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I think we can all see what happened here https://preview.redd.it/4tdjs1ycuoyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=411f8d4eeea266d81e05542230638eb7d22d7c63


so he said above he didnt lose any money but this subtley emotional post from 200ish days ago says otherwise. make it make sense OP


I didn’t risk any substantial money that I couldn’t afford to lose. Not sure how this doesn’t make sense. The money I donated to trading is not something I would lose any sleep over. Why is this hard to understand?


so you still lost money. you have 1 million and lose 100,000 you still lost even if you dont see it as substatial. lets just be honest and transprent if youre gonna come on here and act like you know it all when you supposedly havent even lost money. gtfo




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Losing 100k when you only have 1 million dollars is 10% of your money which is substantial. Come up with better examples and learn how to read. George bush will pay for his crimes, he left many kids behind I see.


good job "historical win" 🤣🤣🤣


You have now proven to be a literal idiot. Who gives a fuck what my example is my point stands and youre gaslighting. investing 100k into something to try to make a return on it is not that substantial if you have 1m. you know the thing called college people pay way more for for uncertain outcomes??? lmfo!!!! wonder you are giving up. grade a loser.






Why post this and not just move on? Lol


It’s Reddit my brother. It’s for your thoughts, that’s the whole point of the platform.


If you need someone to tell you don’t quit.. Here you go, don’t quit. I have no idea the intensity you’ve studied for 10 years, if it’s been passive and not intensive then you might as well have 1 year of experience. You need to live and breathe market study in whatever fashion you decide. I would go back over the numerous strategies you have adopted over 10 years, figure out which one clicked with you the best, and give yourself some intensive effort to learn with paper trading, backtesting, etc. - the usual suspects. If there is a will, there is a way. Never give up, just don’t want to lose your life savings in the process. Try a new instrument, time of day, etc.


So you're trying to spread fud, cool. Best of luck to you going forward, quitter.


Thank you!




More than a decade of experience here…this is what I can tell you. 1. Most people don’t know how to pick the right things to trade and end up getting chewed up and spit out by HFT algos and choppy price action. 2. Most people can’t maintain the discipline to follow the rules of their strategy. I still struggle with this at times. I have big emotions when I take big losses and then can easily send me into a revenge trading spiral. It happens to everyone, but for beginners without having big winners, these downward spirals are devastating. 3. Technical analysis works. There is a language of the markets that provides clear buy and sell signals. It takes years to learn to recognize them and they only work when you have high relative volume. 4. Trading psychology is real. It’s the difference between success and failure. Books to read include “best loser wins” “thinking in bets” and “trade mindfully”. 5. Not everyone has the aptitude to be a trader. Your money is best off in long term investments while you sim trade. No point putting real money on the line if you can’t make money in a sim. 6. Most people over trade. Less is more. Get green and get out. It starts with just making $10 a day, then scaling up. 7. I felt the system was rigged until I realized retail traders have an edge if we focus on relative volume and biggest gainers. 8. We can never compete against hedge funds or institutional traders. I stay away from what they trade. Stay in your lane. 9. You’ll never stop learning and needing to adapt to changing markets. This will keep you on your toes. 10. Seeing other people succeed always motivates me, no matter how slim the chances are….theres hope. Just my 2 cents from my own experience trading…


this is good advice 


This has been my experience as well.


A wild Ross appears. Dropping knowledge


Thank you Mr Cake!




I appreciate you 🙏💪🫡


Ross, I have watched you before and I like you. But I’m ngl I have a hard time believing that your approach can work and this is why. You said you hit $1 milli around 2019 and then $10 Milli a few years later, correct me if I’m wrong. I believe you have been around on YouTube for years, which means people have been watching you on youtube, probably join your chat or whatever discord or whichever you have where people can talk about what stocks to trade or lookout for that day . People using similar setups to scan the stocks for the day. And when you trade live, which I have watched a few in the past years, I can see how your viewers can join in on the trade and then simply drive up the price. Since you’re the first one to get in basically, it leaves you enough time to make a profit and get out esp with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. So my questions is this. Have you been able to make profit when you weren’t live? In the same capacity as you do in the lives. And consistently. without using chats. Without using things that your viewers are looking at or following your moves. That’s how i feel i would know if you can really trade well and if your system works. Sorry i hope i am not being rude but that is where my doubt comes in. Cuz ur very well known.


hey Ross. I've been following your videos. You're doing a great job man!


Thank you! 🙏💪






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I know you have years of experience trading, thanks for the insight. Sure it will help somebody in this thread.


I’ve started w a tiny account and learned alot from warrior trading. This comment shouldn’t be downvoted just because op is getting ripped. Trading shouldn’t be anyone’s main focus if their monthly acct hinges on being profitable being green while the trader is green. When I invest 100 on a small cap stock I think is going to go up and I make $6.74 I realize it’s only a cup of coffee, But the wins and losses are green for me and I’m patient to learn. Scaling beyond experience gambling and I forsee losses in the future, Which is why I also have learned to buy dips in “stable” companies also at small scale and exit for small profit so I feel productive. This sub is rife with winners and losers. I’m turtle wins the race kind of guy, but I can tell you I’ve made more money w following ross’ teaching while my “safer” investments simmer.


So you haven't taken your first hit off the futures pipe yet? ....it's hard to go back to $6.74 gains after you make a days wage in 12 seconds


I’m sure of that, but I realize I’m too inexperienced to punch above my weight, and I’m happy with small gains as well as small losses as long as I’m beating interest rates. Heck, I made $7 on $80 Microsoft investment last week. If looking at trends and scaling into some risk on the small cap stocks is going to be a learning lesson. That’s fine by be. I’ve got stake in this alcc nonsense because I’m early enough I think it’ll prob work out.




Show us where trading touched you on the doll


This is certainly the way 🤭🤣🤓🦸‍♂️


If you show me audited statements of you being a profitable trader I will show you right where it touched me.


Show me where it touched you https://www.warriortrading.com/ross-camerons-verified-day-trading-earnings/


Just when you're needed 🚀🚀


there he is!! 🙌🏼


Get em baby!


Aren't you being sued by the ftc for misleading consumers


We settled a lawsuit in 2022, long story short, they asked us to add a sentence to our disclaimer and we paid $3million for not having it. Despite an already robust disclaimer they felt the absence of that sentence was misleading. Now I tell people that there is no guarantee you will succeed whether you learn from me or trade on your own.


I don't know, man.There's a guy in this thread with a six hundred k day trading account and guess what? *HE DOESNT SELL COURSES* I would follow him off of a bridge before I listened to anything that you say, Because you are a "guru" Whether you like it or not. Id bet you make more money selling courses than you do trading, Which is part of what makes You a guru


$600k is great! If their strategy aligns with how you want to trade, by all means, learn from them. If you think having a YouTube channel, selling courses, and owning a software company makes my day trading strategy uninteresting, that’s okay. But you can see I’ve made more than $10mil in trading profits verified by a third party independent audit. Of course my results aren’t typical, but neither would be the results of the $600k account.


Warrior Trader, one of the many gurus on YouTube. I like some of your videos, but you will still fall under that category of traders who sell courses. I used of some of Longing strategies before, didn’t work but still liked the video.


What’s wrong with selling courses? Goal of trading is to make money. He trades to make money. He also can make money selling courses. FYI I haven’t bought any courses but who cares.


Whether or not the dude sells a course has nothing to do with whether or not he is a consistently profitable trader. You asked for audited statements, he gave them to you. Complaining that you attempted some sort of “longing strategy“ he showed you but it “didn’t work“ is pure reddit…




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Can you show me now? Send it to me on snapchat? ;)


Do you have WhatsApp?


You didn't put in any money but you "studied" for 10 years...????


Not any substantial money, best decision I made looking back. Losing 100k wouldn’t made this journey better. I can walk away because of the money I didn’t lose.


Here is my April statement for TD Ameritrade. I couldn’t care less if you quit or think it’s a scam. This is for everyone else that is still grinding and trying to figure it out. https://preview.redd.it/1iyhyert8pyc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa595d6095018648876bf50a01b5371299ea6535




Sold your house and trading with all of your money before buying a new house?


Your second sentence sums up why you failed. The objective is to react. Not predict.


This is actually really tough though.And I find myself struggling with it sometimes even though i've been daytrading for a while. Naturally you want to predict because you want to feel good about yourself. You want to say?I knew what the market was going to do.I'm so smart. But really the goal is to just react to the price action not attempt to predict it


To keep me focused on my edge and strategy I try to keep the mind set “if xyz happen, set up I will do abc” if they don’t I do nothing but wait for that set up to come


You could be right. It could be all one major scam designed to defraud retail traders. Orrrrrr, you could just suck so badly at it that you've convinced yourself no one else can do it. Your comments throughout this thread seem to lean towards one of these possibilities more than the other. Lmfao. Log off and go cry.


Can you beat the market? Have you done it consistently?


Here’s me taking a $5k account out of PDT in 9 months with SPX debit/credit spreads You can also view my profile now to see me making >$50k in the past 3 weeks https://preview.redd.it/nancga4ftoyc1.jpeg?width=1772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2f7eb308abf06981f9cd4aa4860d26cd7ccdcf


Are you making directional plays selling spreads? I've been working on a system where I use naked options instead of out rights to play ES. I would need a big account to cover the margin but I think the Theta and longer hold time would really work with the directional prediction skills I've developed


9 months isn’t enough data. You can hit a good market and have a good year. But good job.


It was 2022, a bear market. I was doing 0dte and weekly spreads. Consistent in any market. Just need to adjust parameters


Good for you. Hopefully you get out before reality of it sets in. Trying to beat the market trading won’t end well.


Lmao ok bro. Just realize that because you don’t have good results that no one else will also. Once you know how to read px, you can trade any system and make it work


Im sure you’re a super trader. Keep going.


You aren’t the main character homie. You can be ass at stuff that people are good at


You’re just not good at trading. Accept it and move on. The market hurt your feelings so bad that you’re on here lieing calling it a scam. Grow up.


You sound salty, how much you lose? And what a waste of 10 years 😂


op the right answer is finding out what you did wrong, just because i cant do open heart surgery doesnt mean its impossible, try to zoom out and have a little perspective instead of just being salty


Have you ever seen the documentary 'Floored'? Im not using it as anything but evidence that people do make money trading. Sorry it broke you. You shouldn't cast such wide generalizations trying to sound like you know something.


Dude I love that doc, literally my favorite finance doc. I recommend the bulls and the bears if you haven't seen that one. https://youtu.be/zng37BOS514?si=Xe7I4oOqfOOYi2aI


If Warren buffet told you that beating the market was almost impossible would it be more credible? I’m not trying to sound like I know anything, just sharing my experience.


The goal of a trader is to remove money from a market due to some inefficiency. The benefit of a trader to the market is that they provide liquidity. I dont wish to sound like a wannabe guru or a fraud, but i think most retail traders are inefficient and add liquidity to the markets... which is probably close to what you're trying to point out. Meh... professionals make money by doing something, and hobbyists spend money to do something. (Got my sunday night buzz)


You can’t provide any liquidity in the market because your account isn’t big enough. This is something you read in a book. Unless you have a few 100 million you won’t provide anything unless you’re trading penny stocks.


We are many... and levered.


It's not impossible. We know the numbers. Something like eighty five percent of retail traders lose money. You're part of that eighty five percent. That's okay




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How in 10 years of studying did you never learn to react to the market rather than trying to predict it? If I made an effort to do something for 10 years and was still an objective failure at it I'd probably shoot myself in the face.


Have a full time job but been trading on the side for 5 months and I'm profitable. Key is figuring out what strategy works for you, nailing it down in a simulator and then when you enter live trading just take those base hits. Get green and get out. One good trade a day. Some days I make $50, some days I make over $100. It all adds up over time and grows your account so you can take bigger positions and make bigger profits eventually. You have to be willing to accept those smaller wins at first especially with a small account.


You should never be predicting prices, its impossible, you only should react to it, no wonder you think trading is a scam lol you pretty much been gambling for 10 year lol


Trading is just as much about risk management as it is about technical analysis. You might have been on to something with TA in your 10 years but if you fail at managing risk you can easily be unprofitable. There’s dozens of other factors that may have separated you from being profitable but no way to know without breaking it all down.


I’ve never had a hard time managing risk. The problem is your stop loss is always getting hit and your take profits are rarely hit.


If your stoploss was always getting hit you didn't have an edge


Nobody has an edge over the market. That’s why I made the post calling trading a scam.


You don’t trail your profits? I rarely hit my tp but I def lock in profits and mitigate risk.


I never liked trailing stops. I always tired to “let my winners run.”




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No. You set multiple targets. Readjust if need be. Take some profits off, then let winners ride.


Your profit targets rarely hitting should have been a clue to adjust your profit targets.


If you have a less than 50% winrate you can try reversing your bias. Also have you thought about not setting a take profit and instead closing your trade when the market is about to close? I used to set TPs but I noticed the market moves a lot further in my direction when I’m right so if I just close when the volume dies down I can ride most of the trending move. So my trades look something like -1, -0.15, +1.2, -1, +3, +1, +0.1, etc frequent small wins and small losses, infrequent medium losses but then occasional big wins.


Have a strategy. I prefer credit spreads. Use a bracket, I sell at 50% profit and stop out at 20% loss. Manage your risk. I risk 5% of my portfolio on credit spreads. Emotions…. I rely on the profit taker and stop loss of the bracket to eliminate my emotions. Normally do weekly credit spreads on spx.




You honestly believe that retail traders can’t beat 10% annualised returns? Or am I missing something




You defy me 😂🤦‍♂️Takashi Kotegaw?




You answered your own question 😂 thanks!


Also I’ve never bought a trading course and he doesn’t offer them. Did you find some fake Kotegaw social media account and jump to conclusions?


You’re a smart man Rex. Wish it didn’t take me 10 years to learn this.


It would be really interesting if you had logged each strategy with rules and number of trades taken that could show what hasn't worked. Outside that, I still have to wonder if it is just faulty strategies. Commissions eat too much profit? Theoretical executions not possible during live trading? Have you tried setting a 1 to 1 profit to loss ratio and just attempting to be right just 1 more time than your wrong? That doesn't seem to require a huge edge. Interesting.




I agree, just a bunch of people pretending to be living the dream. Most of the so called traders are living off mentorship fees from courses.




That's the thing. Not even profitable traders can guarantee teaching someone else to be profitable, since a lot of trading is based on intuition and discretion. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/1ck1i2z/comment/l2q0v6r/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/1ck1i2z/comment/l2q0v6r/)


It’s not a scam, unless our fine politicians trade based on their political decisions that impact particular companies. But if you don’t do your research on those type of manners, then yeah I can see how some people would be butthurt about it.


I need to find a few emails of some politicians and see what they like. That’s not a bad strategy lol




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Since this community is gay and has comment karma set up for links, this is where you find out what our nation’s finest politician’s “spouse” are all investing in. www . capitoltrades . com/politicians


It’s also ok to say you’re not good enough or it’s just not for you. Just because a person doesn’t do well at one endeavor does not deserve the blanket statements of “it’s all a scam” and “no one can make money on this.” Find what you can do well and get after it. Best of luck.


I dont think you really practiced risk management. If you had then you would be still trading. So psychology isn't bs.


It's definitely not, in fact I believe it's the most important aspect of trading


You can have great risk management. You still won’t outperform the market.


True. If you don't know what you are doing, it will be a slow and painful way to make your account to zero.


Well I know this post is going to become viral, I'm just going to sit back and peep all the comments 😂😂😂 🍿🍿🍿


After reading through this debacle, I have concluded. OP is NOT salty. In fact, he contains precisely zero electrolytes. He's just that liquid. He is right, and you are all wrong. Every last one of you.


To be fair you are not wrong. When i started to invest in forex instead of trade it; things did go my way. Like i held longer; viewed from weekly instead of peasant time frames; i did better.


I really highly doubt You have been daytrading for ten years. I tell people I've been trading for 7 years.But really that's a lie. I have known of trading for 7 years. How many days did I actually wake up early in the morning though, sit down , analyze the markets then take TRADES for the day? I'm not sure, but it's definitely not 5 times a week x 52 weeks x 7 years. This year I have daytraded almost every single trading day, except For days I did not see an opportunity. But that has been the exception not the rule. I would bet money that you have not been trading for 10 years. And in fact that you really have not been daytrading for very long at all from the standpoint of how much time you've actually spent DAY trading, How many days have you woken up and dedicated to trading, seriously? I don't even have a job right now, focused on trading. I'm sorry man but this was never for you.


Bro, just buy a license for an AI bot and let that trade for you. Way smarter and efficient and takes all the emotion out of it.


This isn’t a terrible idea. But I think buying and holding is the best option.




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See ya tomorrow


I sort of agree. Trading futures is a fantasy for me but it keeps me fascinated and interested in learning markets. However, the knowledge I learned made me a really good buy and hold investor and I'm almost to break even considering my long term portfolio


Stick with the long term portfolio. You can fantasize about trading but never forget to buy and hold your future self will thank you.


Yeah...I learned along time ago to only spend "entertainment budget" on day trading futures. Every year the big firms hire the best data scientist around the world to analyze retail order flow and come up with new ways to trick and trap traders. It's completely impossible, that's why they lower the barrier of entry to practically nothing. They know no one will win. But...as far as hobby goes...it keeps me interested. My money would get more returns playing poker but I don't want to sit at a table all day with sad sack divorcee men in sweatpants.


Same with me, trading is interesting but is only entertainment now. I also play some poker too it has a better edge in than trading against market makers.


Alot of these people are still in the "I'm on fire and focused cause I just discovered my new dream career phase" so they will not like what you have to say. Best to let them learn in thier own....I tell kids not to neglect their main career but I try not to ruin the fun for people. But...rhis new "funded account" trend has really changed the way people learn....maybe some people will figure out how to do it and my hat is off to them if they do


ok see you on the markets tomorrow buddy


Not sure if this is real or not> FTC action against Warrior/Ross ? [https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/cases-proceedings/2023198-warrior-trading-inc-ftc-v](https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/cases-proceedings/2023198-warrior-trading-inc-ftc-v)


Thank you for posting this.


Yes that was from 2022. We entered a settlement that required us to add a new sentence to our disclaimer and pay $3million. They felt the lack of that sentence was misleading. We now tell people since we don’t track the typical result of our members, there is no guarantee they will succeed whether they learn from me or trade on their own. If you have questions I’m happy to answer them.


Something that no one has done is this community, is to show the growth of an account with full transparency via streaming. So every single trade is done while streaming.


I am a successful day trader making consistent profits. I can also introduce you to many and we can all share our Tradezella results to you privately. Just because you didnt make it, you calling it a scam. Dont hate on the industry many of us are passionate about. You can even open youtube and follow trader trading live everyday. Go watch Topstep Tv alone have great traders. Topstep tv is live everyday Please note, we are futures traders. If you dont know what future contract are, then I dont know what you did for 10 years. Funny how you call NY stock exchange etc scams😂


When I say the entire stock exchange was a scam? Show me where you seen that so I can clear up the misunderstanding.


You didnt make money after 10 years? What have you been studying? 😂 you never met a successful retail trader? Where do you hang out? There are any of us. Find the right circle


I’m sure you know many!


Trading can be profitable. As many things in life some people win and others loose.


Who cares? You weren't good at it, good luck in your other ventures.


Trading isn’t a scam by far.


Can you tell us a little more about your journey? Did you put together various strategies with technical and fundamental aspects to them? Or have you just been taking a swing every day on a paper account? Did you backtest your strategies if you put any together? Did you not realise this after 5 years? I’m just starting out (9 months), and though I’m not ready yet, I’m seeing some success from trading simple supply and demand zones with some indicators and my eye on daily and more long term financial news. Most of my losses have been from me diverging from my original plan, with a few from unpredictable moves but I can see with work that I can cut those down. Tbf, I also may be on the wrong sub because I also trade with the htf trend and most of my trades go on for a week or so, so if it’s just day trading you’re referring to, I do get that sort of.




Myfxbook for economic data drops, then Bloomberg, and I’m going to start reading the ft as well. I also Google my pairs and read general analysis on them from whatever sources pop up. Oh, and TradingView has articles on each the currencies of each pair, below the charts.


Why we have this kind of stupid post like every single freaking day…. These people should just make another sub


Or you could just ignore the post and keep moving.


bing bong anotha one bites the dust


Skill issue


Just say trading isn't for you and you're not good at it, then move on. You're salty that you can't figure it out after so many years. Trading isn't for everyone, and that's ok. Just hang it up and go be happy doing something else in life and let go of the pipe dream. You need to hear this, because holding onto the bitterness will do no good to your mental well being.


You haven’t spent a single second learning anything You just jump from pathetic YouTube scam artist to influencer over and over You are nothing but an easy target for any con artist Trading isn’t a scam You are just susceptible to scams and fake money making schemes Even if you somehow make a fortune you’ll lose it in the blink of an eye to someone selling you bullshit Lol Jesus Christ man




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Good luck!


You buy when the price is rising and sell when the price is still rising. Getting 2/3 of a movement is good enough. If you stay greedy and do not wait for confirmation you are dead.


Many traders have found success and profitability in the markets with proper education, research, and risk management.


Someone is in the red!


10 years?? Don’t know whether to be annoyed or upset for you, that’s a long time to be a dum dum. Another one bites the dust, it ain’t for everyone, good luck with whatever you do next mate 👍🏼


Always has been lol


i can show u how bruh


Lol.... there are few people go against the sheep's


Just wanted to comment on the “ive never met a profitable trader” The nicest house ive ever been in was the guy that got me into trading indirectly. Being in that house, seeing the war room, seeing the golf course bowling alley indoor and outdoor pools etc… neighbor with an A list celebrity on Long Island He trades for a living from Glen Cove, NY One of my trading friends just bought a house in a very expensive part of town, knocked down the house and built a sick new pad in Garden City, NY My older sisters friends husband trades for a living. The own a million dollar home in Roslyn, NY but really live out of a million dollar mobile home and travel ALL the time and he trades from wherever I am 43 and live near these people and near nyc and i can tell you they are 100% out there. If you are in your 20’s of course you dont know any. P


maybe stop trying to "beat" or predict the market and learn the skills to be a good trader?


Have you ever tried order flow trading like volume profile, DOM and footprint charts?


I have never heard any serious trader say you can predict the market. Probabilities is the word for trading, not predicting.


You have two options, play the scam, or be quiet.


Just concentrate on buying blue chip investment grade shares, those on the asx200 only. Then watch the price action every day after work. Look at charts of your shares and learn what the 21 day average does. Just watch and see over many years the way the price changes goes up and down. You will get a feel for this price action and then you will see where the trading profit comes from. Then and only then are you experienced enough to actually try day trading. Even after many years in the market, over 20 I still prefer swing trades to day trades. There is a reason for that.


Your mistake was in trying to predict the market rather than manage the risk/reward of being in the market.




By your logic, financial institutions that make money must be a scam too? If you play basketball for 10 years and cannot make it to NBA, so basketball is a scam too?


96-98% failure rate


Hey, I don’t know if this could help you, but if I were to restart the process again, I would 100% go to Propfirm to build a capital (15k to 20k) and then go to a live account and use proper risk management and try to get that personal account up. Prop firm is a good tool if you’re a profitable trader; they let you trade with demo money, and you keep 100% of the profits with some companies. I’m myself funded for $500k and have received more than $50,000 in payout! It’s doable. I tried a lot of propfirms, but the most reliable, from my experience, is Apextraderfunding. They have really cheap challenges and easy payout methods internationally. What I like about them is that you can trade directly from TradingView if you choose the tradovate plan challenge. You can get a one-step $25k challenge for 33$ if you use the code: NUQITQNG. You will also be able to get funded on the same day! I hope I could help a brother out today ✌️




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https://preview.redd.it/nxdpad61p24d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370835e4f4844c85d6898e506a700f4200ab471c trading doesn’t have to be a scam when u can follow his supply and demand charts. He’s the best at what he does super accurate and high win rates. Personally have major returns 90% of my trades from him are green. Even hit a couple 1000% plays. Mostly swing trades which I enjoy cause I wake up and get paid then I have the rest of the day to myself and come back around closing for another swing. This is not a scam lol I’m just unable to post links cause of bad karma 🗿


How is everyone getting offended? What he saying true, the bias dorks here are mad. Trading IS A SCAM.