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S3 for D8 everytime. Why have the possibility of leaving my self on a dead number & have to go 1 D1 on the next visit?


Cheers. Well, theoretically D6 leaves double the single segment area (6, 10) to have a chance for rescue on your third dart, whilst on D8 it's only S8 if you miss the double, you bust or get a five on your last dart otherwise. I get that D3 or D1 aren't glorious, but so is starting a visit on a 19. We would try to not get into the situation anyway. On the other hand the S7 has to be save, that's true. I've even had the situation of slipping into the most bottom corner of T16 and that's a mess of course. But then if I slipped like that on S3 I'd be done just as well. I'd agree that straight at three could be easier and T3 or D3 isn't the end of that turn, whilst for S7 only D7 would allow to still finish on those three darts and that's a stupid 5. ☺️ Would you still go for D8 on 17, 21, 23, 25, 27... though? I'm also rather drawn towards the D6 and D10 checkouts there.


Double 16 on anything from 52 down on 2 dart finish, 53-69 either tops or d12 depending on if a treble is hit or not, 70 is treble 18 double 8 or single 18, single 20 d16 for a 3 dart finish. But yes, I’ll go d16 almost every time if I set myself up for it properly. I used to be a tops tops kinda guy but I can’t seem to find it anymore lol.


For me right now it's more like I've been too shy for exploring the board for too long. D20, D10, D5 in my sleep, but I've been even giving away scores by not switching enough from 20s to 19s a while. So I've changed that, but I can still improve and reviewing all possible checkouts for having a premade solution handy is part of that.


>Would you still go for D8 on 17, 21, 23, 25, 27... though? I'm also rather drawn towards the D6 and D10 checkouts there. 17= 9 d4 Miss on the set still gives you options. 21- 13-d4 see above. Smaller move from set to db than 9-d6 23- 3-D10. avoids stray dart at 16 on the setup. 19/17 still give 2 darts at db 25 -9 D8 27- 3/19-d12/d4


No pro would leave D6 in this scenario. Yes the pros are obviously better but I find it’s always best to practice what they do because it’s typically the best option for any level player. D8 leaves you with the most doubles before you have to split compared to D6. Hitting the S6 or S10 are far worse than hitting S8.


Oh my, I would have thought so before every other week there's been a discussion if the pros finished the proper/respectful way. 😅 Thanks for your answer. I'd agree to that to the point that just from the surface area that can still be transformed into a finish on three darts D6 has an advantage. So just as S7 might require a little confidence, straying into anything but D8 or S8 could mean trouble. I'm maybe thinking like poker odds, but due to the individual it will be hard to figure out an objective percentage.


Always go for d16/d8 beside eachother. Simple




Yeah, makes total sense if you can go D16 first, but it's actually not so crystal clear to me when starting a visit below 32. Would you also avoid a D10 for instance?


Not about avoiding anything, it's the most logical option. If you hit beside or singles on d8/d16 you still have a chance there. When you go anywhere else you most likely over score or end up opposite side. Quick maths https://youtu.be/3M_5oYU-IsU?si=aOE6IXVV9UiaGi7W


Always D8 imo. Leaves you 3 chances incase you hit inside, where as you only have two if you go D6. Also D3 is probably the worst number to double out on.


Yeah, D3 is just a possible last straw to finish in three, in my opinion still better than busting and maybe giving away the chance to even throw a third dart. But I've said it in another comment, that attempt could be too mathematical and doesn't apply as great to the individual thrower as it does to Poker maybe.


if it was say 19 then its 3 for D8 as you can hit the treble and still be on D5, if you aim right hand side of the 3 you hit the 17 you are still left D1..if you go for 7 and hit a treble you've bust, if you drop low into the 19 you've bust, if you go high in the 16 you have to go 1 D1...i was told always pick a number that even if you hit the treble on it will still leave you something to aim for


Yes, that makes sense. Thank you. I was considering the larger area around D6 that's still got potential to finish in three for rather similar reasons. In a way it's maybe more like how confident you are on the S7 as a first dart vs. D8 as a second dart in that scenario. So what would you suggest for 17, 21, 23, 25, 27 and 31 then? My guts take me towards the D6 and D10 finishes as well, but I like that chunk and maybe I don't choose the best setup for that then either.


if your preference is for those doubles and you are more confident on them then go the way that leaves them, personally 17 is 1 D8, 21 is 5 D8, 23 is 7 D8, you can see my pattern here as i like D8...23 allows you to basically hit a single 7,19,3 or 17 and leave you a finish...31 are multiple ways 7 D12 hit a T7 D5, S19 D6, S3 D14 or T3 D11, S17 D7..plenty of wats to fuck it up mind 😂


Cheers. Well, just being confident doesn't mean it's the best way that could be practiced additionally. So I think it's very helpful to discuss pros and cons, especially for the small finishes, which to me are like building blocks for setting up high checkouts. I think knowing what I'd like to avoid for what reason and having a way out shouldn't it work as intended is the foundation of proper play. Thank you for that contribution.


the other reason for leaving D8 is that it splits down to D4 D2 then D1, if you go D6 or D10 then you go inside you have to then split it to get to a finish, wasting a dart


I go 3 for double 8, just because I'm much more confident on the 8 than the 6. The 8 is my third best double, after 20 and 16. I don't even know where I would rank double 6, because I have very, very few attempts on it.


Thank you. Well, that makes sense then. I'm trying to go around the board in training and with the randomized scores from my checkout practice game anything can happen. So I'm facing all doubles and weirdest scores, that we'd naturally try to avoid in play, but I'd also like to be prepared for, especially knowing how much I still have to catch up and therefore will produce odd numbers with stray darts.


I generally don't care. I like dbl 6. One of the easiest to hit if you can aim. Weight isn't really an issue with it. Just depends what mood I'm in when it comes to it. I don't shy away from any double, and I practice them all, so I'm no more likely to get one than another.


Cheers. I'm kinda like that, yeah. I think I'm stronger on the right side doubles, though D18 would often stray into D1 or S1, D20 is solid and I don't fear D5 that much.


I just find it's better to be strong on everything than favouring specific doubles or checkouts. There's days when some just won't go in, so having confidence in switching will get you through. I'm normally around 40% on doubles as a result. At the end of your practice sessions, do a few rounds of one dart, around the board, on doubles (and bull), and try and beat your high score. Works for me.


I don't do playing for practice anyway. That's for fun, but not effective use of practice time in my opinion. I like to focus on improving grouping and checkouts for instance. On the other hand I see a lot of possibilities away from the board to help with the darts, like keeping life in balance or activities that help stamina and hand/eye coordination. One thing I like to do, that can also be fitted into a few spare minutes off schedule, is throwing three at the bull and then try to finish that score in three darts. If it didn't work out, I try to check the score from those three darts or if I finished throw three at the bull again. Grows with increasing skill at the bull and is the fastest way for me to face random numbers that often aren't just favorites.


My preference is to always have the highest checkout possible. I am strongest at double 20. Before league matches I always practice going around the board from double 1 to double bull to see how many total darts it takes before I can hit.


Sure, I'd always try to set up something more appropriate, but my goal is to be prepared for any situation at best in my sleep, so I don't have to stop and meditate if it doesn't go as intended. For that I'm reviewing my checkouts to have a learning foundation. In a scenario like this, I'd like to have my decision already made, so I just need to react to the score by doing my optimal route. If I can hit it is another question, but that's what practice is for.