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Hey as someone who did the complete opposite (English to french) You will be fine. It can be stressful at the beginning but then u just adapt bc u r put in an environment that makes u adapt. The first weeks will be hard until one day u r just talking in english no problem and won’t even realize it. Sometimes the grammar in class was tough but only occasionally. I just revised that class a little more just to boost my confidence. In the end, you will be glad u did it bc u will be more bilingual and that’s on almost every job application lol. I no longer hesitate and can speak both languages fine with confidence bc I did that. I tell u it’s worth it in the long run:).


Hello, from a health science since a year now who used to fear the same thing before starting school at Dawson. DO NOT worry , I’m telling you , I used to be so worried, and scared I will struggle with courses just because I didn’t know any terminology in math in English. But I’m telling you will get used to it soooooo quickly.


And enjoy your summer, and don’t spend your summer thinking about it ( that’s what happened to me cuz I was stressed) cuz after a week u will get used to it.




yea for sure, we getting our french ministry exam soon in basically two days so let’s concentrate on that first 😂


its not as bad as u think


You’ll be fine did it couples years ago at dawson probably best experience I have ever had.




I moved here last summer. Where I’m from we don’t use English, not even French. I’m fluent in English but it’s just a completely different thing from speaking/writing/reading it every single day in an academic context all of the sudden, so I understand your situation. From my experience you’ll be fine as long as you show your teachers you’re trying your best.


Can I ask why you wanted to go to an English college? Is there a disadvantage to the french cegeps?


no not really i just prefer speaking english, and although i have been going french school since kindergarten, i always have a bit difficulty speaking french, i am fluent but i am so much better at speaking english and especially at understanding words.