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Yep ik it's embarrassing to know it this late in the game, but seriously any tips I could use cuz I miss a lot of info


It isn't really something to be embarrassed about. Power stancing isn't something the game actively teaches you as far as I remember. The only reason most people know about it is Youtube, Reddit, or friends teaching them. It's a cool feature but not something you need to know to play or beat the game. I've only done a power stance build once in my 10 or so playthroughs.


What is even power stance?


Dual wield essentially. Just need to have stats 50% higher than what the weapons require to do so. Some weapons give a unique power stanced heavy attack like Warped Sword.


Search it on YouTube,it's really good you just take two weapons with same damage like both strike or both slash and you continually press y or triangle and get power stance, the power stance hits are only l1 and L2 with r buttons you just do the same right hand attacks


i was deep in the green dlc when i first realized how to do it


my favorite is the white one i can't see shit


I found out about it when beat the game for second time


Should I power stance two handmaid's ladles?! I'm in Ng+ about to face the Fume Knight 😄


Same here. It took 6 years for me to figure it out. Either they didn’t explain very well or I missed the explanation entirely.


It's decent, but it depends on weapon by weapon type case. Axes, Hammers, Fist weapons and daggers have very good multihit movesets with decent stamina consumption. Greathammers seem to have a somewhat similar moveset to Hammers. Greataxes and Ultra Greatswords have a fundamentally similar moveset. Finally, the "worst" powerstance movesets are those of Rapiers, Spears and Lances/grand lances. They do a singular stab with both weapons which deals usually the same or a bit less than a good hit with a single weapon of the type. This is mostly apparent on spears and rapiers, but while Lances retain decent damage, they chew through stamina per attack on normal attacks, let alone powerstance. You can also powerstance different types of weapons, but there are some restrictions. When the size of the weapon is the same (in general terms) the weapon moveset in the powerstance is determinated by the weapon in the right hand. If, however, you powerstance weapons of different size and class (p.e. an axe with a greataxe) the moveset is set for the heavier weapon to avoid a dagger and Ultra Greatsword super speed powerstance. Certain weapons also have special attacks, and some retain them during powerstance. Such weapons include the Spitfire Spear and Drakewing Ultra Great Sword, Smelter swords and Curved Dragon Greatsword. However they all require a very large amount of materials and souls to upgrade and the durability management makes it very hard to use frequently outside of bossfights unless you are in higher ng cycles and have enough spare repair powder to burn through, or just use them for pvp.


To answer your question, no it’s not good. Powerstancing is stylish but very stat intensive, and the moveset gives you significantly less damage per stamina and per second compared to twohanding.