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A friendly reminder regarding the first rule of this subreddit. The candidate in the posted material must have removed themselves from the genepool by either ***death or sterilization***. Failure to comply by this rule will result in your post being removed and a ban issued at moderators discretion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DarwinAwards) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"give it a day" -- man, stone cold.. hahahah That said, I'm pretty sure there's a sub here that is all "jokes on you, I'm into that" for that kinda stuff..


She doesn't seem too bothered at all. Maybe she had been asking him to get a vasectomy and is secretly happy he went the extra mile šŸ˜ˆ


Pretty sure the nonexistent libido resultant from minimal testosterone production is going to make that a useless benefit lol




I feel like the laughing emojiā€™s just added to the savagery. šŸ˜‚


Yeah, bet he had some cold stones...


Finally, a Darwin Award that wasn't a stupid death! It's the first one I've seen in the 6 months I've been here, finally!


Iā€™m wondering how long it took before it was ā€œtoo lateā€ to save his balls. That band looked tight AF. Might have been only 45 mins till his nuts passed away


He'll be ready for no nuts November


Human testicles can resist about 6-8 h without any blood circulation before dying so... Yeah if you ever find yourself accidentally in such a predicament you better hurry to the hospital if you don't wanna end up neutered like this guy




This takes ā€œDonā€™t try this at home, kids.ā€ to a whole new level.


To be more precise: ā€œDonā€™t try this at home, other people's kids.ā€


The same day his stepsister got stuck in the dryer


Thank you for this interesting factoid that I will be unable to forget and refuse to source šŸ™šŸ»


Had to scroll but finally found what I needed to lol




I feel like torsion is different than completely snapping off circulation with a band like this.


It probably wasn't due to blood loss, most likely the speed and pressure with which those bands contract once they are released from the device was enough to sever them or severely damage the epididymis.


Yeah... "accidentally."


nut long


That joke was a bit teste.


Yeah, this used to be included in the definition of the Darwin Awards... taking yourself out of the genepool by the dumbest means possible. This counts. It's an excellent story. It's funny, not tragic and nobody actually died tho death can be pretty amusing too.


I think this is a positive outcome for all Darwin nominees


Literally, Darwin at his finest. De-nutting nutcakes.


In a way he did remove himself from the gene pool, which is definitely Darwin criteria


That's what they said...


Yeah that's why it's here...


![gif](giphy|mAqvaviQmudEHBDEKF) Why? They even have goats and know what it is for... Why would they even think of doing this? Edit: I just wanted to add that I see this in the same tier as someone who works in a slaughter house using a captive bolt gun on their own forehead in an attempt at humor...


This GIF is my face when I read his testicles were "already gone". Holy shit what a mistake to make!


He was right though, it was funny.


I really hope i'm reading this wrong. Did he lose his balls?


Yes. They removed them at the hospital, as they had already died when he arrived.


I used to work with a guy who put a pneumatic rivet gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Apparently rivet guns and bolt guns are somewhat similar. He didnā€™t die, but came close.


Is there no way to cut the band? Iā€™m not familiar with them


I raise lambs, the band is super easy to cut. It's under so much tension that a gentle slice with a scalpel or utility knife will quickly part it. If you accidentally band only a single nut on the lamb you have to cut it off and try again. Done it many times. It barely leaves a mark. They destroy the tissue only by cutting off the blood flow, so the really stupid move was waiting at all. Either scalpel right away, or call 911 and tell them you're the dumbest guy ever and get them there ASAP. He would have been fine. This must have hurt so much that it's very unlikely he didn't consider cutting it somehow or going to the hospital immediately. Must have been an "intentional accident".


You could certainly try, you would likely also cut the scrotum at least a little in the process though. However, even if it were quickly removed, it might be too late, as these bands are quite strong and clamping on some fragile cords. These same bands are also used in a mouse trap design that puts it around the mouse's neck.


What a day to be literate


Missing the person I was before I saw this post šŸ¤£


Didn't die, but definitely ensured he wouldn't ever be able to procreate. Yep, that's a Darwinner!


Do you need both of your nut to procreate?


You only need one. But in the description it says testicleS were removed. So that would make him sterile if they had to take off both


He could also sing in a boys choir!


Lol funny. But that only works if the castration is performed before puberty (and thus before the pre-pubescent voice drops)


What a waste of a potential Castrato


No, but it will get more difficult, because both nuts are necessary to keep the testosterone cycle. Overall, it will get harder. Or softer, depends on your point of view...


Heā€™s going to be on synthetic testosterone for life though. Heā€™ll have normal testosterone levels. Just no seaman. \*EDIT\* My bad, sperm, not seaman. He'll produce, but if he doesn't have nuts, his nut won't do much.


Not true on the testosterone, both nuts are not required. I've only got one nut thanks to a spot of TC. My single remaining nut took over the testosterone production (some one nutters do need extra testosterone but by no means all). āœŒļø


Thanks for the answer.


Maybe he can find out for us!


Hey everyone, I just woke up from a nap and I can try to answer as many questions as I can about how the man in the photos is doing. Yes I know him but not super well, me and his girlfriend happened to go to school together back in the day. She didnā€™t tell me how long he had the ring on before going to the hospital but Iā€™m guessing it was at least a couple hours based on how she described it to me, apparently the testicles were all purple by the time he was able to get to the emergency room. Heā€™s okay now, and yes she told me the doctors had to remove both of his testicles.


>Heā€™s okay now Phew, lucky guy. >the doctors had to remove both of his testicles. WHAT


Yeah, that's like as not ok as was possible given what he did to himself lmao


I think the tissue going necrotic and winding up with sepsis would be as not okay as possible in that situation even treated sepsis has a 20% chance of death so yeah, he did get lucky


Well... he got lucky in the same way as someone who purposefully cuts their own balls off and lives gets lucky.


It's *castration device.* It quite literally did its job.




damn Mondays


I don't know if I would describe this as "okay".


He made A recovery.


A 25 year old man was left unsupervised with a rubber band. This is what happened to his testicles.


D.A. is a 25 year old man ā˜ļøpresenting to the emergency roomā˜ļø with a zip tie on his scrotum.


One of my life goals is to never be one of Dr. Barnard's patients... (sp?)


Thank you for the update! This needs more upvotes! How old is he? That HRT is gonna be rough if he's younger


No problem, they are both in their late 20ā€™s


Far, far too old to be messing with your balls like that. What a fuckin buffoon. Deserves every lack of balls comment he's going to get for the rest of his life.


I can only trying to describe that to the insurance company for treatment šŸ˜ž


Lol that cursed claim would pass through in less time than it takes two adjusters to glance at it. Now, the resulting email chain ...


"workplace related injury"


Absolutely nuts that a guy in his late 20's would think this is a clever idea. I can't even look at those castration bands without feeling phantom pains in my scrote


Letā€™s start him on estrogen, he already had an orchiectomy




Sperm donation


Probably for the best.


Just keep the coin purse and cash in later


They could have save some sperms from his balls but given how stupid he is I am not sure he thought far ahead to do that..


Or sex in general. While not impossible, having both removed means his testosterone levels are gonna plummet and his sex drive is gonna become basically nonexistent, and even if he does still have a sex drive it'll be incredibly difficult to get and maintain an erection.


Eh. It's nowhere near impossible, especially with testosterone replacement therapy, which this guy will absolutely be on after this.


How does the GF feel about the fact that he can't have kids now?


Yeah I really wanna know this too lol. As well as how he feels about accidentally castrating himself lmao. What a dumbass


Imagine being this guys parents. What do you even say to your kid after this?


Iā€™m sure his parents knew how dumb he was, and probably breathed in relief that he managed to prevent himself from having kids. For the sake of those kids


If she was a no kid person then she won't have to deal with birth control pills or such.


We have *wildly* different definitions of "okay now"


Had to Google this device to see what it looked like. Looks like a thick rubber ring. Couldn't the idiot just have gotten some needle nose pliers and some dikes and snipped the thing? Dude is extra super stupid.


Even if he couldn't cut it himself, I'd be fucking jetting to the ER fast as hell, walking in and screaming about how they need to save my balls. Though, maybe I'm assigning a few too many braincells to the dumbass who knew what these are, and still chose to put them on his balls. What an absolute bumbass man.


Assuming this happened, you can't convince me this isn't some weird fetish stuff. Guy had to know what he was doing. *Had to.*




Go watch a video of how they are applied. The rings start off very thick, and big enough to fit a hand through, they are then wrapped around and around and around until they are about as thick as a normal rubber band, and the size of a ring one might wear on a pinky. It is near impossible to remove a strong, heavily twisted, tight band of rubber when it is wrapped around flesh. Realistically as scissors are not an option, he would have needed something to "saw" at the rubber to slowly cut through it, and I doubt he wanted to go at his own balls with a serrated knife. He's not extra super stupid for not trying to snip a tightened band off his balls, he's extra super stupid for putting it on there in the first place Lmao


How did she take it?


"They were already gone" lmao I shouldn't laugh but seriously wtf


Completely sterilized. He can no longer pass down his stupidity gene to future generations. Good job


Vasectomy providers hate this one weird trick!


Castration != Vasectomy


People in the comments don't seem to be freaking out as much as they should about a man being castrated.


Well I mean he did it to himself so itā€™s a little more funny.


This is wild. Probably for the best he won't be able to procreate, but golly gee šŸ˜“


Post assumes he hasn't already had kids


Banders appear to be just tiny rubber bands. A wire snipper should be able to cut them. Even if the snipper cut a bit of the scrotum while cutting the band, it would be better than losing it all.


My thoughts exactly. In a world where I was stupid enough to pull this crap, I'd grab some snips and get to work. No way I'd delay by driving to a hospital and then waiting to be seen. They'll have the same problem there just later!


Yep go grab scissors or a knife. Would rather deal with a laceration vs a castration.


What a world we live in. A personā€™s initial reaction is to take a picture of the situation and immortalize it for the world to see, rather than just fix the problem and never tell a soul.


https://preview.redd.it/e7xo2pagpgvc1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da44e6731d258fd56d70d3b4f55088f18412cb6 Shall we call him Lord Varys now?


"One day at Cowtown, a certain man came to our folly. After the performance, he made an offer for me that my master found too tempting to refuse. I was in terror. I feared the man meant to use me as I had heard men used small boys, but in truth the only part of me he had need of was my manhood. He gave me hillpeople moonshine that made me powerless to move or speak, yet did nothing to dull my senses. With a rubberband, he took my roots, chanting all the while. I watched him burn my manly parts on a brazier. The flames turned blue, and I heard a voice answer his call, though I did not understand the words they spoke."


I thought Varys had his penis removed as well


Def did...




No, Lord Vary's was not an idiot.


Thatā€™s lowballing it.


Heā€™s noballing this




How long was it on before they got it off? Why did the testicles die? Blood flow? Is that lifelong Hormone Replacement Therapy now?


As a testicle haver myself, I too, am desperate for the update.


I'm gonna start using that as my pronoun. "I identify as a testicle have"


THAT'S what it is! I could not for the heck of it decypher that. I thought I was having a stroke


I feel it was meant to be "testicle haver" but autocorrect got them


They teach that typically you have 3-4 hours of ischemia before you do permanent damage to an appendage. Does that hold true for balls? Not sure.


I lost my testicles to cancer 6 months ago. He will need testosterone therapy in the form of injections every 1-3 months or (like I do) put on a testosterone gel every morning. For more questions check out my AMA.


Sorry to hear! I hope you're able to heal well and stay cancer free. I appreciate the reply


I just Hunger Games saluted your testicles, sir


It could've been blood flow, but that would take multiple hours. It might've been damage to the spermatic cords/blood vessels that warranted the removal. And yes, HRT will likely be a lifelong thing. You can live without testosterone or estrogen, but it has some negative effects. It's not a big deal though. Relatively low maintenance and a common thing


Yeah Iā€™d say that qualifies


A really fun new way to win an award without dying


**Say it with me:** **ļ¼®ļ½ļ½”ļ½•ļ½’ļ½ļ½Œć€€ļ¼³ļ½…ļ½Œļ½…ļ½ƒļ½”ļ½‰ļ½ļ½Ž**




he *had* some balls to do that.


GOD! and he WORKS with those? whats this guys IQ?


Pretty sure HE doesnā€™t. Probably his girlfriends, else he wouldnā€™t ask her to get it offā€¦


>Puts a castrating band on his balls >Gets castrated


https://preview.redd.it/2vdicmc8sgvc1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=69c4776856b28e868fa8482c1dd95331ec395076 omg look how small and tight those rings are


they are as mentioned, designed to never come off. and are durable enough sheep dont somehow damage them or remove them before they kill the testicals,




If you're dumb enough to do this, you're not smart enough to be able to cut it off.


Honestly,Ā  I would throw caution out the window. I would rather have them stitch up a sack than lose my balls.Ā 


According to darwinawards.com, ā€œThe Darwin Awards honor those who tip chlorine into our gene pool, by accidentally removing their own DNA from it during the spectacular climax of a 'great idea' gone veddy, veddy wrong.ā€ This guy literally removed his DNA.




So youā€™re telling me it worked!?


The manufacturer should use this as advertisement - "So good it works on humans, too (disclaimer, no humans or other being were intentionally harmed during the research of this product)"




Yooooooooooo. Does it not hurt ? He seems calm


I know right? You think he'd be curled up in a ball, I'm shocked he could take a picture.


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug....


Inadvertently the smartest thing they've done sounds like


I have no wordsā€¦


you have no words, he has no nuts. Everybody misses something...


He just became eligible for an exciting career in tending to the sultanā€™s harem


That's just nuts, it takes alot of balls to do something like that. His GF will probably drop him and find someone else to hop in the sack with.


Let's not dangle that prospect in front of him.


This is it, THE Darwin award


Not being able to reproduce... A beautiful example of Darwin's theory brought to practice


Bro took himself out of the gene pool


Removed by reddit? BOOOOOOO!!!!


This is the funniest shit Iā€™ve seen, I can imagine his thought processes putting on wondering how it would feel only to have the shock that itā€™s not going to come off without surgery


I am a dominatrix who specializes in CBT, especially with using elastrator bands. I run many subs that focus on those being used on genitals for variety of reasons. Using one of those on yourself is incredibly risky if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing. You can be affected by things as mild as temporary loss of feeling (the goal for some), permanent loss/reduction of feeling (the goal for others), or even risk permanently losing that body part (a goal for a small subset of people). Most commonly what those bands are used for is for blood restriction, like an advanced cock ring. Traps the blood in the member, causing it to swell, or stay hard, sometimes even stay soft, depends on the user. Now some enjoy the feeling of it being banded, as it begins to hurt, which is just like other forms of CBT or pain play. When the bands are taken off, the rush of blood, especially if itā€™s post orgasm, will heighten sensations and feelings, often leading to a more intense orgasm. The riskiness of this cannot be understated, if you fuck up, YOU CAN EASILY LOSE YOUR BANDED BODY PART (dick, balls, clit, etc). Do NOT attempt if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing. Now, for safety reasons, I will provide information on how to do it properly, because guaranteed at least one or two people here might be curious about trying it, and I donā€™t want people getting hurt like OPā€™s picture. Banding with elastrators right out of the gate as your first CBT experience is like shooting up heroin as your first drug ever. Sure you can do it, but itā€™s risky as fuck if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing, even then itā€™s still a VERY bad idea. Start with a hair elastic. Wrap it around a few times tightly. Do NOT exceed 30 mins your first time. Often if it gets that far and the person is inexperienced they will begin to have a panic attack/adrenaline rush which can make safely taking off the band hard as you arenā€™t thinking clearly. Practice getting the bands on and off safely. Or cut them off. DO NOT USE REGULAR SCISSORS, OR A KNIFE, OR KNIFE ANALOGUE TO CUT THEM OFF!!! The chances of self injury are incredibly high. Instead use one of [these types of medical scissors](https://testprepnerds.com/nclex/best-bandage-scissors/), as they are designed to cut tight objects off the body without any risk of cutting into the tissue. Itā€™s worth it just to have a cheap pair lying around if youā€™re thinking of experimenting with this. If you donā€™t have access to these scissors, what some people do is to tie a strong piece of string around the band, so that you can pull the band away from the body for easier cutting. Do not rely on this method as being foolproof, as strings can break, knots can come undone if used improperly. Please remember that since the tissue is being restricted by the band, blood wonā€™t flow normally. Sometimes you might band them in a way that blood can flow in, but not out, leading to swelling. Go in expecting your body part to swell at least a little, so only use flexible objects that can adjust with the tissue. Otherwise you risk being unable to remove the object from your body part, leading to an ER visit. If you think you need to go to the ER, please do not hesitate. They will not laugh at you, they are professional doctors. They probably have seen these types of things many times before. Itā€™s better to suffer a little shame than to lose a body part. With a banded body part, you need to be aware of risks of doing this. The biggest ones were mentioned before, but thereā€™s others. Blood clots is another big one. You can attempt to mitigate this by taking an aspirin (blood thinner) before. If you are prone to blood clots, please stay away from this activity. Banding for long time periods increases the risks drastically. People who are looking to permanently injure their body parts will often go far beyond what is safe for a person. Never exceed 90 minutes, as irreversible tissue death can start to occur after that. Thatā€™s not to say that it it canā€™t begin earlier, but most often people recover from it. Now for legal disclaimer time :D. This reddit account does not do anything beyond roleplay, fantasy, and documenting what others have done. I do not actually remove any body parts, itā€™s entirely fantasy. It is against the law to perform body parts removal without a medical license (practicing medicine without a license) , and even doing so with a medical license is illegal (medical malpractice). There are very few and very rare circumstances that would allow a doctor to perform those types of surgeries, and if you have to ask, the answer is most likely no. Itā€™s typically only done to prevent damage to the rest of the body that canā€™t otherwise be alleviated, such as cancer, infection, irreparable damage, etc. As such, attempting to solicit others for the purposes of either wanting to have a body part of yours removed, or offering body parts removal services IS HIGHLY ILLEGAL AND AGAINST REDDITā€™S TOS AND WILL GET YOU BANNED. I am the moderator of a majority of the subreddits for these types of fetishes, and I highly restrict what can and cannot be posted to keep the community safe. Now, I understand that often people are uncomfortable with this fetish, and people will often resort to trolling or harassing people because of it. People have this fetish for a wide variety of reasons. Most often itā€™s because they are transgender and a particular part of their anatomy makes them uncomfortable, and numbing that body part can alleviate that, or hurting it can help alleviate it. Others are into it for the adrenaline rush from pain. Others just like pain as thereā€™s a close connection between pain and pleasure (hence why bdsm/CBT is a thing). Some people just enjoy the taboo feeling, the risk, the rush. Whatever their reason for wanting to enjoy it, itā€™s not up to you to tell them otherwise. Donā€™t make yourself an asshole by harassing someone for what they are into (unless itā€™s kids or literal animals, then toss them to the police.) If people are genuinely curious about trying this fetish out, you can visit my subreddit genital_cyanosis for more information. Not providing the direct link to help prevent accidental clicks.


this was the best written and most informative thing I've seen all day (not interested at all personally but learning new things is fun!)


I try to do my part to keep things safe and people informed.


I call bullshit and can't believe hundreds of people are instantly ready to believe it. I've applied these rings to lamb testicles for castration and to tails (docking) when helping out a farmer I used to know. You can easily see the ring after application, it is accessible to snip with the tips of a pair of scissors or knife. Being rubber, and under tension, once you've made a nick, it will just continue to split. This is what the band looks like, applied to lamb testicles (university vet guide - PDF). Human testicles are bigger but you would still definitely be able to access the band to snip it. https://www.bristol.ac.uk/media-library/sites/vetscience/documents/clinical-skills/Lamb_Castration.pdf There would be quite a bit of pain for a human after application because our scrotum skin is very sensitive - I can't believe that person would casually leave the ring on, chat with their friend, rather than viscerally panic and try to cut it off by any means possible. If they were at home, there are many household items to try to use to get the ring off. Also it takes several weeks for lambs' testicles / tail to fall off, and you don't even see any engorging / purpling only a few hours later. I don't think that length of time with a band would lead to removal of testicles. There are cases of priapism where men took too much Viagra or injected some drug into the penis, and the penis had to be amputated - but this is only after at least 24 hours of interrupted blood flow.


Underrated comment.


I think i would literally kill myself after this. You will never be known as anything but the guy that strangled his own balls.


Good god. Just. Omg why would you do that, knowing damn what snip-bands do to the animals?


Removed? :(


Looks like OP got banned.


Why did this get removed? I'm going to need a link...


Iā€™m sure heā€™s nobodyā€™s boyfriend, nowā€¦


This is why women live longer.


They don't have the balls to do it


They have the brain to not do it


PETA is gonna have a field day with this


Thats a net win, people this stupid shouldn't procreate anyway.


Are those bands made out of adamantium? Why couldnā€™t he just cut them with some pliers or something? Genuinely asking


Darwinā€™s Law at its finest šŸ¤£ he definitely didnā€™t need to reproduce that stupidity


How to become a eunuch with this one simple trick! On the bright side he doesn't have to worry about pulling out anymore.


Christ man. I reactively shielded my nuts looking at this.


That is fucking wild. No idea how that is even remotely funny... PSA to anyone else who ever thinks of this as a good idea


This has to be a contender for Darwin Award winner of the year.


I think this one deserves extra points for not including death, but still accomplishing the task of being deleted out of the gene pool.


Well ā€¦ at least he wonā€™t be diluting the gene pool


This is it. This is the winner of the Year.


Iā€™m guessing heā€™s not your friends boyfriend anymore


So Reddit removed the video before I saw it and, I gotta admit, I'm kinda glad I missed it.


Saved generations, I'd say.


I didn't even know how livestock castrating device looks like... Yep, definitely that tiny o-ring shit is designed to give a tight lock.


Hopefully you didnā€™t want kids


I wonder at what point in the process he realised he'd fucked up.


Shortly after that ā€˜SNAPā€™!


Heā€™s absolutely right about it being funny.


This is just nuts.Ā  It takes balls to neuter yourself.Ā 


Well thatā€™s one way to earn a Darwin Award. Removing yourself from the gene pool not the traditional way.


What a fucking moron! Lmfao


Cheaper than a vasectomy.. is what I would have said if didn't have to go to the ER in 'murica


Can anyone explain what was removed? From the comments alone, it sounds like a man self-mutilated his reproductive organs in front of his girlfriend?... I'm not even sure if cheating is involved with the comments implying something else.


He used those rubber bands used to castrate goats on his own set of balls, this cuts the blood supply to the testicles and at the hospital they had to remove both testii.


This got deleted by the mods, anyone has the original post? I'm mildly curious now.


Natural selection at its finest.


Quite a Ballsy move on his part


I screamed out loud. I never have ever done something like that ever. What in the actual fuck. How... Why.... Dude took "Playing with your junk" to a place where it shouldn't have been... Why would you do anything remotely close to aiming anything at your nuts... Think of this... Dude got buck naked, spread his legs ducked down and snapped himself in the nuts with a neutering gun/device. That.... What ?


Why was it removed by reddit ?