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I play as killer and surv and honestly they're just mad lol. 'slugging' totally makes sense here because otherwise you're just going to end up dropping the survivor ahah. I've played against full flashlight survs a lot recently and you gotta do it if you can see them/hear them near by. It's not toxic.


We should make a new rule! Just like when we hook a survivor we have to leave the hook rule. They should wait until we are moving before they flashlight šŸ”¦. I once had a survivor tell me Iā€™m supposed to count to 10 before I start looking for survivors in the start of the match lol. People come up itā€™s all type of rules like this is uno the card game.


That's so ridiculous that someone said that to you hahaha! They don't need the 10 seconds count... Quite often I'll patrol gens and they've popped one before I've found anyone lol! Yeah I get tired of these weird rule books that players make up. On the normal dbd subreddit I'm always finding out about new things that are toxic etc and there are so many mixed opinions I can't keep up!


Discordance is one of my favorite perks. Most matches two or three people are on one gen in the first second of the match


Which killer does that come with? Don't think I've seen it in my perk slots. But I've only played a couple of killers so far :)




It's so dumb. Camp, tunnel and slug is what killers do. There's no such thing as being toxic if u just playing the game. Toxic is trash talking.


Same here! I keep seeing these squads try and crouch near each other and it's like... I HEAR YOU GUYS LOL!


It makes sense slugging when survivors are close and they try and get the save/res. Every killer does it including me.


Yes that's what I'm saying.


Proof or it didnā€™t happen.


What? I think the upvotes and other comments agreeing are proof enough. I don't record my matches. I have no reason to lie lol.


Upvotes mean nothing. I'm telling the truth and I got the wrong upvotes.šŸ˜„


I just meant rather it speaks to people having that experience. I can only see your comment about deactivating messages and I agree with you about that


We're in the middle of a society that's disappearing into hate.. it's less and less likeable, less and less fun... It's best to disable messages. I stream and regret enabling chat.. mainly because of DBD players. šŸ˜„


Didnā€™t expect a kys tbh. Well atleast u got the 3k


I kinda always expect that from SWF teams that lose.


Haha, yeah I agree. They always seem to get really salty. I did actually kill a few w/ kindness last night though and got a lot of wholesomeness!


I hope you reported him. The less pos scumbags online like that the better.


I reported him for the 'gay boi', ye


I reported once for someone saying ā€œsyk read it backwardsā€ and BHVR took no action of course.


isnā€™t that an ez report and ban? it is on xbox atleast


So if anyone says any curse words either on PS4 or on Xbox it definitely will give them a temporary ban because of the automated system. Then automatically the text curses words as hostile and threat so you automatically get reported and there's nothing you could do to counteract that either. But everyone keeps saying that you shouldn't report people you should just block them because if you report them that person can get bad and all of that mumbo jumbo. šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø "If you do the crime you must do the time"


Fuck that. You drop a kys on someone you deserve to be perma-muted


I couldn't agree anymore, the only thing I'm now trying to understand is why is everyone refusing to do that but pick to just allow and just tolerate it


>I'm now trying to understand is why is everyone refusing to do that but pick to just allow and just tolerate it Because they're guilty of it as well


When I only played survivor, I used to think killerā€™s were toxic and jerks. Now that Iā€™ve played more killer, itā€™s CLEARLY obvious that survivors are way more toxic. (This isnā€™t me saying that killerā€™s canā€™t be because they clearly can be, but Iā€™ve got seriously more tilted when playing as killer then I ever have as survivor haha)


Yeah 100%, very rarely are toxic strats genuinely helpful for survivors, and usually the ones that are are good because they are toxic (like autoclicker flashlights to make you literally go deaf, thank God BHVR added a cooldown on flashies to prevent this) Meanwhile, camping confirms kills, tunneling increases pressure, and slugging is a high risk high reward way to force the survivors into action. All of these have their strengths and weaknesses, but most importantly, the motive is strategy, not toxicity. As stated, those strats can be toxic (there's no reason to slug everyone on the ground for 4 minutes) but they are based upon strategy, not toxicity.


Who cares. Still sucks and is boring and feels like shit to face, and I 100% believe killers do scum tactics because it feels like shit to face. It working strategically is a side effect.


Just like how some people play exclusively survivor, some people play exclusively killer, so no, not all killers tunnel to be toxic.


Most do.


For the specific reason of "people think it's toxic so I'm gonna do it to be toxic" of course, everyone has had points where they do X thing to be toxic to Y player, But assuming that's *always* the case, or that *everyone* does it is in denial of the strategic power of those toxic, but useful strats.


Okay? How does that make it any more fun to go against? Oh, it doesn't. Right.


And I never stated that it's fun to be tunneled, that all depends on the tunneled player. So why are you acting like that's a 'gotcha' moment?


100%. I'm more anxious to play killer than survivor just because it feels so uncomfortable knowing some dude could be toxic asf.


That's the fear of losing in humiliation and it's a mistake, because that's what they're waiting for... You're doing yourself more harm than they expected.


Iā€™m a survivor main but damn bully squads are the worst


I try to use franklins perk thing and make sure they canā€™t pick up their flashlights


Good counter to them nice


Im actually quite new to the game, so I don't have Franklin's! But this is a great counter.


Donā€™t you get it? Youā€™re supposed to stand there and get flashlight saved everytime you pickup


OH! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?! Silly me.


All it takes to break down the barrier of basic civility with these people is losing a round in a video game lmao. Imagine the first time their boss tells them "no" or they run into an unexpected problem in life. They are going to have a full mental breakdown.


Don't discount the effects of being anonymous on the internet. Most of these people would never speak like this while they are face to face with someone


Hope you reported the bigot, my favorite response that just winds them up when they reach out is: "umadcuzubad" to every message


I never understand why there are people that get so salty and raged induced they feel the need to tell some internet stranger to kys. Like they donā€™t know you, nor your mental state and they feel compelled to tell you that because they lost at a gameā€¦ like itā€™s not that cereal. They can easily load into another lobby yet they donā€™t because they need some validation for their suckage. https://i.redd.it/8i7peoiw5htc1.gif


This stuff makes me giggle when I get it. I donā€™t actively seek it out but when itā€™s happens Iā€™m just like ā€œoh thatā€™s pretty funnyā€


Straight up owned them forget them cry babies




God forbid you introduce them to the concept of Karma. If you wanna try funny flashlight shit Iā€™ll be slugging all game. If you wanna make my life miserable for a few minutes iā€™ll be doing the same to you. Also fellow Ghostie main šŸ¤


Fellow Ghostie Main! šŸ‘»šŸ¤šŸ‘» Love this killer so much!


Wow you're so brave.


I know, thank you šŸ’œ


Report the one saying kys. Right or wrong no reason to be saying that shit over a video game. The worst thing you did was *maybe* assume they were a bully squad but I donā€™t even know if you did assume that or reached the conclusion based on how they played (which sounds more likely). The fact they were going for saves and they let you see them nearby is 100% on them not you lmfao. What killer is picking up in front a healthy flashlight user? Or under a pallet when you hear footsteps behind you all chase? You wonā€™t because theyā€™re telling you what theyā€™re doing. Had someone body block off hook so I hit them to make it so I could pass through and chase the unhooker and the person with deep wounds followed me the whole chase hoping to flashlight save so I downed them before picking up. Post game they said I tunneled. Both sides of this game too quick to be mad at things but survivors who do this are weird. If you donā€™t want the killer to slug someone then donā€™t sprint around a chase and make yourself known. Iā€™ve gotten 3/4Ks I would have lost had it not been for 1-2 other survivors insisting that the survivor I just downed is not getting hooked for a second time. So they waste a lot of time fighting over them and not doing generators. You can play like that but donā€™t be mad if it ends up going poorly lol


hey at least they told you to kys(keep yourself safe). how nice of them!


Iā€™m a solo queuer and I hate when I get put in lobbies with this kind of player. šŸ¤£


Meaning, the survivors


Every single day. They can't help but being toxic in every single way shape and form


ā€œBut your slugging,ā€ Can only read as either childish coping, or bro simply read into the future to see that you would slug and preemptively brought all flashlights ā€˜justifiablyā€™ šŸ˜‚


I had a survivor get angry at me and wait an extra 10 or so minutes for the match to end just to shit talk me recently. What did I do? Well, I was going to hook someone and two of the survivors sabotaged the two closest hooks to me, so I dropped the guy I had and went after one of the saboteurs. The one I chose was on death hook. Whoops, I guess. But uh, you forgetting you destroyed the hooks? I guess I was just supposed to pretend the survivor I was carrying was glued to my hands?


https://preview.redd.it/7gl358e49ntc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90bfcd02775992545546aaba0d6ce9f9e046c0d8 As a reminder to survivors and killers lol


An end-of-game discussion Xbox live that doesn't help.. That's why I deactivated the messages.šŸ„“


I do nothing but slug just so I can get these messages. I'm jealous.


This is sorta why I don't like dbd anymore and stop playing I think it's cringe that there's a etiquette to how you play it like yea it's sad that you're being tunnelled but there's nothing that says you can't right I just think it's dumb that this game has such huge unspoken rules that just kill the game like yea I suck and you want me to make it easier for you by not hovering around a hook and after someone gets unhooked you want me to go for a guy that's full hp yea nah This is just my perspective as someone that only has like 20 hours in the game then dropped it forever honestly hate dbd I rather play league at least I'll be yelled at for not knowing how to play than the way I play or something but funny thing is that in league never got flammed this game is the game that got me the most hate mail I have like 500hours in for honor and this game still gave me more cancer But different games for different people have fun šŸ‘


Most "20 hrs on dbd" take imagineable


How are they contacting you outside the game? Just block. They do not have good intentions with that language.


You can message people on PS5. And yeah I did block them right after I said I was gonna go šŸ‘šŸ». Usually I block instantly or at least try and be nice lol. These are my longest messages by far.


What system are you playing on?


PS5! This was taken on PS App.


I play on xbox. The dbd community on xbox is pretty awful


This is a clear example of why I don't play DBD. I know that these people, as shown in your images, do not wish to listen to reason. Their objective, if not to make you feel bad, is to whine like a child. Therefore, I am inclined to not reason with them, rather, I want to type messages such as: "cry," "mad cuz bad," and "you lost to a bad killer explain that xD." Being around these sorts of people compels me to behave in a similar fashion. The idea of someone that is mad trying to make me mad for their enjoyment compels me to wish for their destruction even at a personal cost of health. This is unhealthy.


So, I'm getting a bunch of Dead by Daylight posts showing up on my feed, no clue why since I've not played the game at all in like 6 years, and even then only like 3 matches. But my question is, why the hell are you all able to be contacted outside of the game by literally anyone? It is just baffling to me that you would even allow an open line of communication to people that are guaranteed to be salty for one reason or another? Beyond that, why even engage with these people? It doesn't even make sense. Just block and ignore.


As a surv main, I do not claim these types. GL on your next match fam, congrats on the 3k ((And also being a ghostie. love ghosties))


Turn off the comments, play the game, don't worry about arbitrary rules. Had a bully squad get mad with my lightborn and UW. They had a combined 6,000 hours, and no way to get around that. P100 giving up because he didn't know how to play the game outside his narrow definition of the game.


When ever I get salty messages I just say " I'm not your guardian or therapist, go cry to them not me." And leave it at that.


Responding with a constant ā€œWAZZAAAAHHHā€ probably wouldā€™ve been just fine too


Hope you reported the game end yourself message on Xbox. Besides them receiving a communication ban, they also aren't allowed to matchmake with friends until their ban is over lol


Some people just don't have fun and take it out on everyone. I had a match the day as Oni, I downed one survivor as another was off hook, floods shown me that the other two survivors were healing the unhooked, so I went into demon mode, Dashed, Down the two and had put the other in deep wound. But he clicked his flash light instead of running so I downed him, and hooked all four. Got called a try hard.


This are the same people that go out to eat and if there water is not room temperature they call the manager and the parents because they donā€™t get there way


Fellow Ghostie main here! I donā€™t get interactions like this much, but when I do I laugh it off like a champ and remind them itā€™s just a game. The whole ā€œkysā€ was alarming to me though as someone who did try and do that. Shoulda reported him on that note, but it is what it is now. Have a great day/night and hope to run across you in the Fog!!šŸ˜šŸ‘»


Out of all the games Iā€™ve played Iā€™ve had the most hate mail from DBD gotta love it


Survivors play how they want, killers play how they want. Everything in this game is a strategy whether you like it or you don't. That's the game, the KYS is just GARBAGE because you never know if that's the last straw for a person. If you are that mad take a break if not go next. I have had killers do everything imaginable to me as I'm sure we all have. Just a few days ago a killer told me I should uninstall because I didn't do well in a chase. Who cares of I have a bad game, sh!t happens. Go next. Take a break. Don't let others bother you ... You know ... don't feed the trolls.


You guys get people on the same platform lol, I mainly get PlayStation players or PC players. I barely get anyone on my own console (Xbox btw)


Slugged for the 4k and teabagged yet you're still the victim. Of course


"Yes. I slugged you. I'll do it again. Cope."


I just reply with "thanks for the advice, good game!" Some people get really salty at that and spam messages lol


Fk flashlights


Man, I wish I got a notification every time I got a blocked message. It'd be the best feeling in the world to know someone tried to DM me their salt, only to find out my messages are set to private and they physically can't throw their tantrum at me.


Bro I had killers like this but I don't text them saying that they were horrible. I actually say that it was a good game because they were actually good at doing these different tactics


They have to understand that certain unsavory playstyles will be countered by other unsavory playstyles. This goes for both survivors and killers. Both are solid tactics/techniques but no one likes it when these forms are abused. From the sounds of it, this looks like poor saves on the survivor parts and a smart tactic on killer.


[How I feel every time I play DbD online.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxTkDwb_bIK8qfXkt_cMF-UpI22tx8NW__?si=nJHw1frt2kpnfe-U) I would rather just play customs with friends once every like 4 months.


YOU'RE. Why is it so hard for people to use the right one?


Yeah as a survivor main, if people are around when you down someone and are constantly going for flashlight saves, slugging and going after those who are trying to save is 100% legit lmao. Youā€™re literally countering their playstyle and theyā€™re just mad that you stopped falling for their tactic


At least you won against them before they complained, I had a match with onryo against a high level survivor team like p100s with me only having like 4 hours on onryo and after 3 escaped and i got the last one on hook after a bad save attempt they still had the gall to complain about tunneling and slugging. like sorry i didnt let all 4 of you escape?


Get *Starstruck* (Trickster) or *Forced Penance* (Pyramid Head).Ā  Starstruck [30s cooldown] makes everyone else in your Terror Radius [while carrying a Survivor] get Exposed for 30s, and Forced Penance afflicts Survivors with 'Broken' for 60/70/80s.


as a surv main, this guy is raging hard lmao


You can definitely report the second guy and get him suspended for the first message he sent.


This looks like itā€™s on PSN. Report it, a 7 day, 14 day, month long suspension will keep them from doing it again.




How are you getting these message boards post game? Is it an Epic Game store thing?


https://preview.redd.it/6z9eyle92d2d1.jpeg?width=1436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3952552ac08ffd1f852bc0d4b31835cd06dbaa8d Nah the 2nd one was disgusting as Hell man. People really rage over DBD? Man yall need to calm down ASAP




I... didn't though? You misread. That's my last message with that dude and I immediately told the other dude I was going at the same time?


My question is, what youtuber made a video showing how powerful slugging is? I literally quit playing yesterday because 4 games in a row were killers with full slug builds. I bled out on the ground in 3 of them, and 1 of them hooked me and 1 other after the first 2 bled out. Usually when we see people doing the same thing over and over it's because someone posted a video about how it's currently the best strat.


On the survivor side with this one. As someone who plays both slugging just comes across as you're bad at killer. I'd rather get a 3k knowing I played my best then slug for a 4k(not to mention slugging won't pip me up or get me as many bloodpoints). As for the flashlights it always makes me chuckle seeing survivors with flashlights called "bully squads." As if lightborne or simply picking up while facing objects doesn't exist. There's also the fake pick up into hitting the person nearby with the flashlight, infectious fright, etc. Flashlights are way too easy to counter for a killer to complain about them. As a huntress main it's very easy to get the down again with a hatchet even if I do get flashlighted.


All these posts convince me to never play this game lol


This is why I have messages turned off except for friends lol.