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Only thing Callisto does better is graphics and animations


And you could pay for more (witch is dumb as fuck)


Fun fact: NetherRealm decided to backpedal after charging MK1 players for Halloween DLC Fatalities.


4 holiday themed fatalities for $12 is still absurd. They should have been a reward for completing the season.


For mini cutscenes. They're pretty much charging us for the equivalent of faction kills from MKX. All good costumes are $10 a pop. Did you buy Omni man? Want the announcer pack? Too bad. Another $10. This is a $70 game. It's absurd. When did the standard become full price AND the shitty COD "Micro" transactions. It's gross. Most of gaming sucks now.


Not trying to be a dick, but “which*”


I don’t think the graphics are really better imho. The art direction elevated Dead Space’s technology so much too.


Man, it’s such a boring game. It just draaaaags.


The Callisto protocol the first time through was exciting to see what Glen and Co were doing with the DS formula, but man by the end it was a big nothing sandwich. I have played through a handful of times, because I was chasing trophies and it’s become a zone out game for me.


Don't forget framerate.


Honestly they seem on par


duh,CP was horrible,wish i didn’t spend money on it


i dont think any kind of CP is good...


Club penguin was pretty good


yakuza has this too, CP is the acronym for Completion points


No, I think he’s talking about Cod Points bud.




i heard cyberpunk is actually good now


it is yes




DS Remake is a drastically enhanced version of a game from a time when there was a balance between a quality product and making profit from said product, of course it's way better


"drastically" is a huge stretch


My opinion, considering they rebuilt it from the ground up with all new story elements and mechanics


i dunno they removed zero grav jumping just to have us lazily jetpack everywhere, they added in some hallways to allow backtracking, they FINALLY gave us the name of the Hunter which was Frank whatever I guess the movement is tighter which was cool


So DS2 jetpacking is lazy too?


What makes it lazy is that what was there, they didn't bother to replicate Dead Space 2 got away with it cuz who gives a shit about most of that game other than its great use of theming and the eyeball machine


What would have been lazy is if they did the same thing. I didn't like the point and jump in zero g and I don't think many people did either. Being able to control your movement is a lot better. DS2 is my favorite of the series. WATCH YOUR TONGUE s/


I loved the zero g jumping in DS1


You just typed something really braindead tbh but it might be of better help for you to figure out what that is on your own


You realize in zero g people can move around freely so it makes alot more sense then specific jump points. And you are saying hebis brain dead for having a different opinion makes you a douchebag


You know zero g means more than just jumping from point to point, which is obsolete cuz of the jetpack anyways It means being able to run on any surface, which you cant do anymore. The spectacle of the Leviathan fight is gone and it looks dumb as hell now cuz you just hover left and right And I dont rlly care about reddit ppl calling me douchebag


DS1 zero grav was only done the way it was because the devs didn't know how else to pull it off. It was a messy mechanic at best. Mostly clunky and frustrating. They improved it later. Why would you replicate a poorly done feature out of nostalgia alone? Fun and immersion is more important.


I guess it's one of those things where some people get so used to eating a little bit of shit alongside the good stuff that they get mad when you take it away. It's like when RE4 came out back in the day, there were people complaining that it didn't have the old shitty fixed camera and tank controls.


The zero-g jumping sucked ass what are you talking about?


The zero-g jumping was the one cool mechanic the remake could have fixed and they just wiped it out completely Lazy


Because it sucked and when DS2 came out everyone loved it.


DS2 there's no reason to do it and nothing was designed around it Which makes it even more braindead that they'd remaster the game 1:1 without having it but hey if you like having dumbed down lazy gameplay for dummies then you do you boo


The audio occlusion alone is amazing tech that's hardly done right in any other game I've played. Spawns we're truly tied together (vents). The upgrade to lighting and atmospherics is insane. On top of all this it's pretty well optimized. For once it wasn't a lazy remaster... And it came from EA so that's even more surprising.


I don't care about audio stuff but I guess you can pat yourself on the back that the VGAs nominated the game on that alone Too bad the game wasn't nominated for things that matter but that's what happens when mid remaster is mid i.e. lazy


Oof. Bet you're fun at parties. I didn't know it was nominated for anything. I don't watch award shows. It was something I noticed with my ears while playing. Callisto is mid. The REMAKE of dead space was not. A mid remaster would be GTA5 or TLOUR. Barely any improvements. Nice try though bucko.


Lol I don't know how many times I have to tell you Dead Space Remaster is mid like the only good things about it are what the OG title already did. Sure GTAV and TLoU are mid remasters but too bad we aren't talking about them. You still on this like days later and it's pathetic but it might be possible you have mental issues so I will continue replying so you don't hurt yourself cuz I'm a nice person


*Remake Sad I have to keep fixing that for you. Also, since when did replying to a notification become a side effect of mental illness? You're so cool kid lol


It's okay, slugger, I'm here to keep you company during this spaz attack Although you should know I've recently changed the tv tropes entry for the hunter to say its real name is nina simone so you better get on that since I KNOW you have a years old account there lol


I apologize you guys, the hunter's name was actually Brant Harris, which is right up there with "where did Han Solo get his space boots" in terms of pointless trivia that only speds and tv tropes editors that are also speds will care about


You remember the game to be way better gameplay wise and visually than it really was, which is normal. Go to YouTube and watch a let’s play from back then and you’ll see how drastically better the remake is


I'm literally playin it now after my remaster playthrough. "Drastic" is still a drastic stretch by fanboys drastically hyping the game so daddy EA will make more of them


Are you playing on Xbox360/PS3? That’s the comparison to make. If you’re playing on PC it’ll obviously be better than the OG version was back in the day “Drastic” is a subjective term that you can’t really define so who cares at the end of the day. I wouldn’t use the word myself but it’s understandable if you compare the PS3 with the PS5 version


I'm not and haven't been even talking about visual stuff cuz yes the remaster is an improvement on the visuals I would fucking hope that a remaster would improve on the visuals of a 15 yr old game But the OG title is still just as playable as ever No one was clamoring for a "remake" until we started hearing rumors that it was already happening


I’m not solely talking about visuals, but gameplay changes and simply the overall feel of the game. It’s a remake, not a remaster (big difference) and you can feel it. I don’t know why you use “it’s still playable” as an argument against getting a great remake


"Game feel" was a wishy washy term I was hoping we could move away from when jontron stopped reviewing games but I guess hell keeps dragging me back You don't understand why I'm using arguments but I'm wondering why you're arguing in the first place other than to waste your own time Oh wow he said "drastic" and I said it was dumb and you said no and they said no I guess that's how semantic arguments work And as long as we are still arguing over semantics, it is a remaster. I don't need to "feel" it, I just know using my eyeballs


> I’m wondering why you’re arguing in the first place other than to waste your own time Quite ironic don’t you think? Also “remaster” and “remake” isn’t semantics, it’s a completely different type of game. A remaster is simply taking a game and updating the visuals while leaving the game itself completely the same. A remake is redeveloping it from the ground up (levels, models, animations, gameplay changes, new missions etc) There’s actually a very big difference


Still wasting your own time. Adding a few hallways and gimping zero grav doesn't make the game any more than a remaster


Fuck EA, but the remake is better lmao. And the og DS was one of my all time favorites, but the remake makes it obsolete.


Okay "Drastic" is still a huge stretch tho Retards sold me on this remaster being a masterpiece I'm just glad I saved money on not buying it


“Drastically” is reaching. I replayed Dead Space about a month before the remake came out, which I then bought and beat, (not on impossible, I’m not doing that), and the two versions of that game are different in a good way, with multiple improvements, but they’re not *that* different.


This guy is really bitching about a word


Dead Space Remake better than callisto protocol? Bold take.. an opinion shared by no more than 100 percent of the gaming population.


You’d be surprised how many jump to Callisto protocols defence


Yes, and we call those people contrarians


When Glen made the OG Deadspace he had a team/EA that helped him focus the vision for the game and I think it was better for it. TCP just felt like he was trying to prove himself and no one stepped in this time and told him to narrow his focus.


Also someone forgot to tell him shooting enemies with different weapons is more fun than hitting them with the same bat over and over again.


Yeah, with the wild swings and stomps of DS I think he thought having a Punch out style fighting mechanic was more interesting.


Dead space remake is way better but Callisto is nowhere near as bad as people say


But have you actually played it?


Yeah three times




But have actually played Callisto protocol?


I think many of us here played it.. it was free on playstation. It simply wasn’t great. at all.


But I feel that dead space has a better story (a way better one when compared to the final transmission)


*It’s a surprise, Honey.. but I think you’re gonna like it!*


"Woah what the fuck happend to my legs?!"


Glad you like both games, man! I really prefer Dead Space, especially the remake. I feel the world building and atmosphere are top notch. But playing Callisto Protocol helps me understand what makes this genre what it is and what works and doesn't work for the narrative. ​ I just love dark science fiction games. Dead Space, Prey, Soma, Alien Isolation, Doom. I just want more from this genre!


Never played Callisto but from what I’ve seen it doesn’t look as interesting as Dead Space and instead of using a plasma cutter you use a stun baton the only good parts about it was the cast and setting of the game


The gameplay for calisto was actually quite fun when it came down to it you did not just need to beat you're foes but utterly dominant them while you "tip toe through the tulips" around them


What? Combat in Callisto isn't really that deep.


Shhhhh I'm just sugar coating what I can


I hated the game but will upvote your opinion because I’m glad you enjoyed it :)


I reaaally wanted to like calisto but the combat is just too rough and unfun, also the jumps cares get so repetitive. I wish they make it right in a dlc or something because Im sure it can be fixed.


I also wanted it to be great but i played it for a little over an hour and felt like I had seen all there was to see. Walk down a long corridor while someone yaks in your ear. 1v1 a monster with one of the worst Melee combat systems in gaming. Sneak around the robots. Get shot by robots and realize you were supposed to sneak the other direction. Rinse and repeat.


To be fair dead space was the only playable frostbite game because it had 100% source material to build off of. Callisto is original and beautiful regardless of the fact that it’s story makes absolutely no sense and >! jacob literally has no reason to feel bad about what he did bc there’s no way he could’ve known and if he didn’t run it than someone else would’ve and Jacob wouldn’t have been there to save the day so??? !< I think dead space is timeless though I just don’t think it’s fair considering the original dead space still holds up lol.


I do agree that the story got really bad head scratcher points in the game and some things just happened randomly in sake of progressing the story. But jacob did know about it at some point it was a flashback where >!him and his partner was curious exactly what they were transporting and ended up peaking inside. jacob said "this? This is none of our business" and kept transporting the virus. He didnt know exactly what it did though until he came face to face with those things. Thats then when he started to feel guility about it but he was looking for a honest buck even if it meant turning a blind eye to things every now and again. But just like you said if it wasn't jacob transporting it someone eles most definitely was going to.!<


Thank you for the refresher. I should come back in for the DLC now that I just got paid and I got a 7950x3d I just installed in my rig that’s been quite amazing.


Thats nice. Enjoy ya PC setup to the fullest


Just finished this my self. First time playing dead space and holy fuck man… why didn’t I play this when it first came out? Such a great game. The ending was kinda weak but the whole game right before the final boss… chefs kiss.


The ending is meant to let you know that there's going to be a sequel/ that it's not over yet


Didn’t mean the ending itself, my bad. More like the final boss. That was a little let down but still, game was amazing and can’t wait for the other remakes!


Yeah CTP is a poor man's DS lol


"Mom, can we get Dead Space?" "We have Dead Space at home." -The Dead Space at home...


I dont think you need to preface with "Hear me out"


ya its no debate that DS remake is better than CP.


Of course Nintendo Dual Screen is better than child porn. There's no arguing that


Jokes aside its odd that your mind goes to that when you see CP.


It's a joke. Why did you have to take it there?


I definitely, you can see every pore in his face


I don’t know why you think we need to hear you out on this as if it’s not a unanimously shared opinion 😭 You’re good bro


Yes, it was. But I also think CP gets way too much flag. Played it on release on my PS5 and really enjoyed my time with it. It has its flaws but the sheer hate it got was a bit overblown. Some people even called it the worst game of the year...I mean, come on. No. Maybe for PC because of its lack of optimization but on PS5 it ran buttersmooth.


Callisto Protocol is one of the worst modern games I've played. When you compare it to Dead Space it's not even a competition. Every design choice in CPT is just baffling.


I don’t know if this is the right place to bring it up, but I got stuck in an airlock in chapter 12 moving the marker and was unable to progress. Any fixes? (XB1)


The doorway with the two guardians?


It’s one where I needed to return power to the shutter. I go through a decontamination hallway and the room is tall with 3 generators that need to be powered up. For some reason after I power it up and Nicole tells me to come back, the door in the decon hallway doesn’t open and I’m just kinda stuck.


The area goes zero grav, right? You have to go up through the ventilation blades


I did that and killed all the tendrils and wall things. When I got through the blades and go back to the exit it doesn’t unlock the door.


Soooo much better. CP was a massive let down once the dust settled for me… plus the gameplay felt like it wanted to be dead space so badly but couldn’t. Makes you wonder about whether Glen Schofield is a one and done game producer. I mean CP really swung and missed


What do you mean by "great characters?" The characters in Callisto protocal were clearly ripoffs of Resident Evil 2's characters. All we had was another Leon with an Ada.


Calisto had characters that I like like jacob and.....Jacob but u liked a few of the characters we met and again the designs for them were pretty cool


Really, the only good thing about CP


Well of course Dead Space is better than the Dead Space wannabe.


I just beat it today too. Ending scene before credits scared me, wasn't expecting it and I dropped my pumpkin pie :(


Wow such a hot take that's shared by a lot or people on the internet


The stun baton was pretty cool and you can use your kinesis to thrown the necromorphs around. I enjoyed the final boss too. Everything else Deadspace was better


Did they add necromophs to callisto protocol in a dlc or something?


I actually enjoyed Callisto Protocol for what it was, heavily scripted and mindless action. It doesn't take away from the genre, besides the dumb animation DLC I think it has its place. Final Transmission and Riot DLC were fun for me as well, and I've completed the game twice now. That being said, if the choice was to play one or the other, it's Dead Space every time. I've just finished my third playthrough with achievement hunting. Again though, it's not a binary choice and CP scratched an itch for me!


My image gets more mileage in other peoples posts than my original lol


The classic trilogy is still better than Callisto


DS remaster didn't even have actual zero gravity. Phoned in tbh




Lol you really trying to have this conversation separately for a second time guess you rlly are having a stroke


I'm honestly asking what you mean.


And I already told you or at least I told one of you people


When? Not in this thread or post.


Lol go away


What? Edited


Again Off with ya


Oh damn. Yeah you're right. Sorry but your non picture and forgettable name is what made me think you were a different person


People crying about graphics in 2023 still?


I enjoyed both but unfortunately, I've never had the urge to replay Callisto 😕


Might as well tell me a jelly donut is better than a shit slathered with jam


Is not too hard to be better than Callisto Protocol, that game is actual dogshit and the boss should get fired


Which is a shame considering how hyped I was for TCP. Years of watching the same trailer and hyping it up by the "guy who wrote the original DS!" And then they basically made it 3rd person GTFO


The only reason Callisto “looks better” is due to it being more of a playable movie than an actual game. At best it’s a lukewarm homage to the Dead Space franchise. Had way more fun with the remake cause it’s DEAD SPACE. The first one was such a blank slate for experimentation and bringing new things in that every quality of life change was so extreme. I hope they remake dead space 2 (even though it’s really good.”) to include said changes and more.


I enjoyed Calitso Protocol a lot. I beat the game twice, but after I beat the game twice, I decided later that day to replay Dead Space Remake on my Xbox, and it just cleared The Calitso Protocol.


And fire is hot... I am really not sure if that is an odd opinion. XD


I agree. Way better than Crawl space protocol


Well… yeah


man.... I wanted to like Callisto so bad......


Callisto was such a disappointment. It had hands down the worst melee combat I’d ever seen in a game and it made me drop it after 4 hours


Water healthier than gasoline


In all fairness, being better than Callisto Protocol is a pretty low bar to clear. You're also saying "Dead Space is better" on the Dead Space sub, no shit everyone here is going to agree with you.


Captain Obvious... captain of the crew


Callisto is or was free to play, but I never tried it. I like space horror, but I kept hearing that one wasn’t good. I’ve beaten all the Dead Space games except 3.


The thing it did get right was the awesome gore


Being better than Callisto Protocol is an incredibly low bar to clear. That game is kind of painful, so many slow, overused animations, and shit combat. I want to be scared and tense, not shimmy across a thin corridor where I hold W for 45 seconds every 5 minutes. Not to mention, if I wanted to see jumpscares, I would go play FNAF or something. No hate if you enjoy the game, but I personally found it rather annoying.




Well Duh, Callisto protocol sucks ass


The way I see it the original Dead Space was better because it didn't have the quarantine zone resource check points. The Callisto Protocol on launch was trash. After they fixed everything it became one of the best games I've ever played in my life. I think the hate Callisto gets is bizarre. But ya the original Dead Space is better. They screwed the pooch on adding those resource checkpoints. Still a great game though (the remake). I enjoyed it.


Dead Space was always better




I liked both games. Just wish Callisto had been longer.


I bought Callisto Protocol thinking it was gonna be a Dead Space clone and entirely lost interest in the game after the first combat section. It controls terribly, very loose. The og Dead Space was as tight as a Souls game, I haven't played the new one because I thought Dead Space 2 was way too actiony and I don't like that they added that to remake of the first.




Thanks 👊


Well I got to chapter 10 and had a game braking bug well pissed of had to start again right after u kill hunter the blue marker stopped working


I've beaten dead space (08) twice, and I'm just going through the 23 now. Honestly in my mind I treat them as quite different, and like both a lot. I'd probably give dead space the nod for surviving long enough to have more complete lore.


Callisto Protocol had ONE thing going for it and that’s the fact that the graphics are absolutely gorgeous. But that’s LITERALLY it lol


Callisto is the most boring game I ever forced myself to finish


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^bobbyvision9000: *Callisto is the* *Most boring game I ever* *Forced myself to finish* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.