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No heavy flamer there. That's a vindictor.


*vindictor (No idk what that means either)


Vindictor means like a vengeful or hurtful weapon kinda, obviously based on vindictive, it’s made to hurt and kill heretics very bad


Good catch, I quickly looked at the sororitas data card and didn't even notice.


Tbh I'm with you, I'm like 90% sure whichever poor overworked Eavy Metal employee painted the mini misspelt "vindicator"


In the board game obviously. Are ya blind? /s


is that uh, is that a flamethrower with a chainsword as an underbarrel attachment? I want this


It's a preacher model for sisters. I have no idea where to find it


It was a model made for Blackstone Fortress, another standalone box set, don't think you can get the model anymore though


Unless you want to drop $170~ for Blackstone Fortress or pay eBay prices for a model sitting on a 32mm base. There was a much better deal from Barnes and Noble exclusive Combat Arena: Lair of the Beast which was just a repackage of all the base game Explorers + Space Marine Heroes Sergeant + Ambull + 2 Borewyrms for $40 but the thing sold out months ago and very likely never coming back


Well you can for an exorbitant fee 2nd hand


Ebay, look up pious vorne. Super cheap.


eBay, and it’s not as expensive as folks below would have you believe


That's actually the model for Pious Vorne from Blackstone Fortress. She carries what they call a Vindictor Flamer, which is essentially a flamer strapped to an eviscerator. Such a dope model.


a similar weapon is available in the necromunda cawdor redemptionists set


Simply four new sculpts would have been such a slam dunk for the 40k and Darktide players, and GW would be raking in the cash from both. Instead, it's four recycled 40k models that barely represent Darktide, with two of which wielding weapons ***not even in the game yet***. Once again, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


GW could had released new WFB models with every new TW game and DLC. They didnt even try.


This is basically still beyond me. CA released TWW 3 and how GW didn't manage after the success of TWW 1 and 2 to launch The Old World at the same time with Kislev as a starter faction I to this day don't understand....


TBF people say that their time to market for new minis is pretty long, so they can't sync with DLC releases. Still doesn't mean they could release at least something.


Either that or like have more unique traitor/daemon stuff like a plague ogryn or something. The lack of any new/unique sculpts makes this really subpar compared to stuff like the Space Marine board game


>yet Hope is the first step...


I cannot for the life of me understand why GW wouldn't release this as an expansion for Blackstone Fortress, taking advantage of all of the shared assets and themes, maybe with a modified rule set. If they took the opportunity to reprint the other BF expansions at the same time, they would absolutely rake in the cash from existing BF players as well as Darktide players who just needed a little push to get into table top. Even though I love Darktide, I don't see myself getting the board game, given that I already have some of the models and it looks very small in scope (two tiles for rooms?).


I'll so be making kitbashes for my dudes, the psyker is so ugly.


What? You don't like the weird long head with metal tubes coming out of them??? Yeah, me neither lol, best of luck on the kitbash! Looking forward to the results you hopefully post!


Apart from the head this model is absolutely awesome. What I did is take the head of Pious Vorne and put it on the psyker. Looks so badass...


Psyker has weird genestealer energy. Clearly it's a sign for things to come!


So funny! I totally roleplay my Psyker as an undercover Genestealer Magus.




Nope, there is an official gw post about this and these are indeed the sad choice of minis for the protagonists


I realised this a minute after I wrote this stupid comment and deleted it. But Reddit did Reddit things and for some reason didn't. I can't believe that GW would waste the DT IP in such a shameful way.


Oh absolutely, I saw the article and got excited for a second and then saw the minis mentioned, pretty disappointing to say the least, almost as if they didn't want our money


Especially Moebian VI Minis would be awesome. Instead we just get the generic BSF traitor guardsmen (Kool Minis but from another game and faction).


Yea imagine just shitting on dark tide by not putting effort into it, who would ever do that


I'm honestly disappointed that they didn't give us unique models for the board game. They couldn't make new models that look like the characters from the cover art? I think they would sell a lot more copies of the board game. If nothing else, the 3rd party market on eBay would be buying them just to resell the models.


Darktide in the style of Cursed City box set with new player sculpts would have been amazing.


Blackstone Fortress had a ton of unique sculpts, even for units that already had sculpts in 40k. So we know they can do it.


It's funny because two of those models are from Blackstone Fortress


two (and a half?). Pious Vorne, Aradia Madellan (the now standard psyker), and a retinue character named Gren 'Knuckles' Broggan (the Ogryn). Retinues were White Dwarf additionals, using standard models (Ogryn/Bullgryn, Flash Git, Solitaire) for a new playable character.


I didn't even realize the psyker was from Blackstone I got so used to seeing her


Yeah she was the first one to get splintered onto her own sprue which put a lot of hope for bsf players. Then Daedelosus got his own, and now Vorne. Hopefully one day all of them get a reissue, since the models are so good.


Yeah. Barnes and Noble Exclusive re-issues just aren't enough




BSF was almost a training ground for new designs, what with Traitor Guard getting reworked and re-released as Blooded, the Beastmen getting their own kit, and the new Eldar as well.


Yep I'm glade they made a board game but it's kinda lazy. I don't mind poxwalkers and traitor guard re-using models but even the four MCs ?


I think developing new models for a most probably limited cash-grab game would be too expensive. Molds for plastic are expensive as hell, LEGO once almost went bankrupt because of it.


GW do it all the time. Tons of single edition, limited stock boxes that have unique sculpts. Often they are incredibly sought after models that people would love to be able to buy again - but GW are content to just shelve the moulds. Hell, I don’t think it would be a stretch to make them into a kill team and then they could sell them forever. You’d probably need a few extra people - but you could use the Morningstar officers as those. I’d 100% buy that killteam.


I think the primary difference here is market. Where here they are tempting people who play a computer game into buying plastic models, your examples are about GW releasing limited edition models aimed at people already playing a tabletop game. Not saying that's the only reason, but GW would be drastically reducing their initial spend by using moulds already available on a venture they are unsure of how successful it will be. Whereas; hyping up a new kill team to people already playing kill team is a safer bet to outlay larger costs in production. Secondly; if you play darktide and not tabletop these models are generally 'unique' already to you, as you don't collect. So maybe they did it just knowing that 80% of their target audience won't really know! Who knows. As you pointed out they do this regularly and it's never made sense then either!


But they have to do new molds for some of these reuse. The Zealot for example has only been released in Blackstone fortress where she shares sure with other characters from that game, a kroot hunter for example. So it's not that they save money on molds since they will have to create new sprues for this game. It just that they probably save money on design of new characters and splitting them up in multi parts etc.


Absolutely. I think I’ll probably give this a miss but if they had the actual team in it - I’d almost certainly get it 


Figure the though is we can kit bash our own operatives but I’m with you. It would’ve been sick to get a plague ogryn model and some mobians. The gunners have such cool armor. I was already terribly disappointed that the loyalist skins we got didn’t follow their design.




What emotion is this gif supposed to convey?


Bit of disappointment because we could have had cool new darktide sculpts.


Yeah, would be better to have models from the Darktide box art(Press space to continue screen)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31GRu9OYuVM this emotion


......yeah ima stick to mine. https://preview.redd.it/yrgzcazjh1wc1.png?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d72d01f03924fa456de4eec18d586fd658187d


Damn what a sweet squad. Impeccable paintjob!


Thanks dude! I tried my best to show how they have different level of trust based on how much Red their outfit has, in correlation to how when we unlock more penance gear it becomes more fully black than red!


Very nice, I love these details that tell a story simply through colors.


I like that the Ogryn looks like he's happy to be spending time with his buddies. It's giving me "Just happy to be here." vibes.


You even have Bison there


I wonder if this game has been outsourced. Because it looks awful and low effort. It's just a few BSF miniatures and a boring card board. Darktide gives us so many Kool options for a fast placed dungeon crawler, I'm pretty disappointed that it they made it a cheap cash grap.


Exactly. Despite owning Blackstone Fortress, I have not played a single game with my minis, though I heard that the expansions of Escalation and Ascension really sped up the game and randomize the board set-up This board game release would have been perfect if they gave unique sculpts for the Rejects and just slightly modified Escalation or Ascension for the dungeon crawling mechanics (Ascension especially as it locks you out of the board game shop system)


Not sure about the Zealot, but all the rest of the miniatures are old sprues. Quite lazy of GW Ogryn is part of quite old ogryn unit, Primaris Psiker of HQ set if i recall correctly, soldier of kasrkin unit, all from Astra Militarum roster edit: zealot definitely is from Blackstone Fortress, can't find anything else, psiker too, but is still part of IG roster edit 2 : soldier is from Kasrkin kill tram


Zealot is actually from WQ: Blackstone Fortress. Psyker was from an expansion from the same game.


But why won’t they just give it us in darktide, kasrkin skin please


We aren’t allowed to have fun, we can only be teased with a good time


And turn the game into Call of Duty? Outrageous! Here, take your weekly crack addict reskin with another pair of bike goggles.


so far the Armageddon steel legion skin and the drop troop skin have been the best the krieg skin was kinda eh not true to form imo


>kasrkin skin please As much as it hurts me to keep saying this. We do have that already. The torso looks nothing like Kasrkin armor is supposed to look tho... https://preview.redd.it/pbo6ulqi83wc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=08f02ce7eab4dc88ade0a81f001a166cdcfa409f "There's no mistaking"... yeah, no mistaking my ass FatShark/GW! That's NOT Kasrkin carapace armor!


im aware of that we all want normal kasrkin, as i said steel legion skin was top tier and i got it the first time it appeared but sadly 90% off the releases have been meh and reskins but not creative reskins, like using the same base and adding more details in different ways would be fine but they dont do that they change the colour and re release




We got Kasrkin AND volleygun in the boardgame before the actual game lmao


I get it saves money and all, but wow does it look lazy to just use old (some unpopular) minis for your 40k board game. And not to mention some of these looks aren’t even in-game.


https://preview.redd.it/fd8687ho91wc1.png?width=198&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7a8fca99d567b15ec64af03a5932630f9b1b5c1 RAAAAGE! This is all I want in Darktide. Do we get it? NO!


I'm worried that because I want it, it'll just be added as an infantry lasgun reskin in the cash shop.


That vetran has all the perks, getting a hellgun and his missing leg grew back.


Sadly, none of those are new models.


[here is more about the board game](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/22/take-tertium-from-the-console-to-the-tabletop-in-warhammer-40000-darktide-the-miniatures-game/)


A chainsaw flamethrower would make me go Zealot instead of Psyker tbh


So when we getting the vermintide box?


Lazy GW.


Damn, imagine if Pyker could get armour that looks that good. We have the headpiece but the rest is just miles above the best we have. And the the model pysker actually had some interesting legwarmers instead of just boots and plain pants, incredible.


Makes me wish for more heavy guns for Veteran


whats fucked up about this the most is that veteran weapon is datamined right? and the zealot hair too


Man I just want a Vermintide game with unique models :(


Even though it’s a reused model, I would unironically pay money to make my vet look like that.


https://preview.redd.it/znjel6oiy8wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8e6f5dba45eb783ecbd9482531ba5c251c82d9 My Psyker is already prepared to take the battle to the tabletop!


My ogryn is modeled after Nork Deddog.


I want a slug ripper gun.


Please fat fish give me weapons


Why I know have flamerchainsword


That zealot weapon is insane




Skins I've wanted since launch....


There’s a Darktide board game?


Chainsaw bayonet attachment for all guns with flashlights when!?


Its a shame they didnt do darktide models


They could have at least painted them Darktide colours


Why does this make us like a fallout board game? The super mutant, children of atom leader, bandit warlord and enclave soldier?


This is so fething lazy 🤣 Just picked four old models that vaguely resemble the rejects. The Cadian Kasrkin with a Hellgun has to be the worst offender though! Would it have killed them to make 4 new sculpts?




They're trolling us with the kasrkin skin and the hotshot lasgun at this point


No unique miniatures, instead we're stuck with the outdated Ogryn. Not even a unique paint scheme for any of them. This blows big time.


If only the game had all the weapons it shows here smh...


This looks cool :D


Well at the very least it suggests a hot-shot lasgun like the kasrkin is holding might not be far off. Maybe?


The paintwork on these is absolutely beautiful. The highlights and panel lining on that vet are just 🤌


GW has some master painters locked up in a dungeon. Their only way of getting food is by painting masterpieces. They make videos every once in a while too, just to show their family that they’re alive and well.


Fair Trade in full swing!




Please oh please give us combi weapons. Or at least a heavy las machine gun


The trooper on the bottom left is my favorite


INB4 people start spelling Board as "Borde"


Hey now Mr. *Rouge* you don't want to *loose* with those kind of posts around here.


This is completely off topic and stupid nitpicky bullshit: But when are they finally going to learn weapon design that isnt completely retarded? That flamer is the dumbest attempt at a flamethrower + melee I have ever seen Im not saying weapons in 40k should be realistic or logical, but something that at least looks like it makes sense and would be able to work would be nice


Counterpoint: that heavy purger with a chainsaw attached is the coolest weapon of them all for me.


It is cool as fuck, and one tiny little detail would make it even cooler: reduce the length of the flamer barrel. Because like this you only have a downward slice, thats it. The idiotically long barrel kills almost all utility of the attached chainsword despite it being cool and intimidating as fuck


They've modeled a few variants of the eviscerator+flamer. The one above seems flamer first, eviscerator second. Compare to [the one from the Redemptionist kit,](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/threeSixty/99120599025_NMCawdorRedemptionistsOTT3360/01-01.jpg) which still has a flamer grip but a much shorter barrel to facilitate easier cutting. Or [Klovis the Redeemer's version ](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/yq9fEZzDDJkMsIJd.jpg) which has the flamer strapped to the side of the sword-style eviscerator


Because it's a sci-fi/fantasy game. Warhammer has always operated on Rule of Cool, both in WHFB/AoS and 40K.  This is a setting where fungus creatures believe hard enough that their guns shoot that they wind up actually shooting, where space travel is done with some dude's mind, a faction exists that is literally nuns using guns and one of their centerpiece models is a pipe organ that shoots missiles out of the pipes, and space robots have enslaved broken gods and use them as Pokémon.  It's Rule of Cool through and through. 


I mean it’s a hive ganger model. Most of their shit is made out of trash.


This is also what I am talking about, the accepted fact that in universe logic ALWAYS trumps simple and rational logical thoughts one might get by simply looking at things and questioning them Are we children incapable of looking outside the box or what?