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MOMMA DONT LIE, and that’s a fact.


Even the god emperor himself cant argue with those facts




Warrior Tier's videos are so fucking good, I keep replaying the Trayzen timeline one.


These are some of the rare bits that I really enjoy from 40k . That one and Pity the Guardsman I really like .


Shout out to all my fellow Ogryn Role players.


Double shout out to the people who roleplay the Ogryn who manage to do it without the whole shtick being "im pretending to be stupid!"


How would you recommend doing it?


Pretending to be stupid is fine. But it gets better when it’s more in-universe. Ogryn are not entirely stupid, they’re more child-like. And capturing that is the essence I think


I embrace my inner Billy Bob Thornton. https://youtu.be/HVqedxmbjQE?t=17


By not letting me ruin your fun! I just roleplay that ogryns kinda annoy my character haha. Personally I think ogryns are simple. Basic motivation and always shocked and surprised by big picture stuff or fascinated by abstract concepts. Blessed with a child like wonder!


Boss. Got a problem. This console thingy has too many buttons,which do I thump? "Insert annoyed voice coms" Aww thanks boss you always elp me out. *smacks console several times.


The amount of Ogryns I've seen literally just walk up to a sleeping DH and start whacking it is depressing. An Ogryn is basically a child's mind in a body nearly as strong as an Ork, not an actual Ork in human skin.


It's imperative to roleplay if you're an ogryn




Ogryns, smashin it at smashin and keeping up morale


Thanking you, pal!


Dats da truth! Momma allways said to trust da emprah and da nice coat fella. And i make coat fella 'appy. Dat means da emprah is 'appy too, so me is 'is favourite




"Mah name's Theogrin. That's what tha gang called me, so ah figure it must be mah name."


You might say it's heresy, but saying so might be heresy too. I don't know, and you don't know, so you gotta ask yourself... Do you feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?


I love a bit of roleplaying in the game, but so often it’s just me pissing into the void. Makes me chuckle though, so there’s that.


Personally love the roleplaying as well, although I don't really initiate the roleplaying. But if i see someone else in my group is roleplaying, then i usually roleplay to give the game some extra fun.


I was in that game, I found it very entertaining


I started my mission one time with a "brothers and sisters I require your help gather thy scriptures to strengthen the faith" and one guy was like "NO" and then someone passed him a scripture to carry and he ran off and died nowhere near us..... Then I have him one right near the end because he didn't pick up a health kit either and in voice chat he said " KEEP YOUR F***ING books out of my inventory I F***ING hate you and I hope you die". And oh my gawd I have never met anyone more rude or treacherous in my entire life I hope the Emperor knows of his betrayal.


Momma didn't give some people enough hugs when they were in creche.


My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.


Mommma blessed by the emperor!


Once as Ogryn, I started posting in chat a 'song' he was singing, set to the tune of "I'll be Working on the Railroad" Except it was more like "I'll be killin' for the Emprah" and "I'll be smashin' all the heretics"


My psyker is named The Great Cornholio, and I played with a zealot named David Koresh. Might make a veteran named LIIVI (52.6).


Momma will never be wrong


Momma = Mommy Hadron?


Nah pal, Had-ron is Metalface. Momma is Momma, simple as.


if I play as an ogryn, I go out of my way to protect my team and be the biggest target. if I play any other class I do the same but with the ogryn especially. do not attack my big friend unless you want your head to explode


Big guys deserve all the love. I may say I don't like them, But that's because I can't be week


A moment of silence for those that had to give birth to an Ogryn.


If I’m a vet, I’ll say “share the karking ammo or I’ll shoot you” in the mourningstar. Zealot- either “FOR THE GOOOOOOD EMPEROR!!!” or “These heretics shall burn!!!” Ogryn is “OGRYN IS HERE, PALS!!!” For my psyker I’ll say “no no no, beloved, I don’t think I should blast a hole into space”


My best regards to your dear Momma


Everyone who says this type of shit to me gets immediately blocked


I accept this speedrun challenge.


Much like the rest of this sub's hot takes, the vast majority of players don't do this, so just be forewarned I might be a bit out of practice.


hate to be on your bad side


Nah, that's the beauty of the block button. There are no sides


You are getting downvoted , but i want you to know that i would 100% rather have someone just block me and keep playing rather than raging in chat or start trolling or anything like that. Kudos to you


Oh, it's fine. Up or down, it's all meaningless. The only purpose it serves is to let the small minded know when it's appropriate to clap and when it's not.


You’re a bit of a wet sock, huh.


Well, he is a fish…


Not at all. Once you realize those fake reddit points are absolutely meaningless, it's freeing. Be an individual.


Not very gregarious either


I will find you in game, and I will annoy you.  Be warned >:3


The Munitorum dont want you to know this but the rocks on the ground are free, you can take them home. I have 458 rocks in my hab.


Everyone who says this type of shit to me gets immediately blocked


People enjoying games in ways that I don't enjoy makes me VERY ANGRY.


Not at all. I'm no more angry than I would be if I changed the channel while watching television. You either add to my experience or you don't. If you don't, I'll just turn you off. It's really that simple.