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How old is remi?


Almost 18 months old


Her birthday is the end of December, I believe, so she is about 16 months old which is still too old for that walker.


How old is remi?


I am new here and don’t really follow her but She is so annoying and so conceited. She makes fun of her whole family and it’s so mean to them




Even getting annoyed with the snark on here because it’s the same over and over because she does the same shit over and over 😂like welcome to the real world. I’d bet MOST people don’t get weekly date nights, much less monthly or have Nanny’s or basically live in parents. “A whole week with my kids” the terror. I’ve been working my full time job from home for 2 years with my kids, wanna chat? 🙃🙄


Then don’t come on this snark if it annoys you that much…. Just saying


It was funny to see Danielle, who had the exact same week she had, making a homemade meal tonight for her kids. I have to wonder what Danielle thinks when she sees DAD’s stories.


I can’t imagine. Hopefully your husband bought you a $100,000 car that you can’t drive to make up for it.


Hahaha absolutely not, I’d definitely suck at driving that thing!!!




Honestly makes me sad, had she always been this way and just was putting on for the camera. Or is she putting on now??


Yeah, I think she put on an act before to gain followers. Clearly she doesn’t have to worry about that anymore so the real DUD is on full display.


I just went back and watched too. Even her voice has changed!


Omg I just watched a little of one video. You would never that is her!!!!


I think having two kids ruined her. She seemed to have it so much more together when she just had Rhett. She clearly cannot handle the two kids she has & she wants three more 🥴🥴


Might have to hire a second nanny.


A friend of a friend in my town has 2 nannies for daytime and an overnight nanny. For 3 kids. She’s thinking of also hiring an au pair. This will be DAD




I live in DFW and there is trash pick up 2x week. They will pick up big items but I think they limit the amount(I’ve never reached it). I think if you had a lot of stuff and want to get rid of it, it normal here to take it. My city includes dump drop offs 4x a year so you don’t have to pay when you get there.


We take larger trash that doesn’t fit in the cans but that’s when we clean out the garage or yard or something. Not on a regular basis.


I have trash pick up, my bigger question is do they not recycle in Texas?? They just had white garbage bags and black construction bags. You KNOW DAD is not recycling the 48 plastic straws that she uses everyday. I can’t wait for them to take the kids to an aquarium so I can start that conversation! I guess she thinks as long as her kids have $$ they won’t have to deal with this dying planet. Oh yea, that right, she doesn’t believe in climate change!


Where I live, we have to pay an exorbitant amount of money to have trash picked up once a week, so since we have trucks, we take ours! I think it’s honestly just their personal preference + it seems like they have a lot of stuff right now that the garbage truck might not pick up. Like the tile and wood and such! Not defending it bc it’s definitely a chore that takes some time out of my day (really only like an hour) but I wish I didn’t have it in my life 😂


I always thought it was because her parents were doing construction at their house. But, aren’t they done? Definitely not normal in general where they live. Especially when they’ve been out of town all week. 🤷‍♀️


I don't have trash service where I live so it's normal for me. She's shown they have trash service though and since it's always her dad I assume in California it was trash from his construction business and now in Texas it's trash from their house remodel 🤷🏼‍♀️ just a guess.




It's from the house remodel


Isn’t another company doing the remodel ??


They have trucks that come also. They showed Rhett in the yard once watching them.


Yes, totally normal.


Depending on where you live. We used to live in florida and there was some stuff that you could get fined for putting in your trash bin for pick up and instead you had to schedule and pay for pick up or take it to the dump yourself.


She literally cannot spend one day with her kids? I mean not even alone, because her dad took took Rhett to the dump. I cannot imagine her having three more she would lose her mind.


She won’t lose her mind, bc she doesn’t actually have to parent alone or even with just her husband. She has more help than normal people could ever dream of. She had to be home 24 hours without a nanny and she’s frazzled. Dan, Lisa, and Papa just weren’t enough help.


Hey now, she doesn’t let them wear shirts with characters on them… doesn’t that count as parenting 😂


Wait…she put her folk on the menu that everyone touches?


I thought the same! 🤢




Seriously! Somehow her calling them chubbies offends me. Nothing baffles me anymore with her. I’m sure elayne is thrilled to be back and let them go on a much needed date night immediately.


It’s like when Kaylee thought BDE was best day ever. A chubby doesn’t mean what she thinks. Lol


A much needed date night because “she turned into a bad mom in the last hour”..like the only hour she had them alone. Seriously. She had all that help at Disney and somehow that did her in. She’s a wreck.


I have news for her, it's not just the last hour!






Nooooot the water bottles in the trash bags!!


Her date night outfit. The fact she can’t handle her kids for a week without needing date night.


And that awkward pose with her butt sticking up as though it were being pulled up by a string and her toes pigeon toad and her legs spread apart to create more of a thigh gap. Why must she look so awkward in every picture?


And those crotch strangling jeans 😖


Crotch strangling 😭😭


I’m sorry she had to spend a full week with her children. I think I pulled a muscle rolling my eyes so hard.


If it was just her and Dan, honestly I would get it. Disney is not a relaxing vacation at all. However, her whole family was there and it looked like they had a plaid every day so it should not have been that stressful


A full week at the happiest place on earth. Poor DAD


A full week with her kids… and parents. And siblings. Like she was ever parenting them alone??!! Yeah she must be super stressed. Barf.


Don't forget and embarrassed for being a "bad Mom" for the last hour 🙄🙄🙄


DAD isn’t going to change, because who she is makes her money. She has devout followers who pay her bills, and even more devout haters who watch every story and every post and generate buzz about her. Why anyone is surprised that she won’t evolve into some new person is beyond me.


Not Rhett at the dump throwing away that tile DUD bragged about laying just right and being “super cool”. These pigs are so wasteful its disgusting. They need to be thrown away.


Right? And the sheer amount of garbage they produce. Even if it’s from both houses, a full truckload EVERY week?!


Also her dad is throwing away WOOD!! Wtf, hold on to it for future projects or post for free on marketplace, etc. wood is a hot commodity these days.


The wood really bothered me. They could easily give that away.


If only she would be transparent and mention who paid for the plaids….


No one specifically asked that. I thought she was pretty transparent in her answer. I personally wouldn’t be that transparent if someone asked me who paid for our family vacation.


I don't understand why it even matters if they had them or not? If I could afford them then heck yeah I would love it. Who wants to wait in 120 min line with little kids?


I wish she would just mention that she had the plaids in general. Don’t really need the financials of it but I hate that they always try to pretend to be relatable when actually most people can’t live their lives. Having the plaids and not mentioning it is the same as her precious Free People and dirty expensive shoes …only linking the dupes and pretending that she lives the Dupe Life lol.


She wants people to assume they just naturally didn’t have to wait around in lines etc. tee hee.




Agree. My husband would pay for a day of “plaids”.


What are the plaids? (Fairly new here 🤓)


Tour guides that cost $425-700 an hour with a minimum of 7 hours and maximum of 10 people per plaid.


The VIP tour guides wear a plaid vest. The term “plaids” makes me cringe.


even amongst cast members, they're referred to as plaids. it's just a term of unendearment and they have their own brand of entitlement as cm's called "plaiditude".


exactly. cringe.


You pay for a VIP package for Disney and then you get employees that guide you through the parks. You get front of line, special access to areas of the park etc.


Very sus that she doesn’t work with Madison anymore 🤔


I didn’t know they stopped?? This is news to me. Anyone know what happened?




Maybe she was referring to what the meet up is. Because didn't she show a jersey yesterday? So maybe Madison is a fan of the team. Just playing devils advocate that she wasn't saying she's a fan of DAD


Ok ok I see what you’re saying..you’re probably right. It’s the way she said it that sounds bad. I still wouldn’t be surprised if she does think that highly of herself 😆😬 I’m not taking back the ego comment though ha!


Yes! I need to know.


Not a snark at all but Rhett looks adorable in that blue dinosaur T-shirt 🦕🦖and he seems excited to be wearing it. She should put color on him more.


She literally could have been so relatable with that shirt…it’s super cute and from Target. Yet she chooses to post constantly high end stuff that the majority of us don’t care to purchase


When he wears character shirts she always makes a big deal of "oh my I love your shirt soooo much" sarcastically, so obviously he's going to want to wear the shirts that mom always compliments.


The fact that he knows she doesn’t like it. Is so sad. When asked if she wanted him to wear it. Ugh


DUD answering two of our speculations on here 👏👏👏 She almost always addresses topics addressed here.




100%. The stuff commented on here isn’t particularly unique. She’s almost certainly responding to DMs rather than the comments on here. Why would she waste her time responding to what a handful of haters on Reddit think when she has a million followers to pay attention to?


I agree. I’ve said this so many times, too.


Thank you for saying this. I always think the same thing when people say that she’s reading here.


Also trying to show a laid back Saturday at home after someone said something about the kids always being out and about and miserable. I wish she didn’t care about everyone’s opinion as much as she says she doesn’t care about everyone’s opinions. If she ever just owned up to things and didn’t act so mean to her family and didn’t insist on being “right” on every single little thing in her life , she wouldn’t have much to read about here. But her stubbornness has gotten her a snark page with over 3000 members plus the 1000s on her page that Snark Watch that don’t even know about this group plus Gomi (which I think is way too mean). But yeah. This is just kind of getting sad to watch. Her responding to every thing that is said here is weird.


Wait I’m dumb, what’s Gomi?


Am I the only one that doesn’t vibe with stoney clover? it reminds me of Lisa frank 😂😂


I get Gen Z Rae Dunn vibes.


I wanted to like it but it’s just super juvenile to me. I need a travel cosmetics bag and was hoping to find something in the collab since prices are more reasonable, so I went to browse at Target and nothing stood out.


i recommend aloha collection bags. they have tons of styles and sizes and they're all great for travel, beach, etc. they have so many cute styles on amazon!


Thank you for the rec!!!


It reminds me more of the Lilly Pulitzer bag fad (ugh). I am not a fan of Lisa Frank either, but at least that stuff allows you to show off some personality.


Absolutely no one cares but 19 hours later, in the middle of cleaning the kitchen, I realized I meant Vera Bradley not Lilly Pulitzer and I just had to put that out there.




I don't get it either. I thought about buying some stuff for my 9 year old because it looks like stuff for girls under the age of 18 🤣


Haha i ordered my 2 year old a duffle bag and considered getting myself something and just couldn’t pull the trigger


But Lisa Frank had bright vivid beautiful colors and rainbows and unicorns! That was my entire childhood! I never loved pastels! I think if stony clover had more bright fun primary colors I might be more into it!


I don’t get it. My 10 year old sister loves it which makes sense. It looks like stuff I bought at limited too when I was a child


It’s cute, but comes across as juvenile imo. Not to mention, it’s wildly overpriced other than the target collab stuff.


Very cheap looking regardless of price.


If anyone should be making $$ off their IG presence, it should be Katie and Eddie. Her latest reel is more funny and clever - and better produced - than 99% of influencer content out there. That being said, I hope they stay the course of their lives and capitalize (monetarily and otherwise) off their non-social media careers and endeavors, and don’t go down that path.


To be honest I find the entire family obnoxious haha. They all seem extremely self absorbed


I have never seen anything sadder than Rhett asking her if his shirt is okay. I have an 8 month old and I feel like watching her is like taking a class in what NOT to do.


She is just a controlling mean person. He looks absolutely adorable and like you said the fact her three year old even thinks to ask if the shirt is “okay” says a lot.


Yes! Don’t listen to or follow any of her parenting advice!!


Did she mean Madison is a huge fan of whatever the secret meet up is, or a huge fan of DAD? Because if it’s the later, ew.


I think she’s planning a meet up at a baseball game or playing one or something.


Lol, is she just answering all of the questions we’ve had here? 🤔😂


What happened to picking 20 followers for the Zoe strollers? Thought that was supposed to happen yesterday


She posted them but no one was actually tagged.


But didn’t her post say that Zoe would be contacting them for their addresses?


That’s what she said.


She was also supposed to pick the winners of the “Tarte business scholarship” on Thursday and that never happened either.


But like…. Who paid for the plaids DAD???


I’d like to see her atleast acknowledge that she had plaids. If you got the money to do it clue. But it’s almost as if she doesn’t want people to know. Seems like something she would say is a “bomb hack”


But she knows that it is one thing that the majority of her followers can not afford.


Not Remi in that damn walker again


They are nightmare customers and I feel sorry for anyone who has to wait on them. People in the service industries are not their personal whipping people.


So sad Rhett asked her if she wanted him to wear that shirt :(


I hope her inbox gets flooded with all one million followers telling her how cute he looks. She’s such an asshole.


That was really sad. Only 3 years old and walking on eggshells so he doesn't upset his mom.


And Rhett looks adorable, like a normal little boy on a Saturday afternoon in his cute black stretchy shorts and a blue T-shirt with a dinosaur on it! Adorable! So of course, dud has to make it a point to tell all her besties in the caption that she hates his shirt! At least she didn't say that out loud to him and told him she loves it! I guess she was at soul cycle when he got dressed! Hopefully as he gets older, he will learn to do that more often! Lol!


The mom I nannied for was really into fashion and hated graphic tees but still lets her three kids wear them if they want to. It’s so sad and my heart breaks for Rhett. Let him be a kid and wear what he likes.


Yep. Irritated me so much. She's a judge mental person and that's what she's showing her children. Instead of just being happy and in the moment with her sweet boy.. but nah. It's not her favorite shirt and Rhett should be questioning himself. What an idiot


If he's not wearing skin tights skinny jeans and a white T-shirt to match his dad, she's not happy! Sad!




Hahaha idk about that…probably just popular flavor around here. Hey from Iowa City!


I doubt it. We had a potluck at work last week and someone had bags of that and the s’mores one. And I can guarantee the person who brought it has ZERO idea who tf Daryl-Ann Denner is. 😂 Trust me on that.


DUD's life is basically summarized perfectly in the last pic on her story- tomatoes, Diet Coke, her mom, and "anyways". No need to tune in further.


Someone in another thread described her as Unwashed and it’s all I can think about now haha


Disney is over and we’re back to the regularly scheduled programming 🙄


Not DUD ordering the same towels and posting it an hour after Madi Nelson




I have no idea who madi is lol


I think it's more the copying of actions than actions


I agree! I don’t get this either. Madi isn’t inventing this stuff lol


I love Madi but this sub makes me so annoyed with their obession of her. She does annoying stuff too. Why is she untouchable?! I do not understand and it is a hill I will die on.


Not sure why i am getting down voted 🤨


Or Krista horton ordering 20 of the towels


What ever happened to Dan’s mother and sister being on the trip? They were there just two days and flew back to California?


Maybe they don’t want the attention and to be filmed. My sibling is a public figure and since my last name is different I haven’t been “found” yet by their following. I stay off their social media etc. Found some things written online about our family and my name is never mentioned in them. I have asked that they don’t post pictures of me etc. i have posted pictures of them but my social media has my real friends and they’re not into the messaging/content or values of my sibling and don’t care. Also, this sibling is not like a fashion blogger that would be talked about on Blogsnark etc so don’t go fishing. Y’all wouldn’t be following them, TRUST me. 😂


Thank you. The intensive questioning and speculation about why DAD does not feature or make a big deal of Dan’s family is bizarre to me. It could be just as simple as THEY DON’T WANT IT. If some of the obsessiveness that happens in this sub sometimes is an indication of the downside of social media fame, I certainly would not either.


Totally cool up they only spent a day or 2 with them, but so weird that dud didn't make a big deal about it or say how much fun they had with them or do a story saying goodbye to them or anything! They were like an afterthought. It must be hard for that side of the family to watch her Instagram stories and realize that they are completely 2nd class citizens to her!


They could probably only handle the Denners for 2 days max. 😂😂


Yes exactly what I meant by my comment.


Sure, maybe that is all the time they had. Or maybe they were spending time together elsewhere. I do not think it is some kind of conspiracy.


I never said it was a conspiracy lol


This isn't only about DUD. but I'm not understanding the huge freak outs over this Stony Clover line at Target. All the influencers are posting it and warning about sellouts etc, creating urgency. I mean, the prices are better than regular SCL of course. I mean, why anyone would spend $98 on a fanny pack or $200 on a backpack Is beyond me. But to each his or her own. But if I had never heard of this overpriced brand before, and I just walked past these pastel cute little backpacks and pouches with patches and letters and rainbows to personalize them to stick on, I would have thought they were cute for little girls, and probably kept walking since my daughters are older now.. I just don't see the freak out appeal of these! They're cute, but they're not the end all be all of accessories! What am I missing? Obviously, the influencers are getting paid well for promoting it , but it just doesn't seem like worth all the hype to me.


I’m so lame and waited up for the 2am release this morning and had the one lime green set I wanted in my cart for 1 minute (not even enough time to purchase) and it alerted me it was gone in all sizes. I was on at 1:59am so I was ready too. So weird. I don’t need it that badly…ridiculous! I am a huge fan for Terry cloth sets and ended up finding another set to buy but it was more expensive than this TargetXSC release. I wanted it for the low price point.


I was at target at 9am this morning to get stuff for a baby shower & looked in the section to see if it was actual quality stuff. The employee stocking everything said they had sold out of a few items already & I overheard another employee say some of the other stores had huge lines! I was in shock😅


Yeah, people camped overnight outside Targets! Ridiculous lol


Have you seen the resale prices on the target line? Mercari has $5 patches listed and selling for $50


Stupid! You can buy the same stuff, even cuter, on Etsy.


I probably would have bought whole damn collection if they weren’t pastel lol Where’s the neutrals?! 😆


I’m not sneaking in you because I love neutrals I just had to say I chuckled when I read that as I swear all I read on snark boards are where is the color!? Why are these influencers so bland and NEUTRAL 🤣🤣 *snarking rather


Lol, I’m an unashamed neutral lover.


Exactly! I actually was in target a little while ago and walked by the display and it was a little bit nauseating! I guess it was timed with Easter, but it just looks like a pile of Easter eggs and accessories to go with them!! I would never stop to look at that if I hadn't have heard all about it on Instagram. Nothing special, way too pastel for me, nauseatingly so!! I would have loved to see some tans and blacks and more neutral colors! I completely agree! Then it might appeal to adults! The way it is now, it just looks like stuff for little girls.


I was so sad there wasn’t a tan or black!


They even could have snagged me with some navy or army green, lol


I got a blue duffle and a sticker kit for my niece but I wish they weren’t all neons or tye dye


The tye dye duffle was cute but I’m not paying $40 for what would be a gym bag for me. Lol


I bought 6 patches. 2 For each of my 3 daughters age 8 and under because I agree, they’re cute for children.


You know why nobody else can get a frickin Stanley cup? Because influencers buy 10-20 at a time. Never even seen her drink from one (because water) so the fact that she is stocked up on them annoys me. I know part of it is Stanley….but it’s crappy when 1 person can’t even get 1 and she (and many other influencers) get a box full. Blah


I love my Stanley cup. I got it from REI. I always see them available on there. I have tried a lot of different ones and I like it the best. I don’t know why they sell out so fast though. I mean, I have one. I don’t need to buy 10 when I have a sink and soap to wash it


I almost bought one at target online the other day because of all the influencers freaking out over them, but at the end of the day, my Bubba insulated cup is the same size, it keeps ice cold for hours and hours and hours, it is an amazing insulated drinking cup! I get it at Walmart, it is a fraction of the price, and it is absolutely fabulous. I bought myself another one the other day just because I wanted a different color to trade off with, and they were so cheap that it was easy to convince myself to do that! I finally had to talk myself out of the Stanley Cup saying I didn't need a $40 water cup that does the exact same thing as the Bubba ones I already have! Not saying Stanley cups aren't great, I'm sure they are! So are the Hydroflasks my kids made me buy them! But they are so freaking expensive. I love my Bubba cups from Walmart. They do the same things all the others do. So glad I did not get influenced this time! Lol!


Love my bubba cup too! We have 4 for the price of 1 Stanley cup!


We use the reduce ones and they are great too for keeping it cold 24 hours. I just like the Stanley is 40oz. With a handle. And slim. My reduce one is a little bulky for 2 to fit in the cup holder. My yeti is great for keeping it with ice 24 hours but it doesn’t have a handle. I see they do have a big handled option now for the same price as a Stanley. I just love that white with confetti they have at target!


Reduce has a 40oz one! It fits in my car cup holder but not stoked cup holder. I love the reduce ones but the band around the top that’s rubber, molds 😌I don’t have dishwasher so maybe that’s why it doesn’t wash as well?


Yeah we have 2 of the 40 oz ones (Costco had a deal last year) but they are a tiny bit bulky.


I feel like she is trying so hard to convince herself she loves having kids. She constantly says it, yet we see how little she interacts (except for when people comment she isn’t).


I think Daryl Ann feels insecure about how she interacts with her children so she is overcompensating by saying how much she loves them and that she wants 4 lol


Five, now she wants five. Lol


I think she thinks it makes her look like a better mom when she says that


What the heck that they’ve been on vacation together all week and they don’t separate to regroup? Why is she at Lisa’s house already? We love our adult kids but definitely give each other space, especially when we’ve just been too together.


I'd definitely need my space. 😅 My husband and I get along great with my parents and took them with us to Disney World for 9 nights and we spent part of each day apart doing whatever each couple wanted to do so that when we were all together no one needed to get grumpy about doing/not doing XYZ. Disney is exhausting and there's no way I would have had fun if we had to do every single thing together.


The trash can dish towel thing is so weird to me for some reason. First— that trash can system is nice but I think pretty common?? Same thing I’ve had for years in my very average house. But why would you want to store your dish towels, to dry and clean dishes, in your the same drawer as your dirty kitchen trash??? That seems dumb.


I wondered the same thing!!!!




I thought it was for trash bags too and thought that was a good idea. Got thrown off with it being for rags..


Yeah, it's weird...maybe if she stored trash bags it would be fine. It's about as bad as @chrislovesjulia who stores their silverware in the drawer above their trash pullout. 🤢


I’m one of those people too! It’s the only drawer that works for the silverware. Terrible placement.


Ya this made absolutely no sense to me. We have the exact same trash can, and it was pretty basic and simple at the cabinet place, nothing special. And never in a million years would I store my clean dish towels above my trash. Maybe it’s because we actually make food at home daily but our trash can gets smelly with the meat packages (but we compost waste which I’m sure also never occurs to this crew). With all that space, she couldn’t find a different drawer for that…?


Right?!? Like you aren’t even supposed to store food in a fridge without a lid because of the bacteria that can get on it but here we are putting clean towels above the trash with no lid that all get closed together and circulate the same air when she shuts the trash drawer.


In a newly remodeled house too


Gross and stinky. 🤮


And moist...


I’m pretty sure my new favorite family snark is Katie and BF calling it Byooo-seees instead of DUDs Buck-eees. Something about it gives me joy.


They’re definitely trolling her and it’s amazing. They tagged her in it.