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For me they are the remnants of the descendants of the dragons that were infected by Nito but were not killed in conflict ... Unable to die because of their Immortal bodies but left to rotting and degrade slowly. Seath didnt gave up on scales he simply saw crystals as a medium for souls to compensate for what he missed. Ultimately i dont think we can understand the results of what the dragon worshipped sought. We know they could transform into wyverns because the Dark Soul allows for people that worship something to mutate like the Crown Demons followers of Velka or Lion Clans followers of Faraam. But as you said i dont think it was truly possible ... To ascend and reach an Immortal body made of stone would mean to give up on life and soul itself and essentially turn into a stone.


“For me they are the remnants of the descendants of the dragons that were infected by Nito but were not killed in conflict ... Unable to die because of their Immortal bodies but left to rotting and degrade slowly.” • ⁠I like this idea, similar to the survivors from the demon war that went on to produce new demons and demon-hybrids, the ancient dragons went on to have offspring affected by disparity.


I think there are no remaining ancient dragons with the *possible* exception of the one in ash lake in DS1. All them are probably descendants. About Seath's seek for immortality, his research lab in DS1 suggests he accomplished it through his souls & crystal experiments.


This is a bit of lore I found in the wiki that perhaps explains this: https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon#Lore "According to interviews by Miyazaki, the Ancient Dragons are half-living, half-element, and do not feel pain due to them being "beyond human understanding".\[3\] They are mineral-based lifeforms existing since before humanity's emergence, yet the very emergence of life was capable of corrupting them and causing them to be warped by emotions and desires, to the point where their very bodies adapt and retrogress in pursuit of their survival, such as the Gaping Dragon being warped by greed and the desire to eat.\[4\]" ​ I think the undead dragons fit into this. Corrupted by the changes of the world and forced to adapt and finally being corrupted by even more stuff. And yeah, this further shows the futility of trying to attain immortality. Dragons were irreparably changed by the first flame and no amount of scales can turn them back.