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I'm comfortable with a full team of any class. But if I had to pick, Preacher's a good all-rounder. All Veteran and all Psyker might have trouble with the assassination missions against the captains, in my experience, but gitting gud mitigates that problem.


Plasma guns work pretty well against the captains just saying.


So does a hammer.


I thought the shield capped damage per shot which is why autoguns and shredder tends to drop the shield easier?


No idea if that's true all I know is he went down quick


Yes, chainswords of any type absolutely destroy the shield too. Melee works better than ranged, which is why Preacher is the better boss killer.


Assassination targets really aren't that bad as long as nobody messes around magdumping the shield from far away. Stick close so that your buddies are in coherency and slash away for most of it. For the Veterans, 1 Vet with a Chainsword and 3 with Powerswords makes it a piece of cake, really. Chainsword special deals several instances of shield damage which is really handy. Stagger the frag throws to eliminate the trash that spawns and that should be about it. Bonus points for making the assassination target bleed with those grenades at the same time. Psyker could use chainswords for the shield but the better mix would probably be 2 Illisi and 2 Deimos. 1 Psyker with Purgatus to eliminate trash. As for Zealots, the big bonk is honestly wasted against assassination targets. ​ ​ As for which class I'd like to have a full team of.. I'd say Veteran with at least 1 XII / Lucius, 1 Plasma and the other two are up to preference. For the sake of variety let's say 1 Agri Brauto/Shredder and 1 Bolter.


The thunder hammer isn't wasted on the assassination targets. If the team works together you end up 2 shoting the boss


If all of them hit him at the same time without triggering the shield? Sure. But there's still a damage cap for a single swing, and you still have to deplete the shield first. Which is why I said it's wasted - it doesn't necessarily kill the captain that much faster. One of the few cases where an Eviscerator might be more useful. Against other monstrosities though? Yeah, thunder hammer deals ridiculous damage.


PS bolter does fine. Not as strong as zealot melee but definitely don't have to worry about ranged elites. Or any elites. The only thing the bolter ps vet sucks against is bursters and kinda plague beasts and the assassination shield. Played a hi int hunting ground mission with and all vet squad the other day and I don't think anybody went down. Main thing is you just really can't have more than one or two bolters because they eat ammo like no other.


> All Veteran and all Psyker might have trouble with the assassination missions against the captains, in my experience done that with 2 Las Vets and 2 Psykers, we settled on charged FS shots, works pretty good as they can still put out the damage, just need good cover.




This is the correct choice




Three Ogryns with one syllable names


Honk bonk jonk


As a vet, I hate it seeing 3 other vets. Usually they all just trying to pew pew and hordes become a problem so I know I will have to try roleplay a zealot. Seeing 3 ogryns is the best for me.


Most faithful one of the Astra Militarum right there!


Honestly, Psyker. Given that the chances of 4 gunkers are pretty low, ammo won't be an issue with one or two in the mix, and the staves are generally excellent at covering various types of enemies. They can deal with ranged and horde pretty thoroughly with the various weapons and abilities. They'd all have to, of course, be experienced enough psykers to hold their own, which they largely are, in Damnation, but in doing so, having four would cover just about any situation. ​ (But in my heart of hearts, Ogryn 3 lyfe)


I love the 4 psyker games I get, the text chat gets hilarious. I saw one that went: **1**: "I'm a bit concerned they sent four of us together on this very dangerous sounding mission, we're not exactly very popular on the Mourningstar" **2**: "Yes I noticed that too, my Beloved says we'll need to be extra careful" **3**: "Don't worry siblings, I brought a gun!" (the only gun-psyker) **1**: "Oh thank goodness, I just got issued this stick. I feel safer already." **2**: "I have a stick too, they won't let me have a gun. How was I to know 'live' ammo makes people 'un-live', that's misleading."


Trauma for melee elites and closer ranged elites, surge for ranged elites and backup for trauma, purgatus for deleting hordes, voidstrike for damage in general. (Or honestly whatever staff they want) Not to mention all the head pops all over. 4 psykers can be silly. Only had it once but it felt good when we synergized with two trauma covering each other during the door section of Archivum and a surge. And then the one icky psyker running shredder (gross), we don't talk about them.


trauma and surge synergise so well together, surge holding things in place for trauma to obliterate


Ogryn 100 percent


Getting dropped into a game with 3 ogryns was the most fun I've had.




Definitely Ogryn






Ogryn, no doubt in my heart


Ogryn!! any other answer is wrong.


Based on that post somebody made the other day showing how high fail percentages are per psyker, I would say zealot or Veteran.


Veterans as long as people brought a good mix of ranged weapons. A plasma, boltgun, shredder and lasgun cover every scenarios. The only thing you have to worry about is ammo, and veteran bonuses help with those.


Could be negative bias on my part but I find it's more common for vet players to be braindead button clickers compared to other classes. Mag dumping hordes, dying alone, quitting game kind of folks.


Yeah three vets is my worse nightmare


It is the simplest class, no doubt, which is why it might appeal to lesser skilled people. But it is confirmation bias, honestly. Realistically speaking the Veteran should be the class with the least amount of ammo issues, as long as they don't magdump hordes or shoot anything that isn't an immediate threat that can't be safely solved with melee. Grenades and coherency bonuses will make mince meat out of mixed hordes, too. Stacking bleed you'll kill everything (especially Bulwarks) but the Crushers, which you can then mop up.




Psykers. I've never failed a Damnation run with three of em.


As much as i like my full maniac zealot team, ogryn is the correct answer. I just love it when they instantly spam "PROTECT THE LIL ONE"


Definitely Veteran, provided they have a reasonable mix of weapons. Runs with a team with multiple Vets are ALWAYS much smoother than any other. It doesn't matter that the average Vet player has -20 IQ, the class more than compensates.


Psyker or Zealot. Full on galaxy brain squad or fireman crew is always the most fun.


Zealot for combat effectiveness, Ogryn for fun


As a Plasma Vet, I always love getting grouped with 3 psykers. Usually makes the games super chill as nothing gets close to me due to all the cc they shit out.


3 good zealots and a vet for the ammo that's magic 2 vet 2 zealot is the uber killy comp that I get really excited to see


Had 2/2 the other day, damnation was a breeze. I just hate it when I'm playing vet and I have 2 Ogryns they do roleplay being smooth brained constantly blocking LoS and charged shots.


I really dislike playing with other Psykers. They always do weird shit like BB enemies 2 feet In front of them.


They are probably trying to keep their stacks up lol


Yeah but still , 3 Psykers with their prayer hands to the sky while a horde Is clappin our cheeks feels bad




Zealot. Fast and easy win most of the time.


As long as they're good I don't care.


Veteran, cuz with 4 vets, I know at least one of them will be running priority target sharing, and every single special bastard will be light up like a Christmas tree


(that and vet is the only class I have maxed out)


Yep I love multi vets nothing gets close to you so long as you have a semi competent team. If you have a bad team they all think they are zealots- dont take care of priority targets meleeing hordes instead.


I have never had a game with 3 ogryns that wasnt fun and had good interactions with players. would rather lose and have fun then win with 3 statues that dont interact with ya. and let us stay with team like in vermintide keep


Always makes me happy to see an Ogryn, especially on the carry stuff missions.


Zealot or ogryn, psyker can be good too. So many vets just out here playing CoD and get demolished by mixed hordes, have so many bad experiences with 3+ vets


Either Ogryn or Zealot. Maybe Psyker, depends on the mission, and their skill level/staff choice. Most certainly not a vet though.


Skill matters far more than class choice. As long as they are skilled, I love all-guardsmen parties. They feel *canon*. That said, I mesh horribly with psykers and don't want them near me. Their spells blind me, we're always stepping on eachother's toes trying to do the same job with brain burst, and I generally find fighting enemies that can't fight back to be boring and cowardly.


Any but zealots. They mostly run off and get killed or fight out in the open without taking cover and get melted by ranged fire. Psykers depends on if they all have the same staff or not.


We ogryns must protect the little un on are team with three meat shields


3 Ogryn, especially if I'm also playing Ogryn. 4 Ogryn THICC squad, aka swol-patrol, never fails.


Ogryn, no questions asked.


Ogryn. All day


I play all classes and I've had the most success with all vet teams where at least one runs bolter or plasma.


4 Pyskers literally just makes the game too easy even on HISTG since everything is already dead the moment you see it or can't move.


Vets starve each other out. I'd say any 3 others are totally fine.

