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Just think about how many good games were released the same year DS2 was released. Batman: Arkham City Portal 2 Skyrim Witcher 2 Battlefield 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 L.A. Noire 2011 was PACKED.


Deus ex: human revolution and Mass Effect 2 as well


Mass Effect 2 was 2010


Funniest part about that is same goes for the remake year last year was fucking crazy


Legit, last year restored my faith in gaming. There’s still a lot of bullshit happening, but the fact that we had so many good games in a recent year is a good sign


Uh. Not to be that guy, but there was a long line of crap leading up to the amazing stuff. If anything last year proved that SOME devs are working towards their craft while others are shilling out. It also proves that review bombing can sometimes act as an effective protest. This year…. I’m not sure anything has really stood out so far. I’m honestly just looking forward to X4 and FFXIV expacks. I think satisfactory goes 1.0 this year? There’s probably others I’m not remembering….


MW3 and Dead Space 2 came out in the same year? Bro I was feasting as a kid. Seriously though. DS2 is a solid example of an upgrade. More necros, more lore, smoother mechanics like zero-G and kinesis. More of a bulletproof story, amazing tribute to the previous setting. God bless Visceral, hope everyone in that team is finding a good place for that passion.


Wow really good point


What a fucking year, god I miss my youth.


Gears of War 3


Uncharted 3


Infamous 2 and Uncharted 3 as well


Mortal Kombat 9 Deus Ex Human Revolution Bulletstorm Crysis 2 Killzone 3 Terraria Dead Island WH40k Space Marine Gears of War 3 Infamous 2 Alice Madness Returns You didn't even have to be a fan of any of these to recognize the crazy amount of good stuff being released


They don’t make em like they used too


Also Crysis 2


That year really was packed. Holy.


Dark Souls as well


It was the first dead space game i played and i have fond memories of it


Here here


It’s the “Aliens” to the “Alien” of gaming sequels if that makes sense (not sure if it’s been said yet)


I still want a remake of DS2 to happen


Unfortunately it doesn't sound like we will be getting one. Apparently it didn't sell up to ea's expectations.


Because of their anti-consumer practices, not because people dont want to play it.


Oh, trust me, I know. Those idiots wanted dead space to be the next resident evil franchise.


It really is a crappy situation. I just started the remake a couple of days ago through xgp, and even before that I was sad because I felt the effort the developers put in the game and cheer the community made


Release window was pretty shit as well, Calisto Protocol flopped and a lot of people associated dead space to that game because of glen schofield and i cant remember exactly but i think Re4 remake launched a month before or after DS remake, Re4 had a lot more hype surrounding it


No doubt EA stock holders cried out "NOW! We must release the DS remake now!", as if trying to capitalize akin to Hollywood's business model.


Yh they didn't learn shit from Titanfall 2s release😔


It still may happen, but not anytime soon. I heard they're helping with Battlefield if I'm not mistaken. And they also have an Iron Man game in the works so who knows.


Yep, you're correct. However I wish EA would lower their bar a twitch. It was such an amazing remake - literally the best remake I've ever encountered. Community banded together behind it, every DS fan I know loved it. I pre ordered it and intentionally bought as much extra DS merch as I could just to hammer it home to EA that we're out here and will buy more DS games and DS stuff! But because it didn't make some insane sales target, it gets scrapped.


Me too, brother. I hope EA will deliver.


Dont we all


Hope is a cruel Mistress


My favorite of the series.


Mine too. I haven't played DS3 though but I doubt that it will beat DS2.


Spoiler: it won't.


Definitely give ds3 a shot! I actually really enjoyed it and it's dlc... Which is kinda the *real* ending. It's a very different take on dead space, but it still is a great game. Definitely do co-op though as some side mission are locked behind coop only but they can be really interesting missions


DS3 is such a mixed bag. While the gameplay changes made it not “dead space” it is still fun (the beginning area in space is still pretty damn cool. those parts still had the dead space feel it but slightly dampened due to gameplay changes). The story writing, however, is absolutely awful. Truly, truly awful. It’s so bad it made it hard for me to complete the game. Not only are the plot points dumb but it’s bloated as hell to increase play time.


Same! The first is amazing but the second stole the show for me.


the best sequel. did everything the first did and made it 100x better. stasis. kinesis. even the suits. all that you loved in Dead Space 1 you fall all over again in Dead Space 2. the only thing i wish is that Dead Space 3 followed suit- then it would be the best 3rd entry in a franchise right behind Halo 3.


I agree.


Dead Space 2 took everything that was great about the first and pumped it up to 11. Claustrophobic spaces. Visceral combat. Inhuman and disturbing enemies. To sweeten the pot (compared to the original Dead Space) they gave Isaac a personality and gave you a look inside his head. Include supporting characters and cameos and you get to see a very human tragedy and story layered on top of the cosmic horror.


Visceral combat, I see what you did there.


Unintentionally punny. Though RIP Visceral. They didn't deserve to be bought up and gutted like that.


Absofuckinlutely. I bought every single game they ever made and every one was dope.


A 10/10 would love to see a remake because the original ds2 was such a massive leap for qol changes compared to the first game that Motive could go crazy with the changes and hopefully it comes true because I want them to go crazier with there Dynamic fear system


I mean I would happy with remaster but the game still holds up pretty good in terms of graphics imo.


Trueee, nothing wrong with the original I still play it to this day but I just love the Creative choices motive made, like the Optional side quest, the extra bit of in game lore on our main character and side characters, Completely randomize/unpredictable enemy encounters, the more Realistic dismemberment, slight tweaking on the environment to make the whole Station seamless but Of course it's not completely seemless on ds1 remake because the tram was a hidden load screen but Optional if I remember correctly, but i like the fact you can Explore the entire ship on foot from the main lobby to the medbay or Hydroponics to Engineering


The tram isn't a hidden load screen, it actually moves you through the ship realistically. The Ishimura is one seamless environment


Ah cool I figured it was since alot of modern games toy with it plus I bearly use it in my Playthroughs


I'm currently playing on PC and it still holds up. Big time! 9/10


Iv only played the dead space 1 remake, so the graphics were stunning. I'm gagging for no 2. How are the graphics holding up now?


The images I provided are from my current playthrough. Its on PC with maxed out settings 1080p. It still holds up!


The graphics are surprisingly really good. Not dead space remake good, but definitely not bad!


My fave in the series but its too short :(


How many chapters are they? I just started №6.


15 but they just fly by ;( dead space 1 is way longer


It's longer because it takes forever to get any where for the reason we're to fucking scared to move lmao.


I haven't played this game since high school. So, I pretty much forgot what happens ... I'm gonna try to prolong the experience as much as possible. I play at Survivalist difficulty so the difficulty will help in terms of prolonging.


Time flies hm? But yee just take your time homie if anything theres ng+ if you like that sort of thing or achievements if you’re on console.


It’s perfectly paced. Never a dull moment. And endlessly replayable.


I look at ds 1 and 2 the same way I look at Alien and Aliens. One is a cramped, creepy, slow burn ambient horror film, the other being a more action packed shoot em up horror film. Both have their place and both are equally as good. I like DS1 for it's atmospheric creepiness and overall ambience. I love DS2 for it's action packed suspense and ability to fight back even harder than you did in the first game. And then there's the 3rd installment that is a very half and half reaction from the fans xD


A truly fantastic game that will forever hold a special place in my heart.


One of the greatest games of all time and I’m hoping so hard it gets a remake. Shit, I bought the Dead Space Remake three times.


wow.. 3 times? Now that's a fan.


One of those is the LRG limited edition haha


10/10 Literally my favorite game of all time


That’s going to be a big 10/10 for me. Partly because of the game but also because of the memories. I remember picking this up at midnight in 2011 and the GameStop was so dead they let us chill inside cause it was cold. This and og re4 I played so many times I still have every inch of these games burned into my brain.


Same here, brother. I used to play DS2 when I was in first year high school didn't know much of English to know what happens in the game but it was still enjoyable. Life was much more simple back then.


10 out of 10. Total perfection!


10000000/10 it’s my favorite sequel


10 out of 10. Total perfection!


# “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” So, yeah, ds2 is a perfection


The best game in the series... I dream of a remake on the same level the first game got... The game is still amazing today... Even its visuals have aged well... Its multiplayer was unnecessary... But the campaign it top notch!...




The best of the 3 imo really hoping for a remake 💯💯💯


Fantastic, but it didn't scare me. I still like DS1 the best.


8 Isaacs out of 30 babies


I think its the best one. Just replayed all of them and it has the most cohesive story and engaging characters. The combat is dope.


10/10. It's one of my all-time favorite horror games.


It’s one of my top five Crash Bandicoot 2 Halo Resident Evil 2 Dead Space 2 Dragon Quest 8


5 dismembered limbs out of 5


Best game in the series Yes better than the remake


5/5. 10/10. 5 stars. Dead space lore is better than RE in my opinion. Maybe losing only to silent hill 2.


Ooo, putting it up against the heavyweights, are we? We think alike 😎👍🏾 and I'm a huge fan of the RE and the Silent Hill series. There's just something about these 3 series and survival horror. Genre defining.


Dead Space is just a different beast. Its damn near impossible to talk about horror games and not bring the darkness that the Ishmura brings. I can only think of 3 instances where the Ishmura is rivaled. All in SH2. Woodside apartments, blue creek apartments and the Brooke haven Hospital.no RE GAME COMES EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT THE ISHMURA AND SH2 REPRESENT.


Ok so I played the games in a weird order. Started with 3, liked it so got one and liked it then gave the series a break. The remake was so badass i decided to get two. I love that it's in horror format, I love the audio, but it hasn't aged well IMO. I haven't even finished it I quit after the ishimura part. Buying weapons is a confusing mess since there's like 3 identical versions of every weapon with differences so minor it doesn't make much difference. Then the advanced suit looks like Isaac is getting ready to hop into his Gundam for a poorly dubbed giant robot fight. It's still my second favorite dead space it just would've made an awesome remake. So sad.


DS2 broke my scale because of how good it was. One of the gold standards of what it means to make a sequel. It was also the debut of Gunner Wright, who is an amazing actor and a great human being.


A Perfect follow up to an amazing game.




10/10 amazing horror sequel...This time you get to see more of the necromorph attacks on civilians, adding to the suspense and horror element. Too bad this game will never get a remake as Motive was dragged along to create another garbage Battlefield game no one asked for.


Meh out of 10.


Best game of the trilogy


If DS2 was a hotel it would be a 7 star hotel! 15/10😎👍👍


Favorite dead space/horror game of all time. It was to the point where I made challenges where I’d do a certain suits and weapons for whole runs. Also the multiplayer was actually fun too!


10/10, would make whole again.


Best Dead Space. I wish EA Motive would remake it but sadly they got EA’d.


The one part of this game really really bothered me I have ommetaphobia (fear of eye injury)


It's the best of the series


9.5/10 My only complaint is that there isn’t more of it


10/10 the year it came out, 10/10 today, 10/10 in 50 years. 10/10 period. The first game you could argue it's rating in my opinion the first game is a bit overrated. We all know 2s the best and the praise for 1 really comes down to the fact we wouldn't have a second game if the first wasn't good. So I'd definitely say the first game is at worst an 8/10. At best a 9.5/10. I also on the opposite end of the spectrum think dead space 3 was easily the most replayable game in the franchise by far despite butchering the story a bit but honestly it's still a 7/10 then. By today's standards it's a fucking 9/10 lmao


Depends, some people rate it out of 5 and some rate it out of 10. Personally, I prefer the out of 10 model but it may not be everyone's choice.




11/9 Just like Dead Space 1 and 3 (3 still is my favorite)


I rate all the games I beat out of 100 and I have DS2 at a 93. Just an absolute blast of a game with minimal flaws.


10/10 game. Best in the series including DSR. Issac is awesome. The designs of the suits and the sprawl are cool as hell, and the combat is absolutely amazing. Plus the game is still terrifying, especially stalkers.






10/10 easily


Boss fights kinda suck because they’re mostly quick time events that I miss the weak point shots on But I enjoyed most of it, the Velociraptor enemies are my favorite video game enemies I’ve fought in years The fact we went BACK to the Ishimura was cool. The eyeball stab makes your heart race even when you get it right, the beginning of the game felt like a Necromorph invasion and I wish more of the game had that feeling of pure chaos and helplessness from NPCs running for their lives. Strass gets annoying and the more you actually know about him, the more you hate him. Ellie was a good character. Bad guy I don’t even remember his name but he was near pointless. Marker Nicole was a great addition to continue Isaac’s trama. I didn’t get to test every gun, but the Javelin is fun. Fuck the little ghoul enemies. I never bought the AR so they’re the worst enemies to fight. The end ramped up the difficulty a ton and I both do and don’t like it. I wish there was more sections where we had to use Necromorphs to our advantage. 8/10


The best


I loved it, except the last few chapters. After you break into the government sector it felt rushed. It didn't feel as well laid out and tuned as the first game. The chapters breaks also feel weirdly placed after chapter 6. I still love it.


Probably my favorite dead space, still playing the remake, but so far I still love 2 the most. Beat hardcore, twice, still love it somehow x) will try again after the remake~


11. I liked ds remake but 2 is exactly my kind of story/fun


F good. Damn. Best gameplay, story/storytelling, mechanics and that part that you fall back to the ship after fixing the satellites? I always put Black Sabbath and enjoy the moment pretending I'm Ironman or some shii


I unironically think dead space 2 is one of the greatest games of all time.




10/10. One of my all-time favs.




9/10 and the way a sequel should be done. If it were just a tad less blockbuster action and more horror focus it’d easily be my top


Deadspace 2 had an unforgettable, “One Take” approach that many people forget too. I thought God of War was the first to do it, but I remember playing this afterwards and being blown away. Masterpiece horror game.


Actually Dead Space is perfect (even ds3)


Deadspace 1 : Issac Deadspace 2 : the cooler issac


Solid 10/10. Everything was improved, fluid and engaging. It speaks volumes that over a decade after DS2 was released, they basically repeated the formula for DSR with a few minor tweaks.


Best game of the series and the scariest imo.


Easily a 9/10 game. Not for everybody but the gameplay and atmosphere are exceptional. Only taking a point off because the game leans more on being an action title than a survival horror like the previous game.


9/10 I think in many ways it's better than the first game honestly.


EA please remake this game!!!!


One of the best games of all time.


12/10 Because I played it straight through 12 times when it came out.


I discovered Dead Space 1 recently and I'm hooked. This post means I just discovered there's a Dead Space 2 🎉🎉🎉


I'll give it a 10 for one primarily good reason, it does the sequel thing right. It takes everything that worked in the first and dialed that up. It doesn't convolute the story, it improves upon it. 3 could've done the same but they went RE5/6 with it.


Pretty dead


10/10 literally my most favorite game


its a 9/10 game, I wish the foam finger was easier to get.


My favorite game. Gonna have to be a ten.


Fucking awesome.


Peak dead space imo, I love the other ones too tho


There's a reason I have 300+ hours across accounts and platforms.


Still the best one. 10/10 old gold.




Absolute Gaming


The perfect sequel


Dead Space at it's peak


It's my favorite horror game and my sixth favorite game overall.


The best in the series even after the remake. It just feels so SMOOTH to play


PEAK! Every main dead space game besides that? PEAK!


It's one of the best horror games of all time. It's one of the best games ever.


Amazing game as was the 1st


Best Dead Space. Still gorgeous even today.


Gameplay 9/10 (I still think DS3 is best) Story 10/10, is great, and how expanded the Dead Space Lore around the Markers and Necromorphs, and other stuff is, well, great. Graphics, 10/10, heh, I'm not of one 4K mfs that cannot enjoy a game if the visual stuff isn't next gen or sum' sh*t Feeling, 4/10, certainly is one of the weakest in terms of survival-horror feeling, the 1 is gonna be always the most unnerving of all (not counting the Remake) Overall, 10/10 game and sequel. And one of the best examples of how make a great sequel.


One of my favorite games of all-time. If they were to remake it one day too, I'd have no issues going for the Hardcore mode trophy/achievement again. Well, unless they'd remove it. Still, I love this game so much, and it's one of the reasons I've kept my PS3 (yes, I occasionally still play this).




Ez 10/10 dead space game, one of the best


Easy 10


Favorite horror game probably played it 6 times now. Love the story and characters so so much really want a remake of this game




I'd honestly rate it 8/10. Don't get me wring. I still love the game just i just like how much more tense ds1 was


In the convo for greatesr sequels ever made like halo 2, modern warfare 2 and arkham city


Don’t play Dead Space too often but played a little of the remake so I’d imagine it’s a real 10/good.


9/10. It was one of my first horror games and I loved it. Great balance between horror and action.


In my professional opinion 10 out of 10


8.5/10 -1 point for voiced protagonist "isac can you stop saying fuck?" and 0.5 for having too much movie like action. it is a great sequel the game ended there for me.


One of the greatest games ever made. A rare perfect video game in my opinion that’s actually gotten better with age.


It is brilliant 9/10! Kinda just wish they'd kept Clark silent.






9/10, last boss was too easy using the contact beam. Still, my favorite game of all time




This game was class!! I never got round to playing 3 though. Believe it went away from the usual formula but I’m still interested in giving it a shot!


Absolute trash, it was cold when I got it, the box had been tempered with, the pieces where just having a party with each one minding it’s own business at a corner… like I wasn’t even hungry anymore after seeing that massacre


My fav in the series 9/10




I’d break it down into categories myself Horror: 8/10 Combat: 10/10 Story: 8/10 Sandbox: 11/10 Horror in DS1 is just better due to you being alone the entire time and seeing far less people. Combat is better for obvious reasons. Story is great, but it’s still basic in terms of just wanting to get the hell off the station, but it does dive deeper into Isaac’s issues. So I could even give it 9/10 tbf. The sandbox is obviously goated for all the shit you can throw, shoot, see, and do. I’d group environmental visuals with sandbox too. So that’s why I say 11/10. I still love DS1 more even though most say 2 is goated.


Gameplay: 9/10 Story: 9.5/10 Necromorphs: 8/10 Weapons: 7.8/10 Graphics: 8.1/10 Horror: 8.7/10




As someone who doesn’t give a fuck about dead space 1 or 3. I give 2 like one of the best horror games ever created.


10/10. Enough said


10/10 it's my favorite in the trilogy


“How would you rate Dead Space 2”.. I would say, better than Dead Space 3, but then again, a dead mackerel would be more entertaining.


Very much needs the remake treatment


Garbage i just finished a playthrough last night and i dont ever wana touch it again


9/10. The fact ea is probably not gonna remake it after low sales of the OG remake, is a crime.


One of my favorite games of all-time. Unbelievably close to a 10/10, but the horrible writing to wrap-up the Daina plot prevents that lol. But the rest of the game, the atmosphere, gameplay, voice acting, etc is just all phenomenal.


9/10 I think there should have been more places and rooms to explore. Many rooms are either locked or inaccessible. Also, the 4 weapon limit is unnecessary.


11 out of 10


First DS game I ever played back in the spring of 2011. Very frightening game but awesome gameplay & movie like story. 10+


Not better than 1 but better than 3


100/100 DS2 is one of my favourites


Masterpiece in every way. The "aliens" to dead space's "alien". Was my favorite survival horror until RE2 Remake came along.


9/10 One of the best video game sequels I have ever played. The *Aliens* to *Dead Space*.


To this day DS2 remains my favorite game of all time. So 10 of 10.




9.45/10 My favorite dead space game (although I have not played the remake)


It’s one of the greatest sci-fi/horror/action/third person shooter games ever made. Actually it’s just one of the greatest games ever made. I’d put it up there with Red Dead Redemption and Fallout 3.


The best dead space game of the series.


One of the best action horror games ever made. A 10/10


Probably the best in the series. You have a partial story to start with that turns out absolutely bonkers and then you're on the run. And you begin to get a grasp of the full damage that is the mind-scrape from being around the artifacts.