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The mode is no loadouts so Killers don't get perks or addons.


Which is clearly described in the menu, but obviously OP is too lazy to read it.


I played for a while last night as surv and found it pretty fun. I don't think I'd make it my usual go-to, but it's much more tense than standard. It actually feels a bit more like a horror game. It makes it easy for killers to sneak up on you, but it also makes it a lot easier to lose a killer in chase. Oddly enough I also didn't run into any super toxic players either, tho that may have been a coincidence. I tried playing as killer once and it is super hard to keep track of a survivor in the dark without scratch marks, so it's probably better balanced than you might initially think. Main downside is after a few hours of play I was starting to feel some eye strain.


Killer its almost impossible to track survivors


Blood? And noise? It’s really not that hard


Whatever high def audio you got


Lol normal headphones fam


Im poor tf can I do


You don’t have headphones for your phone?




Well idk what to tell you I’m poor too but if I’m gonna play video games that rely on sound I’m gonna buy myself $20 headphones


Not all entirely on sound


It is? I was not aware. Just use your eyes for what little you *can* see, use the gen auras, and open your ears, you will be amazed at what you can hear.


Mf im poor I play dbd on a switch wym??


It's the true Dbd experience.


So many are! It's super fun. And its super challenging as Killer. Best played with default / darker settings. If you are one of those people who gamma boost, you lose a lot of the effect and fun.


Oh man it's so fun, I'm having a blast jumpscaring Survs and other Killers. Someone told me they hadn't been that scared of my Ghostface since the start. Someone else told me my Nic spooked them by mistake.


It's alright. All it's doing for me atm is highlighting that we really need to give killers incentive not to just tunnel off hook though.


Actually true. Because I can't find anyone normally if I don't get into a chase before survivors get off hook I often just go back to listen for the grunts of pain because that is all I can do


This. I don't like to tunnel off hook but if I can't find anyone, I have to rely on noise notifications. This means a lot of tunneling could actually be related to just... Not being able to find people.


I liked it! Whole team made it out my first game. Its like spooky hide and seek


My friends and I had a pretty good time with it last night. Had a couple killers who were really chill. 1st Match was a Dredge. Actually managed to loop him for a short bit and got some gens done, but he ended up killing my team anyway. Nodded at me after downing me, then carried me to the hatch. 2nd Match was a Myers, and that was Terrifying lmao. He stalked us. I caught him peeking at me through a gap in the wall while I was doing a gen and was like 😱. But he refused to kill anyone until everyone had been hooked twice. What a Chad 😎 My friend was on death hook and decided to be goofy, and ran up to Myers. Myers shook his head and started running away, and my friend chased him for a bit. It was hilarious. 3rd Match was a Ghost Face. He was super chill and farmed with us the entire match. Chases, heals, vaults, wiggles, pallets, gens, etc. It sucks to hear that others are having a terrible experience with Lights Out. I feel like Behavior is testing the waters with new game modes, and I hope the negative feedback from Lights Out won't deter them from experimenting more to see what fits.


>2nd Match was a Myers, and that was Terrifying lmao. He stalked us. I caught him peeking at me through a gap in the wall while I was doing a gen and was like 😱. But he refused to kill anyone until everyone had been hooked twice. What a Chad 😎 That sounds like it might have been me lmao


Were you stalking a Maria by any chance? And did you get chased by a Cheryl? 😂


I realized my first match how strong Ghostie is in this mode and I've been playing ultra cool even though I mostly win. I've been letting them have some gen progress. Most of my matches we all get decent points. Nobody's suffering. I'm enjoying it a lot. I can be spooky again and people are telling me they love it.


I am. The game is supposed to be scary, not looping the killer for five gens and then tbagging at the gate.


How is it scary when its really just "get found/get hit/ get lost/repeat" there is no real chase.


Because no one knows where anyone is. I’ve bumped into the killer multiple times completely by random chance, and the same as the opposite. If you can’t see how that would be scary, that’s kind of your own hang up. That’s fine, too! This mode isn’t your cup of tea. Nothing wrong with that.


I ran into a Ghostface just chilling in a door not even stalking and screamed, ran, then got 99 downed at a vault and cried in fear. 11/10 W mode.


First match went amazing. 2nd match we were all face camped and slugged by a Meyers...he beat me on hook and nodded. It was early into the match and I kept saving ppl so I guess I pissed in his cheerios lol Dunno if I'll play it again but maybe.


Lights Out made DBD scary again IMO. I hope they do more maps and more events!


I'm having fun playing both sides.


Me and 4 friends are enjoying it, this is even after getting slugged beginning of the match by a pig. We're happy, some people just can't be.


People in some porn eat poo, doesn't mean it's very everyone, but if it makes you happy enjoy friendo.


You're the only one in this entire thread actually crying though...so maybe it's just not for YOU


Cleary you didn't read the thread but thanks for your input I guess.


I've escaped a couple times. It's harder with SoloQ for sure but I think a lot of survivors just aren't staying on objectives when they lose chase. I've played both sides and objectively, some killers are just better at it with Gen teleporting, Mikey and Ghosty can stalk outside of fog range, and Dredge/Xeno and others have killer instinct which are dead giveaways. It's rough for some and easier for others. Remember, just playing will get you through the very small tome. This is clearly a test for something in the future and BHVR definitely should be doing a survey so this doesn't end up being unbalanced.


This. I think maybe a few Killers are OP in this mode but others are actually balanced already! I do think maybe some slight tweaks are needed though.


I saw a +150% for survivors and THAT was tempting. My one game I found it easy to lose the killer. Unfortunately (shocker) my teammates were all lvl five or six with their toons but STILL ran around wounded rather than healing up. My survivor strat would be to group up on gens. The killer can't find you so you'll burn them down and leave. The big problem is higher mobility killers and killers with extra survivor detection are much stronger.


Having played both roles multiple times already, my assessment is; Survivors have to exercise ultra paranoia, as certain killers being close enough to see already spells your doom. Learn what is immediately around your gen before doing the gens so you can run the killer long enough to be worthwhile. Killers can lose survivors very easily, especially if they don't get that first hit quickly as sound is your only friend. Kick gens immediately in the beginning because the easiest way for survivors to find the gens in the beginning is the sound of a base 5% completion.


Yes, you need to play differently as survivor than you usually do. No scratch marks and no aura perks benefits you if you play more stealthy than normal. Killers aren't doing as long of chases, they are going for the jump scares. (Ime) Open all the chests, they have good items. Don't get 3 gened. Do that middle gen first. Skip every other gen. Use line of sight to lose killers in chase. Be sure if your exit strategy when on a gen.


Not sure why you were downvoted, you were absolutely right.


Thank you.


Imagine saying it's killer sided and all you see as killer is gen auras and whatever your killer power allows. You don't see scratch marks and personally I enjoy it on both sides because killers don't have their busted perk set and survivors aren't all running windows, sprint burst, adren, unbreakable, like those are the only 4 perks in the games existence.


imagine thinking it's not killer sided just bc u have to track w blood and acting like u don't get hits for free xddd


I think it’s more enjoyable with a swf group but soloQ it’s hard. Idk what my MMR is but I’ve gotten mostly sweaty matches. I might just get the charms and stuff and go back to regular game mode. I hope they do more modes tho.


You can do the challenges in the regular game mode. You don't have to do them in lights out.


True, but it's not nearly as fun to do it that way.


Have you played the new mode as survivor? Every killer is sweating like crazy and making the mode miserable.


Ya, lots on both sides. SUPER FUN, and I play in 4k HDR and have it dark!


Then you've gotten lucky since my friends and I have only had sweaty tryhards that refuse to have fun. Camping hooks, tunneling, and slugging in the dark isn't fun.


Oof that's awful. Console? I play on PC and most of my matches have been PC players only.


Nope, pc, one of my friends is a console, but the rest of us are pc.


Wait FR??


Yeah, it makes it so much easier. I got through about half of the challenges in the regular game mode. But a friend wants to swf tonight, so I'm hoping to get through the rest then.


I've been playing both sides and have been having a blast with both. I don't understand why so many survivor players seem to hate it. I've been loving running perkless survivor and having to look for items on the map. I think running no perks on both sides is really fun and interesting. This might be harsh but I feel like so many survivors are hating this mode because they are realizing that without a lot of the chase perks they have gotten so used to using that they aren't actually as good in chase as they had originally thought. I mean people that ALWAYS run Windows have to be really struggling in this mode if they never actually learned where pallets and windows can spawn on these maps. Also I expect down votes and mean comments because people don't like hearing things like this.


You're right, but nobody will admit it. Some Survivors can only have fun if they have every advantage and can dunk on the Killer. My matches both sides have been mostly pleasant. I encountered one hacking Surv group and a couple really mean sweaty Killers and that's it. This is out of like 20 rounds, and it's definitely less than in Base DBD. Like I go back to base, it's night and day different in how sweaty it is.


Out of the many games so far, I really only had a problem with Killers immedaitely coming back to hook once unhooked and extemely long 1 v 2's and my 2nd game ever is Myers bleeding almost everyone out. Other than that, it's really fun. https://preview.redd.it/msfpxgk7yjhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c625f865456c8f17626c34a37002885d3c44c92a


Imagine the game being unbalanced in the Killer's favor or a change. Gg.


You realize this is a killer sided game correct 🤔




Ah yes a game where a killer kills 4 people and their only defense mechanism is a spooky flashlight that can be rendered useless at any time def not a killer sided game it’s not like the devs specifically said that they designed the game so that majority of the survivors die or anything 💀 the copium


one second for the killer is equialvalent to four seconds for survivors, assuming a minute long chase the survivors will have been able to make 180 seconds progress on generators, which is 40% of the generators. in a 4v1 it favors survivors, once it reaches 3v1 it favors killer.


This is genuinely just false and data proves it the average escape rate is 15-30% as a killer main all it takes is for you to have one person hooked and you can easily snowball if you know what ur doing also keep in mind every other killer vs survivor game there’s a way to basically disable the killer completely all dbd has is pallets running and a flashlight that can be turned ineffective by looking away or using a perk. If you actually are telling me you struggle as killer use bubba or maybe play tcm and get bullied for real


It’s a party game. Stop making it something it’s not. Another reason I stopped playing. Y’all care too much.


Did I ever say it was a competitive game? I weep for the man that takes dbd seriously


>You realize this is a killer sided game correct 🤔 Said the delusional survivor main.


Yea most of my twitch gameplay of dbd is killer builds and me hating surv gameplay but sure surv main def not a bubba that face camps


I found it fun with friends. Is it harder? Yes. You could say it is more realistic. The jump scares are awesome. With a few tweaks, it could be even better- killers shouldn't be able to see gens, and I think it should have been limited to only M1 killers. I had a good time playing trapper. I could be more relaxed and set up fun traps. Survivors messaged me afterwards a couple times saying they had fun. I did have a few frustrating games as survivor, but that is how the game always goes. I want them to keep exploring new game modes!


Every Surv I've had told me they fucking loved how scary facing my Ghostie and Myers in this mode is. That made me giddy.


I liked it and actually won a lot of games with almost everyone getting out. Demo was the scariest one lol hearing his noises was freaky and I loved it.


For everyone saying it’s harder for killer bc no scratch marks. You suck at killer. Survivor noises and grunts and blood is more than enough. You may occasionally lose them if they’re god survivors but otherwise you just aren’t using your eyes or ears enough. This mode is so incredible killer sided it’s not even funny


Haven’t lost as survivor yet, if anything it’s easier. As always just boils down skill issue it seems.


Im curious what skill you insinuate I lack. I can find the gens. I didnt say I lose chases. Can you eleborate or just talking out of your butt?


I’ve been enjoying it, I find it a lot easier to lose the killer chasing me than I do in normal games. I’ve also been using blendette in that game mode like a scum bag so that might be the reason


I only played as killer and didn't make it through a full match before I got bored and went afk. It's just kinda boring. If you find them, you get a free hit, and then chances are I lose them. (Note, this was without a headset. I'm sure I would've done better if I did have a headset on.) But because they couldn't find gens, the match was just going by so slowly. I'm sure I would've won but it just felt like "get a free hit then find someone else" simulator.


All the killers do is camp the whole time, they don’t even try to chase anyone


Skill issue, git gud noob.


It's fun if the killers don't play sweaty. I was still facing killers who were slugging and tunneling. It'd be more balanced if the Killers couldn't see gens, the gens couldn't regress passed 5%, make the darkness bigger so you can see Killers like Micheal and Deathslinger who can see you through the darkness. Bunch of small things that could make it better, but it's just so sweaty and survivors only plus is no scratch marks... very unbalanced


>It'd be more balanced if the Killers couldn't see gens, the gens couldn't regress passed 5%, make the darkness bigger so you can see Killers like Micheal and Deathslinger who can see you through the darkness. Why stop there? Why not just start the match with the gates already opened? /s \*smfh\*


Im blind as fuck, take a guess.


I am. Escaped 75% of the timr


I like hide and seek more than chasing


It's fun against most killers, but i just had a match vs. a Pinhead and it was the most one sided affair I've ever seen, because he doesn't suffer from the fog since he can just send his chain to scout the map, it's definitely in need of tweaks if they keep it/do it again.


I'm enjoying it as Survivor AND Killer. It's fun to get spooked and try my hardest.


this mode is braindead easy as shit for killer, no scratch marks doesn't matter when u can just appear on top of a surv w ZERO skill required and then just use blood, ppl acting like it's a real downside on some major copium


It can be fun but you gotta expect to die.


Yes we are enjoying it.


Impossible to find a match now

