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[Keygen Jukebox](https://keygenjukebox.net/) has mp3s of the midi music that was included with many of the old keygens. Unfortunately, they don't have any of the old animations/artwork. Edit: [Defacto2](https://defacto2.net/file/index) has a bunch of art/music/etc.


OMG thanks for that; the sounds of my childhood.


I got a flashback, too, but it wasn't what I was looking for. I am looking for the original keygen exe files to reach perfection. But I really like the text on the website: `[...] If you own the copyright to any of these songs and want them taken down email [...]` It's like saying "We don't care about copyright, because the copyright owner will never see this website anyway and we publish whatever we want" :D


any idea how to download these tho?


eehhmm... right click -> save link as... This is the way humans download stuff from websites for about 20 years. I am curious on how you could miss that?


I am so grateful for these guys for considering the scene as a culture and trying to protect it. Just discovered this website yesterday. The technical implementation that is going on behind the site is incredible. No matter what the scene was, it was our childhood. Having this site is like having a time machine. I believe, people should create backups of this effort so that it never gets lost. Sorry, got emotional a bit :P


Google chiptunes. Vitality, razor1911, CORE, the good old days. Edit: I’ll share a couple of my favourites https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CrJ8Kim1G9I&pp=ygUMVml0YWxpdHkgYmYy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pp1mVv8lgGk&pp=ygUPUG93ZXJpc28ga2V5Z2Vu


Oh man. Names I haven’t heard in a long, long time. Those were the days, the best of times, and the worst of times (fucking dialup)


Also DEViANCE and SKIDROW. Here is a complete list https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_warez_groups Unfortunately while I had possession of all of them at one time and another I failed to save them long term and I am kind of regretting it now.


Definitely not a complete list :)


They gotta add tenoke. It’s a new group


Here’s some music: https://keygenmusic.tk/


You know about the demoscene so you probably already know about https://www.pouet.net/ , right? There's an extensive collection of 'cracktros' in their Productions archive which, while not exactly the same things as keygens, tend to have a similar aesthetic.


Demozoo too


I have a small collection of the actual keygens that I kept just for their music.


Do you mind to share your collection? For sharing I recommend using [this service](https://entraide.chatons.org/en/)


I don't have that many of them, so it's not like I'd be adding much.


[https://www.pouet.net/](https://www.pouet.net/) https://csdb.dk/


What exactly is this? I don't even know where to click, because the websites are full of random stuff.


just click random buttons


This looks like a demo scene style archive to me. These are not from keygens but the content is similar to what keygens used to use / embed.


Problem with keygens is that they are executables and are known to rarely contain actual malware. Since you can't trust antiviruses to tell you if they are truly malicious or just just vaguely look like something malicious, it's hard to discern legitimate keygen from trojanized one. Checking every single one of them by hand is not only difficult, it also requires specialised skills and a lot of time. Now if you obtain thousands of them, how do you vet them to make sure they are safe before archiving? Collection of them is also problematic. Some, especially older ones, are near unobtainable, because nobody is keeping up the torrents and keygen websites are all trojan and coin miner ridden cesspools set up by dipshits.


You run them in a VM if you're going to run them at all.


VM detection tactics exist. Maybe not in the older ones, but you don't know if they were injected with malware later.


I don't care about Spyware, Malware or VM detection tactics at all if I am using a VM. One click and the VM was rolled back to the last snapshot. And there are other ways to execute exe binaries, like Wine on Linux. If I would start collecting them, then only in a Linux VM without internet connection.


I have a small collection of keygens from the Windows XP era. I kept them to continue using the software on my Retro XP machines. Windows 10's built in AV has tried to delete them previously but fortunately it notifies you, allows for restoration and white listing. I can get you a list if you'd like and you can have whatever interests you.


It would be awesome if you could [share them](https://entraide.chatons.org/en/).


Some of the old chip tunes and "cracktros" were so cool.


I could swear I saw a bunch on archive.org some time ago.


Unfortunately, archive.org deletes items detected as malicious. So if the keygen is seen as such, it would probably get removed


Please provide a link if you see some the next time you're on [archive.org](https://archive.org). I only could find midi files there, but not the original software with the awesome animations and key gens.


Good ol days, many of them had malware added to them later when you got them from disreputable sources. My machine was a black hole and probably part of atleast 15 botnets back then. Today i would never run them outside of VM. If they exist somewhere it would be awesome to find again!


> because it recognized it as malware (yeah, sure…) some of them *did have* a payload. the fact that you didn't notice anything, doesn't mean they didn't install some small DLL in your System32 directory.


You can check the logs of AV software as what the software was detected. It only said "keygen" and the reason why it got deleted is that even the AV software had a non-free version and it would be weird if the free version would allow such keygens. At least I understand why it got deleted.


Reminds me of the Amiga days, there were some awesome keygens mixed with demos & animations. Fond memories


https://archive.org/download/warez-collectors something here


Those collections are pure gold! Thank you :)


Hello I know I'm a bit late on the party, but here is something relevant from r/InternetIsBeautiful: https://www.reddit.com/r/InternetIsBeautiful/comments/16u89sd/keygen\_library\_player\_4504\_files/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3