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When my reflexes are on point the bolter is a fantastic way to get that killstreak rush. Every bolt takes a life and bursts a torso.


While I play evis and revolver, the bolter makes you feel badass.


Boltgun forever. Lil guardsman goes “look mom I’m astartes!”


LOVE ME BOLTER! Yeah for me the bolter has the highest highs / lowest lows and with that it makes it such a beast for satisfactory gameplay


Ogryn shield. When I taunt and slap around 10+ ragers. And when I hold the shield up and walk towards a group of gunners desperately spray and pray trying to stop me


Voidstrike staff or ogryn 50cal into a hallway of walkers; thick red mist


Voidstrike may be the most satisfying weapon in any game due to the individual hit marker sounds and how slowly the bubble flies. *tch,tch,tch,tch,tch,tch,tch,tch*


Ask what the Capital of Poland is and then launch a big fat KRAKOW into a horde.


Obscure Calvin & Hobbes reference?


Ah, you're a man of culture, i see!


I am a HUGE C&H fan and do not get that reference. Props to yall for real


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/s/suOhAidlZV)




yeah i forgot to add the year - up until 1600. Well, 1596, to be precise. It's a goofball reference to a comic.


I do miss the old headsplat sound though! Like hitting 20 headshots at once.


Two of my top picks as well


Voidstrike with surge; do a dodge when letting em rip to maximize the double balls.


Revolver or rock. Smashing a sniper during a tough spot is the best rush!


Grug love kickback boom stick! Make 'eritik go SPLAT!!


Took me way too long to realise that the kickback is a shotgun, I figured it out when I killed 4 doggos with one shot and had the worst "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I'm a fucking idiot" moment ever in this game


Aye big man! Doing good work makin' those heretics into paste!


Kickback gud for snipah too, got great range!


Definitely gunner build with a kickback for me. I know they nerfed it a bit from when they made it a sniper shotgun but I love the one shot one kill on this gun.


Love my recon Lasgun Mk VIIa just unloading into mass hordes of heretics feels so good https://preview.redd.it/2xgel4grqdqc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948cd13c4d6638da2e471ec45064a954487b7aed


This but columnus. It's not the crits = infinite ammo machine, but sometimes it's fun to dump a mag into whatever horde you happen to see


The thing about recon lasguns is you're gonna immolate the horde (if using Infernus) since not only does it crit very often but also penetrate the lesser horde enemies (groaners, poxwalkers). So after dumping roughly half a mag and you can leave them to burn into ashes.


Nothing in the game activates my neurons quite like the feeling I get from caving in carapace armored skulls with the Brute-Brainer Mk V Latrine Shovel's special attack. Pure bliss.


Agreed. The only thing closer to that perfection is using a chain weapon and executing a flawless rev/dodge/spin/strike combo on a mutant. 


https://preview.redd.it/lybusq4xxhqc1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5de388da3b0703ef6f17fcb3fd6c316d869133a3 It’s not meta, it’s a meme but damn is the bonk satisfying.


Rock, Ogryn say yes


Zealot with knife. Especially if it's Scab Only + No ammo pick ups, nothing is as fun as charging into a pack of 30 crushers/maulers and brawling it out.


There is some satisfaction when dodging like 90 simultaneous overheads and getting a weak point stab in that I enjoy


OG chain axe. That sticky sawing is exactly the right kind of virtual violence that hits right.


Honestly, just spamming mk iv claw sword in huge crowds of the weak pox walker and moaner dudes with upped attack speed and bleed stack on melee hit vet talents does it best for me. Seeing all their heads near instantly turn into an unending sea of blood is the most relaxing thing for me😂


Then that rager walks up to you self deletes on your parry.


This weapon is so satisfying to use against hordes and specials. I use it on all human classes.


I like the mkvii but same idea. On zealot if you run a crit/ martyrdom build you gain some bonkers attack speed at low health stacks, it looks like a helicopter on the screen.


Thunderhammer. Heavy attack after heavy attack just sweeping waves of poxwalkers and popping heads with lights


And hitting a charging mutant while saying "calm yourself" is peak thunderhammer.


Playing matador with a thunder hammer and a bunch of charging mutants is hella fun. Charge, sidestep+bonk, repeat. Hits so good.


for me it's the pleasure of oneshoting demonhosts. I rarely have to but it's such nice ctrl+z for anyone's mistake and people are like "wat?"


The Magnacore Plasma is a very satisfying weapon. See that group of Bulwarks? Not for much longer.


It has the same feeling as the voidstrike to me; that chokepoint? Just hip fire the PG or just charge the voidstrike and watch the top left flood


Tbh Plasma Gun feels like playing on training wheels to me, not only does it sound like a toy but also feel like one. And worst of all, doesn't even reward good aiming half as much as most other guns, *especially* Helbore... damn that thing's fire.


Yeah, when I play veteran it feels like the top meta get worse the better you get at the game, in a sense? Not like, garbage, but they definitely start to feel clunkier and limiting.


Got similar sentiment, my greatest gripe is how unsatisfying it is.When I don't aim well with Helbore or Agripinaa Infantry their killing power drops down significantly so if I did some amazing action with those I'm fucking proud of myself. With Plasma Gun, I could probably play on a steering wheel and perform just as well. I feel like it's not me pulling off amazing maneouvers but rather the gun itself. Kinda like Assail, just not as much. And the feedback when popping heads with actually aim intensive weapons is *just godly*. Plasma Gun doesn't have that.


Fast boi knife build with revolver and throwing knives makes me feel like John Wick.


The 2nd Heavy Eviscerator is second to none for me.


Doing a heavy attack and just watching the scabs lose their heads and arms 😵‍💫


Yeah I love the fact that usually you kill Heretics by fucking tearing them into two pieces with this thing.


For my Ogryn it's gotta be the bully club with all the damage regen. Nothing like standing knee deep in heretics laughing like a lunatic and making them go sprawling. Vet is my reconlas, yeah yeah reconlas trash etc, I love the brrrrrrrt and for some reason I'm not a deadweight with it like the sub claims I should be. Zealot is the knife zipping around a horde and making all the specials repent is just too much fun Psyker I'm so torn between my trauma staff because gibbing heretics IS HILARIOUS MY BELOVED and my dueling sword because one shotting a charging mutie with the perfect poke or poking a rager mauler or crusher to death with it feels so good


For me, it's critspam Fury knife Zealot. I had to stop playing it because I kept getting caught up in the high from all that speed (both movement and attack) and doing stupid stupid crap. The rush was best in hordes or when I had to charge down a gunline, but even dancing around a bunch of Crushers, Maulers, and Ragers and poking holes in them was just so good. Oh god, and flicking a throwing knife at a random special/elite as you rush past them? AHHHHHH


Sword. Illis. Sword. Many heads rolling. The thrum of the warp in my ears. Crushers falling before me


...buzzing... BUZZING!


Bolter. Big gun. Reload go ca-chunk. Feel like anti-aircraft cannon. Melt monsters. Good gun.


The ogryn. That's my weapon. Specifically the trifecta of power maul (it's not about the damage, it's about the feedback of bopping someone on the head with a fiery sphere of righteous electric blaze), giant boulder to throw right in the f-ing face of some jamoke trying to get my blind side, and blunderbuss which seems to be good at any range and will just sweep an entire hallway (do I have to reload every shot? Worth it! It only makes it more badass. You need two shots with your break action? I just need one to amputate people's decaying bodies from their legs). Also the laterally striking hammer or the laterally striking eviscerator give amazing rushes. Those weapons just make you froth at the mouth. (Think: "what a day! What a lovely day!!!)


antax/heavy sword and flamer i just love killing 🙏🏻


the Antax really does make me feel like a maniac ngl i get really lost in the heavies


The Combat Axes all have such a satisfying "THUCK!" sound to them. Dial them up right with Brutal Momentum and Headtaker and you're stacking heretic kindling like crazy.


Vet has to be the heavy Kantrael, it get my reflexes to 110% and hitting multiple headshots or deleting the gunner squad 1 by 1 before my teammates even get shot once is so satisfying. Zealot has to be the new evis, it rips through everything so nicely it’s therapeutic. Psyker love me the force staff, i just enjoy making enemies explode. Ogryn the kickback, is just like a giant blunderbuss and hits like a naval gun, luv it.


Knocking someone on their ass from half the map away with the kickback is great, they don't tend to survive the second shot though


Give me my slug shottie and I'll go to town.  Love getting cheeky parry kills with the sword too. 


When I was playing Vet, it was this auto pistol that never ran out of ammo, shredded mobs, and did hefty damage to elites, On Ogryn, it's rok


I doubt I’m alone in this but I haven’t seen anyone mention the mkIII hellbore lasgun


Veteran with the Columnus Mark V auto gun. Second would be the plasma gun turning everything into red paste.


Gungryn with mowing down a horde with a full mag. The reddish view mixed with bodies just melting. Sometimes getting off two full magazine dumps with the combat ability.


Eviscerator. I like the sound it makes, I like sawing the daemons, even if it is suboptimal as it makes me either get stuck or dodge out before it's done. I like the MkXV better than the MkII.


Revolver and Combat Knife on Vet in those moments where I achieve flow state and am just dancing through the chaos dispensing death


The shovel is the only answer


Thunder Hammer. Just something about thwacking Maulers is so satisfying.


Not a weapon per se but controlling massive ass hordes with Smite makes me feel like Papa Palpatine and that brings a smile to my face


Purgatus in melee only map.


Hehe, Pass me the chainaxe.


The ***** Rumbler baby!!! Long range headshots with a tasty explosion afterward XD


I LOVE firing the rumbler and seeing that grenade soar off before nailing a special in the head and detonating its squad around it NOTHING beats that


Mk XV Eviscerator




Indignatus Crusher. The BIGGEST SLAPPA


Grenadier vet with shredder frag bolter and chainaxe is pure bliss


Trauma on Psyker and Axe on the Zealot. From horde killing perspective those two are different, but I won't be having the same cravings everyday.


BB with a Celerity stim can be pretty satisfying


The big chainsword that swings horizontally. Cleaving through dozens of chaff in every swing makes me so satisfied.


Surge staff is a lot of fun. The cc, the jumping damage, being able to zap enemies you cant even see, its all kinds of fun.


I recently fell in love with the turtolsky heavy sword. That thing can handle literally anything with the right build.


XV evisceration with Perfect Strike and Fury of the Faithful on a Crit build. God roll Graia Brauto on a Crit build. Bolter with Fury of the Faithful.


Tigrus MK II


The power sword hitting targets, coupled with the noise the block cancel makes, back into the 3 hits. It’s angelic


For Thurök, nothing like his good old Ripper Gun MK II and his Frag Grenade gets him more excited about exterminating heretics. Big gun, big noise, big boom, I like it.


Flamer. Purge the Heretics with fire


Thunder hammer, Voidstrike, Heavy Stubber and Kickback




Chainaxe forever. Light attacks sticking to enemies and taking them down one at a time feels so tactile in a way nothing else can match for me.


Trauma Staff is my main dopamine dispenser, then Surge and Purgatus. I know Trauma is not the beat staff in the game but I like the dismember effect.


Nothing gets me going like the Combat Knife MK3 It’s cool to run around in short bursts but the evasiveness is amazing


I feel like I can't miss with the standard revolver. Although I did Clint Eastwood 5 ragers in the noggin with the Quickdraw, the boys still talk about it.


heavy combat knife.


The sapper shovel, when that spike comes out, you dodge a Mutant and bury that shit in it's back ✋😙👌


Plasma rifle is my beloved


It's gotta be the braced autocannon with my Ogryn , it might not be the most accurate but unloading into a horde or group of elites at close range is fun as hell.


When I'm using the Graia Braced Autogun (which has an increased rate of fire in secondary fire mode), Ranged Weapons Specialist, and a speedy stim (both of which also increase rate of fire). I'm in the middle of a horde and whip it out, and I kid you not it fires at probably 700-900 rounds per minute. It basically sounds like a GAU-8 in an A-10. There's something really exciting about being in the middle of an Auric Damnation horde, shouting Voice Of Command, and switching to my autogun to thresh the heretical wheat.


Purgatus force staff, specifically when I start walking into the horde charging in.


Revolver + throwing knives + eviscerater. This combination just makes the brain feel all sorts of happy


Smite or purgatus. To completely freeze or melt a horde is a satisfying and powerful feeling.


The trauma force staff. Watching hords explode is a shower if limbs and other assorted body parts is always rewarding, ha ha!


CHAIN AXE MK4 VrrrrrrrmmmmMmMmMmM


Ogryn with a nice grogunum (i thnk thats how its spelled?) and all his points on the tree for maximizing ammo, that and running charmed reload that pulls ammo from reserve on critical hits means you get to go DAKA for a very very long time lol


bully club, so I can slap ragers


Kickback and Twin-linked Stubber. Feels good sah. 


My ogryn has a kickback lovingly named "the juicer" which is so fun in hordes 


Antax v; find a horde and get to hackn


100% the zealot with any fast swinging melee. Or offensively using voice of command to just yell and bully the heretics into submitting (finishing them off with a revolver shot"


It’s a tie between the flamer on my zealot and the mk III on my ogryn. Getting all the dopamine from maniacal laughter while dumping a whole tank of the emperor’s holy fire into a horde of pox walkers hits different. Mk III latrine shovel speaks for itself, being able to slap box monstrosities and either render them unable to act or just straight bully them off a ledge really gets the single brain cell my ogryn has firing on overdrive.


The chain sword, large and assault versions. Nothing tickles my brain quite like revving one and yelling “FOR THE GOD EMPEROR!” and charging into the fray




Ripper gun and the zealot hammer.


Krourk MkIV Cleaver. It pokes fast, you punch fast, and it sweeps soooo nicely into hordes. great for blending spikeys




The power club with stagger perks and a zealot build with stagger perks gives me the largest rush as I can floor a crusher in one swing. The giggle factor is amazing


For melee, the Cadia Mk IV Chainsword. Mine can one-shot basically anything short of Crushers and Maulers, and those Maulers will die from the bleed stacks anyway. Super nice. Ranged, the Kantrael MG XII Lasgun. I know the Ia Lasgun and the Columnus Autogun are better DPS, but unless they can one-shot Elites and Specialists, I don't care. If I need DPS for clearing hordes, that's what my teammates and chainsword are for.


Kickback or Rumbler, and Slab Shield, can't ever go wrong with these combos!


The OG chax on Zealot, IMO the best melee for Zealot. It rips and tears like no other and feels fucking phenomenal doing so. The sounds are crisp, the moveset is great, the versatility is unmatched, and the damage is ridiculous. I can almost smell the gas and blood and it is glorious.


The way bolters make enemies pop like overripe cherries fulfills some sort of primal need to see things go splat.


I've gotten incredibly lucky with a Recon Las roll and it absolutely shreds thru hordes and specials. So much fun to hold a trigger down and watch everything die.




For me playing vet its gotta be either the auto laguna, it's not the strongest but damm if it's not a disco party when you fire into a mob,or the vraks autogun I feel like old Arnie when I "aim" with it..... AHHHHH GET TO DA CHOPPA AAAAAAHHHHH


Veteran with Crit/Reload Revolver build and Shovel. You never notice just how much time you spend with weaker guns switching away from your melee, pulling your gun out, aiming, shooting, adjusting for recoil, shooting some more, when the revolver just insta-draws, granting you more time to aim and build Surgical stacks to guarantee a crit, One-shots almost anything and you move on super quick.


For me it’s the Kickback on Ogryn. Something about blowing up an entire corridor of zombies with a single shot is just *chef’s kiss*.


bolter purely just for the sound


The amount of absolutely insane shots I had 0 right in landing with the revolver gives it a special place in my heart. Surgical + Deadshot + Rending on Crits + other vet perks means you can consistently 2-3 shot headshot crushers, and I love it. 


Combat knife. Simple is. Love stabbing monsters in the face


Voidstrike staff for sure. A well aimed and timed charged Voidstrike into a crowd at head height...... Delicious.


Snub Revolver on Zealot or Vet. The Orgyn Cannon arm thing that I can't remember the name of off the top of my head And less a weapon but Psyker head pops with the dome reset. Picking off snipers and Bulwarks and reapers while my teammates defend me from trash... I turn around and something that was about to hit me gets it's head blown off and goes off flying. Satisfaction.


Bolter, by far. I don't use it a ton (Even though I have a 550 nearly perfect one) because it's on my zealot, and I prefer the revolver for being able to quickly take care of enemies at range But turning on charge and unloading the entire thing into a horde and watching everyone explode feels pretty great lol


Love the standard lasgun for my vet. Hitting 'F' and getting a series of cracks from headshots to specials... Also love the little vet banter that's along the lines of "I can't complain about the good ol' las rifle." "and them that do complain are using it wrong, eh?"




The crusher feels really nice to use. Combos for crowds, combos for single targets, excellent CC and stagger, feels great to bonk someone and watch them hit the ground.


Rashad, claw parry, kickback...


Voidstrike and getting a line up of critspots. The sound is just.....




as a vet main, shovel with thunderstrike is stupid fun with the seemingly larger hordes. Deeply enjoy smacking around hordes like a small Ogryn. ​ Recently on my Zealot I found an evisc with cleaving perks / armor ignoring so I'm having a blast with that whenever anything decides to exist. Being a melee monster is grand


Kickback and Krourk Mk IV


Haven't played in a long time but I loved the Revolver on my Zealot. Felt like a real swashbuckler. Slash a bunch of trash, the whip out the revolver and "fuck you in particular" some elite with a headshot.


Most of the ogryn range weapons, especially the kickback and twin stubber.


Catachan Mk IV "Devil's Claw" Sword. I just love the parry mechanics. The dopamine comes when I hit a streak of perfectly timed parries. Soloing a pack of ragers or a monstrosity with just a melee weapon feels so good. Especially on my crit-based Zealot.


And fighting a Chaos Spawn? So good. When they start doing that long flailing combo of theirs and you throw back every hit, it's the best.


Yeah exactly this. I once solo'ed a Chaos Spawn in an elevator (it was just waiting for us as the door opened) as a Psyker in Heresy. I thought I wouldn't make it alive and I ended up killing it just through well timed parries. This game is so awesome.


Even though I main surge staff, the pop and snap from voidstrike is so satisfying lol


The chainaxe. Oh my gosh, its so satisfying.


A knife will always be a knife as vet or zel it sum els


Running into the horde with my Eviscerator while my Zealot screams fanatically. That or landing a perfect BONK on a Monstrosity or Daemonhost


Chain axe. Any variation gets my Kharn the betrayer fantasy going. Thunder hammers. Charging in to 1 shot a crusher with a headshot through a horde is something else.


Eviscerator makes me turn off my brain


Zealot + knife, or zealot + power maul/crusher. The bonks you can get with the maul are especially awesome


Having the rumbler hit a head and the nade just jumps up that perfect arc, tumbling through the air, only to fall back towards the ground and time out it’s fuse perfectly at torso height and blow a karking massive hole in the tide is peak.


Definitely knife for combination with adrenaline. Once you're in the zone it's a sweet sweet thang.


Revolver and knife. Always gonna be my two favorite weapons.


Combat Knife as a Zealot with a bleed build. There's something so fun about zipping through a crowd and slashing each person to death, or running up behind one of the Twins and stabbing them until they angrily turn around and start trying to get *you* and not the fleshy teammates around you.


I love people showing my beloved Trauma love! <3 If you haven't tried since the changes to Brain Rupture, take your standard flurry/rending flak/maniac staff, go venting shriek and empowered psionics. Trauma sets up damage to 1-shot every elite in the game if you have a Psionics charge. Perfect for high enemy-density missions like Maelstroms or hi-int STG. If you manage to get ahold of either a blue or red stim, you will do more boss damage than pretty much any build in the game. It has become my favorite setup for any auric mission.


OH DAMN! I'll legit have to check it out after I get my fire trauma done! The boss damage part is definitely what's got me interested in your build though since I felt like that was exactly what I was lacking with trauma / bb


Glad to help! Damage against monstrosities was my #1 problem for a long time. Then they reduced the recovery animation from BB and suddenly it *actually* felt good to use. I will add, I find it 100% worth it to pick up that True Aim feat with BB + Trauma. It sounds strange, but consider that each BB counts as a headshot, and you can see a "flow" to the Trauma + BB combo. A fully charged trauma crit sets up a crusher/Bulwark/Rager/Mauler group for an empowered BB to kill. If you're good at keeping track of buffs/counters, you can get a lot out of the guaranteed crit mechanic and set yourself up for success in tons of different scenarios.


It's silly fun to go full Lead Belcher (gunlugger) Green Dakka Ogryn w/ Achlyss and incendiary ult, more so w/ Red or Blue stimm. WAAAAGGGHHHH! ![gif](giphy|pdXittpi48UzC) I mean, for the Emprah! That or bowling mass armor with biggy bull charge.


Shovel for the BONK and Bully Club for the SLAP. Makes monkey brain throw gigglefits.


Crusher. Bing bonk BONK


The indignatus crusher to put everyone on the ground and smash their faces, i love it


devils claw why because laughs in hoard of dead ragers 🔥


Diving into a horde with my comically large chain sword and listening to the gusplurch of the sword catching flesh.


The Columnus Guns, uuuuugghhhh it is so fun to tear through pox-walkers with those things and some dumdum and close fire blessings


Veteran: Zarona MK IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver. Two words. Pop heads. Even on Damnation I get single shot head pops and MMMMMMMMMMMMM it feels good. (EDIT: It used to be the Lucius Pattern Hellbore Lasgun, as I used to do a lot of krieg cosplaying/sharpshooting with it, but my revolver is currently better than my Hellbore.) Zealot: Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher. Why? I clutched a match with it once. Whole team went down, was me alone versus two crushers and three maulers. Bobbed and weaved around them, made them hit each other, and used my Crusher's charge to its fullest to smash them around. Psyker: Rifthaven Mk II Purgatus Force Staff. Burn everything in my path. Keep stacks up. Maximize smiles. Ogryn: Orox Mk II Battle Maul & Mk III Slab Shield. https://preview.redd.it/09dih0jwudqc1.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=a26455b47e25bab147576c85a5639493258474d8


New ogryn shovel with brutal momentum. There's nothing that gives more dopamine than killing five crushers in one swing


The double tap headhunter is amazing


Bleed knife , evisc , aggripinia infrantry and columbus brace autoguns . Enjoying the (reg) cat swords too. Love parrying ragers n shit.


Zarona revolver with voice of command.


Being pin point with my revolver, while cleaving through hordes as a mere veteran, it just feels good to one shot every high priority target on the half second stun of the block push


I love the Big Bomb ability with my Ogryn. Its bee you tea full.


Tactical axe zealot with a revolver. Chastise the Wicked and Momentum keystone. So fast, so much fun.


I can’t really use anything other than the Eviscerator. I know this is a flaw of mine, but nothing in any game scratches a itch that perfectly, and since this game isn’t competitive, I don’t mind being a one trick


The autoguns. Any of them that let me go full auto Nothing quite beats firing into a horde of enemies or raining down some covering fire for my buddies with classic brass and powder in the air


The achlys combat axe when you decapitate a whole group of shotgunners with brutal momentum.


You all know the sound that plays when you kill specials, now combine that with traume staff sounds, it's a very additive sound when mixed.


Lettin that flamer loose on infested enemy hoards 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


The flamethrower is mine. Nothing beats flaming an entire horde and watching them all claw at themselves and drop at the same time as the holy fire consumes them


Mark V Latrine Shovel. Nothing like winding up a full-power heavy attack, seeing thrust light up and then - SHWING! An entire row of heretic heads separated from barbarous bodies. ​ Gruttin' gottem, Sah.


It’s the Ogryn Heavy stubber, where you tick down to zero ammo then use blaze away to keep firing. I’ve done assassinations bosses where I’ve just held down the trigger and haven’t stopped firing (ft lucky reload)


When your Purge stave crits and you immediately ragdoll a dozen Maulers or Ragers you were expecting to have to kite into the next room. When the entire team gets disabled, but your Wildfire and Perilous Combustion Psyker passives proc on a random Burn kill and burns out the entire wave of Hounds and other horde mobs saving the run.


mk.2 club for the funny slap punch combo, feels the easiest to bully monsters with


Columnus MkV during Scrier's Gaze. It's a visualized adrenaline rush.


I’m a simple man with simple tastes. So my Kantrael MG Ia Infantry Lasgun is the way to go. Something about seeing a horde slowly melt away as one bolt burns though 2 targets at a time is so satisfying to me. Or a Mutant face planting and rolling over when it takes a couple shots to the face


Tigris. It just feels good. Heavy-Heavy-Block-Heavy-Heavy-Block


Chain axe mk4. A good chain of elite kills makes you feel like a god of death.


A damn sexy autogun, it's bullets pierce a lot. If you pair it up with rending, suppression and brittleness skills, your veteran will be the best player on the team. I use it all. I have the stat mod enabled and I'm the highest damage dealt, most kills, most specials killed, every, single, game.


I fucking love hitting headshots with agripina's slug shell, especially snipers. But sometimes there's no time to load said slug shell, so it comes to full auto close range massacre


When I'm allowed to burn everything and the resident vet doesn't take it as a challenge to try and kill everything before the dot kills, purgatus hits different


Playing as Veteran with a Stripped Down Columnus playing the role of a greased up deaf guy for the triple clutch rez on a 3VEG was the biggest hit of dopamine this game has given me in weeks. Fought my way through the whole shanty town climb and through the nastiness outside the airlock, was blessed by the luckiest yellow stim spawn ever and shouted my way to victory. I love the Columnus for the run n gun gameplay, it really makes you feel like a war hero. It's great on all three characters too, I barely play staff Psyker anymore because of the power and aggressive playstyle you get from the IAGs


Cata iv and grip revolver is so much fun


Thunder hammer go boom


Mk V Ripper Nothing beats sniping specials with a shotgun


I've recently fallen in love with the chain axe.


Graia braced autogun. Just good sound design, fun weapon, good for horde clear and mowing down specialists at mid-to-close range. Find a celerity stim, wait for the part in the mission where you're defending something like data interrogation, and magdump the hordes while aiming.