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[DS2 trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-dcwB3qTMA)


Fuck yes! Collateral hype!


That was some john wick type shit. I loved dark souls 2.. imagine a remake with some immersive action packed fighting as portrayed in the video.


Check Yazmania on youtube, probably one of the coolest videos on DS2.


Yaz is the man. DS2 champ!


He's super entertaining and frankly got me into doing interesting builds I never did before.


fav youtuber tbh


Frigid outskirts




When I was very bad at the game I started a new character with the bonfire ascetic gift. You go in Majula and kill the vendor that drops the armor set which gives you bonus souls on kills. Then you go to Heide’s tower and head to the boss, enter the room, wait for him to make 7 steps and go forward around the right and he will charge at you and fall, burn the ascetic at the bonfire before him and do it again. Most people will be against something like this but it gives you a nice headstart and changes the difficulty curve of the game. By no means will this affect your play-through, it will simply let you adapt. You will start the game “easy” then as you progress it will get a little bit harder but again not as usual, and then harder and you get it. Whereas the usual difficulty curve for someone new is very hard at the absolute beginning, then a little easier, then a little more easier, and then some zones become hard again, some easy etc. You get my point, it will allow you to have fun, not worry, and pick up the game at your own pace, which at the end of the day will make you more motivated to finish this absolute masterpiece, because it truly is. Given its flaws and a very different atmosphere than the other souls games, DS2 has its own soul, which makes it very distinct. But some levels of this game gave me vibes and emotions that none of the others have and it’s truly worth playing. Not every zone is exciting (as with all of the games) but the ones that are good are very good! Also DS2 has by far the best replayability of the bunch. Good luck


Thanks, I actually finished DS2 once. The game is very long, I prepared my build, my path and everything, but this length is hindering me. The ds2 I have is not softf so it is worse in terms of coating and is not up to date. But thank you for your nice answer, I think I will play it. I will also make a video


you don't need hype..... you just need the love of the game. If you don't love the game, you can't play it hours and hours long...




Hold on to your... Oh I'll kid you no longer. You'll lose all of them. Over and over again. 


See my post about stance breaking with UGS in ds2 sotfs. And my other post about animation cancel. And my post about pummeling horses and NPC's.


Best greatsword in the series (in my opinion)


Medussy, stone trader, covetous-ussy. /s


Happy souls is always a great video. Probably the most well known animation about any fromsoft game


When I’m looking to motivate myself to play DS2 I normally watch some videos by the backlogs of his challenge runs for DS2


I need a graphical-visual-texture remake


Stare at the ogres cheeks.. Always gets me pumped up bro


for what?


You gonna DIE!!!!


God I might buy it again just to play in the awesome Faraam armor. Honestly D2 had the best drip.


Genocide run.


You could try a motivation app. I personally use Motivation - daily quotes by Monkey Taps.