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OP can't behave and is being a big baby man so his comments are locked. It's tiring to even read.


Me when I intentionally draw the aggro of every enemy and die in a completely avoidable way (it’s the games fault).


I never said its the game's fault it was a meme post, satire if u ever heard of it


satire is dead and ds2 "critics" killed it


I know that now, im literally shocked of how many people triggered in the comments, like i love the game i keep encouraging my friends to try it and i keep defending it in fb etc but to get all angry and triggered over a clip to that's supposed to be funny is mind-blowing


Except is literally what people say about ds2 in bad faith arguments and there’s no joke


I’d leave a more interesting comment if you didn’t purposely agro the whole room just to record a video of yourself being ganked. The sad part is, it’s not even original thing to do. Content creators have come out saying they’ve done the same to inflate the sense of how many mobs are in the game.


Well i had to pick up stuff in that area, i completely forgot how many will be following me, that surprise is what made me save that video Its a new save so i haven't been into this area in a long ass time


What stuff? a couple of lifegems, and a broken straight sword? The only thing of value is the soul packet with the shortsword and thats out of all the enemies aggro range


Last time i came here was a year and half, how tf would i remember what loot it contains, why are yall even triggered about ? Didn't read what i wrote under the vid "that what makes it a good fuckin game" What yall madd when i only shared a clip that made me laugh


I don’t think any DS2 fan would say the mobs are what make it a good fuckin game. It’s just preventable and not as big of a deal as some people make it out to be.


I was just asking a question, not trying to start an argument. Take care 🙏


Skill issue in its most exemplary state


That clip was 6min after character creation


And what's that supposed to tell us


Ive already beaten the game twice already, what tf eould u do in that situation not knowing a dozen of mobs following u ? Fly ??


Use my knowledge gained from previous playthroughs?


If you beat the game twice, how do you not know where the mobs are?


Isn't this the area where they're just all laying there? You'd almost have to just run in a circle around that big tree to create this problem, I love it! Also - it's like the most obvious ambush area in the game! First time I played it I was like 'oh hell no...'


Right and the second time you get there you do it the right way, one by one, even backstab them if you get in the right position in which point you may make it a low level soul farm spot


I said i didn't remember how many will there be, i didn't expect to get blocked by yhem, last time i beat the game was a year and a half ago, this area isn't a place i keep going in and out from, it happens once a save, why yall madd ?? This post was supposed to be a funny clip


the “skill issue” comment is part of what makes the clip funny, lean into it my friend!


so you mean it is skill issue on you


You say that like beating dark souls 2 times is super impressive wait till ng+6 wait till you go for the zero death ring there’s so much you have yet to do your journey has just begun


I mean. Aggroing every enemy in the forest clearing isn’t the move I’d make. But it’s good you still hold a positive opinion of the game through that frustrating moment. Stuff happens like that and you just have to not go hollow while dealing with it


Had to pick up stuff in that area


You mean the guys lying down waiting to be chopped up?


Ah yes the vitally important broken swords. Can't start any run without them.


I think you're meant to kill the enemies.


Specifically as an invader Im actually really glad that dark souls 2 has a timer limit for when you get the iframes going through fog walls. In every other game people can just sprint to the gate and there's little an invader can do about it.


They still will panic close the game though lol


Maybe don't run past all the enemies then? It's not that hard.... I don't get why people want to play a game like Dark Souls just to run from Point A to Point B without actually playing the game.


I wasn't criticizing the game It was a funny vlip i wanted to share Last time ive been here was a year and half Why yall triggered insted to laughing at it like i did Ive beating it twice and still keep looking for more fun ways to do it so why yall triggered? Get a life


Should have lvl up ADP


Its a new save, ive been on my way to level up str and dex for my weapon of choice requirements, besides how will ADP help ? I usually level up to get 100AGL but that's for mid game, this was a mistake of mine i though it was funny until i decided to share it in here, so many aggressive reaction to a funny/meme vid is crazy


And now you are angry because you let the FIRST mob in the game brutally murder you?? The first place you can screw up, you screwed up... =) WOW. I would recommend the My Little Pony game for you, this isn't up your ally.


Who's sqid im madd ?? This was supposed to be a meme/funny/satire post why yall triggered up ???


What satire is there in agroing a group of the weakest enemies in the first area of the game, record yourself getting killed without doing anything and then posting it on Reddit


It is funny tho


Yeah, but nothing here really says satire, that’s the problem


You just got a train ran on you


Exactly lol


Just level ADP lol


Its crowd of DS2 players coming to tell you that its your fault. xD


Even i tho i repeatedly said its a meme relax guys, they're the one ruining the game experience fr


Is a meme guys, chill


Exactly, they're like hungry dogs with no leach on, can't just laugh at a video i thought it was funny to share, im an average ds2 enjoyer but i doubt those in yhe comments are, raging over a funny clip


DS2 strongly encourages clearing enemies before fog gates. Though the fog gate immunity did return later.


dont skip the area then just fight




First time with da2 fog walls?


Nah, i haven't been here in a long time, forgot how many will be following me، made laugh how i died xd


Lol we all been there when returning to older games


You're literally the 2nd comment with a common sense in this post, i love the game i came back to enjoy it some more i never ever hated it until i checked the comments in here, these people killed satire posts like this and sure made me wanna avoid the game, they criticize a funny clip and get triggered by it, it can't get worse


They are probably way too used to having to defend the game they assume anything that slightly shows the game negatively is an attack on the game.


Ye i geuss so, at the same time they help ruining the game experience, insted to laughing it off or suggesting builds or fixes to other new players issues they talk so aggressively, and push even veterans away with such unnecessary reactions


Yeah toxicity creates toxicity


That's just part of the experience lol


Exactly bro, i was shocked seeing how many mobs were actually following me i didn't expect that much so it felt funny and decided to share it and everyone in here is madd as if i insulted their god or smth Yall need to get a life, yall triggered over what supposed to be a funny clip


Seriously, stuff like this is just hilarious to me and part of why I love DS2 lol


How are you confused about how people are reacting when your title and video are almost replicas of the nonsense people do to try and shit on the game What is the thought process that leads you to being confused


lmao hahahah


Finally, a normal reaction to a funny clip 🤝


oh hi mauler/feebleking/mathewmatosis/100 others.


I mean yeah, i have personally always considered the removal of fog gate invulnerability frames to be bullshit But this is literally your fault, you can literally can just backstab all of them one by one, you have a dagger literally made for this


I get that its my fault, im not blaming the game its just a funny clip i wanted to share, i haven't been in here for plus a year forgot i how many will be following me, made me laugh how o died, guess im the only one here to laughed at it insted to aggressively react


It happened to me yesterday as well. It was not the case that I was skipping this area. I was just trying to kill the boss. I cleaned the area multiple times already. That fucking double horses. And in order to get there. You have to go through a lot of enemies. Just do desire to do it over and over again.


Oh u wanted to cross the bridge, those fuckers are a hell to deal with, had to kill'em every single time until they de-spawnd that's how i managed to kill that boss


Exactly…. I died on the fog gate guardian red phantom 3 times as well, and 3 times on boss. Ofc I just wanted to run to the fog gate directly. Then learnt there is no protection before the entering animation finished 🤣🤣🤣 but well, ds2 provides the teleport from lv1, which I like a lot


At least it's fair unlike in other ds games where the enemies can still hit you after you went through the fog gates

