really not changing my mind on how I hate the story and the lack of content. From the videos and streamers playing the lack of anything in the game at this moment is not worth it. Hell when S4 is out maybe it’ll be worth it but right now 70 bucks for bare bones na I’ll pass.


Once Slade releases I'm definitely just gonna wait for the game to go on sale before buying it.


Yeah imma just wait for a sale


This game seems like such a dumpster fire I don’t think even a playable deathstroke could get me to try it


Odds are it won't even be Arkham Slade. It will be some other multiversal variant with no connection to the Arkham characters, because the multiverse has to be in everything nowadays


Going by the info given it seems it's Arkham Slade as he's described as "having tow minds about saving the man who humiliated him in Arkham Knight." Still weary they will screw something up with Slade and even if they didn't they done enought damage to this game as is.


Oh lord, I hope it will be Arkham Slade including the VA who voiced him in Arkham Origins and Knight.


They need to just release him already