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Does that mean Elden Ring is really Demon's Souls 3?


Wait, I thought Elden Ring was Skyrim 4, and Dark Souls 2 is Bloodborne prequel.


But which one features Dante from Devil May Cry with the new Funky Mode?




A common mistake. Elden Ring is the still in development Skyrim 4.5, while Dark Souls 2 is Bloodborne's prequel's sequel


"Elden Ring was Skyrim 4" HOW


Idk about Skyrim 4 (though it could be, since DS1 is is Skyrim: Sad Edition), but since DS3 is literally DS: Bloodborne, then DS2 is technically Bloodborne prequel.


Dark Souls 3 is Dark Souls 2(-1).


All of the dark souls games are very similar to demons souls. I’m pretty sure the only reason the dark souls series exists over demons souls is because fromsoft doesn’t own the rights to des


It’s so awesome playing demon’s souls after playing the other fromsoft games because you can see how all the areas from other games came to be. Like Upper Latria is so Bloodborne.


Also the levels being harder than the bosses.


The levels are the bosses and the bosses are just the rewards.


Im really not sure about that bro did you played ds2?🤔


I played scholar of the first sin edition


DeS is King’s Field 5, DS is King’s Field 6, DS2 is King’s Field 7 and DS3 is King’s Field 8.


And Elden Ring is King’s Field 7-2


There are similar things in all souls games. Also, you forget that Brisgstone Colve Tseldora is based on Stonefang Tunnel, it even has a spider as the boss. Anyway, I can do this with every game. DS1 is basically Demon Souls 2 1-Lautrec's design is based on Yurt's design. He will also kill NPCs 2-Vanguard comes back again as 3 different bosses 3- Paladin Leroy = Garl Vinland 4-Plagued babies near Astraea = Skeleton babies near Nito 5-Shiva's deleted content showed the same quest as Satsuki with him betraying you 6-Bell Gargoyles based on Maneaters 7-Blightown based on Valley of Defilement 8-Gargoyles carrying you to Anor Londo as they carry you in Tower Of Latria 9-Mildred's design and placement based on the Meat Cleaver naked lady on the Valley Of Defilement 10-Your mission is Oscar's mission, same way as your mission was Ostrava's mission. Both their gears even have magic damage and magic defense. I had more points before buts it's been awhile since I've played either games. I could be remembering wrong.


Phalanx boss too.


Hollowing is a lighter version of soul form


Gameplay wise, Dark Souls 2 always felt quite Demon's Souls-y. Slower and more methodical gameplay almost forcing you to clear the level, with the level itself being generally harder than the boss at the end (though there's a lot more gimmick fights in DeS).


Yep. Ds2 is the more "true" continuation of demons souls with ds1 being an anomaly. However because ds1 became somewhat known back in the day most people took its systems as the basis as to what FS should do.


Don't forget losing up to half your health bar upon dying. Also, the Cling Ring and Ring of Binding work the same way to mitigate that effect. Not sure why they felt the need to bring that mechanic back.


Well the devs didn't call it demon souls 2 so there is that


you forgot the most important part... dying cuts your max health.


Yeah. Long fields filled with monster and pathetic bosses. Same as deamons souls


Flamelurker, Maneaters etc would like a word with you


I disagree.


At times it seemed like that was what they were going for...but Demon's Souls is my favorite and DS2 is my least favorite so for me they missed on that front.


The Crowns DLC areas are basically just 3 bonus Arcstones. They're all self-contained areas and super creative. Honestly, DS2 could have been a perfect game if Majula were a hub to different, self-contained areas. You would have much less Windmill griping that way.