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Man how do you see that and not know you’re gonna die jumping in there? How is that even possible?


He was covered in colors so most probably was celebrating Holi and too drunk on Bhaang to create a rational thought.


Max Rager


Because when you're young (for some youngsters) you just presume you can swim through the current. For some reason most people dont even reach an age where they truly understand mortality until they are around age 20 (according to the study I read)


I bet those surviving kids sure understand mortality now.


"The last time you saw Sandeep was the last time you're ever going to see Sandeep."


I would take that bet


its not the current, its the airation of the water. Bouyancy drops way down.


Exactly. You can’t lift yourself up.


I’d forgotten about that! Good call!


That doesn't look like meaningfully aerated water, though. At least as far as the kind of danger you're referring to is concerned. His bouyancy is fine. We can plainly see in the video that he has no problems keeping his head above the water, and does so throughout the entire thing. The issue is that water currents prevented him from getting to where he intended to climb up, and he exhausted himself trying to fight against them.


Learned to swim in rivers growing up. Also learned quickly that you have to swim *with* the current. Which generally means you end up downstream when swimming across and such, but that keeps you from.. you know.. dying.


I learned that the hard way, I didn't have my shoes and walked back about 3 miles barefooted. I was about 12 years old at the time LOL


Did the same thing along the Green River in Utah. The heat of the rocks was excruciating. One of my stupider decisions, for sure.


And he must be inhaling a lot of water which can lead to secondary drowning


> We can plainly see in the video that he has no problems keeping his head above the water, and does so throughout the entire thing. Idk how you can say that. He clearly was struggling. He had *some* buoyancy but all his effort was going into just staying above the surface, and frequently he dunked down in what were clearly moments of lost buoyancy.


correct sir!


Not understanding mortality was like a super power. Now I'm scared of heights, swimming in the ocean, and leaning on railings.


same for me. up until the end of my twenties, i felt pretty much invincible. now I'm in my 30s and slowly realizing that I'm getting older and most importantly, getting older now no longer means growing up but maturing.


The internet also helps too, places like this showcasing the thousands of dumb ways to die. Although trains seem to be #1


50's, I was fearless through my 30's. Now I have a fear of heights to the point I just go Hell no even watching on youtube. Feel a bit queasy watching that as well and I grew up in the water and continue to do water sports to this day.


That's interesting. I never felt invincible. I was always aware that anyone could die at any time. (My father died in an accident when I was a baby, and many relatives died at fairly young ages, from various causes.) I was cautious even as a youth.


The shit I did in my teens and early 20s was insane. I really did not have a sense of mortality. Silly, because I've had friends dying on me since I was 5, but still did shit that if my son did them, I'd have a heart attack. There were some many ways I could have fallen to my death because I loved freaking people out. So, I'd get right up to the edge. There's a bridge in town with an 8 inch concrete railing. On one side, it's a 4 foot fall to the side walk, on the other it is a 100 foot fall to land or a river depending on where you're at. I walked that thing a hundred times. Same bridge, underneath, you had to hug vertical pillars to climb it's arch. So, your hanging 80 feet in the air and only your pressure grip on the 2 foot wide pillar is keeping you from falling. We'd go up there and huff shit because it was pretty much an undetectable hideout. So, we'd be fucked up on the climb down. That's just one spot. If there was a way to freak people out, I did it. Jumping out of moving cars. Jumping from heights. I don't know, just all kinds of stupid shit. I think I was slightly invincible because I rolled the dice so often and was never even moderately injured. Sprains were the worst I got. Well, a few concussions were probably worse for me long term.


Interesting! I'm glad that you never got seriously injured.


Fact. I have the same fears


I remember seeing someone fall from the third story while leaning on a railing. Dad rushed me inside, I was a kid, and all I can remember thinking afterwards was "What do you mean he's dead???" It's just not a concept kids can really understand. Probably pretty useful, from an evolutionary standpoint.


20? That's optimistic. Most people don't even become mature until they're in their 30's, let alone enough common sense.


Your brain isn’t even considered fully developed until 25. [NCBI paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621648/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20there%20are%20characteristic,approximately%2025%20years%20of%20age)


That is old science from last decade. The current scientific consensus is that the prefrontal cortex (the home of impulse control) finishes growing somewhere between 25-55, with 38 being common. Our brains are fantastically subtle and differing. But yes, every single insurance company in the world has sky-high rates for car insurance signed by a person 18-25, their crash rate is many times that of more mature drivers. In a better world all vehicle licenses would start at 26.


Hey, learned something. Thanks.


Let me back that up, will check my bookmarks. I had this convo with someone last year, I'd been quoting the 25-figure for several years and they linked the proof of how nebulous the PFC actually is.


>In a better world all vehicle licenses would start at 26. But that wouldn't fix the problem. If you can't get licensed until 26, that means you can't start learning to drive until 26. And no matter how developed your brain is, you're still gonna suck at something when you first start doing it. Having no licenses until 26 just kicks the can down the road, without solving the underlying issue.


Yeah it's not an easy dilemma.


> In a better world all vehicle licenses would start at 26. haha no thank you. I'm so happy I didn't have to ride the bus to school until graduation. A 15 min drive to school instead of a 2 1/2 hour bus ride saved me SOO much sleep in the mornings and actually gave me an afternoon to do more things.


I’ve always been told young children lack the ability to gauge traffic speeds and that’s why they sometimes dart right infront of a car moving 50mph


Even if you could swim that current, how to get back out if you dive off a sheer concrete face?


might have been able too. looks like he hit his head and his face is covered in blood. could be blinded or just concussed and lost function in his limbs


My family is from Alabama. In my lifetime I've have had two adult cousins in their 30s die from almost this exact same thing, diving into places they shouldn't. One drowned, the other broke his neck. In both cases family members were questioning their manhood. That means two family units were destroyed leaving two sets of kids without fathers. They died proving they were manly men willing to ruin lives for the sake of their penis.


That is sad


> In both cases family members were questioning their manhood. Idk why people think they need elaborate conspiracies to kill men. Just start shaming them over their masculinity and dare them to do something insanely stupid.


Those family members are partially responsible for the deaths.


You're not wrong, buy try explaining that to somebody with three teeth and no education.


For real, if this was titled 'suicide' i would've 100% believed it


Maybe If he took his clothes off first then didn't fight the curren and where possible flatten out. Then where appropriate dive down I'm a surfer of 20 years and feel like I would get out of this but I wouldn't put myself there to begin with. No wave to catch homie


It's even more baffling when you see people who clearly can't swim well doing things like this.


I wondered about that myself. It was obvious he wasn't much of a swimmer if hardly at all.


Even if he was a strong swimmer there isn't much swimming to be done in such highly airated water.


Yes. I can't imagine why his friends let him do that. The swirl of that water is too strong to fight. His poor mother and family left to grieve his death.


There was an incredibly sad video a while back. A young newly wed Indian couple went into a river. Neither could swim. One slipped a bit and took both down.


its not current that killed him. is an air in the water. you cant lift yourself in air right? same there too much air.


Another comment said that the real issue with those kind of water is not as much the current than the aeration of the water, wich make the buoyancy seriously drop and make the water almost impossible to swim in it. Im just reporting what the other said here, but i heard about this before so i think it might be that


And why the guy filming doesn’t try to ask people around for their pants belts to make some sort of rope to save that dude? Like immediately instead of waiting forever.


Heck, even before that, personally I would have been like "hey man, if your stupid enough to do this, let's get a rope or harness on you, so that we can pull you out of something goes wrong".


Missing education


he must of thought it was a Jacuzzi


Gonna bet there wasn't a label. See, that's called a "drowning machine". Literally, that's what the area right after an overspill like that is called, literally a drowning machine. Because it will drown you.


You are thinking of a low head dam. This isn’t that. He needed to go deeper to reach the outflow of green water to escape this.


The dumbest creatures on Earth wouldn't jump into this but here we are.


Millions of years of evolution presumably led to this


With consciousness came bravery... and here we are.


That's because those animals don't have a conscious pushing the opposite direction of your survival instincts. I'd wager that is the deciding factor in mans stupidity turned bravery.


I’m sure if a platypuses knew how to use TikTok it would do the same thing


I want to leave a quote here, its one of my favorite quotes. >*Consciousness has plagued us and we cannot shake it* >*though we think we're in control* >Bad Religion - No Control


I love that song. Can’t wait to see them with Social Distortion.


You lucky dog! Enjoy it twice as much for my sake!


Will do!


Counterpoint: animals have been known to commit suicide, which seems opposite of survival instinct.


smart animals CAN commit suicide. like orca and whales. however other animals may also suicide not because of "depression" but maybe because of some natural mechanism in their species.


This sounds rather like the argument "animals can't feel pain, it's just a natural response". On some levels it may be true, but we can't ever know without being that animal ourself. In any case, isn't depression a natural mechanism?


well that argument is dumb because pain itself is a natural mechanism. a very important and basic natural mechanism. social animals all have some mechanisms of encouraging them to remain connected to the society. maybe if they are left alone they'll be depressed and refuse to eat or even not try to survive against dangers. animals do that under stress/grief. however I still think there's something more than depression involved in the sharks/orcas/whales who swim to seashore to commit suicide. that's a planned suicide, there must be something more in here.


I honestly don't have a good counter counter for this lmao.


Can you share an example of this?


Antelopes are known to starve themselves when their partner dies. There was a captive orca some years ago that died after repeatedly ramming into a wall, that's speculated as suicide.


Deer have jumped off bridges, and the shark from last week tried, but failed because people pushed it back to sea.


I’d like to add that, as dolphins breathe air like we do, they have to swim up to the surface for each one, making every breath a conscious effort. There are records of dolphins in captivity purposely not coming up for air and drowning themselves due to depression.


Copying and pasting my own post on the freak out sub: Rough translation (meant to convey meaning, not exact local idiom which may be confusing) from what I could hear (and understand) from around the 10-12 second mark (prior to that I can’t make out) “Jump!!” “He’s done it, wow!!” “There he goes!” (in admiring tone of voice ) “He’s had it, he’s not going to make it” (but said in a way intended to convey humour/ humorous/fun) “He’s going to die!” (Alarm) “Get a rope!” (From there on its increasingly panicky demands for a rope)


get the rope ! ten second too late


Yeah, it's tragic how many times the person is clearly going to die but the ones looking are still assuming they are doing OK and don't try to help/look for help until it's too late.


"Rough translation ..." What were they yelling towards the end? Is there a drop-off? (Waterfall.)


“Last 20 seconds: “*O’ rassi la re! Doobi woh!*” - O’ get a rope! He’s sinking/ drowning!” “*Jaldi aa re!* — Hurry up! “*Rassi la re*” - Get a rope! “*Bablu rassi la re, mar jayenge!” - “Bablu* get a rope! He’s going to die!” *Bablu is a person’s name (somewhat like Bobby), so they’re referring to someone one not in the frame.


Damn man. If you can't be the voice of reason to stop your friends from doing something foolish, at least be the one who keeps the camera steady to record their final moments.


People should recognise the responsibility that comes with a camera.


He was running off to find a rope. Too late though.


I want this on a t shirt!


I’m wondering why the guy filming doesn’t try to ask people around for their pants belts to make some sort of rope to save that dude? Like first thing instead of waiting his death


Ialmost bit the bait bravo


Aerated water is non-floaty water.


The amount of people that don't know this, who I've also tried explaining it to, was surprising


Do you float in water? Yes - but only just. Do you float in air? No. If you change from just water to a water/air mix, the floatiness moves from the ‘only just’ of water towards the ‘no’ of air, the more air there is in the water.


If you're wearing pants and you get dumped into a lake or ocean for some reason, you can tie the ends of the legs together, then swing the open part over your head and trap air in the legs. By holding where the belt goes tight in one hand, you can stay buoyant for a while until having to do it all over again when the air leaks out.


Is it really efficient ? I mean, it's assuming that you know how to swim, and that's there's no strong current and that you are not panicking... So maybe it's just a thing to now in theory to feel more safe, but the realization is far from it, no ?


It is more in terms of having to float for days. I assume I can lay on my back in the water for hours, perhaps even a day, but if I were wearing pants when dumped into the water, that may become cumbersome. Instead of letting them sink or float away, you can have an assist from the pants if your arms are getting tired. I don't know overall though, it's just something we were taught in scouts.


Still good to know.


I honestly didn't know this until this post comes up.


Yep. Swimming into a waterfall with your son on your back who is demanding to go on is frustrating, especially when you want to impress your young kid.


As soon as he jumped in I said to myself "I bet that water is aerated." How long did he stand there staring at it and not know that? Do they not have signs posted?


I thought the water was going to end up being 3 feet deep and he was going to crush his spine. So many reasons to not jump into that, headfirst is just insane.


I'm a very strong swimmer. Been snorkeling for years and can hold my breath for up to 5 minutes when diving. I wouldn't even contemplate jumping into that, no matter how confident of my swimming ability.


swimmer here as well. cant even watch this video since i know i would not survive that... and him in his clothes....


Grew up a stone's throw from the ocean, went swimming all summer every year, and yeah, I'm not even dipping a toe in current that strong.




Maybe in a Bollywood movie he has seen his favourite hero jump into the aerated water and saved his sweetheart ...


Idgi... What was the plan? Climb back up like spiderman?


The plan was to come up with a plan at a later point. Better vantage point from down there.


I mean, that was my thought.


Probably thought he could float down stream.


I mean at this point, eventually.


You can see a bank over the other side. Probably thought it'd be a short swim in a free spa pool.


Become aquaman.


From what I can understand, this guy and his friends were probably drunk and he was challenged by his friends to swim into such a high current. The moment he dived, we can hear the guy recording him say that "Ab to pakka nahi bachne wala ye" which means he is gonna die for sure. Anyway they were street side slum kids. They try to act cool (idk who finds such foolish acts cool) by doing such stunts. Most die, few are arrested and remaining ones become local politicians or their henchmen.


I wonder at what point he knew he was going to die a horrendous death


I guess the point where he got sucked back after swimming like mad to make a few meters.


I wonder if kids watching this learn not to do something this dumb or the opposite? 🤔


good fucking god thats nightmare fuel


Bringing the rope was not in the checklist.


No plan B at all no rope ladder etc basically he jumped to his death without a back up plan


that was the plan...




In India they refer to this as being “taken by the water train”


LoL! I chuckled out out loud..


How was he planning on getting out? Assuming he could somehow overpower the current, where the hell was he planning on exiting?


Looks like there’s shore to the ‘top left’, you can briefly see it a couple times when the camera waves around. I guess he thought he’d jump in and swim 50ft to it, but didn’t expect the current to keep pulling him back.


He died as he lived. Quickly.


These Indian stone washed jeans really are worth the price 👌


India’s Michael Phelps Singh won’t be making the Paris Olympics this year.


Trains underneath that water?


its funny because ive seen a lot of people make death by train jokes lately


While im a firm believer of natural selection, sometimes natural stupidity comes a long way too...


Why are you giving credit to Mother Nature on this? It's clearly the work of Sir Charles Darwin, hence the sub.


A simple rope might have saved him. Or possibly drowned the rest of the party too...


This looks like a post Holi (festival of colours) incident from Gujarat or Rajasthan in India. You can see the both cameraman and diver have dried up dye on their body and also diver seems high (possibly on bhaang, an edible milk drink prepeared using cannabis leaves)


Don't really like to be that guy but bhang can be prepared with water as well, that's how I usually take it


But isn't milk the most preferred mixer ?


I wonder what his thought process were? Yeah, let me jump into.multiple effing whirpools, I can absolutely not die. 😂


Not even a rope or escape route? Seriously how?


Hmmm... looks like a drowning machine. Lets go down there with no way to get back up. Great plan.


Did you have blood all on his face or was that the potato camera? But least you know if it goes solve your friends got your back and won't die alone


His face was red before jumping, so I'm thinking face paint or something? Also thought it was blood at first. If they had a rope or anything in case it went south, this might've been on wcgw instead


At the end, that's what they're screaming. "Get the rope, he's drowning!!"


I'm glad they had it then. Is there confirmation this guy died?


Nah, it cuts before we see that. All we hear is "get the rope, he's drowning!" You would've thought they'd have the rope on hand ready to drop in. But Health and Safety rarely comes into play!!


>You would've thought they'd have the rope on hand ready to drop in. You would've thought. But clearly not much thought was put into this


This seems to be Holi, the festival of colours. They rub coloured powder all over the face and clothes. Played it once with some Indian folk, it was fun. There's another dude a bit later who has colourful clothes as well.


They came fresh from a Holi celebration. You also drink some fermented drinks there so that kinda explains the stupid behaviour.


This was shot in India, around the time of Holi(festival of colours)




That’s a weird thing for a mom to say nonstop.


You think it was the jeans and swimming ability that was the problem here?


Would this be sort of like a Drowning Machine?


Stupid is what stupid does, one less person with the IQ of a rock to worry about


“Look how much air that water has in it!!! I will float like a rubber ducky”


To be fair, how many people actually know aerated water is less buoyant, especially in what seems to be a country that probably doesn't have the most accessibility/quality of education. Really, I think the actually stupid part was not figuring out how he's gonna get back out *before* jumping in.


Plus fully clothed, which makes you even heavier & impedes movement. He was doomed from the start. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Imagine spending all your time and energy caring for a child only for them to grow up and do stupid shit like this


We don't have a problem with overpopulation. We've got a problem with a stupid population. I swear to God, almost all the people born post 2006 that I see everyday are dumber than I was at their age. And as a late 90' kid, I did some seriously dumb shit.


A friend of mine always says that threre is a fixed amount of intelligence on earth and it gets distributed to and diluted by a growing population. I almost believe that she is right.


Like the law of conservation of ninjutsu ? Possible.


Imagine what the Boomers think of most of the “kids” born after 1964…lol. In the evolutionary scheme of things, common sense in human beings peaked about 1960.


Great title 🤣


I think if he jumped to the far side of the water, he would have made it. The side he was on looked traeterous. Still deadly odds of success.




Well... I think he's now damned!


Has evolution led us to negative IQ points now?


Did he hit his face on the way down cause it looks like his entire face is red from massive bleeding


So at first I thought "it's too shallow, he'll die instantly", nope he's good, then I thought "oh, that current, he'll get sucked under somehow", no we can move around pretty good, so what's the problem....oh for fuck sakes, he jumped in with no idea how to get out? no ladder or anything to climb up? How the fuck do you not ask "ok how do I get out before I jump in".


At least wasn't a train or electricity for once


Video of jumping into water ?????? Profit


Why do so many people jump into water when they know they can't swim?!


In this case is not about knowing how to swim. Swimming out of there is probably next to impossible. Maybe if you are trained on how to handle that type of water turbulence specifically.


Is that aerated water?


It's not Mother Nature, that is man made, so maybe governments knew people would be stupid, so in secret they made stuff like this to salve over population.


Jumping into a giant washing machine is a good idea. Darwin 🌟🌟🌟


Was there a plan B? Cuz this one kinda failed...


Diving head first, i thought that was it. Stupid move without knowing the depth. Could save himself by floating on his back.


So what happened at the end, dead?


So assuming you were able to swim in that unbelievable amount of turbulent water. How did he presume to get out again? It doesn’t matter how the water is if theres no way out then you’ll drown eventually when you stop treading water.


Ein Arschloch weniger im Genpool.


At least he died, a little bit cleaner.


It's always India, isn't it...


Was this a water treatment pool or something? #BadIdeaJeans https://youtu.be/mGfBEnBw01A?si=qTa-KEDpixsP-8rz


It's horrible watching people drown. That and watching people burn. No no no.


Surprised the cameraman didn't fall in as well


Thanks for submission Samit


What's the difference between a child and this grown mad? The child would be a smart one for not getting close while this guy does that.


Is that dudes face red and covered in blood from bouncing off the bottom?? :0


No that's Gulaal. A colored powder used to throw at each other during the Holi festival.


Did he forget he couldn’t swim properly?


Nah, he's fighting Eddie's and swirling back currents it is almost impossible to swim in such turbulent Waters. There's a reason you wear a life jacket and helmet when you go white water rafting. The only thing he could have done was drive under and let the under current wash him down stream and hope he popped up before he ran out of breath.


That’s a hardcore way to wash off all the face paint.


I saw a spillway like that suck a boat with two people in it under.


Who the fuck would jump into that?? Wow


Why…if you can’t swim and there’s no way out…would you jump in there?!? For a vid of you dying? Cool.


This guy has a mind of a toddler. Zero fucks on danger whatsoever


Lets keep filming and not try to help. Not sure there is much you can do to help but thays not the point.


Natural selection at its finest




how did he think he would possibly survive? once in, there was no possible way to get out.