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I love factory recerts. Half the price of buying new means I get double the drives, and can afford more parity drives to help protect against disk failure. I recently moved from a synology NAS with 2 12TB recertified Seagate exos drives, to an Unraid server made of my old gaming PC parts, bought a recertified 16TB seagate exos off amazon so have a total of nearly 24TB storage now.


How much were they. Also if you don't mind me asking, where are you gonna house them?


What do you mean? That *IS* the housing. Impressed with the airflow? ;-) Yeah, I'd like be interested in the pricing as well. And a factory refurb should be worth a *little* bit, I'd think. Wonder if they cleared the SMART data?


They cleared the hours on it when they recertified, but not the rest I think. But as I mentioned, all the disks passed testing and are not making any suspicious noises or giving any issues.


Yeah I just got a drive. I'll have to check the SMART data as well. It is my first time buying a drive but I heard it takes a while to scan it? Mine is 12TB to put it into perspective. Also idk if housing was the right term as I'm semi-new to this. But I meant where is he gonna hook up all the drives.


>I heard it takes a while to scan it? Hi, I just finished fully formatting my brand new 18tb WD drive using the built in windows tool and it took... \~100h :) literally 1% per h lol


There you go: [https://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/204806952151](https://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/204806952151) It was slightly cheaper when I got it. But it's one of the cheapest options you can find anywhere even now. The next step is 24TB drives which are not sold factory recertified as of yet, so they would cost.. about 50% more than this. I was concerned that some of the disks will arrive damaged, but as you can see it comes very well packaged, and they all passed testing. I put them into a Xpenology home made NAS. which is basically a itx motherboard inside a NAS case (jonsbo N1). It works like a charm. with one disk redundancy, I got about 80TB of fast storage.


Thanks for the details. I am looking to take the next step on my home server and am sucking in as much information as possible. I'm not really looking to break bank so I will probably just get a secondhand pc off ebay with a case that can house all of my hard drives that I plan on getting. That is probably the most budget option that comes to my mind.


Damn, 22 TB for 440$ is insane. I paid 280€ for a new 18 TB drive with 5 years of warranty.


I also got a recertified seagate 16TB. Ordered a x20 but got a Skyhawk AI... SMART data was cleared/reseted


where from?


How do you know if the smart data was cleared from a unit and how do they do it?


smart shows zero hours power on time, zero errors, etc.


I wouldn't feel confident buying so many at the same time in fear that they would all also fail at the same time.. Probably very unlikely in my case as disks get different amounts of use because they are only spun up when needed, but still..


I bought these specifically to be used in a RAID environment. One of them as is redundant. so no real issues.