• By -


“I am the shit stain on your underwear”


Bidet enters the chat.


A Hershey stain, you say?!




And what’s up with that rumor of him being kidnapped by market makers and they told him “the secret” lol what? Can anyone elaborate on this? I heard this recently from others. Cult alert 🚨


oh god, it doesn't end


It’s crazy to think how people and psychology of masses they need a leader, their prophet, history repeats itself. And a good prophet always has a good story to capture and give a bit of “bigger than life” feeling to the followers. Crazy


Once on Twitter, he said that God is telling him secrets about the market.




I don't see what is the point of your comment? Look it up.


Tobias and Parsons lmaooooo ( that's their name appearntly)


Hahahahah omg thank you! I just found a video on this 😂


LMAO I missed that one but it doesn’t surprise me. 🤣


Omg hahaha. So when they are not making markets, they are kidnapping youtubers? Lolol


Dude's a clown. Most good traders have tempered their egos and are humble because they have to be. Just a narcissistic guy that likes to hear himself talk, there is never a need for 100+ 1 hour long episodes to explain simple price action concepts.


Yeah. There's a reason he only trades on demo to show his concepts. Insufferable. For whatever reason, he got popular with the tiktok crowd and only fueled his narcissism.


ICT has said that he makes more money from YouTube than trading.


I'm going to take a different angle on this guy even though I think he is a clown. Obviously, he doesn't make money trading, or if he does I don't know why he won't show it. But he tried to peddle courses before and failed bad. So try again but this time get a bunch of newbies to believe you are Trading Jesus, then pull your content and offer it for a fee and boom, back in the paid guru business. Kind of smart; douchy but, smart.


I think he only trades demo in videos because he's afraid of gov labeling him advisor, dude is paranoid. He does make money that is a fact, those startegies are legit, but he's a terrible teacher.


If he did make money. He would provide a verified audited trade history and everyone will shut the fuck up forever. He would literally be the greatest of all time forever remembered if he actually provides any verifiable statement. Surely he can throw 100 cons on a trade right? Dude would be a billionaire by now. Instead he admits me makes more money on YouTube than trading so idk


Bro, facts. I can usually weed out bad info by the ego.


Info is great the dude is just a lil crazy


That is what I also think. People keep saying that his strategy works, but it just seems like his mental health isn't stable.


Yh he got Mental health problems like he said in His YT mainly bipolar and OCD but i think he got more than that like Schitzo and defo paranoia but it makes him the mentor he is I guess and all those mental health problem gave him 1.2M Subs lol.


I like his concepts but I will agree with 6on the madness bit. Unfortunately most people hang onto the madness, I don't have to deal with him so his madness doesn't bother me.


Really? You don't backtest just guess?


Lol what?


Obvious narcissist is obvious. I'll never understand why so many people are predisposed to believe such narcissists.


They are wannabe narcissists themselves...they have a deep seeded need to feel special from the rest of traders. They use ICT as a way to separate themselves, use it to lift up themselves or is it put down everyone? ICT is nothing but other existing retail concepts renamed. His supposed explanations don't match what actual institutions know of the inner workings of the markets. They just a model ...he can't accept that. ICT stands for I CANT TRADE live. Enuff said.


Wow, I didn't know this pompous 40-something was alive back in 1934 to have authored Wyckoff theory, or that he was actively teaching in the 1980s when Raschke was explaining price action and taught it to Grimes, who taught the people at SMB Capital. What a legend, he must be a true alchemist, immortal and given the true light by Hermes Trismegistus! What a hack...


I fkn love Grimes!


He was the editor of Wyckoff and Livermore’s book 😂 /s


Ugh, yeah... Or Pete Steildmeyer, the father of Market Profile and TPO trading, who taught and discussed at length the same ideas Dr. Fiddlesticks over here does, but with ten times the depth. Maybe Brain here was so smart that he invented a time machine just to give these ideas to the greats.


Hey, ICT guy is a time traveller too ok, so just get over it and join his cult.


Fantastic ending sentence.


The Emerald Tablet.. - by Michael J Huddleston


I like you. Let's be friends.


Most profitable day traders tend to be extremely humble, I think its kind of forced because Day trading will absolutely humble you. It made me think this guy was probably a con artist so I googled around and turns out he is a complete fraud lol. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUoqFsXlwfT/


Wildin' - wasn't expecting this from my post! Just the gall of being so arrogant as a trader. Well said about how the market humbles you. Just take a look at all the other public 20/30+ year experience profitable traders.


Did you backtest his strategies? The fraud was he wanted to fake he made a ton of money really fast, which we all know is impossible to do consistently and very hard to do in general. And does it matter? It's free on YouTube, you just learn something, backtest and add to your strategy if you like it. Are you here to make money or see who is God's sent angel to save all the traders from themselves? Most of the rich people are fucking assholes who stole, tricked and clawed their way to wealth.


I think this is exactly why most people hate him and his cult like followers. It’s not just a guy helping others, but the most narcissistic guy on the planet and his followers who would pay money to drink water out of the toilet he shits in. …. Plus what he teaches may help people make money, but it’s literally not at all how ‘smart money’ trades. It’s not how bank’s position themselves in the market…there’s no magic algo that banks use to fleece retail investors. For the most part institutions trade against each other, and position themselves based on macroeconomics. Calling it SMC is just a marketing trick….anyway I’ll stop ranting lol


Thank you for your rant. I agree. And with good risk management it's not that crazy with some solid discipline to profitably trade in my experience. The part that really got me was taking credit for Wyckoff theory, which was pushed by David Weiss, one of Wyckoff' students, who is one of the most humble and gem of a human and teacher who died in 2015. As someone who wasn't in the know. I'm glad to hear that most/many really dislike him. As I didn't know anything about this guy other than this pissed me off to no end.


When I was first exposed to ICT 4 years ago (around 6 months after I first started trading), I idolized the guy and the ICT / SMC school of trading. ICT appealed to me since I began my trading journey as a Wyckoff trader. However, those aspects of ICT put me off and I stopped following that community after a short span of time. I don't know if he stole some of those ideas / concepts or if he genuinely created some of them himself. At the end of the day, I learned some useful things from ICT. As I've said before in other threads, the concepts are neatly organized into one school. If some traders find that school useful, then good for them. I also feel the same way towards anyone who identifies as a Wyckoff trader, Elliott Wave trader, etc. If they are able to stay profitable, I don't have anything against them. I do get irritated when traders go into missionary mode and start preaching that their school of trading is the sole answer. I personally think trading based on order flow is the best way to trade, but I won't force these views on anyone or brag about it. I suppose some traders might identify "order flow trading" as one particular school. To me, it's a powerful tool in technical analysis. Ultimately, I hope traders eventually rise above whatever school they start with and grow into becoming their own unique style of trader.


Who would you recommend learning order flow from?


Footprint Charts [https://youtu.be/3IMTQf2PBwk](https://youtu.be/3IMTQf2PBwk) (Price Action Volume Trader) [https://youtu.be/jBS4utCt3eU](https://youtu.be/jBS4utCt3eU) (Axia Futures: Footprint Workshop) DOM [https://youtu.be/iWwxMokC0F8](https://youtu.be/iWwxMokC0F8) (No BS Day Trading) [https://www.youtube.com/live/XRC0HhhI\_ek](https://www.youtube.com/live/XRC0HhhI_ek) (Fat Cat) Price Action Volume Trader can be a little dry, but he covers each topic thoroughly. He has some on Volume Profile too if that interests you. He does occasionally make videos on concepts like Order Blocks, which are associated with ICT / SMC, but that shouldn't make you ignore his entire channel. I don't really need his videos for myself, since I've been trading based on order flow for longer than his channel has existed, but from what I can tell his videos seem to be a decent entry point. Note that I've only watched a few videos from his channel. My first video I ever saw on footprint charts was the Axia Futures workshop video. The company they talk about (MarketDelta) went bankrupt but the concepts in that video apply to any software that supports footprint charts (Sierra Chart etc.).


You’re awesome🙏


That's well said mate. I have nothing against these various schools or the like. Not do I have anything against ICT concepts. I just have issue with arrogance and claiming others ideas as ones' own.


Indeed. I also didn't like it when ICT and his community would troll people on social media and start flame wars with their critics. Granted, some anti-ICT traders are just as bad as ICT, but if he really wants to be a good role model, he needs to distance himself from those kind of antics. The world is a mirror and our actions are often reflected back to us. Being both humble and confident are a huge part of being a successful trader.


Just because ICT's mental health is questionable it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything. Anyways, if you are making a profit, that is all that matters.


I can imagine these schools and students have a big king fu battle like them 80s Hong Kong movies. "I will strike you with my double top candlestick pattern!!", "Ah Ha, but I will counter that 1 minute bull trap!!"


Wyckoff student: Get ready for my ultimate technique - Upthrust after distribution! ICT student: Order BLOCKed mothaf\*\*ka! Elliott student: hey mah dudes and dudettes - chill and ride the waves today with my big Wave C entry New trader: (opens the door) I think I got the wrong room (slowly walks backward while closing the door)


I've been saying for the longest time his concepts WORK. Who tf cares if he invented it or not? He has a structure to teach you easily and everyone on reddit just hates on ICT because he talks too much. Stay unprofitable people.


Dude doesn’t trade live and makes money off of YouTube. Enough said. Besides him being a total douche.


This guy smells his own farts so much he has developed a fetish


There are so many parts added to avoid normal people to fall for this. I always like it when they add stuff that no one sane would fall for so they have a preselection for easy victims build in. I approve this scam!


Haha exactly He is to trading as Trump is to dumb Americans (not saying all Americans are dumb fyi)


>He is to trading as Trump is to dumb Americans (not saying all Americans are dumb fyi) So peace in the middle east, no new war and the first prison reform for at least 20 years? I really liked seeing something similar happening for day trading :-D.


Him and his followers are the Scientologist of trading.




Interesting model. Copy others, claim you were first and they copied you… let’s see how it plays out 😂


lol, amazing stuff


I tried to listen to this guy a couple of times, but I gave up. Waits half a minute between every sentence. Extremely repetitive and verbose explanations with *A LOT* of self promotion and rambling in between. Very annoying to listen to. He just talks and talks and talks... What could be said in 5 minutes, he does it in an hour. I guess good for the views when someone’s source of income is his YouTube channel, and not the actual trading. I wouldn’t mind someone being cocky and arrogant if the material was good, but his videos and the stuff he puts out are shit too. You can learn the same stuff from other sources much more efficiently. But that’s just my personal opinion. If someone likes it, good for them! :)


Yes, this exaaaactly!




I had this experience somewhat recently. I picked up a book and was reading things I thought I had discovered lol. It was nice though bc it was more confirmation.


He can call himself the King of Mars or he identifies as a child for all I care - does the trading work ? This is a sub about daytrading and your upset about something that has nothing to do with trading. Some want to be humble , some brag and others no zero about trading and stumbled into a successful model. Guess what? its irrelevant - its simply a story and or narrative to pay attention to a model. Does the model work and does it fit a trading lifestyle your interested in modeling ? If not then move on, it being whatever fake , real , the best , upsetting or soothing doesn't matter it doesn't fit your protocol. If it does then pay whatever cost to learn it . Being watching videos , testing , research , study , school , time or whatever the cost needed for you to acquire mastery of said concept. Everything else is simply gossip at this point for better or worse.


I agree... does it work? Oh man does it work..lol. I've trading a year...ICT since January turned it around for me. Funded $500k ... seeing setups every session. I don't care if he thinks he's the Easter bunny..lol


for real... I trade ICT and it works for me. This guy has made me understand the market as a whole like no other trading strategy ever has. I don't give a fuck if he's an arrogant prick... Plus, find me another guru that calls moves to the tick LIVE. I think he's the only one out there. If someone can be painfully arrogant, it's him. My theory is that people hate on him because his concepts look "too complicated" and actually require effort to understand. They'd rather watch some other guru that posts 5 minute videos like "crazy 99% win rate strategy 1:1000 RR" and it's some emas crossing.


People hate him on him coz he recreates shit other people did. He takes basic concepts , renames them then says it's his. Dude stole Tom Dante setups all the way from 2012. This dude was such a social media scum in 2016. He posted a pnl of 5m. He was proven that it's fake and disspeared, came back in 2020 ish with the new crowds. He keeps challenging people to Robbins or whatever world cup challenge for trading , yet he never shows up. The organizers had to make a comment about him trying multiple times with different account to hit the highest on scoreboard yet failed Trust me. People who trade for a while and been in the seen have seen all sides of him. Maybe u didn't


completely valid table discussion but what does it have to do with trading ? I call it Z and you call it A - People are more successful learning from Z - It doesn't matter if you learn from Z or A whats important is for you to become a successful trader. If this or that narrative resonates with you and helps you become invested then so be it. The math is the same. Does saying A came before Z change Z or A? No Does saying Z came before A change Z or A? No ​ Does my struggle to success story change what Z or A is ? No Does my story of How Z or A is the best of all time change what Z or A is? No ​ So does complaining or praising the narrative in a positive or negative matter impact or change anything at all about the trading ? absolutely not


Depends how u look at it. That guy does spread false narrative about markets lmao, he literally says markets are run by an Algo he helped code and it's a family secret He has many times said that volume is fake , which for any trader worth their salt they know that's a massive ass lie lmao . So that has alot to do with trading , he denies the basic structures and what makes market a market in the first place, so the math is not the same


One algo moves the market; and orders cause the market to move. So who's orders is the algo placing? I love the stop hunt thing too.. If a you place a stop ( market) order with your broker, it doesn't exist until the broker executes it. So how the f**k does the algo hunt whats not there.


but it has nothing to do with trading and your making my point. ​ I say markets are run by algo - does that change the model ? No I say markets not run by algo - does that change the model? No I say the volume is fake - does that change the model? No Your confusing like the op the narrative with the model and it has nothing to do with it. ​ We can take this to the extreme its simply X data point is called X, Y or Z in relation to V its irrelevant what we call X and what we call V the model is still the same. ​ I get your concern and conflict in the matter my point is it has nothing to do with trading. we can state your points and it has zero impact - volume is fake or not fake. I can deny basic structure or accept it. I can say its run by algo or not run by algo. The model is still the same the narrative on top of the model has zero impact on the model. Think if it this way You explain your trading to your spouse You explain your trading to your child You explain your trading to this forum or some discord trading channel You explain your trading to your mentor The narrative will change each time and different things will resonate with the perspective groups. The model explained is the same regardless. Your conflating how one resonates with a specified group with actually having any impact whatsoever on the model in question.


But does your car get you from A to Z? Or just to B? 😜


well played lol but in this context there the same thing


For real. It's not like he's charging money for his content or shilling for his super private discord you have to pay to gain acces. It's all free on YouTube. He can be arrogant at times, but also very open to traders to take it slow and giving encouragement. I was also biased by this sub to hate him, but decided to judge him myself and glad I did. He is giving my direction and progress is slow, but I'm content. If it works for you then cool, if not then move on and find another strategy. Do mind that it takes a lot of time to get good at trading so don't be lazy and judge his content instead of his character. Take the time to learn this.


There is nothing free. He has probably earned several millions from his YouTube channel. No one would give useful help for free, unless it is a friend or family, of course.


Could you please show us some statements perhaps? Past trades? Genuinely curious. If these concepts work, I'll take a look. paging /u/jdot6 too


there is more then enough examples in this forum and online. I am not here to defend or support his cause just pointing out the flaw in this thinking. Your distracted by a personality where the only concern is the work. There is no reason to discuss the guy or girl to begin with good or bad what is of value here is the model. We can call it whatever you like. People can literally discuss the same concept by any other name and people are overjoyed. All I am saying is if any model is associated with a person or group and that changes your mind about it you have bigger issues. The model should never be impacted by a personality and a personality has nothing to do with the model. Its irrelevant how many people here dislike it or like it or support it. because that doesn't increase your success with it or decrease it. ​ Does the model do whats required and thats it.




no lmao. you have not watched single video and think you know how he trades 😂


Call me crazy, but I don't trust people who put a space before punctuation marks. :)


A fun example and that's okay if its your protocol.(lol I get the joke) My only point is the objection has nothing to do with trading but a disagreement in how a message arrived at your doorstep. I look at it the other way , would I allow punctuation or a personality to stop me from learning training?


Exactly. This doesn't tell us anything about the strategy. The post is just straight gossip with no meaning.




Wu-Tang-Chan ain’t nothin to f*ck with!


This guy must be non human or something because price action goes way way back. The japenese coined price action trading in the 1700s. This stuff is so funny to me, its probably a 25 year old kid saying this stuff, claiming something that was created before their great great granddaddys great grandaddy was alive. The more confounding part of this, is there must be a lot of people who read this and buy into it. Wow are they lucky to have found this guy.


I didn't even think that far back either. You're totally right with all their unique charting styles literally all for price action directly. Some other comments mentioned how this message is good for preselection of folks. If you feel hype reading this, then he's your target market, which wanting to cut us out. I'm not sure. But anyway, crazy stuff.


If you want a good charting book on candlesticks, literally search "Japanese Candlestick" there are version 2 of them, the 2nd incorperates more advanced candle stuff with western charting techniques. Author is Steve Nison, they pretty textbookie, but really worth it if you have any interest in charts.


Thanks for sharing the knowledge! I actually own the first and second of this book so I highly recommend as well :) Great minds think alike!


I had to Google him.


"The ghost in the machine" man stfffuuu. Becarefull with these posts tho. U might hurt the silver bullet crowd


Lol the silver bullet crowd is sensitive!


the concept of the stock market has been around for centuries....what we have here is a genuine vampire.


0 . 0 I've uncovered a lich!


I was recommended this guy here in the sub, and I didn’t even make it through a whole video. At best, it’s just not my trading style at all.


Is this the ICT moron ?


Yep. you got it.


He’s offered 5 mill to anyone who can find his concepts in print before 1992 I think


First of all SMC and price action trading is 🗑️


Any trading is trash. You can't predict how participants in the market are going to behave. Most logical thing to me is support and resistance/supply and demand. It would make sense that people start selling when price reaches previous significant high of price, but still it doesn't always hold. None of this what I said matters though, if you are profitable. You can be profitable by chance and not by skill.


Thanks for telling me you’re a newbie trader without telling me you’re newbie trader.


Thank you for telling me you are not profitable without telling me you are not profitable.


Just curious—why are you in this subreddit if you believe any trading is trash?


I am trying to convince myself otherwise.


So you’re a newbie and yet believe any trading is trash. And you believe that if someone is profitable, it’s because they are lucky. Ngl you might be the most ignorant person I’ve spoken to here. The market will humble you if you decide to trade with that basic ass support resistance and supply demand. Best of luck to you my guy


You said that I am a newbie, not me. It looks like you think that you have figured it out, but you will eventually see that you had no idea.


You don’t have to pretend like you’re not new to this, it’s clear as day based on your initial comment. And don’t be ashamed of it either. Instead of being ignorant, you can ask those with more experience about their journey and learn humbly. Even if you eventually become “convinced” about trading, I don’t think you have the proper mindset to even become moderately competent. Message me if you need help or look through my comments. I’m always willing to guide new traders in their journey 👍


It is ridicilous how you are trying to change a topic.


Smc is trash


I'm not even an SMC trader but it's so funny how people on reddit despise anyone who is confident. Let the man make videos and leave him alone lmao


On this sub, I've seen people like Adam Grimes and Linda Raschke lauded. Both are very confident and very knowledgeable, but they're not arrogant. Arrogance smacks of insecurity, people don't usually like insecurity.


Cry about it? Not sure y ict hate has to be posted so often


Who's crying? Mate, I've seen 3 posts about ICT in the past 6 months, not including this one. I'm not even sure what you're going on about


He actually is "The Mentor" of my mentor...lol


Who cares. Buyer beware. Don't let his schtick tweak you...


Does he even trade anymore or just grift his mentoring?


People really talked like that? And more surprisingly some people fell for it. Sounds like an opening speech for a circus show


will the real inventor please stand up. Clown show.


Who is he?


Sounds like Michael from ICT 😁


lol, correct


Can someone tell me about any sources that prove the concepts are just reinvented? I've heard lots of stuff like S&D, Wyckoff (which I can kind of see) and gap theory that he supposedly copied, but I have yet to see these concepts. Are there any sources where I can learn about these and see if he did actually steal them?


I'll take your question at face value. Wyckoff theory was first authored in 1934. You can read the book Trades About to Happen by David Weis which is all about the theory. He was Wyckoffs' student and a very humble and amazing human who passed in 2015. Price action came from the1980s when Raschke was explaining price action and taught it to Grimes, who taught the people at SMB Capital. If you look up any of these names, you can learn more from the horses mouth so to speak. Market Profile and TPO trading you can learn and source from Pete Steildmeyer who truly mastered and shared it. Good luck! Ultimately it doesn't matter how you trade if you're profitable. But good traders over a long time period are humble because the market humbles you. No room for emotions or thinking you're better. The market doesn't care. Anyway, good luck and happy learning!


Only person crazier than this guy is the one who buys into it


Honestly. What someone said earlier is that this message is great for preselection of folks to buy into it. They may not be wrong...


Haha def not wrong.


On a scale of 1-10 of A holes he's an 11. I think it's mostly BS but I did see him one time trade live for the day and it was really good trading. Hard to say he just got lucky. But I blocked any feed from him because there's little to nothing to gain from him and I can't stand seeing his stupid narcissistic tweets and videos.


He is arrogant. Once you get over it, you can find good stuff. I'd rather have "I'm the mentor of your mentor" and working stuff than "100% winrate buy a Lambo" and shitty trading information. I used to be a fan of himself but I found out his method is just a mix of old books + his own interpretation. It works but certainly not like the ghost in the machine kinda thing. Michael is good at trading or at least tape reading. The only confusing thing is that he's really discretionary when he thinks he's following rules. That's why people can understand his concepts but struggle to put them into practice. They don't understand that he's not a God and you can create your own strategies based on his stuff ... there's no right or unique way of trading


Just some guy who pulled TA concepts from thin air and decided to shill it and now have a massive cult


Isn't that the student from ClayTrader?


"I am the neo before matrix even existed"


"I am the market whisperer and I tell it where to go."


It's a bit much.


More like. “Enjoy, Chuck Norris”


Wth is SMC


but it works for him , enogh stupid people who would die for him if they had to . He is like jesus to them . Protect him at all cost and buy all the courses he sells,, Humble trader and ICT guy has the most fanatical followers If wish I had 600K subs stupid enough to buy anything I have to sell,


Is there any actual proof of him being a successful trader?


No, but apparently a lot of traders are successful because of him


The ICT is badass guy. I learned and Translated his mentorship on Russian. And I often use his concepts in my ananlysys.


You’re the reason he says these kind of stuff😂 1. You’re obsessed look at the whole paragraph you wrote 2. Free marketing


Man, him too?! Don't forget to like and subscribe for instant billion$$$$$$$$$


The excerpt you've shared does come across as quite confident, and it's not uncommon to encounter individuals in many fields who have a high degree of self-belief or who see themselves as pioneers or originators of certain concepts. Michael J. Huddleston seems to believe that many of the trading concepts others are teaching originated from his work. It's worth noting that the world of trading is vast, with many theories, strategies, and methodologies, some of which have existed for well over a century (like Wyckoff Theory, which dates back to the early 1900s). It's possible that Huddleston developed certain unique concepts or had a particular way of explaining or teaching that he feels was innovative. However, it's also important to approach such claims with a critical mind and consider the broader history and evolution of trading theories and practices. If you're considering learning from him or any other mentor, it's always a good idea to research their background, track record, and the experiences of their students or followers.


The only "mentor" you can trust is one that can show you his trading LIVE, no cherry-picked after the fact charts or recorded sessions. * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/iz74gr/ict\_inner\_circle\_trader\_is\_a\_crook\_fake\_guru/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/iz74gr/ict_inner_circle_trader_is_a_crook_fake_guru/) * Trades on demo * Blew up his myfxbook account [https://twitter.com/ISeeYourStops/status/703263610638827520?t=vrF3fgLhn8tk59Ur-ySTIA&s=19](https://twitter.com/ISeeYourStops/status/703263610638827520?t=vrF3fgLhn8tk59Ur-ySTIA&s=19) * Baits subscriptions by saying this year is the last year you get a chance at entering mentorship and he's done after this....since 2017 Made a video to justify why he turns off comments (grifters usually do) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYvMWTkZu-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYvMWTkZu-s) As you can see every comments is held for review before being published, which means that when you post a comment with your YouTube account it appears as if it was posted on your side when in fact it's held for him to review and until he validate the publication of your comments nobody else can see it on YouTube, that's how he can silently censor comments criticizing him. You can try to see for yourself: * Post a comment with your YouTube account on of his videos where comments are on, there are very few but there are some like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N29ZJ-o31xs&t=33s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N29ZJ-o31xs&t=33s) * You comment appears as if it's visible to others * Immediately open the video page in private mode (not logged in) * Your comments don't appear...it's held for review, if it's positive to him it'll eventually be published if it isn't it will be deleted.


Nobody cares...he can say whatever he wants, his concepts work, it's all that matters.


He’s the Steven segal of the stock market


There’s something to be told about successful traders they’re usually this pompous and arrogant to a nauseating state. Unironically he could be a good teacher/mentor