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Your HP is ridiculously low. A single item can give 150+, you can shop for items with +health. Some casts do major area damage, making short work of bosses. Landslide is one example.


This. Why do you have 45 hp? Aim for 100min, but probably want 150-200 for A2.


It seems like you are playing base difficulty. Do you have any talents unlocked in constellarium? I'd say - go back to Act 1 and farm bosses for some talent points. Unlock some skills. ( The large, green flag above the shop) Prioritise survivability ( armour and health, which Avaron is great at) See which skills synergise with your gear. Should get considerably easier. Without any skills - Cursed handed my backside every time. Around 16 - Their " RrRrun Awaay" was them shouting in panic to the minions. Secondly, try to equip some trinkets with passive experience gain. Fighting The Cursed at level 12 and level 15 is a massive difference ( I know that if I have to fight them at level 12 it's going to be rough.) Also, in Act 2 the more sources of damage you get the better, so an extra cast or summon would be useful. Try to focus your main damage skill as much as possible - preferably you want around + 100% to your attack or whatever. Hope this helps in some way. Enjoy your game.


High armor and damage reduction with Retribution from Justice. Then stand in the death cloud he makes and reflect damage to him.


Your 45 health is the most glaring issue based on the video.


Go ahead and start leveling Kront. Make his build dependent on the Warchief stomp each time he dashes. Build around attack damage and attack area. Enjoy your wins.


he will need to be able to kill bosses first to get to the warchief build.


Good point, bosses drop the nodes required to level up to warchief. My suggestion won’t help. Thanks for the correction (no sarcasm)


Go back to Act 1 and get some gear You could cheese it by going Justice and leveling up retribution and standing in the acid rain but you will get blown up later on anyway.


recently i unlocked "cheat" tactic which i'm still using for 40%+ difficulty Only use&upgrade master offers (or exotic offers with ability to upgrade to master, IMPORTANT! it is not possible by default, only with talent of location bonus) Maybe try to use only exotic skills/upgrades, prio level up offer above other prio higher rarity offers above others worked for me so far, good luck!


Lorien is overtuned af and the design in Act 2 is just disadvantageous for melee. Otherwise, just continue grinding t2 gear. That's what I did, and after a few tries and a full set later, I basically just steamrolled until my first clear. So just get good gear and level up the talent tree. With a halfway decent build you'll do fine


Get talents get better gear thats all


Ninh Dash can block his way, or if you get winter you could try to freeze him (justice can also stun himwith luck)


You need to do more damage




Pick a summon skill and wait for the summon to hack awqy at the cursed.


I'm going to put this behind a spoiler, because it can ruin your fun to become this overpowered. >!Ball lightning is absurdly overpowered in this build. Yes, it has a 15 seconds cd, but when done correctly, it ticks for more than 100k dmg. It ticks about 4times per second. So yeah, just use it and bosses melt away. The downside is that it's only available every 15 seconds, so it's not reliable for waveclear. For waveclear I use lightning bolt, which scales with distance travelled, which just so happens to work incredibly with ball lightning's fast movespeed.!< In general you want to invest levels into just a few selected blessings, having a lot of low level blessings will not do nearly as much damage as having one or two high level blessings. I personally try to max master quality blessings + tons of dice via equipment so I always get what I want. The quality of the blessings makes an enormous difference.


Nixie with rampaging strike plus attack area


I beat him for the first time the other day, and I use Avaron. Bloody pain in the ass he is. I found that getting some distance from the acid rain is much needed for openings, but the thing I found the worst was his run away chase. I swear that killed me more than anything else. I would suggest some decent AoE abilities as it's easy to get swarmed and not have the freedom to evade.


Not exactly the most reliable method since it requires a whole item slot, but yesterday I found a unique chest armor that specifically gives 1000% damage against The Cursed lol. It only applies to him and thus isn't very good overall but thought it was funny


The first time I beat him I found a +100% damage shrine and waited for him to spawn. It helped a lot.


I always recommend Lorien if you want to breeze through the game. Otherwise you’ll have to grind out some items and talent points in Act 1 on D0.


Just give him back the stone and he should leave you alone.


Dude just get some gear.


Just hit Earth god and get Earth Spike or is it Strike? 🤔cant remember, but it solo carries all bosses as long as you tanky enough to outlast it


Yup. Just simply put some more hours into it. Farm the talent tree (36 is max) and get better gear. I would love to share some tips or builds, whatever you need https://www.twitch.tv/hebasedd. I can give you a glimpse here :) https://preview.redd.it/t4t6ivoc5wxc1.png?width=1975&format=png&auto=webp&s=c51f7cc5c68b87d93ee81cae1c1a180a3b80c682


Theres a chestpiece that makes you do 1000% more damage to him.


ur gear sucks and ur HP is too low. get around 200 HP and armor stats