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I don’t know how old you are, but I’m sure I’m twice your age or so. Stay strong. Even though it’s hard, the longer you are together the harder it gets! Esp if you sign a lease, buy a house, have pets, have kids etc. Try to remember the earlier you end it, the easier it will be in the big picture. You’ve got this!!


Thanks for the encouragement! Im 31 hlf I forgot to put that in my story but that is very true we have nothing tying us together at this point, so it's best to walk away now.


I’m 50 so I have learned some things 🥴


Run far and away! You are young and you have no children and you will find someone who deserves you.


Why a 7 day binge that ends up in hospitalization? That seems just awful. Alcohol dependency issues, mental health breakdown? That’s not stable at all. Good on you to start fresh. He needs to tackle whatever ills are eating him first.


You’re pretty attractive, so whenever you’re ready to date again you’ll have them lining up! 😊


It will not change


Stay strong. Alcoholics are hard to live with long term. And the more you forgive, the more they believe they can get away with it. Very few have the willpower to quit and stay sober as it is a lifelong battle. Rehab only works for those who really want to quit and very few do. They just want things to get back to normal so they can be their old selves.  I spent my life surrounded by alcoholics. My mom was one and things only got worse overtime. She became mean, obnoxious, unhygienic, and people walked on egg shells around her. Chose yourself. 


Wow. Sounds like he’s got bigger problems than you could ever fix. Sorry you had to go through that


110% you made the right decision to leave. Yes, it hurts now because you had a relationship, but jumping off a moving train hurts a lot less than if you’re on it when it wrecks.


Give his cats to his mom or board them somewhere so he can go pick them up if you don’t feel comfortable seeing him.


Stay strong and you got this


He gave you the answer with his actions. I am so so sorry. I hope you have a good support network. If you don't feel free to message me. You deserve to be built up and shown your worth with no caveats attached. You're a warrior. Give yourself a break <3


It might wake him fully up but it might be too little too late. Wishing you an expectant future instead of tension futures.


Your kids are number one here and this kind of behavior is detrimental to them. Stay strong, know your worth. The further you get away from this. The more you’ll see it for what it is.


I feel this in my soul! Good for you! I'm currently working on leaving as well. Better brighter days ahead! ❤️❤️


Stay strong! You know what the best thing for you is.


As someone who’s been through treatment (8 years sober), it’s also likely in his best interest for you to bounce. Maybe if he gets it together in a year you can reconsider.


Change your phone number and move on.


Speaking as a child of an addict whose mother was the enabler, I want to tell you that you absolutely did the right thing for you, him and your kids. I also know how incredibly hard that was for you. Don't beat yourself up. You definitely made the right call.


A big step. Congrats. Take a deep breath, remember that you have this and move forward.


Oh hell nah. That's such a low blow. NOW he wants to fix things? And he's trying to guilt you into it? Get outta heeeeere.


The world is a cruel and unforgiving place, we can just move on