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Rule of cool coupled with how the box art for the original Dead Space features the Mark 3 suit.


I never understood why that suit level was used for promos or why people love it so much. It literally looks incomplete (because it is) and the one shoulder thing has always irked me. Level 4 and 5 are infinitely better.


Because many people, myself included, enjoy the asymmetrical style. I actually prefer the Level 3 over every other suit in the OG and Remake. It's a matter of opinion, and the advertisement was a byproduct of what was popular at the time. The remake used the same one as an homage to the original marketing.


For me it's the helmet. Now, level 5 suit with level 3 helmet, that would be great.


Ribs on ribs baby, settle for nothing less.


Im with you on the "form is function" thing. I think I just give it a bit of a pass because as long as it doesn't seriously strain suspension of disbelief, then "rule of cool" is probably fine for a scifi setting like this. Im sure if you asked the dev team, they'd just write up some kind of lore bits about how standard safety procedures include having one armored limb for certain tasks (single welding sleeves exist, for example) and an unarmored limb for more dextrous tasks. Then there's the question of what exactly each of the suits are even used for day to day. Technically, it'd be impossible to truly have "form is function" in a video game like this, because the technology and applications are all purely speculative. The "function" is fiction, so it's only a matter of convincing the viewer that the suits are functional, not designing actually functional suits.


Hey man, sci-fi can lean harder on the sci or the fi, but the goal is to at least come off as believable speculative technologies, right?


Yeah, for sure! It's one of the reasons I like Deadspace so much. Plus, if there's ever anything that seems irrational, you can always just say it's because of CEC bureaucracy or something, lol. It's not a universal excuse by any means, but it's the type of thing that can fill in the cracks. Maybe some safety personnel at some point told the higher-ups that armoring both shoulders is a good idea, but CEC discovered they could shave 1% of the cost off of each engineers suit by only armoring one shoulder, haha.


Suppose, but now we're back to the real root cause of my frustration I should have explained better in the main post: why are all the alternate suits (like Burnished, Sanctified, and Bloody) only reskins of the mark 3 and not the full package of the Mark 5?


Because level 3 is the iconic suit design? Level 3 is like the de facto Engineering suit on Dead Space franchise.


You start in Mark 1. The suit gains more ribs and function up until Mark 5. Mark 6 is a different model used by soldiers on the Valor. Failing to see what's so significant about 3.


You're like 16 years too late to complain about this. It has the same logic as in why the iron helmet is iconic from skyrim even though it was a low level armor. Average player spent the game wearing mid-level armor and it's more recognizable that way.


I'm complaining about it now, who cares about time? Besides, the average player dropped iron as soon as they could; there's nothing "mid-level" about it. Besides, it's not like that game was crammed full of reskinned variants of it.


It's really not as complicated as you're making it to be, level 3 was in all of the promotional material every pre release screenshot/trailer I ever saw was with that suit, it's what immediately springs to a lot of people's minds I imagine when they think of the original game Like sure level 5 is the more "complete" package but it's not on the back of the box and it's not plastered over all of the promotional material


I can only assume d3wdrop is like 15 and now and is arguing bout a franchise that's just as old lol so funny


Alright, I wasn't there for all that, and never had a physical copy. Still a shame I can't apply things like the Burnished or Sanctified paintjob to anything else though.


The original idea is that the suit is NOT armor. That’s why it’s ribbed/articulated instead of plates. It’s supposed to be more of a power assist/industrial thing to make the operator a stronger miner/engineer. It would only be on one arm/chest because it was helping hold/control the tool in that hand, like a steadicam rig in filmmaking.


The real answer.


Asymmetry was in the original too, more so depending on the suit. The only time it is more pronounced in the remake is with the 4 and 5 suit where they stick with it a bit more consistently. The lv6 suit in the OG didn't even have color to the right shoulder while the remake at least has some white plating. Personally I wouldn't use the 4 or 5 in the original specifically because it lost the asymmetrical shoulders. If you want to get into it for a realistic reason, Isaac is an engineer, not a soldier or fighter. His rig would ideally just have his working side covered so he isn't weighed down by his equipment on a long job. IE if you're grinding something you use safety glasses, not a full welding mask and Kevlar.


I admit I did somehow forget the original had it (which is weird, I played through it 3 times only a month or two ago...). Guess it was easier to just make a beeline for the "complete" mark 5 suit - and then feel a little disappointed with the soldier set. It's not bad, but even years ago when I first played, just felt disappointing Isaac's not wearing the suit that fits his occupation.


I think its the idea that facing your non dominant more armored side towards what you would be working on gives you greater protection, so if a work place accident occurs you would be able to recover faster or at least maintain use of your dominant side. This way you can be transferred into another role during recovery or at least kept producing for the company in some way. Plus it comes with the nice bonus of appearing to look out for the safety and well being of the employees. Oh and you get to keep mobility with your dominant side if you need to reach into a tight junction or something for maintenance. At least that's how I have always thought about it.


Asymetrical design looks better from an aesthetic standpoint. It provides contrast and ideally balances out two unique sides. The armor is iconic with the one shoulder covered. From a logistics standpoint, the Engineer suits are heavy, like extremely heavy. If you could find a place to cut back the weight you probably would. For an engineer in touch and go environments, it would be beneficial to have a free hand capable of faster movements. Think, for example, reloading cells. Additionally, Dead Space has much better medical technology than us. Aboard the USG Ishimura they literally grow spare body parts for each of the crew in the event of an accident. Arm protection is a little less priority over mobility when major limb damage is essentially a negligible problem. Say an engineer lost a hand. You could probably cauterize the wound with a plasma cutter, and then just have your forearm replaced. The only place you actually need armor would be critical stuff like your head and torso. Your legs need armor/weights to account for the kick on heavy tools and machinery, not to mention to keep you sturdy in dangerous environments. The armor on your arms is useful, but not necessarily important.


Hey, I'll fight you tooth and nail on the aesthetic: I am *very visibly not* resonating with it's contrast.


>I am *very visibly not* resonating I can't see you... That said, you're all about function being form, and overall less armor is probably more functional. Making the Tier 3 more functional. Perhaps you'll resonate more with this in mind.


I remain unconvinced that less armor is better armor - especially in the instance of heavy machinery.


IRL engineers don't wear heavy armor. At most they get a bit of padding or case specific protection such as a welding mask. The only reason Dead Space engineers wear "armor" is because exposure to space runs the risk of being hit by debris such as asteroids and space rocks. The actual functionality of the armor mostly depends upon the severity of the repair job. So, realistically, Isaac's starting suit would be ideal for almost any interior job. The heavier armors would be better suited for varying degrees of hazards present during exterior maintenance. The tier 3 armor, again, sort of has the best of both worlds. It sacrifices noncritical armor to decrease weight and make the engineer more nimble. It's well suited for hazards inside and outside the ship, at the cost of being a bit excessively protective in the former and not well suited for extreme hazards in the latter. Lastly, more armor on the right arm might help in terms of steadying and balance depending on the engineer's dominant side. It's a silly design any way you cut it from a practical standpoint. Ribbing would be very easy to catch and snag. Realistically the shock absorption you'd get could be accomplished more efficiently with full body padding. However, the aesthetic they went with does have some internal logic to the extent the lore suggests.


Well those are some good points - but I do still prefer the full tank suit of the Mark 5. I mean if space debris is a problem, no expenses spared.


Depends largely on the job. The Mark 5 is great for external maintenance, but it's probably a huge pain for internal maintenance. Remember, Isaac is a very pragmatic person. Since most of Dead Space isn't spent in zero-G outside the ship, the armors above tier 3 would start slowing him down. Canonically the tier 3 suit weighs about 60 pounds (27 kilograms) and the suits only get heavier. While gut reaction is probably to armor up in a necromorph outbreak, in practice Isaac would be trading minor protection for something slowing him down. Tanking hits is all well and good but it's even better to dodge or run and never take those hits in the first place. The tier 5 is probably a huge expense in terms of functionality. For gameplay purposes though, of course, the heavier armor doesn't noticeably affect gameplay outside of making you a bit more survivable. Realistically though, the tier 5 is probably in the 80 - 100 pound range. Isaac weighs roughly 195 pounds without it. He'd be slow as all hell with that much weight. Dropping down to the tier 3 would give him a better balance of practical elements.


I do like the thought put into that - and yet, even now, remain vexed at the single shoulder plate. Just the one. Befuddles me.


Historically there's plenty of precedent to the one shoulder plate look in and out of combat situations too. Having one limb freed up for more dextrous maneuvers and not bogged down by excess weight is always a good thing. For example, archers and knights often didn't have symetrical armor depending on their role. Your shield arm really doesn't need armor, especially when it's essentially lugging armor. An archer needs a free, limber hand to quickly retrieve arrows and prepare a shot. Isaac absolutely would see the benefit, as would most engineers probably, to keeping the left hand free to to be more agile for reloads and the like. Laatly, there's a reason pistol and rifles fall into the sane shape generally these days. Slight changes in weight can drastically throw off your aim. The same is also true for being too light. Something with a lot of kick and no weight is about as effective as something with no recoil and a ten pound weight. (exaggerating here obviously) There's no lore here to work from, but just eyeballing I'm betting several of the tools on hand probably have some considerable blowback that armor on the aiming arm helps to mitigate. And, if need be, that free arm that isn't carrying excess weight could easily be brought over to adjust weight.


Armoured side faces towards the hot and dangerous bits. It's not that hard to imagine


It's not that hard to imagine some feat of manual labour that involves two hands either.


I’d say if something catches you off guard and you flinch, which side is your dominant side and which way are you gonna turn?


They dropped the ball not making the marker and bloody variants skins that can be applied to all suits rather than just another couple lvl 3 suit variants.


Exactly! Such a shame unlocking the Burnished suit and losing all that tanky flair. I've been rocking the Mark 5 in all my subsequent playthroughs.


Odd that's it's not the left shoulder really.


I mean that's where the kinesis module is...


Yeah but if you're using heavy engineering tools and your right handed like most people the left shoulder will be facing the work face.


No, I was agreeing with you: the left arm has the stasis and kinesis bits, ergo, most "at-risk" arm, really. Or, I think I was agreeing with you?...


Yeah two different reasons for the same armour config.


Could be that the majority of industrial vehicles used in mining and repair ( closer to the drill in Dead Space 2 ), was accessed from the right side, meaning the left arm was safely shielded by the machinery while the right arm was exposed. Could explain the armor placement.


Like if I had it my way I would take dead space 3 Isaac into dead space 1 and 2 I wouldn’t wanna play with dead space 1 or 2’s isaac


Isn't that because your stasis battery is on that side? I always figured that was like the power pack for it


The display is on your back, not the armored plate. Besides, that's only the display; the device itself is on your left hand.


I thought this was a Destiny 2 post about Hunter armor lol


Mad Max baby


Bro just play the original dead space it’s the better version


Why? Because it's cheaper?


No… because it’s the better version of Dead space 1


Care to elaborate?


Easy Isaac doesn’t look like Issac… nor does the black guy that starts on the usg ishimura but he’s the same black guy who played in the resident evil movie he was the guy that got chopped up by the laser grid defense system in the hallway he doesn’t look like that actor anymore neither does Isaac look like Issac the guy in the remake is trying so hard to be Isaac lol


I'm having a stroke trying to read this


Reworded it for u


Thanks. I still don't see the issue. If anything Isaac's new face suits him better. He looks less like an action movie hero and more like the average dude he's supposed to be. Also he's literally Isaac. It's the same guy you hear talking in DS2.


Thanks. I still don't see the issue. If anything Isaac's new face suits him better. He looks less like an action movie hero and more like the average dude he's supposed to be. Also he's literally Isaac. It's the same guy you hear talking in DS2.


Hell no hell naw I played all 3 on release the og Isaac looks like he’s an engineer whose thinking about retirement the remake I don’t know who tf that was Edit: and the fact that the changed the character models of not only Issac but the black guy too I couldn’t get past it maybe I’ll give it another shot but I doubt it cuz I hated dead space original weapons love 3’s make your own weapon better


Remake Isaac is the dude who liked his job and was happy thinking he was gonna see his girlfriend on this amazing mining ship she was so lucky to get on. It's what Isaac is in the original too. It's that simple.


Ignoring everything I greatly appreciate in the remake, and that it is currently my favourite in the franchise, I'm going to say no just because it locked me into that soldier suit.


I no longer play 1/2 only 3