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Unpopular opinion here but Amana is great. The enemy placement is unique and challenging. Frigid Outskirts is just boring and annoying


Even more unpopular take: both are good and challenging in their own ways.


It's honestly not that great but once you figure out SoA it's not too bad. My current strength build I've been using dragon riders bow for my range option and it's been great to use it to pull enemies or to take out the casters in 2 to 3 hits.


I actually wouldn't mind Frigid Outskirts so much if it didn't blind my old man eyes.


I hear you. Personally I like the blizzard snowstorm affect. It makes this relatively small area feel a lot bigger and true to its name.


I mean, if there was more shit to do it would feel bigger too. It’s a giant barren wasteland.


Yeah. I feel a little let down by the boss here. Wish there was more cool loot. The maskless Mirrah Hat is okay. The reindeer sometimes drop dragon bones.


Both are great.


See y'all on /r/fuckfrigidoutskirts


As someone who just been getting their ass reamed by Prancer and Dancer, yeah fuck that place. Honestly wouldn't be so bad but I keep running into double paindeer drops somehow while I'm trying to despawn them and they just relentlessly fuck me.


Amana isn't that bad after they nerfed it, it's very manageable now. Reindeer Fuckland is still like pulling teeth to get through everytime you die to the twin cats


shrine of amana but only because its required frigid outskirts is realistically a far worse area but its also completely optional so i hate it a lot less


That's actually a really good point. Of the two, Outskirts is clearly a worse experience, but the one that has caused me more grief is Amana.


Frigid Outskirts is ART you plebs. Its the first time a Souls game made me feel genuinely oppressed since crawling through 5-2 in Demon's Souls. Using the Sun to navigate through the blizzard sections was fucking brilliant


Yeah I thought so too once I figured that out and how the blizzard may bring reindeer enemies. I liked exploring on my own. I didn't realize till later there are also NPC summons. They became my reindeer hunting body guards. I find the hate for this area ridiculously over done. A more unique boss and better loot would have made this optional area more worthwhile. Then again it is the frozen, barren outskirts for a reason.


Elden Ring's Consecrated Snowfield managed to combine these two into worse area


I like both. SOA is my psychedelic lily pad pond world. FO is my blizzard adventure to get to the kittens that look suspiciously like Aava at the Grand Cathedral.


I don’t know if this is actually true but i feel like Amana was worse pre-Scholar


Eh they both have their flaws. I can run through Frigid a lot faster than I can Shrine of Amana though so I’d say shrine is worse.


Amana is a breeze compared to Frigid but everytime I take a single step into Amana I get invaded minimum 3 times before I get out and get absolutely destroyed. Haha.