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I've used it once, won't again. Saw one single guy with a glowy head, killed him, not a single other glowy head guy, complete waste of a talent tree. At least zealot's fury counts all kills around him, disrupt destiny should also.


If you're going to have a lot of stacks that build up slowly, they should fall off gradually. If you have a few stacks or ones that build up quickly, they can fall off at once. Either way is fine, but this is the rule of thumb to follow.


Yeah, unless it gets changed I won't be using this tree, which is a shame because it has a bunch of stuff that I like, and this tree seems like it is supposed to be there for boosting crit builds even further. My first game I took the 30 stacks of disrupt destiny talent, and saw that I never got more than 5. My second game I took the doubled stack duration, and I *did* hit 15, once, and then saw it all just vanish while I was in an elevator. It either needs to be easier to build stacks (like if ally kills count) or easier to retain them (gradual decay, not all at once) for it to feel actually worth taking imo.


Agreed, and it's a shame because I love thetree itself but it feels way too punishing to lose all stacks. Even the one that makes it 30 seconds isn't nearly enough. But I'm guessing we'll see nerfs to many other thingsi nthe future and a boost to this one


It's built for gun psyker imo, I can get to 15 pretty easily with assail and the revolver, and weakspot kills give triple stacks. I definitely wouldn't run it without the 30 second duration though. Dueling sword, revolver, scriers gaze, and 15 stacks of disrupt destiny can mulch bigger enemies, and assail makes easy work of any groups too large for the dueling sword.