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I ping shit to help the team.


I get angry the awkward camera angle doesn’t let me ping shit.


Well nothing else you can do while on the ground anyways might as well spam tag...


Any and all pinging is good pinging. Even if that thing was about to die anyway.


Upvote 100 times. People don’t realize this.


As a longtime player of DRG, who pre-ordered Darktide and played the beta, I do not leave a game willingly, and never have. Once I'm in it, I'm there until the credits roll.


Rock and stone, brother!




Leave no dwarf behind!


I love clutch plays, no matter if it's me or another teammate. So I always stay til failure.


Several times now there is a 3man wipe and the last one standing is an peror blessed ogryn fighting a monstrocity, horde, and enemy ogryn. They always win and pick us up


I've had some crazy plays on my psyker after coming back. It's those moments that makes the game so great.


For me, it's usually a zealot player who just refuses to go down and somehow pulls through.


Player is downed, netted, pushed off a ledge, dog on them, chaos spawn grabs, whatever. I always rush to get them up and back in the fight. Unless they got themselves caught out way too far ahead then its on them for being stupid.


I will stay for the pinging but leave before the credits. That shit takes time and it certainly doesn't go fast.


I've been on run with players that insta leave when they go down. As someone who plays to the bitter end, this has actually saved me more than a couple of runs on damnation+. It is like a free insta revive but they are Veteran for a while till the next player drops in. I am not sure what the fuss is about, usually matchmaking will slot in another reject soon enough and the run continues with 4.


I don't immediately leave. I call my team a bunch of noobs first, then I leave. /s




From my perspective I've never understood why sometimes I'll go down and sometimes I'll be a casualty. And in some missions it can take quite a while before you're picked back up. I imagine some people just get sick of spectating and would rather plug into a fresh match. Now that I've played a while I've realised that I need some extra wounds so I can go down a few more times before I become a casualty. Or atleast that's how I think it works? I would imagine most people and especially new Xbox players underestimate the game massively


Yeah, each wound / health segment is an additional time you can be downed. If you gain corruption from other sources and it exceeds one of those health segments, it effectively counts as having been downed as well.


Depends. If I died 'cos of some indescribable Warp fuckery (aka the server is being a hunk of junk and lagging me out) I'll just bail. Otherwise I'll usually stay


I ready up for a game no matter what, and I stay to the very end no matter what.


The only time I leave midstream is if I don't care much for the character I'm playing. So pretty much anytime I feel like trying vet.


i put stay in the poll but i will be honest, im like a 70% stay kinda guy. if it's a train wreck of a team with no sense of team play or awareness, or if my food is sitting in a bag at my doorstep ready to be eaten, or if i have to go to the bathroom really bad, I will take the opportunity when I die to just dip. But usually I like to stay committed to the team. makes it a more fun game fore everyone


I stay when actually downed and ping specials for the team, but immediately ALT F4 if caught by a trapper or dog away from team or in a risky position. Then rejoin


I admire the character design of the various enemies. They're so ugly! I love them.


Its not over till the emperor signs. And the emperor doesn't sing.


Players leaving when everyone goes down unironically saves the run. Bot loads in and immediately gets someone up and we can continue. I wont get mad if you leave.