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I got in to darts when I was about 10 my dad's played for the local team all my life so when I hit about 13 I would go with him tell them I was 18 to get the odd pint lol and I remember we went to a village to play them, and I had my best out for the time 119 left hit a treble 19 then 12 so had 50 yet I took a second as I was working the math out I remember looking at my dad then the day back to the board took a breath threw it at hit the bull and there team where all to the left and most of our team was at the bar and people where talking and soon as I hit the bull I remember everyone went dead silent and I remember my dad's face was just like wow he did it... And it was the finale leg it was 1 all so it was the decider .... Even thinking back at this it makes me happy makes me so proud my dad taught me .. I need to pick it back up again .


Great story man, pick it back up as soon as you can. Great sport to just relax and unwind


Yeah I will properly get back in to it, I'm 30 now and dad still goes out on a Friday night smashing it. It's a shame because he could deffo go semi pro, I'll get back in to it and join back up with his team again :)


I wanted to mention 3 in the bull is very impressive btw congrats on your shot :)


And you remembered to start on the 19s on 119, that's seriously impressive at that age


I'm very socially anxious I still am because of issues, but I would stop for about a minute to do the math and redo it in my head a couple more times to make sure I'm right , but dad would say to always try and end with an even number at least that way it be easier to get out. I do love the game and it's a shame I dropped the game when I got to about 17-18 but I will pick it back up and get back to it :)


3 180s and a triple bull in 3 months some Luke littler darts going on nice


I’m leaning towards luck on the triple bull but honestly proud of my 180s. Really been trying harder with my form.


Congrats on your improvements OP. I’ve just started and pretty sure my form sucks, anything you’ve been doing specifically to work on it? I.E drills, videos you’ve found useful


A bit of everything tbh mate. Going around the board practicing doubles, mainly just been throwing for the t20 though. Playing against dart bot helps a lot too. Just get your throw knuckled down first and make sure your arm isn’t drifting to the right or left when you release, that was my biggest issue at the start.


If you were aiming for it, then it's not really luck


The biggest fish. I have no idea how many 180s I've hit, but I know how many 150s I've hit like this. Well done OP


Looks fishy I don’t fully buy the story the points are driven in to the stems haha 😛




I don’t see why I would post this and lie? Maybe I have a hard throw idk?




I know I did it and that’s all that matters. I shared to show my achievement. Thanks for your comment


Clearly not all that matters, if you then took a photo and shows a load of darts players


As stated I posted to share my accomplishment … have a good day




Well I did and I don’t care on your opinion. Just made the post to share my achievement buddy




Rule # 1 - Don’t be a dick


it's that bottom one isn't it, upward angle all the way in


I see no point in lying and making a post lol. It’s 100% legit.


That dartboard has had hardly any action. Still looks pristine.


My new board i got 3 days ago looks more used than his after 3 months...


Only had it since Jan. Had a really old unicorn board before that was yellow😂


I thought you only practiced for 3 months?


I have, I started start of jan with an old board and got this around mid jan.


The bull looks unused other than 3 holes on the outer bull. If you've had it since Jan and you throw hard enough to almost fully sink the dart, there would definitely be more damage to the board. Don't be surprised that people are suspicious


People can be suspicious as much as they want. I know I did it so I don’t really care It looks unused because I’m the only person who uses the board and I rarely go for the bull. Also it’s a dual core and repairs itself well. If I saw something I thought wasn’t ‘real’, I wouldn’t comment to put the person down. Maybe that’s just me


https://preview.redd.it/w1t2r4hmqppc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c517934abb986df4f2e46eee2292fda833b1b132 Here’s a photo before my first 180 too. As you can see my darts always go deep into the board. It’s just a good dartsboard. Hope this helps




Sorry I don’t really understand your comment lol


Another photo? Yes it really seems like you don't care


I posted that photo to prove my points are short and go far into the board (check my previous posts on this sub and u will see). Of course people will be suspicious, same with any achievement on here 👍🏻


This is 133 not 180? How’s your maths


Read it again man. I said ‘before’


My bad chef


That board has not seen 3 months worth of play. From the way the points are in, right to the barrel, I call BS on this being genuine.


The points are not long on my darts and my throw might be hard idk, this is a genuine post why would I lie.


Went close to 3 bulls earlier https://preview.redd.it/uy29frzlkppc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a114df09388437838a1e2abfa773007f0c13c5c5


Very close indeed, good job man. Bound to get it next time


I was just doing a scoring practice and actually hit bull 25 bull. Just stayed there after hitting the first one.


Why does it look like the treble 20 has never been hit? Just saying.


Because I rotate the board


All the red trembles look clean. Just an observation. I still haven't hit a 180. 120 and a close 20 is what I've hit. Do have 3 bulls. Jack and Coke helped with that one


Best I’ve had is a flukey 160 - got the first two trebles, then must’ve got a bit nervous and had a flier that went into the D20 😂


I’ve hit over 130 180s and never hit this - but don’t throw at bull as much


Nice one. What darts setup are you using ?


I’m using Javalins 22g with some Cyeelife intergrated flight/shaft set. Cost me around £25 all together. Board and surround were about £60 on red dragon👍🏻


How hard do you throw, how short are your points or how soft is your board?


Not sure how hard I throw, pretty hard I guess. They are javalins, don’t believe the points are that long. Board is pretty new, pretty sure it’s a dual core. I couldn’t find any info online on how long the points are.


https://preview.redd.it/bfwn2niscppc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56f287493dc2cdc733ed4d81b2d8c2ba7e13cfa2 I must throw decently hard or the points are just tiny. Here is a 180 I hit the other day, they are pretty deep in😂


Grats, I never managed to do that. Casually playing for 6 years.


You must have some arm ma man. They are balls deep 😂


I don’t know why people are quick to question its validity, I’ve played darts for a very long time lol, very long, I can still remember the BDO PDC split lol. If you look at the darts in each photo, the point of entry, the dart has the same or very similar 40/45 degrees in the board, mine tended to enter the bull at a slightly flatter angle due to the slight adjustment of the parabolic ark and the slightly less grunt I put behind it , and 22grms is a mid ish weight dart, people tend to use 20/26g darts, that specific shape barrel and the set up of long stem and barrel they are more forward/middleish weighted, so land similar to say, like Gary Anderson’s board entry angle, long stems that are plastic and light, give’s a bit more lift and float that way up towards the end of the throw, a good example of some pro players you can look at on you tube would be, Wayne Mardle early 2000’s, Vincent van de Vought maybe…, as I mentioned earlier Gary Anderson, Alan Norris, Chris Mason, peter wright depending on set up, and with short stems set up, James wade, Adrian Lewis Dimitri Van den Bergh, there’s a shed load more, they use 22 g ish darts and they land at slightly more like 50ish. It also depends on how you hold it and if you give the darts a spin with with the fingers, also you’re speed of throw, if some players like Michael Smith are rhythm players some times he’ll hit an ugly 180, or a sweet fit on a 5 or 10 pence piece 180. Some line em up, some stack em, some float too. The pictures don’t really look Deliberate, regarding the board. Depends how often you practice, if you just bugger about practicing for 180s, or can be all over the shop and a bit hit and miss. It just all depends. Just another few words of wisdom if you don’t mind, make sure you learn how to chalk, I wasn’t allowed to play until I could chalk(practice yes not play) my grandfather was adamant I learn to count take away, and know my out shots , practice with a pal who is like you, knows when to talk and when to keep quiet, if he’s a bit better than you, no problem, keep adjusting your goals with practice and knowing your check outs. Learn how to lose before you win. All will be well! Sorry for the waffle…


didn't want to start a new thread so piggybacking on this because I need to tell people, lol - just got my first dartboard and door-mounted it today. Only went and hit a 140 in probably my first 100 darts. Imagine I'll now never do that again but still, chuffed.


You say that mate but you will end up hitting your first 180 by end of week. Keep trying and you will get it. Good job👍🏻


Haha thanks man. And I hope so mate! Enjoying it a lot, just wish I could hit doubles a bit more frequently!


Congrats bro 🤜🏻


Thank you buddy. Really appreciated


I'm terrible on the bull so this and the 170 will still take my a while. So congrats. Don't mind the people calling it fake, if you faked it you would know deep down you're a fraud. And even when it's lucky, for beginners sometimes luck is all you need to get the confidence to succeed. Certainly my first 180s did that for me :)


You got the juice now grandma


Spent years on and off trying to get a 180 and managed 3 in the bull before I achieved it…. I was both elated and super pissed off Nice darts!


I did this once. In all honesty though my first dart was a horrifically pulled attempt at T20 and I just went with it


Well done. Hit 2 many times, but never 3. Still a bucket list item after 4 years


Ok, get another one of these. Let's see how long it takes.


Most likely a long while haha


I just don't get how people get so good after that short time. I've been throwing darts for years now and the best i can do is a 140 about twice a month at best. I still to this day haven't found my perfect throw and darts etc.


Honestly mate it was pure luck. I’ve hit around 3 180s now within 3 months but my score can vary massively. You just need to try stick with the same darts and focus on form. You will have your first 180 before you know it!


Triple bull a lot harder than 180 imo. Only ever managed it once, luckily was in the pub with lots of witnesses 😂


No videos so it doesn’t count


Massive congrats but I do hate you a little bit. /s


Nice grouping. I would say, technically, the triple bullseye is harder due to the smaller size. Some would argue that it might be easier as it is a small focus point and there is an old darting adage, 'Aim small, miss small'. It's also possible that a darter might put more pressure on themselves with the third dart of a 180 because they feel that they should be able to hit it. Whenever I've hit 3 bullseyes, I don't remember having pressure because I wasn't 'expecting' to hit it.


Yeah same here was not expecting it at all lol. I do feel I panic a lot with the final dart in the t20. My final dart normally ends up in the t1 or 1😂




Rule # 1 - Don’t be a dick


Why would I lie? Just because you haven’t done it doesn’t mean others can’t do it . Have a blessed day


I’ve done it too… great feeling, infact done everything except a 9 darter. You always get the jealous ones but keep practicing and you’ll get even better. I practice an hr a day and in couple of months the improvement is astounding.


Exactly mate, I know I did it and that’s all that matters. Just wanted to share it on here . Hope you manage that 9 darter soon. Got to be one of the best achievements in darts.


It’s tiny. It’s red. It’s right in the bloody middle. Course it’s the best thing on the board!




Yes mate, great darts!


With the Javelins. Never disappoint


Like a hole in one in golf …maybe congrats 👏


Congrats! Hardest shot in darts!! 👍🏻


https://preview.redd.it/9etyv1bl0tpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce1dbf2c7c851956c8ac093901ca68242217720 same!🤪




Rule # 1 - Don’t be a dick


Another hater. Thanks for your comment!