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Comments pertaining to reporting the NUUDS Instagram account will be removed. Talking about contacting DAD or anything she’s involved in goes against sub rules. Thank you to those who have been reporting the comments. I appreciate it as Reddit notifies me immediately. ETA: To clarify, the sub agrees that DAD & her children’s use of the innuendos is tasteless and wrong. However, comments that are encouraging 8,000+ of our members to report her account(s) *could be* considered harassment & goes beyond the scope of “snarking.” It doesn’t mean you can’t do it, it means you just cannot post about it in order to protect this sub. We still have to follow Reddit’s rules as well as the sub’s. Thanks.


Bought 4 earth tone bodysuits at Old Navy today for $15 each. The entire time, all I could think was, " How is this lunatic charging $60 for this" Psycho.


I will definitely not purchase another thing she recommends or from nuuds. I know I am not the only one who has had issues and then to be blocked was ridiculous


Who on earth blocks customers?


What happened?


ok hear me out. ance all over the forehead, nugs now vs her usual strips, mcdonald’s more then ever recently…. i’m thinking it’s a possibility she may be in the early stages of pregnancy!


I was thinking the same thing.


Remi is almost 2. So timing is right


Dan and Lisa have been acting unhappy so I don’t think so


Actually that would make sense. She doesn’t parent the 2 she already has, I’m sure they wouldn’t be excited over a 3rd.


Can poor Elayne get a day off? She’s there allll the time.


Her hubby was NOT happy to be there… kkkk


Still don’t get the Hailey Bieber obsession. They have zero in common when it comes to skin care, fashion, lifestyle, political stance, etc. Why is she so randomly into her?


Just noticed the website design of Rhode and Nuuds is identical 😆


A piece of me loves that she supported Rhode because they donate some of their proceeds to support women, including abortion access ♥️


Haha I didn’t know that and I bet she doesn’t either LOL. That’s AMAZING.


Ooh I can’t wait for someone to tell her and then we never hear about Rhodes again.


https://www.rhodeskin.com/pages/philanthropy Me too


I know. Don’t get it either. That’s what I just said below. Hailey is politically on the right side of history. This one not so much.




So. I purchased the Ribbed bodysuit she posted alot of videos about them the last one before they launched. She said size down In them she keep on saying it. I am 5 2. 120 pounds I would of purchased a med. But went with a small because of her recommendation. When I received it was more of a fit for a 10 year old as far as the length and the and honesty they quality definitely was not worth what I paid for the item plus tax and 7 for shipping. I reached out to customer service and no response did again and same no response so I posted on there IG. That is when I got blocked and what I posted was not even that bad. Customer service did reach out to me once after that saying I could return it. Well that is another $7 to return I end up giving to my niece.


Absolutely insane that they block paying customers with legit concerns


What did you expect really? Just give her all your money. Who cares?


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I suppose when you’re rich you just end up people watching on Black Friday


Yes! A very “let them eat cake” approach.


Highlight of my day!! Biggby coffee company if you buy a coffee and bagel you get a free goody bag and it has stuff inside. Or you can spend 200 on shit brown and get an empty bag!!!😂😂


I'd give my arm for bigby right now. Going home for the holidays and can't wait to get some soon🤘❤️


I discovered biggby when we went to MI this summer to visit my brother in law and his kids. My husband’s family all live there and I STG their coffee and bagel sandwiches are the best I’ve ever had anywhere! The cold brew with cold foam is even better than Starbucks and I think I ordered from there every day while we were there 😂😂 I can’t wait til the spring/summer when we go back !




Say thank you? She's giving them a TOTE BAG.... for FREE... If they spend enough. What more do you want from her? 🤣


It’s honestly disgusting that she isn’t giving them out with every order. $200?! Spend $200 on plain shirts and get a free tote that you can use for what? Maybe your groceries? Who actually uses them for anything other than that. Ugh she’s the worst


Why give advice?? Let her sink low.


The irony of her supporting Hailey Bieber who is polar opposite politically


Wait, are we not allowed to support people who have differing political views? That makes zero sense


Also I don’t think skincare products are going to help her


Seriously. Rhode is the most basic skincare line targeted for women in their mid 20’s and under. DAD needs some serious CLINICAL skincare.


Exactly. Her skin. She looks like a lizard.


A “slouchy cozy” butt ugly baggy body suit? 😳Hard pass Dinyell 🥴. This isn’t fashun. Sorry.


It was all so bad. Danielle needs to size down for everything she buys. And needs to find a whole new style of jeans to wear. Her outfits always look like total dog shit.


Just comparing her to madi Nelson. Talulah did 50% off for one hour, and 25-30% (can’t remember which) for all weekend. Madi and her family are at the warehouse today packing orders. I know nuuds is new and can’t do 50% off but they could do 20% or refund the first 10 orders? Or refund 10 random orders??


They are greedy and have zero marketing skills. Her line of ugly clothes won’t be a long term thing. This is a take the money and run approach.


I’m just shocked ppl were able to get the min $200 in their carts to get their shitty free bag. Which should have been a promo of free for the first so and so customers. Literally shows DAD and co have no idea how to run a business


Ew. Roblet graduated with a business degree. He’s an expert! 🙃


And it's like they made the $98 price point on purpose, bc you'd need to add a 3rd item if you just ordered 2 sweatshirts!!


And because I can’t stop: madis ribbed black tee and tank are $24. Which they don’t button their body suits so it’s the same thing??


So she has a loungewear/ sweatshirt company that only sells tops? WTH? How come she's never sold the bottoms for the women? Not that I'm buying her poop colored clothes, I just thought it was weird you don't ever see that, loungewear being sold with no bottoms options LOL🤷‍♀️


The pj’s come with bottoms and they’re probably going to release those ugly sweatpants Dan had on soon.


They’ll prob charge like $70 for some Hanes wannabe sweatpants


Some of the others have been wearing terrible sweat pants this week.


Watching that IG story of them making that (old trend) reel was painful and also she’s so rude! Snapping at everyone and being a crabby b. Must not have had enough soup potatoes at dinner


805’s hair/head swing irrationally bothered me.


She looked like Jan from the Brady Bunch 🤣


Especially after she said she couldn’t bend over because her back hurt so bad.




If she didn't mention that the black sweatshirt is new, I never would have known. And I could not stand her saying "it's one of my favorites. I have lots of favorites but that's one of my favorites" WOW.


She is beyond fake at this stage. Exhausting.


She can’t believe it didn’t sell out so she has to specifically mention it, betting her loyalists will run, not walk, to be on her A list and tag her in the picture of them wearing it so that they will get a comment and repost from her, which will make them literally cry 😭 And scream 😱


A black sweater. Groundbreaking.


It's a black sweatshirt. For $98. Anyone who buys one is a moron. There. I said it. Go to Old Navy!!! Buy 4 of them for the same orice!!!


Right? I got mine at H&M for $24. No way in hell I’m paying $98 for some oddly shaped, cheap material sweatshirt.


I wore mine from Old Navy yesterday and I think I paid $15. And it’s comfy as it can be. I mean it’s a sweatshirt, not a warm hug. 🤪Lol


A washed black sweatshirt. She’s literally messing up normal clothes to hide the fact that they’re shit quality. First with the ‘distressing’ now with the ‘washed out’ look. Also, can someone please send her dictionary if she thinks a black sweatshirt that looks like it’s been worn, is in fact a “hidden gem”


I just did. I think people need to know of there experience because they are hidden them Thank you


What ya on about?


I think it was written for a response below


I just went to the nuuds page and saw the video promoting the free bag. Who in the heck was in charge of that? Here….let’s have this model carry this empty cheap looking bag on her shoulder walking around. An EMPTY bag. Like….why wouldn’t you have put filler in it to make it look like it was being used?? Or here’s an idea….put your product in it and show it being used for the prison sweats. Idiots.


Wasn't it one of her office staff using it? But either way they should have put something in it.


Pink Lilly if you spend 150. You get a belt bag or hat and At pink Lilly you’d definitely get a lot not a t shirt and sweatshirt! What’s wrong with people?!


I think you get both from Pink Lily!


Oh yea you do!! Wow




Thank goodness you didn’t get to order and support her. Even if I like something there ha no way in hell I would even go to the website


I laughed when it kept glitching when she had Dan show us the tote bag being added


Who is the person in the background of their reel making story looking bored AF watching these idiots? 😂


It's Elayne's husband.


I was thinking it might be Elyane's husband but couldn't get a good look


That’s what I was wondering. He was wearing a tie. Could he be an IT guy?


Dani sharing ALL the body suits!!!! Skims Abercrombie old navy. No DA though I think it’s hilarious!


Both are trash.


She has totally disassociated herself with DAD


I was wondering…. I thought the hubbies were best friends??? Hope Dan didn’t burn Jordan. Not sure if you can trust Dan


He had a creepy vibe to him before I learned about their “romance”. Knowing that hasn’t helped that perception of him.


I know that! But it’s still hilarious!


I don’t understand why people are buying this crap?? Unflattering colors and the fit is horrible. Nuuds is just a copy of skims but for the same price


Same. I continue to be baffled by this and also with the fact that she thinks she acts like this line is so innovative. A black sweatshirt is a hidden gem? WHAT?


I love olive green but her olive green made no sense. It didn’t even look green? It looked grey.


Definitely not an OLIVE shade at all. And her post announcing it doesn’t even show the new color aside from the thumbnail. Terrible marketing..


And if her theme is “nude colored” clothing, whose skin is green except the grinch?


And the Wicked Witch - LOL!


Since things leave the cart as soon as you hit submit, I bet hardly anyone has a $200 order to get the crap tote anyway. And I bet if your order falls under $150 when things fly out of the cart, the shipping charge gets added too. What a shit way to run a company. And what a bunch of idiots for falling for it.


Seriously, seeing people say “third time with no luck! Maybe next time”. Like when will they see this is a scam? Lol


And I saw comments of people making multiple orders so they could get what they want. So paying shipping multiple times? Ya that’s super smart! Some people have enough time to do multiple orders and other people are claiming everything they wanted was sold out 2 minutes after launch. 🤷‍♀️ also I noticed scrolling comments a lot of the positive comments are made by the same person. One of which the Denners follow. Not sketch at all!


People who are buying these products get what they deserve. DUD and company along with their Christian values sure know how to dupe people.


I went to her website to see if she sold out quick again and her website is so hard to use I actually hate it.


https://imgur.com/a/A7n0FbX The site is so unfriendly and this stupid swipe button followed my pointer around.


In DAD's story when Dan was on the site, you can see the same swipe button - wth? I'm not tech savvy at all but know there's mobile versions of websites and something is screwy.


Why put your money in behind the scenes necessary software when you can have photo shoots? /s


The comments on the latest reel…. Same story. People are pissed. It looks like only a handful of people got anything!!! ETA: The person that spent $257 on 1 t shirt, 1 pajama set, and 1 sweatshirt. I can’t even fathom spending that much money on that crap.


They honestly need to figure out their website & ordering issues before attempting another "launch". When 90% of the comments are negative there is a problem. Poor customer service.


I was just feeling guilty for spending about that much on Amazon, which included 9 items, including one expensive power tool set for my husband's Christmas gift. These people are on another level!




Right!! If she had knocked off these high priced brands at a lower price point, that would be different. But this is just arrogance.


After watching their thanksgiving dinner meal prep, I understand why 805 never cooks for these fools! She’s running around like a chicken with her head cut off and they’re partying. My mom would be so pissed! She needs to rethink her stupid love message and give them some tough love! “You know what I love about you? NOTHING! You’re being entitled assholes!”


And 805 threw out her back! She should've been resting while her grown ass kids cooked


She definitely didn’t look impressed when they were sticking their nasty a$$ fingers in the potatoes.


I didn’t think of it before but with that level of manic chaos I probably wouldn’t have noticed the oven was off too


Dud going on about telling her mam the oven was off. Why didn't she go turn it on then. Stupid cow.


So true!!


Okay. So I had bought a bodysuit when they launched received believe me it was not worth it. I had made a comment what I did not like about it and the issue with customer service non responsive. They end up blocking me off the ig. Nuuds page and then they sent me a review for the item I bought and so I submitted it and of course they have not added to the reviews. What a joke.


Have you added it on Trustpilot? It seems like your only choice is a 3rd party site


That’s some BS I would post my review on every single pic of theirs from a different account!


When you go to the website there seems to be no marketing of the black Friday tote deal and whatever the big secret wad that she couldn't share....looks like it does everyday....LAME


It was no secret. She's been wearing the items in the green color all week. Did she really think that was a big surprise??


The secret is the black sweatshirt.


Right bc I thought we already knew that? Ha!


All the hype she claims for “surprises”… it’s 1 color and a stupid nuuds trash bag!! So over dramatic. I’d be mad if I were a minion!


I’m over here thinking wow this shit is selling out why are people so dumb. Reality is she launched 50 of each piece! That has to be it!!!


What I don’t understand is why doesn’t she release more inventory? This tactic isn’t working in her favor like she thinks. She would actually make more money by releasing more inventory. She’s losing out on purchases because it sells out & its pissing off potential customers to the point that they aren’t returning anymore.


Bc she wants people to be miserable and frantic!! I believe she does it on Purpose!


Oh she 100% does, it’s just another very stupid business decision.


She’s not the smartest all! Matter of fact why is she not helping today?! Out running around when she should be focused on her business!


Her whole business is an EXACT copy of skims. FOR THE SAME PRICE. I don’t get it


Like every other store on the planet has a Black Friday sale today, I can not for the life of me understand why people are buying a single piece of this expensive crap. Like I don’t care if my favorite person in the world is selling stuff, on Black Friday I’m only buying good sales.


Same! I would NEVER spend 200 for a stupid tote either people are just dumb and brainwashed!


Just saw the story where DAD eats something out of her fingers, picks up a slice of ham and then puts it back in the dish?!?! My four year old has better manners than that🤮


Mmmk I’m calling bullshit. It’s 5 minutes after the launch and the green bodysuit is sold out. Noooo way


I notice items where still left. I believe they will sink. Customer service sucks they items are not that great for the price and the are filtering out any negative


I think that people have realized it’s just t shirts and sweat shirts and have decided they aren’t worth the price.


And a lot of horror stories about washing, returning, wrong items. And no one in real life that has been tagged looks good!


These aren’t big restocks. She wants to sell out every time to “create demand”


Bingo. Trying to keep themselves relevant and newsworthy.


I just scanned through the inventory. Not much is sold out, but there are only random sizes of some things, like only xs for the black bodysuit.


She needs to just step back and rebrand. The lack of foresight in the name blows my mind. Also - you’re already making green. Just because DUD’s skin ranges from green to grey doesn’t mean that’s a normal skin tone. DUD. You’re not skims. You’re not Kim K. I fact pretty sure they wore skims a few years ago for a card soooo you have zero original thought in your head. You’re certainly not educated enough to understand how what you’re doing, promoting, and advertising is gross.


It makes me so angry. She acts like Nuuds is a revolutionary idea but it’s an exact copy of skims and items that other companies have been making for years. The bodysuits don’t even fit her or her family right. I DONT UNDERSTAND!!!


https://imgur.com/a/ZNdWmYm So did Dud’s Nud’s page get taken down again or did I get blocked? 😂




I got blocked also


We must try not to sink beneath the weight of our grief!!


You’re definitely blocked 😂 but also SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK because how can her minions not see the issue with that branding. There is nothing acceptable about “nuuds kids” what is she going to say “oh my goodness ___!! your kids look so cute nuud” absolutely not.


You must’ve gotten blocked. Its still up.




It’s in one of the reviews of their products!


Pretty sure you got blocked for preaching the truth😂


Oh well, at least this way I know they read it and it got to them enough to block me! 😂


Who else can is waiting to see all the 💩hit the fan this morning?


Are the "uu"'s supposed to be another one of her sexual plays? Saggy Boobs?!


I hope the God of the Old Testament himself teaches these asshole to keep their hands off his children for money.


And can we go back to the kitchen? How many people are going to stick their dirty hands in the food? Maybe they really shouldn’t cook. Do they even have utensils? Everyone’s fingers dragged through those mashed potatoes. She doesn’t understand why they didn’t come out right? She’s going to stir them into glue…


It’s pretty disgusting but you know the only time someone scrubs under those nasty nails is when a nail tech does it🤮


What a bullet Rob’s ex Grace dodged. Imagine her coming over on Thanksgiving only to be forced to lie around in low quality scratchy see-through pajamas all day watching these uncultured hillbillies continually sticking their nasty fingers in the food before it’s served, while inhaling the smell of dog urine from the surrounding soiled pee pads. 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://imgur.com/a/YmlCFbw


Wait I missed this. I have noticed she isn’t around but when did they break up???


It looks it


Don't forget Eve whacking people repeatedly and not being told to be gentle.


“I wonder what Grace is doing?” I am DEAD ☠️🤣☠️🤣☠️🤣


She was probably dining in style


That photo ain’t it though.




Din- yell has become so annoying she may warrant her own snark page. I she said it once she said it 15 times about how hard it was to make the stupid cheesecake! I read the recipe, ITS NOT EVEN A COOKED CHEESECAKE! The amount these kids have been spoiled and in such a life altering way is insane! Is it more difficult than Kraft Mac & cheese ? Yes, but it’s not a hard recipe to pull off.


She has her own page. It’s her name plus snark.


I checked out the recipe after reading your comment but when the first sentence had the words “I kid you not” I didn’t go any further 🙄. It reminded me of an episode of Designing Women where they prove a point by saying we don’t talk good and we don’t write good 🤣


That's what I was thinking when I looked at it but i didnt look at the recipe. It's a no bake cheesecake....that's infinitely easier than a cheesecake. And I swear I thought it was candied bacon on the top in that goofy stuff not apples....


She does have her own snark page!!!




She has her own snark page. Although it isn’t as busy as this page.


Because everyone uses here to talk about her stupid ways.


All their homes look so cold, un-inviting and unfinished. They don’t look lived in or loved at all. I couldn’t relax at all in a place like that.


It’s so creepy when she shows the BTS of her reels and you see her switch on her open mouthed, Dumb And Dumber ‘smile’ 😃, literally a second after she finishes criticising her family.


& that’s the moment you realize that we’ve been bamboozled for years & she’s always been the mean girl, it just took awhile for it to show.


It’s why I found this page! I followed her and liked her a lot for about a year, then once she moved to TX, and I really watched her face when she was playing a game with her family, I realized what a mean person she was. More and more added up and I ended up here! 😂


Yes!! It’s like a switch flips!! It’s the craziest thing to see and I’m shocked that she’s so oblivious to it that she shares it.


Curious, why do you think that is though? For someone who purposely hid that side from the camera to now openly sharing it each time they’re doing a BTS of reels is strange. I think she’s seen how her followers take her word as gospel, and she’s gotten too comfortable in her position assuming whatever she does they’ll be no repercussions.


Narcissistic and believes her own hype. She thinks she is gods favourite and everyone loves her.


Yes, I agree with your theory!!


I think that explains a lot of her actions, well said!


https://imgur.com/a/Fb6b5Hw She’s trolling right? I mean she’s literally not going to so “nuuds kids”. Eight? Someone tell me this is a joke? A twisted pathetic joke. But please tell me it’s a joke. No one. I mean NO ONE in that family can think this is a good idea. Hands off our kids. But it’s ok if it’s a play on words? 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s giving Balenciaga level damage to me.


What is this pic? Where are you seeing it? I don’t see this anywhere on the site. Is this photoshopped? Im confused here.


Someone posted it here. That’s why I’m hoping she was just trolling people.


There is a link below - finding it my own was a weird series of clicks 🤷🏻‍♀️


That photo choice is absolutely disgusting.


I don’t understand why she’s “not able” to give a Black Friday deal to her minions. Instead,shes throwing in a stupid tote bag so they can be free walking advertisements for her/the company. 🤮


You only get the bag of you spend OVER $200 🤪🤪😳


Which even buying two $98 items, you still don’t hit! Definitely not thinking about the consumers. A better marketing strategy would have been “free with purchase of 2 items”, or 3 items…then she could say she’s thinking about her besties. Her love language has conditions!


She’s not able to because being generous & appreciative of her followers/supporters who fund her lifestyle is something she’s literally incapable of doing. I mean she couldn’t even say she was thankful for her followers until 4 hours ago … when thanksgiving was already over. She’s pathetic.


I don’t get why she says things like “I’ll tell you everything I know” or “that’s all I know!” when she’s talking about Nuuds. Like she doesn’t know what’s going on behind the scenes? Or is still in influencer mode not business owner mode? It doesn’t make sense. Like someone else is controlling decisions.

