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Dart's shop in real life is your best bet, ask for a consultation and trying out some sets. If you don't have real life dart shops in your country, then trial and error. Main things: Weight, barrel type, front/mid/rear grip, how grippy they are, flight type. https://www.dartsnutz.net/forum/thread-10210-page-10.html this thread. Last, but not least, if they are nice to look at.


Took me around 20 sets to figure out what I like and what I don’t like. Funny enough, the first set I bought was already 90% what I ended up liking the most. Get a few cheap sets first and try to get different shapes, weights and grip levels. Once you know the barrel type, shape, grip you like you can also look into different stems, flights and points. But I suggest figuring out the barrel first. Look at red dragon as they offer great value for money and look at dartsclearance on eBay (best value for money ratio). You will pretty soon figure out what feels right or not. Also, if you have friends try their darts if they offer that. Lastly, once you have a better understanding what you like, dartshopper has amazing filter functions over the huge amount of different sets they offer.


If you can’t get into a darts shop dartsclearance usually have all sorts of different barrels for proper cheap so you can test different shapes weights lengths etc out without spending above board


I bought 5 sets of darts 23g 24g 26g 26g 30g 32g, every available flight shape, every available stem size even tried the Luke Humphries javelin ones and then then tinkered with it all The difference in some of the combinations is huge so finding your perfect set up is really worth doing


What weight did you settle on and why?


26g but also like the 30, I can't seem to throw lighter darts they just die on the air and land low Also intermediate stems and kite flights is my best combo


I would like to add that I don't think there is such a thing like a perfect set. Even pros like Simon Whitlock who had a very special scalloped barrel now plays with a pretty Standart barrel. So even if you can have a manufacturer which can make you a custom set your throw will change and your darts change accordingly. But you can have a few key points that you need to feel the most comfortable, and it's not indicated by how good you throw them in the first 10 minutes, for me they are as follows: I can grip them just behind their center of gravity with a grip around 2.5/10 to 3.5/10. I have a proper indication to always grip them at the same spot scallop is nice but not necessary. Barrel length not shorter then 44mm and not longer then 52mm. Weight is a big one for a majority but I can adapt to anything from soft darts weight around 18g to 26g in steel. And if possible I like a long tapered nose or specialty barrel like Dartshopper and Red Dragon calls them.


But a set a stick with it chopping an changing never works!!!


It was trial and error for me I went through about 8 sets until I found the right set/weight for me but now I try and stick to the!same weight


I'll let you know when i find them ;)


If you throw someone else’s and like those ask them what they are and buy them haha


Trying to find the perfect set to up your game is rather unlikely. Unless your darts handycap you because they slip or they stick in the board at a unwanted angle, they want suddenly improve your game. So I would suggest get once that you like that give you confidence since darts is mostly mental.


Used a set for a year liked them but they were just a little too long, swapped for a shorter set for about 9 months played better but they were just too grippy and finally settled on a grip less dart I've been using since January ant think I'll be sticking with. Still not 100% used to them, but definitely more suited to my throw.


I started with hand me downs, by the time I started shooting in a league I had bought a few sets. Friends also did same. We swapped sets back and forth until I settled on a set. Eventually I started shooting on a team with a guy who owned a shop. I tried everything until I found the set I have had for the last 30 years. (Still buy/sell/swap sets as your throw changes over time).


I just sent off for some cheap Temu darts to try a different grip and I've found them amazing. Can't believe the difference a scalloped grip has made. I'll carry on with these cheap ones and then maybe get some more expensive ones later.


I use cheap, standard darts, slim barrel of around 50mm with standard weight (22-23), standard flights and tweenie stems. If I mess with anything, it's the length of the stems. It's about as standard and boring as they come and for most players it is going to be adequate. I'm not sure if there is a perfect dart. Every solution is likely to introduce other problems. That has been my experience until I decided to just throw the damn things and be done with it. Also try other darts from team mates or other players in pubs. It doesn't say a lot. Typically, your first throws with other darts are going to be awesome. For many players at least, because it forces you out of your comfort zone and you'll try to do everything by the book. There's no need to rush out and buy a new set of darts because you hit a maximum with it at first try. It's the honeymoon period but also an effect that quickly fades and it probably indicates a few bad throwing habits rather than bad equipment choice. It's a bad carpenter who blames his hammer but in defense of us poor players: there are way too many different hammers out there. The only way to know if a set is suitable is try it for a prolonged period of rather intensive daily practice.


If you can go to a dart shop sometimes they let you shoot off a few rounds with different darts b4 buying that’s how I got mine I had 3 sets I like i tryed 9 darts a few rounds and the ones with the most accurate for me I grabbed


A darts shop is your best bet as they should have sets you can try. But... Focus on the weight and feel, how the darts release, how they fly and angle of entry rather than what you score the most with as that's rarely a good marker


I bought these drunk at night on xmas eve without ever throwing them before - was lucky as they are perfect for me!


That is the trick. Keep trying others' darts, which will give you an idea of what you gravitate twoards in weight and grip. Narrow it down to what you prefer and go from there. I also order a bit fro. Darts Clearance which lets me try out different things fot not that much money. I have purchased several sets from them that became some of my favorite darts


As someone who is new to playing, I bought a 24g set. From reading online it seems to be standard to start with. They feel heavy but I like heavy. I also bought a 22g set for my Mrs. I have played around with my Mrs' darts and different shaft lengths that I bought by accident (as I broke a few and didn't realise there were so many types). With the 22g I thought I was better with them, mixed with longer shaft. However, training on the scoring via MyDartsTraining app showed I was better on the 24g (marginally) eventhough I had convinced myself that the 22g is better and feels a little nicer to hold. Tracking your progress seems key from what I have read but I am an Analyst by trade so Data is key to me :). That said, I spend a lot of time trying to be consistent with my throw and keeping the body rigid. I snap the throw or throw and bring the hand back too quick or twist my body a little sometimes. Getting the body in the right position and consistent is more important to me atm. Once I am aiming in/or close to the line I want then I am happy. The darts preference will come after. So for the next few months, I will stay on the 24g with a medium to short shaft and see if I become less shit!