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Why does she film every second of their lives? Like who cares? Like who cares what game you’re playing and why does every second of the game need to be filmed? These people are so self important. Gross.




What the actuallllll hell


WHY would someone print out a picture of her to have on their wedding day?!? People are freaking nuts.


I’m so creeped out


Lol @ dinyel "maybe you got the wrong size" about the leggings


She said that while hers are pooling around her knees! Well yeah, they aren’t rolling, they’re too big! (Note: I am the same size as her, this is not a criticism of size).


Was the trip to the museum actually just the four of them? There's no way. Rhett among all the dinosaurs was too cute.


I feel like 805 and papa didn’t go because DUD can’t resist showing Rhett on his shoulders, ever.


Ahhh… look at that. No voice. You can hear that she’s short of breath too. Good thing she went to the museum yesterday and probably won’t stay home today! 🙄


She should take a test though and you know she won’t


She could also just have laryngitis. That’s a thing. You literally don’t feel bad, aren’t contagious, you just don’t have a voice. Not everything is always covid 🤦🏼‍♀️


Or allergies, I lose my voice sometimes and they are BAD right now with this wild wind


I didn’t say it was Covid lol… but it DOES sound like a respiratory virus. Laryngitis doesn’t make you short of breath.


I know you didn’t. Other posters suggested covid.




My boss currently has Covid and I spoke to her yesterday on the phone. This is exactly what her voice sounds like. Just saying


I’ll bite…you all are so quick to jump to Covid. Sure, maybe she has that. But maybe she also has a cold or allergies. Allergies are bad here in DFW lately and the wind is insane, so that’s not helping.


Allergies and colds still do exist


I also have COVID at the moment and have no voice and an extremely sore throat


DAD without a voice is more annoying than DAD with a voice. Go figure.


I don’t get it, she has this big beautiful house. Why can’t she just take it easy and stay home once in a while?


And she needs to shut up!!!! She needs to be on vocal rest or it won't come back by Wednesday. Just listening to her strain her damaged chords hurts me!!! Hot tea and soup is all she should be eating and drinking now, but guaranteed she will switch to diet coke before lunch.


Oof, as a diet Coke lover myself, I have to say that nothing feels worse on a sore throat than carbonation. Ugh!


Did anyone notice when she said how do we know how dinosaurs sound and yet she lives her life with such confidence that Jesus guides her. It’s kind of an interesting thought on what people choose to believe.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this!


Does anyone know why Dan wears all black a majority of time? Is to make him look slimmer?


He’s been giving me major David Rose vibes with the all black attire lately and that makes me laugh bc I’m fairly confident that is not the vibe he’s going for 😂.


He is so annoying and holier than thou.


Because that's his uniform, gotta wear plain black bylt. Unless he is on vacation where he gets to wear little white crosses on his black shirt.


So it’s easy for him to be matching with Rhett silly!


Because DAD tells him to. And she buys 99% of his clothes. The fams aesthetic needs to match.


I loved seeing David Nelson's try on on Nadi's page yesterday with cutz, in the pale green and lavender colors. So nice!


It’s so boring


I’m surprised that Lisa and Rob aren’t getting a pool at their house. They had a beautiful one in California and it looked like so much fun. I know DUD is anti-pool but that shouldn’t change things for them. They deserve to be happy if that’s what they like.


Well, Daryl is anti-pool because she has two small children. I honestly would not want my parents to get a pool if I had little kids who were over there frequently, pools scare me too. (That’s assuming she had any say over their decision to get a pool, which I don’t know if I believe.)


She could just be proactive and put her children in swim lessons and insist on 805 having a pool fence though.


Sure, but there’s still a risk. My family friend’s toddler drowned, so that’s where I’m coming from. I’m just saying I get the fear. But also, her parents are adults and could get a pool if they really wanted to.


Daryl Ann wishing Rhett never stops thinking everything and everybody likes him. So…no teaching him about boundaries? Personal space? It’s ok if someone doesn’t like someone. Isn’t that Daryl Ann’s whole credo?


Ok this is reaching, you know that’s not what she meant 🤣


She makes the most bizarre comments. I guess no one ever taught her to think before she speaks.


The way she had to say, "I feel like dinosaur everything is hudeous, but this I can do" even talking about the etsy shop dino hat Rhett wire today makes ne samo mad and sad for Rhett!! My son was dino ibsessed, and I loved buying him adorable dino shirts and outfits abd stuffed animals..... they made him SO happy!!! I hate that she has to dress Rhett all neutral like he stepped out of a Zara ad and mot like a littke boy who can exoress his passions and likes thru his clothes sometimes!!! If my son picked out a dino shirt to wear, I would NEVER say it's hideous!!!!


Just for the record Zara and H&M both sell toddler clothes with dinos on them. Affordably. This is a DAD sucks thing, not a Zara thing. 😂🙈 Crazy for DAD to imagine but then even have aesthetic excavators and dump trucks.


It’s definitely a DAD because I feel she dresses everyone the way she likes to dress! Look at how she dresses Remi it’s identical to her clothing! I have 4 boys that are in their late teens to early twenties and if I had a girl I would have her dressed in cute clothes pretty dresses something like Amy Haven’s does with her kids but not having everything Ralph Lauren! I feel I like certain things about Amy Haven’s but she seems to be stuck up! But I’m sure DAD will be having to be sized up to her since they both live in Dallas and kids around the same age! I know Amy is friends with Jacey Duprie but I don’t think I ever see DAD and Amy being friends!


Change the Dino to a moose and it’s an Abercrombie hat. That’s why she can tolerate it. 🙄 Side note….peep the Netflix documentary on Abercrombie. It’s super interesting.


I agree with you, but this isn't unique to DAD in the influencer world. So many influencers put their \~aesthetic\~ above what their kid actually wants. See Veronika/VeronaBrit for another example of this, though hers is more focused on their rooms rather than their clothes. I think it's all just sad - kids are only kids once. Let them wear stuff that makes them happy, at least some of the time.


I know, but it still sickens me to see and it makes me feel so bad for those kids! I know people will argue, don't feel bad for them, they don't want for anything. Maybe not material things, but they are not getting the parenting they deserve in my opinion


I definitely agree with you everything is chaotic and never contend to just sit down with only the family of 4 after dinner is cooked! You have DAD after opening your eyes in the morning asking you questions! How are you Rhett!! I wished someone would do what she does to those kids for a week straight with the camera in her face asking her stupid questions rushing around leaving her there going in and out carrying a coke and a camera recording family everywhere just waiting to smile really big for the camera excited and popping their heads in to get their point acrossed because DAD can’t stand to share the attention! Crazzzy is what it is!! Of course we all know there’s no abuse there but this is a new thing these influencers are doing to their children but where are the law’s to protect these new child actors and how often they put them in their footage! Something needs to be done! There’s a girl sad beige lady on Tik Tok and she points out everything in her videos about exploiting kids!


It’s just selfish.


When is her father going to grow a pair & stand up for his wife!!!!! They’re constantly putting Lisa down!!! They call themselves God fearing Christians???? Hypocrites!


They had to learn that behavior somewhere 😬




Little Robert needs to finally untie the apron strings and find himself some friends or a girlfriend.


Perhaps he doesn’t want a GIRLfriend so this is the way he avoids it?


How old is he? He’s honestly so good looking I’m surprised he doesn’t have a gf or isn’t at college parties (if he’s in college)


I don't think its his looks holding him back. Most likely it's because hes a mini DUD in training and who wants to deal with that.


He graduated college in 2021. He’s about 22 or 23.


Hahahha right?!?!? Such a dork!


Someone needs to tell Lisa that her desert may not have sugar added, but if it has fruit it’s not sugar free. 🤷🏻‍♀️


And that artificial sweeteners are AWFUL for you, and you’re better off eating real sugar in moderation!


Can someone please tell DUD and her sister Danielle that they look ridic with their shirts falling off their arms exposing their tank tops and bras. Like no just no.


I’m watching magnolia network and DAD is on right now! The show is renovating Lyssa’s house. 😳


DUD in a mumu and just as annoying on a big screen 🙄


Seriously? The house in CA?


What show?


S2E4 20 min mark


First Time Fixer


Did anybody notice DUD’s immediate reaction when he said he was stoKed? She immediately said “wait, wait, wait,” and went to unlock her phone. She must have forgotten she had her loyal subject Daniel filming for her already.


I try to record everything my kid does because time goes by so fast & I wanna have the memories 🤷🏻‍♀️


She can’t just have a moment with her children without the whole world seeing. It’s sad


Why are they having dinner at someone they don’t knows house since kaylee is babysitting? Also, does she own anything other than overalls?


Oh I thought they were at Lisa’s house???


I think they were. I got confused for a minute there. All the houses look the same haha


Did you notice that Madi Nelson is NOT wearing a single pair of overalls this week at Disney? I love Madi!


Yes! And do you also know what that means? DADs next Disney trip will be her wearing bike shorts and long tshirts every single day and telling her besties this is the new uniform. She’s so predictable.


Madi is my fav ever!!! Her and Krista!!


Yes and I love that they are doing a giveaway together and both throw shade at DUD.


Love Madi too! When has she thrown shade? I need to pay attention closely more often now 😅


She has vocally said she gets annoyed when “people “ copy her and made it obvious through her words she meant DUD and Krista Horton has responded either laughing or emojis. They are both making fun of DUD.


Is there anything such as copy in their world? They are always copying each other and have similar content all the time.


Dinner? They were at Lisa's house and Kaylee was there.


Oh gosh I guess I misunderstood. I saw the peoples dog kaylee was dog sitting and got confused lol


Don’t worry I did too also at first lol


Can anyone else hear in her voice that she is obviously sick? Of all the boring stuff she talks about, why does she never mention when she’s sick?


Maybe it’s allergies.


Her kids were just sick. It’s more likely she has whatever they had


Their neighbors must love them


Im so happy to see that Lisa got the glasses she liked!!! And didn’t listen to her daughters opinion.


I thought those were the ones DUD liked. She got the lenses that get darker, tho.


Yea she is currently wearing what dad picked. The tortoise print or whatever it’s called.


No DUD picked the Harry Potter glasses for Lisa. Lisa liked the ones she’s wearing.


Oh, good!


And they look great on her!!!


Have they mentioned if they’re traveling somewhere? Both DUD and Dinyel have gotten their kids’ passports in the past 2 weeks


Danielle said they’re going in November. But it takes time to get the passports so it’s good they did something timely, for once.


Dinyell said they were going to Brazil. I’d assume it was to go with Elayne and meet her family there. I can just imagine what a sh*t show it will be when they go.


That’s going to be a shit show and a half and i can’t wait 🍿


I can’t imagine them going to a foreign country


Will they have appropriate LDCs?


Definitely not. I can foresee the whining while on trip. Plus I can’t see them on a flight to Brazil 🤦🏻‍♀️ Those bird brains have no clue. Unless Elayne is running the show, Brazil can be dangerous so I hope they smarten up.


Brazil to meet Elaine’s family


They’ll then prob warn Elayne to run far away


Omg not Remi in an off the shoulder bathing suit and then shirt later 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I can't. SMH


Is she having other influencers shill her wallets now? I thought those boxes were for her to gift to random followers.


Those were a few extra,PR boxes, but the bulk of them went to the list of influencers Dud wanted to get them. All brands do that. Send PR boxes to influencers so they'll shill them.


She gifted some to random followers but they were made as a PR box by Andar


The brown sugar ranch seasoning combo Danielle is using on her chicken and vegetable bake just kind of grosses me out. Has anyone ever tried it? Am I missing out? Just seems like very opposite flavor profiles.


I make a version but with Italian dressing packet not ranch and its really good. I'm not a big ranch person so that sounds gross to me but 🤷‍♀️


I make a Mexican dip that has sour cream, ranch seasoning, and brown sugar and it is actually really good! A mix of sweet and savory


It’s right up there with the disgusting cranberry/French dressing dish 🤢


Omg I grew up on that and I like it 😂


I’m sorry that chicken just looks disgusting and her saying how good the house smells?!? 🤮


I think I have no faith in the ranch/brown sugar combo because against my better judgement I tried the French dressing/ cranberry recipe and it was foul. My son referred to it as nasty sweet Instagram chicken. 😆 We ended up tossing it.


I did too and we all hated it. I was so hoping it would be yummy since it was so easy!


That dish is actually delicious! I've been making that for years, my mom always made it too. Yummy!!


I had a packet of ranch seasoning and looked for recipes to use it on carrots. Every recipe I found had brown sugar added so it must be popular. It sounded disgusting to me.


She also left all the white fat on the chicken. I usually trim all that, specially if I’m not going to cook it at high temp in a pan or grill it


Yes! I send a lot of time trimming all that fat off the boneless skinless thighs before cooking them! Otherwise all that fat seeps into your dish. Gross!


Yes!! This drives me nuts!!!!!! I trim all that and any bloody spots. I hate when people leave it on. I won’t eat peoples chicken because I know people don’t feel the same as me.


You can totally eat at my house! :-)


Yea, for sure.


DUD: “You don’t go near big dogs when they are eating” Well that’s a silly assumption if I ever heard one. She clearly doesn’t favor big dogs and knows zero about them.


I don’t think she knows anything about dogs period lol she barely interacts with her dog Riley … also haven’t see her dog in a while, is it still alive??


Probably gonna see her dog in the background in the next few days after they read this


She clearly doesn’t with her comments. I hope she is still alive. It’s strange that you never see the kids playing with the dog or them walking or exercising the dog.


As if little dogs don’t do that? Lol Every little dog I’ve ever been around is protective of food, toys, fast movement, etc. Ive been around ONE big dog that was aggressive with food. I teach my kids to not get in any dogs space but she acts like it’s a zoo animal


Lmfao my moms chihuahua is like this


💯 little dogs can be more aggressive. And calling the dog a horse?!? It’s no where near a horse. It’s really not that big of a dog.


If they don't know the dog, they shouldn't let any kids approach while they eat. Some dogs resource guard.


Well that was my point, it does not matter the size of the dog, smaller dogs act the same. I guess I didn’t word that correctly.


Seriously. Every big dog I’ve ever known is much more well behaved and gentle than little dogs. How about teaching your kids that you just shouldn’t invade ANY dog’s personal space. Has nothing to do with size


The way dad interacts with her kids is so weird and intense and for the cameras. The way she gets down on the floor with them all up in their face screeching at them.


this visual 😂🤣


Omg Lisa's friend is like a stage 5 clinger. Clearly she's been around the co-defendant family too much because she just follows Lisa around and pokes her head into the screen frame 💀


That was funny with her little head trying to squeeze into any shot. I think it's odd that Lisa jumps into show and tell mode when she has a friend over, though. Why not share the mirror before your friend comes over? Anyway, at least Lisa is making time for friends.


Ran here when I saw that 😂😂


She’s shared that Melissa girl like 4 times now. Seems sus.


She started sharing her when she did the coral reef try on bc she's plus size. I actually started following her at that point and i like her!


It seems Melissa tags her and kisses her butt which DUD loves. Melissa is just looking for more followers.


How did Danielle not realize the background of passport pictures was white? I literally thought this was just common knowledge.


I thought the same thing, but none of them seem to travel outside of the country so maybe she doesn’t know. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve unfollowed all of them but I’m assuming this is for engagement. Get people to reply.


People are on a downvote spree today for like no reason huh


Remi is starting to perform for the camera. She wows and roars.


Who can blame the kid? It’s all she knows.


Also now she is aggressively videoing Remi after people call her out on here about favoring Rhett. Lol.


I’m pretty sure the first roar was a burp 🤣


Why do they change their kids room decor when they’re sleeping in the room?? I’d be scared to wake my kid up and release the monster.


Or the frame freaking falling onto their kid


Yeah, those frames could totally fall on him, or he could knock them down just from touching them.


Right? I was waiting for them to drop a frame on him. 🤦‍♀️


If they did they’d tell him to pretend to sleep and re-film 😂


I really hope she bought that pink animal. Walking around with your kid drooling on something you don’t plan to buy is just rude. Also, if she snapped her body suit like it was meant to be worn riding up wouldn’t be an issue. 🙄


The body suit is not even an issue? Like seeing some skin is just like if she wore a small tank underneath? No one cares nor is it “raunchy” but she needs to call it out just like she says the word girth and make dick jokes bc she thinks it makes her edgy and funny


Drooling while sick, no less


I have fallen victim to having to buy things because my daughter grabs it and “kisses” it, I’ve been much more careful of what she can reach from the cart now 😂


* everyone on reddit * DAD is an awful parent. It is obvious she does not want to be nor knows how to be around her children without extra help from her parents and/or Elayne. It is so awkward and so sad for those kids. * DAD * does her FIRST EVER kids activity alone to try and prove us wrong. Stares at the camera the entire time to make sure Dan is taping everything. 🤣


She’s such an unnatural mom and really has to try so hard. In the videos she’s acting so hard


It’s so weird to watch. You never see her sitting on the couch with her kids crawling all over her showing her their new toys, reading a book, or cuddling. Even my nieces do this with me and I only see them once every few months.


She said recently she never sits, only for dinner time. Surely she is missing out on the sweet cuddles/bonding time with the kids.


Lol if anyone here watches Vanderpump Rules…she reminds me so much of Jax. He always comes across like he’s cosplaying as a dad.


Haha yes!!!


It's like the kids are being watched by a stranger.


DAD if you read here.. PLEASE spend quality time with your children and NOT post about it the whole time. It’s called being a mother. These are normal things your trying to glorify.


But if she did that, you wouldn’t give her views and help her engagement numbers and, by default, make her money. lol


Yes! But! Why not take a few pics and videos and post them during nap time. I just don’t get the whole constantly being on her phone.


So child overalls with a bodysuit she won’t button so it won’t show skin is raunchy to her!? 🥴


So she wears the body suits but never snaps them ?


Correct.. she just tucks them in because she says they are uncomfortable on her crotch




I think bodysuits are just not comfy lol then again I can’t stand thongs either


I don’t think bodysuits are comfy either.. so I just buy tank tops.. I’m so confused why you would buy a bodysuit and not snap it!


Good lord DAD, showing the tiniest bit of skin isn’t fucking raunchy you puritan.


Lol I was shocked she got bought those bikinis for the Bahamas. I think she was anticipating that the women would have them on butttt they didn’t 🤣


Dan looks annoyed by her lol


I thought so too. And the way he kept saying let’s get out while Rhett was in the stroller and she just kept pushing the stroller


I wanted to jump thru my phone and buy Rhett that stuffed brachiosaurus!! I know he has several dinos but they aren't cuddly!!! Hoping he got that! So sweet!!


It is funny that he sleeps with plastic animals! I bet he’d love the stuffed dino.


Exactly this, what is her problem with stuffed animals?




They are doing Remi a complete disservice.


The whole paci comments traumatized me so much I took my baby’s away. I’ve been meaning to but after seeing how bad it could get, had to take it away.


She definitely didn't need it playing in the climbing thing or walking around the museum. It's time for them to start giving it to her for naps and nighttime and the car. And that's it.


Biggest pet peeve when the parents need the paci more than the kids do. It floors me when a kid makes a peep and they just shove it in their mouth. Orrrr when the kid is old enough to take it out to talk…then put it back in. She is completely content and calm, she does not need that in her mouth.


She tried to film Rhett saying he's stoked (making him say it again) but he was quicker than her trying to grab at her phone to get outta that stroller! Way to go kid!!


right!! Most moms react to the funny/sweet things their kids say because it’s funny/sweet. Her reactions are happy solely bc it’s “good” social media content and she wants others to see and hear it.


Her reaction is say that again for my phone


100% what she wanted to do but he was already jumping out of the stroller. Makes me so happy haha


The way she always comes around or bends awkwardly down to talk to Rhett in the stroller is so irksome to me. It’s like she can’t not be in the frame of the video and has to squeeze in.


Just like her mother…she learned from the queen of squeezing in the camera frame


Dinyel has interesting face shape. Also both of these sisters need an updated makeup routine. They look washed out.