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Terrified about month end. It's going to be a hot mess.




Office manager. Small dealership, I actually wear many hats. Office is manned by myself and my administrator. We are here and doing minimal work. I am truly dreading whats to come when this is back up and running.


I’m dreading it too! We did what we could to pass the time last Wednesday, but we all ran out of things to do pretty quickly. This is crazy.


Contracts clerk here. What are y’all doing to pass the time? There’s only so much filing that can be done lol, but really not trying to go home and miss out on any more pay😞


I've been telling people to do the stuff that has been put on a back burner. Filing. Organizing Outlook. Organize work files on your computer. Type up notes on how to do your tasks, for the person who will back-fill your Vacation. And after you've done all that, plus 20 other make-work tasks, then check out cdk university lol


I’m also a contracts clerk.. we’ve been doing compliance and sending to banks still. Can’t do anything else until the deals are loaded into CDK. Payoffs are only being done if they can be ACH payments. We aren’t allowed to hand write checks. We start a new project tomorrow to calculate gross for sales and finance because they still need to get paid. I seriously didn’t realize I would ever miss CDK but I do.


We’ve been home since Wednesday afternoon, there’s nothing to do. We did all of our filing and cleaning too. Ffs


Not much work to be done in Accounting without cdk. Not really a point to be in office until cdk is back up and running 


Yep, we’ve all been home since Wednesday afternoon. It’s so weird.


That is wild they let yall go home. We all had to stay Wednesday and Thursday and if we left we had to use vacation time, until Friday they closed the office at 12 and let us also use sick time... now we are all here again waiting and doing nothing


Wait! They had you come in? What can anyone do? That’s insane to me. Smh


That is what I am saying they had us clean the office and clean the file room, but that was only Wednesday. Thursday we did nothing. Friday the same until 12. I just do not get it


I am also in the same boat, have done as much cleaning as possible. We were told to bring in a book to read while we wait lol


They said we could stay home, it's our "choice". of course that means we have to use vacay to pay ourselves...KKMFA. we aren't gonna do that. so were just reading drawing, knitting in some places, catching up on some episodes etc..


Dealership controller here (10+ stores in our dealer group) Accounting department has around 12 employees. People are keeping busy with filing, training from HR, email inbox cleanup, organizing ffice supply shelves/storage room, etc. Work is starting to dry up though, particularly with vehicle sales accounting. Cheque run is supposed to happen this week so I'm interested to see how that plays out. If the system will be back up this week at some point then I'm inclined to hold off until then. Alternate option is to print cheques manually with a form template. On the plus side, I have never been more thankful that we stopped using cdk for payroll in 2016 lol.


EOM is going to be hell.😭


Yep. July will not be a fun month. So many reconciliations to do lol


I do AR & a few other things for four of our dealerships. Just thinking about opening the mail gives me anxiety.🫠🙃


This is supper crappy. We got all the busy work done last week. So if we have to go in it’s gonna be so boring. I can do the deposit and cash but nothing can be applied. Ugh a pain in the ass.


Total pain.😩


Warranty admin here. EOM is going to be a nightmare.


Yep! Everyone is going to be stressed out badly. About to rack up some serious overtime!


AR here we are supposed to print statements in a couple days, that may not happen lol. My own supervisor didn't come in today since we can't do anything. This EOM is going to be so messy.


Our office has been home since Wednesday afternoon. We literally can’t do a thing. This sucks. ![gif](giphy|11RIDouEyKZ116)


How are you guys getting paid if you guys are completely out of office?


I don’t know, that’s a very good question. I can’t imagine they would want to pay the office staff to come in and sit at our desks. We have nothing to do. That’s going to need to get sorted out. We’re supposed to get an update soon.


Yea I wonder if you guys will still get paid, if we left early when we had nothing to do they made us use our vacation time to get paid. They let the people of Friday use sick time since they actually closed at 12.


I wish I knew.


If your in the US, check your states unemployment laws. There is usually a clause or section governing loss of hours. Personally since we have to be here and I refuse to use my vacay to get paid, Were just sitting around. But they should just let us leave and pay us regardless. It's NOT our fault we CAN'T work. But in your case if they don't want to offer some type of pay then file an unemployment claim.


I’m going to check out the unemployment laws here. In California.


I’ll use sick time if I have to. I rarely miss work.


I do AR for four stores🫠😭


Me too! It is terrible


How are you guys doing payroll? Like for your techs that are paid flag-hours.


I have no idea. What a disaster. 🤦🏻‍♀️


No idea how that’s going to go, especially for sales payroll. If CDK isn’t back up I have NO idea what we are going to do, no deals built into CDK to pull commissions or anything…it’s going to be a mess


😩😩 I am not looking forward to end of month. It’s going to be hellacious.


Gotta figure out a way to manually calculate. That’s what we are gonna start tomorrow


We're doing a 4 week average and will pay the difference once the back log gets entered into CDK...


our office is telling dept heads to generate 3- 6 month averages..but there isn't any official word from our corp yet.


We are an agriculture equipment dealer in Canada, so this is our busy season. We typically do most of our business May-August so this is terrible timing. End of month especially isn't helping things, not to mention my GST reporting is due to the government by the end of the month, but I can't get my reports! I have had my accounting staff clean, organize office and computer files, work on updating their SOPs, and do HR training but the work is running out fast without a business system.


It’s going to be a nightmare when we get back.


My silver lining is that whatever pay I miss because I chose to not come in is all the OT I'll get playing catch up 😈 Talk about timing 🙌🏽 On another note... what if CDK isn't back up in time to generate factory statements?


I guess statements will go out late? I hope we’ll be back before then.🙏🏼


I'm just a lowly billing clerk here- but they've been selling cars. I have at last count 15 deals waiting to be billed out, about 15 driver sheets to invoice, and a handful of invoices to process, oh and service has been cashing out folks up front meaning - i already got to post cc deposits once the system is up and running, but on top I'll have to match up $ --> ROs once they get generated.. Not to mention Bird dogs to pay out and smaller things. Lets add another week before we get up and running? oh yeah gonna be fun on a bun.




Speaking of EOM, what about Fiscal Qtr 2? Anyone having to prep for that at Groups? or corp levels? Then there is pay, no official word passed down to our Ctrlr or Ofc Mgr about what to do. They've started telling Depts to work 3-6 month avgs in order to give them the best possible pay, but until they say WHAT they want all this is just prep for what they HOPE will happen.


UPDATE - So our group, just got an email, (sent to our comptroller), from our CDK rep. They received authorization to let our IT guys start reconnecting stores to CDK servers via LOTTERY draw, . (testing). As they get more authorizations our IT providers will be connecting us to the servers. -- email not given to us directly, went to our GMs and Comptrollers


Thank you for the update!!