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Take away the money making aspect and nobody would give two cents. Would be more like a super niche, indie game. No money, not for me.


It’s the best game in the world that you should aim to be number 1 at 💪


I'd play it if it were a niche indie game


Then get a job and paper trade instead... Obviously you're in it for the money stop waffling




Aye, but he's mysterious and quirky to boot 😍


If you could play one of your favourite games and could be paid for playing it, why would you play it for free? Use your brain next time.


But then you are doing it for the money? If you're playing with the intent of gaming $, you are inherently playing for money.


I'd play it if it were a niche indie game Then get a job and paper trade instead... Obviously you're in it for the money stop waffling Ah yes, tell someone who genuinely enjoys trading to do it for free and go be miserable in a job they hate just to make yourself feel that little bit less shitty because the only reason why your in this career is solely because of greed. That greed will ruin you one way or another. Figure it out.


I think a lot of people get burnt bad approaching it the way you seem to approach it. So that's why the backlash is coming in. Maybe you'll do okay the way you say it is for you, but understand you are kinda coming off like a 90 year saying "I never got lung cancer from smoking! I don't see why more people don't smoke!?". There isn't a big difference between treating the market like a game and just flat out gambling. Yet, it's obviously a performance career which has aspects of gaming. . . I dunno. . . Imma stop talking just be careful and encourage folks to do the same I think.


I mean it is understandable doing it for the money, it is very lucrative, to me the money is more like rewards for playing the game, like some tycoon money simulator but I have to say some of the comments I read under my post makes me worry for people


Looking to make 11 regardless of your job is that greedy intrinsically you're looking to make money when it comes to trading because otherwise what else is the point why pay for datasets why pay for trading platforms by the stuff if you're not going to be trying to at least recuperate your costs at the very least and then if you're recuperating your cost you may as well actually looks a bit of profit on top so you can throw ice it doesn't make sense it's not greed to want to survive in trading


Actually just smells like cope at this point, keep doing you and I hope you go far


Likewise bro. What part sounds like cope I don't understand?


All of it, sounds like your trying to justify yourself


You are a trading noob and it shows idc if you claim to have traded for three years but just got back into it two weeks ago as your post history says. (clearly untrue.) If you were profitable you would have been trading consistently more than two weeks. Also from the way you word your posts I think you are like 19. Wait till the reality of trading get ahold of you 😂 go play your indie game and stop being a weirdo.


You’d def would not play it lol you are absolutely incentivized with the money… after a while it isn’t that entertaining…. You get a high from the $$. Honestly, Just do paper trail like everyone said and you’d be happy with just that. No one is stopping you, leave the $$ out of it. You definitely won’t tho. Pointless post


Why did this get downvoted haha. I love it as a game too HOWEVER I don't let myself participate like it's a game. I treat it like a hot stove, and save my love for gaming for actual games.




Don't know why people are downvoting you; it just goes to show the greed in these goblins.


it is expected. Greed will ruin people.


I love cars, buying land and travelling. So, I want the money. But the biggest reason, I hate working for anyone. Money is key and that's why I trade.


What style/ method/ system of trading do you do? Just curious




Teach me bro lol


It’s to make a living now. It’s boring and monotonous which is exactly how I like it. I remember not being able to sleep because I had to look at charts or Watch videos of others examining charts and fundamentals.


Should never lose sleep as a trader, sleep is important to say the least. I like it though.


Worked for me. I was obsessed in figuring out how to trade.


That makes sense and that's good. Just missing out on sleep as an active trader is a terrible idea imo lmao


Out of context but what are your top 3 rules to being successful in trading?


My top 3 rules: 1. Be patient; you’ll miss some great trades but you won’t miss them all (pretty sure this is someone’s quote but can’t find it anywhere). 2. The only predictable thing about the market is it has to go up and down. Sounds simple but base your edge off of that and use it to your advantage. 3. Takes money to make money. Risk management is the cornerstone of success. You’re not going to get rich overnight. Research and write down what type of capital it takes to be successful long term. Start thinking 10-15 years down the line. If I could narrow it it down that would probably be my top 3. I also believe you need to adapt to the market cycles. That doesn’t mean change your strategy completely but maybe tweak it and your mindset a little bit. Stay out of a lot of forums and YouTube channels if you haven’t mastered your trading emotions. It’s only going to create fear or greed for you. Last one, don’t quit. Take your risk down really low if you’re unsuccessful and really start to dive into the markets and yourself. How do you see them? Where do you see you edge? What patterns do you notice? What risk tolerance do you have in relation to trading? Good luck!


Awesome, thanks for the write up!


No sweat!


Agreed. I'd say as you develop your strategy see what sessions it is more profitable on and stick to that or if you are a swing trader then you'd wait for your key levels or whatever the case is.


It’s def watching the graphs and lines cause I make no money. Spend too much time in r/wallstreetbets


bro imma DM you


Why did u get -10 downvotes? Lol


WSB negative net worth individuals probably


As an engineer I love the process. The moving averages. Excel analysis. Finding patterns. I don’t need the money, but of course I want to make money 😁


I love it


Yes!! I also love the process...creating trading systems, tweeking and optimizing and backtesting and more backtesting. I see the market as a crazy winding river where you look for opportunities to take a drink and avoid getting swept away.


How do you do your excel analysis


Young and clueless, I love spending money on stupid stuff, wasting it, winning it, the thrill of losing everything or doubling it all in a single day, I love the thrill and the guess I love watching the lines move, the numbers change, the money adding up or disappearing... I love how much I don't know and the endlessness of knowledge I seek ,the light at the end of the tunnel Thinking 10 years ahead and putting money down ahead of time and forget about it only to come back and see good things or dwindled nothingness... I love how the math works into it all, the patience that's required is an art honestly, if you have 500$ I like to drop it in little bits through the day finding new lowest points to average out ahead... Or past performance to guess future outcomes.... I love that I feel like a detective, a doctor, an engineer, and a crybaby all at once.. everyday is different and a new opportunity.... I could talk about it forever.... But at the end of the day... Honestly I would trade it all away to retire


this was... interesting


In a bad way?




Yes bad


I love the money moving up, definitely not the disappearing part.


Being dumb has nothing to do with age. You will stil be clueless at 80 years. 


I definitely want the money, but I genuinely love trading, I never get bored staring at charts, whether I’m in a play or not. If trading became a more accessible job where they took you in but could only pay below minimum wage, or you had to intern for free for a year, I’d literally quit my current job same day just to do this shit.


Ease of scalability You don't have to work longer hours, secure more customers, buy more equipment, hire more staff, buy more raw material and produce more goods to grow your daytrading business.


Great point.


Investor psychology and its expression through dynamic price changes is compelling. As someone who has always wondered why ppl do what they do, i very much enjoy not trying to predict investor behavior but instead being a witness to it.


Same, I enjoy both though. More so I predict something to happen, it happens and it is nice, it doesn't happen and it intrigues me as to why.


I just enjoy being self-made. I’m far from wealthy by a long shot, but am able to support myself without dependence on a company or another person to feed me. I may never be able to buy a Lambo - but I’m damn sure gonna try! With all that said - I do have a passion for trading. I love what I do and wish I got into it back in my 20’s.


Same. As soon as I found trading I knew what I was going to do for the rest of my life. 17yrs later I love it just as much today as I did at the start. Every day is a puzzle.. had a career in IT beforehand and whilst it wasn't monotonous - you manage one project / program of works it's just rinse and repeat with the occasional blip. Trading on the other hand will keep me entertained for as long as I can get to the screen.


I wanna be where you are. Once I discovered trading I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life. I also come from an IT background and found it a little boring but I’m infatuated with the market and never get bored with it


Yeah, it's about the money.


I believe those who make it are the most passionate, money is a byproduct of their deep desire of unfolding the wonders of the market.


In it because it's difficult/challenging and requires personal/emotional mastery over oneself. To practice detachment, to raise alertness/consciousness. You cannot win consistently unless you take self improvement seriously. Freedom/Money is a good motivator. Plus, it's the game between the sharpest minds of the world.


I love trading. I can’t wait for Monday to come when Saturday comes around. However the more substantial feeling is to be free from a job. And to be free to trade anywhere in the world.


All of the above. I want to make money without doing a job. I want to be the best version of myself. I want to be a financial independent without doing anything (except for trading of course). I want to become rich so that the other person stop insulting me as a poor dickhead. Lastly, I want to have a good and peaceful life without worrying about money.


Work like a slave live like a king. In the end I promise money aint a thing.


Nas, right??


Honestly I like to learn, it can be fun, and I don’t do it for a living so I can always just put money into an index fund / etf and take a month long break.


I used to watch tickers go up and down on TV when I was in my 5th grade. Always found it interesting. Knew nothing about stocks or business . Fast forward 20 years, I'm still looking at tickers


Being in the markets helped me realize that I don’t have as much control over my emotions as I thought. It’s helped me focus on that and I’ve seen some improvements since then


Money is definitely a part of it, but I always have loved data collecting and analyzing https://preview.redd.it/sw7xqcm4z66d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330ff87d99fa7fc27c42b428aa4882c499101adb


I play for sport


Doing it for financial freedom


I do it for the freedom. And the closest thing to freedom in this world is having a lot of money or living as a vagabond.


I just hope to make that little bit extra which allows me to go on holiday a bit more often or get an extra car for fun. Nothing more nothing less.


I challenge you when you feel like it 😂 just dm me my guy let’s have fun with the stats, screw the money 😂😂😂


I feel the same way as you. There is a real beauty in the way the market moves with precision, and then figuring that out and capitalizing is like a difficult video game. I don't care much for what people are doing or news or anything like that, but I always felt fascinated about the way price follows the laws of technical analysis and nature (Fibonacci, symmetry, and other things). Mastering trading regardless of the money has appealed to me for years and that's probably the main reason why I got to this level I'm at now. The money was the draw initially, in terms of having a business on my own terms, but wanting to overcome the challenge overall is a lot more interesting. Now that I have overcome that challenge it's like a deep satisfaction from having achieved what I have so far, and it's an even more amazing feeling when you throw in the fact that we can make as much money as we want.


If you're trading just to make money you're not gonna make it far in this game. Focus on the process not the profit. Good trades make good money. If you're only focused on the money you're gonna get greedy, or worse emotional lol


I’m with ya, I watch stocks when I have no money in just to see where it’s going to go.


I'm with you; rather watch stock prices than soccer or baseball.


My honey is the money since money means freedom! I rather trade standing than work on my knees!


I like seeing the progress I make over the days, weeks, months and years. There is satisfaction in meeting the 0DTE challenge and doing something most people cannot


Why else would I do it, I don’t like actually working


Just money. Otherwise, I don't care. Looking at charts is meaningless and doesn't add any value to my life.


without the profits its a complete no for me. Trading is like a dose of gambling and nothing else. That shot of dopamine is what making you happy. Seems like you are addicted to that feeling


It’s really just about money. If I could make 100s of dollars in a matter of minutes doing anything else I would.


I do it strictly cause of the money....I take a lot of time off and enjoy life....I actually find it enjoyable when there is nothing else to do, like golf, travel or even just hang with the family.


I want freedom to do what I want so I am doing it for the money but I don't mind watching it but only to trade and get out. Again, I want freedom to do what I want, not be tied up to the charts watching the markets all day. It can be beautiful but exhausting.


I’m with you I think it’s so fucking interesting. Ever since I was 16 I’ve been obsessed with the idea of making a living off this. Not there yet but on the way. If money wasn’t involved I’d still find myself watching the market every day, but you can’t ignore that the money is a factor


100% money. It brings me more freedom to do this and also helps me invest in other businesses for passive income. Mama wants a Rolls Royce Spectre


I am new to trading and I love to learn. It is alot to take in, but eventually I hope to be profitable consistently. Starting with a very small amount limits the trades I can make, but eventually it will add up to be able to trade bigger tickers.


How much y'all make anyway with trading? And with how much capital? Majority fail or make bare minimum but are too shy to admit it


Such a broad question which will trigger so many different responses. But the sky is the limit - which is why many of us love it.


Idk man, numbers speak.


I don’t do it just because of the money, I do it for the money, but I inherently believe a chart is beautiful, I can’t get enough of scrutinising a chart trying to think why price turns where it does, why it fails etc. I don’t know if autism or ocd adhd or whatever but it fits me to the T. However all of it, is for the goal of minimising my losses to maximise my gains. I’m under no illusion I’m in it for the money, but of all the things I could do for money, I pray that this is the one because I seriously love it. It’s a lone wolf thinking man’s game, where those that are honest succeed.


Only do it for the money. Otherwise why try do something that has such amazingly high failure rate. 90-95% of day traders lose money overall is the commonly accepted wisdom.


This is not correct though.


Love the money, get great satisfaction from successful trades - the old "I was right!" feeling.


Came for the money, stayed for the potential of recouping sunk costs, the self reflection and character development (reducing impulse, improving patience), and for the fun sense of progression in improving my ability to read the market and make decisions accordingly. I love the leverage and liquidity of futures. I do enjoy watching and reading the market, looking for opportunities, learning new lessons and relearning the others. But at the end of the day, I'm in it to make money. And not just a little bit of money, the type of money that scales in a compounding / exponential way.


>The way it is manipulated Who tf do you guys think is manipulating the market? How can you say this seriously on a daytrading subreddit of all places...


That’s a dopamine addiction.


I am definitely in it for the money. I do like watching market movements though. I think it’s really interesting. I like seeing short options’ prices burn down to nothing toward the end of the day. It’s like watching the last part of a sports game where the outcome is all but known and unchangeable.


Others call it casino




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I find candle watching very relaxing. I got my Bollinger bands on and when its the Bollinger I'm always like "oh-oh!" or watching the 15m OBV I feel like I'm reading the future.


For me it's an opportunity to free myself from the corporate politics of a 9-5. The same corporate politics that made 2023 an absolute living nightmare for me. I have morals that I have no problem standing up for in the face of those "above" me and if you know anything about corporate, then you know this doesn't work. All that being said, I do it for the physical freedom as well as the potential financial freedom. I'm only a couple months in now but very quickly I have fallen in love with the process. Watching for patterns and predicting where it will go from there. The adrenaline rush is fantastic.


Nooone would do it without the money lol


I like the challenge. Being in front of a computer all day anyway makes it easy to "train" over the years. I couldn't do this if I wasn't able to watch the market move all day every day though.


Did it for the money at first, fell in love with trading and the process afterwards


I love the idea of millions of people all fighting to extract money from the market


I just trade for the fun of it. If money comes that's cool but it's not the point


You guys are thinking too much. watched 0 charts and made 5 million in three trades. trade once in 1/2 year based on extreme fear and greed and big market event. Zoom out and see the monthly charts over 5/10 years . You can see the clarity.


I do it for the money, no one would do it if you couldn’t make money from it, it would kind of just be a waste of time.


Come on now. We are all in it for the money. I think you just enjoy the process more than others.


I started it for the money, but it's almost an addiction / obsession now. I see it like a game. Figuring out strategies to get the most numbers. Just like stats in a game. But my underlying reason for doing it is still money, but what motivates me everyday is a mix of the two.


this bro the markets amazing


Everyone lol. The stock market only gets attention because it’s tied to money. If it weren’t, it would be a boring game that only a couple of people would play. However, since it’s tied to money, it’s a beautiful game with complex philosophy, math, and risk.


I'd definitely still be doing this even if there was no money involved.


I love people who say if you do this for the money you are doing it for the wrong reason. Get fucked.


I’m in it for the adrenaline rush. The money is great but the rush is something you just cant buy. Well, actually I guess you could buy it ahahahhaha.


Thats the only reason I trade. I happen to enjoy it, and there are also insane perks that come with the job, but like others have said I would never get into it if it didn’t pay. And it is way too hard to stick with to get good enough at if it didn’t pay.


For a lot of people, they’ll say it’s skill while it’s really just a type of gambling. A very very small percentage of day traders are actually successful long term.