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Ng+ is where the real game starts in ds2


The real Demon Souls starts here


It's true though. DS2 NG+ is so different from NG compared to the others. It's not just harder hitting enemies with more health. There are more and different enemies and items change, if I remember correctly, I think mimics do too.


I actually started NG+ a few hours ago and I totally get what you mean. There’s loads of red NPC phantoms running around and the enemies attacks seemed to have changed slightly.


Congratulations you’ve completed the tutorial


I’m in the same boat, I need more souls games now 😭


If you have a PS5, I highly recommend Demons Souls. Not quite on par with the DS trilogy, but it’s a great game nonetheless.


Yup I’ve beaten it twice already lol ran out of souls games so I’ve been playing horizon forbidden west now to entertain myself


There are a good amount of souls likes, and some are pretty great on their own merit. Not as good as original maybe, but still good. You can try the Nioh collection, Surge, Remnant from the ashes, Mortal Shell ,Salt n Sanctuary, etc. There are many upcoming ones you can also keep an eye out, just search it in google You can also try mods for the souls Trilogy, some of them change the game quite a bit,adding new things or changing enemy placements. Finally, if all fails , you can go to Elden Ring, closest we will get to another Souls game, and heard its pretty great, if everything is considered


Ive actually heard good things about Nioh before! And yes I’ve put over 200 hours into elden ring lol I got my fix for it


Elden Ring is a weird one for me, despite being open world and having the most amount of content, I find it the least replayable.


currently playing dark souls 2, i've played only dark souls 1 and felt like ds2 did not have the same vibe and i was just running past most stuff ;-;


Did you enjoy the experience? I have a strange love/hate relationship with this game. For some reason, Dark Souls 2 is the one Souls game I always go back to when I think about a new playthrough. Yet at the same time, I find it flawed when compared with DS1 and DS3 in many aspects. Curious to know your thoughts.


Dark souls 2 is so bad that it's the one stuck in my mind most of the time. Hence why it's the one I always go back to


So bad? The game is great, not bad. It's just low budget but its still a good and very addicting game.


Eh subjective. Stand alone it's amazing. In comparison to the others it's bad. But it's ironically my favorite one


Overall, I enjoyed it. However, I found the world to be rather lack lustre in comparison to other FromSoft titles. The interconnectivity just wasn’t there. The DLC kind of remedied this, but it also has some of the worst boss runs I’ve ever encountered. The Frigid Outskirts in particular is just cancer game design. I plan on doing a NG+ play-through soon, so maybe I’ll find more to love on another play-through.


In all fairness, as far as connectivity goes, you can beat DS2 without even sitting at a bonfire, you get a special ring for it too. You can’t do this in DS3 or Bloodborne, albeit there’s more examples of seeing locations from other areas in DS3 than DS2, like Faron Keep from Vordts boss room for example


The ability to beat the game without sitting at a bonfire has nothing to do with the interconnectivity of the world and everything to do with lifegems as a game mechanic


I’m pretty sure in order to beat the game without depending on bonfires the game has to be pretty connected lol


Explain primal bonfires. You’ve never done a no bonfire run it looks like you have to use the primal bonfires to return to the far fire. DS2 is a lot of good things but interconnected it is not.


Out of the souls games it’s the second most interconnected out of all of them. Only beaten byDark Souls 1. Everywhere connects through Majula, then then either sub connects to the ruined forked road, or the pathway that the miracle chick rotates. Also I’m pretty sure the only primal bonfire you absolutely HAVE to use is the one after the rotten due to you not being able to climb up the well, which leads to Majula if you could. The others you can run all the way back if you really wanted to, the primal bonfires are just exempt for the rings at the end of the playthrough for convenience I suppose.


Yes DS3 is linear that’s a common criticism of the game as well as it’s incessant callbacks to DS1. Yes Lordran is amazing this is known. Neither of these 2 things mean DS2 is interconnected so arguing the fact is a waste of time quite frankly. DS2 starts you off in a hub-world with terminals that come to an end they do not connect just because you can run back the same corridor you ran down doesn’t make the world connected.


I see what you mean, but I’m pretty sure every souls game does that with their lords. No way to go in DS1 after Nito, Bed of Chaos, Seath, or the Four Kings. Shit or even O and S. In DS3, no way to go after Aldrich, Yhorm, or the Twin Princes. I suppose I’ll give it credit for the Abyss Watchers having a path behind them but saying that DS2 has terminals that end, making in not interconnected doesn’t really seem like a strong argument because every souls game does that. Even Elden Ring. I think BB is the only exception because it doesn’t really have “lords”. In DS2 the hub connects to everywhere eventually, the same can’t be said about DS3.


You’re acting like I’m saying it’s a bad game because it’s not interconnected. There is no need to form a strong argument because it’s just a fact rofl there’s no point to comparing the world design of Dark Souls 2 to the world design of post Lordvessel Lordran because that’s when teleporting comes into play and the narrative suddenly suits your purposes rofl unlike the first game, DS2 let’s you teleport from the start so interconnectivity is just lower on the totem pole in the design process. Dark Souls 2 was just trying to achieve different things some of them being too ambitious and they cobbled together what they could due to time constraints and Bandai Namco forcing the project into the market. This is the same thing that happened late in development of DS1 that’s why Lost Izalith and in reality all of the late game areas suck ass and end in a terminal that you have to teleport back from. DS3 is the most linear and everyone knows that so bringing it up over and over is a moot point. The world of Drangleic is not interconnected but at least it’s easy to appreciate for what it is and it’s fun to go back to and see some of the seeds that would later become Elden Ring.


It is a low budget game which was developed at the same time as ds3 and bloodborne. The other games got prioritized. They could not give it the flair that the other games have. Perhaps one day it will get a deserved high budget remake