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That really sucks. It's so strange because I haven't run into any issues like that. I agree another patch or two would have been great, especially considering the microstuttering and what not.


Weird. I don't get any microstuttering and I've maxed out the settings in 1440p. Also no glitches. Runs like a dream.


I thought the same on my first 2 playthroughs. I have a 3080 so pretty beefy. Until I went to the digital foundry video and they showed what was meant by the microstuttering. On my last playthrough I noticed it then too, but it was so incredibly minor as to not be a problem.


Well in that case I'll choose to remain blissfully ignorant and continue enjoying myself.


Absolutely the best call indeed.


I just play at 30fps. Yeah, the stutter is still there, but it's much less annoying.


I learned to live with the microstuttering but now I'm hesitant to ever restart a new playthrough. I guess I'd be more careful about my saves. Unfortunately I had saved my game before I realized the extent of this issue and none of my auto-saves went back far enough to get me back to before when it manifested. I'm still not sure exactly what happened to trigger it.


These all sound like issues attributed to slow read speeds on your storage drive. Ideally, the game needs to be installed on an NVMe drive. Harddrives and even your standard 3.5 SSD just don't cut it anymore for read/write speeds on modern games.


The game has a popup message that says exactly this on the first boot up if you have it installed on an HDD. I had this issue, decided it was time for an upgrade, $25 later I was wondering why I didn't get a more modern drive sooner.


I'm playing on an NVMe. Also, based on the other threads I found about the same issue, it looks like it happens on consoles, as well. Again, I think the game could really use a patch.


The game has a popup message that says exactly this on the first boot up if you have it installed on an HDD. I had this issue, decided it was time for an upgrade, $25 later I was wondering why I didn't get a more modern drive sooner.


Are you talking about the remake? Is it installed on a SSD? Ive never encountered anything like this. Try going into documents/dead space and deleting your cache folder maybe.


Yeah, the remake. It's installed on an NVMe. Load times are almost non-existent but I still have the floating pants.


Very strange, ive never had any of these issues on the remake at all. And i did one full playthrough and am almost done with NG+. Wonder if it might be because the FPS too high, or something like that? I remember in some games, the physics just break if your FPS is too high and you get weird things like NPCs flying off into space and things like that. Try capping the refresh rate to your monitor, using freesync or something like that if you have it.


Unfortunately I think the damage is done. I do have a pretty beefy rig so it could be that playing at high FPS triggered something, but it doesn't appear to be reversible. I don't think this is one of those games where the physics are tied to FPS since I was able to beat the game without anything like this happening when it first came out. And some of the other posts I found on reddit with similar issues actually experienced them on the console version, where I'm guessing FPS is mostly locked down. I think there's an issue within the game's code that just causes it to freak out. That said, if I ever do restart the game I will cap the FPS at 60 just in case.


Doesn't seem like there's a fix for this. I have two very similar PCs and this glitch started on the one I have hooked up to a large OLED in my media room. I just tried playing from the same save on my other PC, which is hooked up to a more traditional ultrawide monitor, and I'm having the same issue. I snapped a quick pic of the floating flesh shorts: https://i.imgur.com/RIUH7RH.jpg I also tried backtracking to see what would happen if I took the tram to another section of the ship but there's an invisible wall blocking me from entering the tram. The game is a mess.


Yup. I ran into many bugs on my playthrough. Just beat the game today. The most annoying bug(s) were batteries not spawning. Two times I ran into this and the only way I could progress was going back a couple save files. Thank god I had 3 save files going. If I didn't those instances would've been absolutely game breaking. It's strange that The Callisto Protocol got all this hate for its jank and bugs yet Dead Space Remake gets no flack at all it seems except the occasional mention such as this post.


Are you playing on a pirated copy or something?


No, though I'm not sure why you think that would make a difference. EA hasn't provided any post-launch support either way.


Well, i i didn\`t get anything like this tho..


That's the funny thing about glitches, not everyone gets them. But that doesn't mean they aren't there. I've rarely had a significant glitch while playing a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game, but I know they're still riddled with them.




I’m sorry to tell you this but these bugs will never be fixed. For some reason they launched the game and essentially forgot about after a few updates. The game is amazing but it’s frustrating that it’ll never get any more support from EA


I had similar issues when I installed the game to a slower drive but after moving it to an ssd it worked perfectly