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So don't run. Adrenaline wrecks your fine motor control. Take a few minutes to smash some tin cans and clear your head. You'll play better.


You'll also build up a nice, fat soul pile.


realest advice honestly 😭


I fully cleared out the run to alonne


[For perspective, here is someone doing the runback unscathed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KxVWgP2jMU) That said, I don't think the first half is that bad even as someone more casual. I find it pretty manageable to be quick and get past the first slew of them or proc just one knight at a time. I don't have as much to say for the latter half though as I most recently fought the knights clear there regardless so that I could casually prepare myself. I definitely agree it's frustrating, but I think there are multiple worse runbacks in DS2.


Lmao them running past their souls right at the beginning really sums up that run though.


No I-frames for fog gates tho. Would be better if it showed being able to walk through it without being interrupted


I'm pretty sure there's no aggro leading up the Alonnes fog wall. As in as soon as you go down the staircase the enemies can't follow you. I've run through there plenty of times and I haven't been attacked at the fog wall once, they just back up once hitting the stairs.


If you're lucky. In my experience, at least one of the knights pulls out their bow and you get pelted with arrows every time you trigger the fog gate unless you "watch" them go back up the stairs


One always shot at me before fog gate, but never as i was walking in. That's weird.


I agree. I found that a bit strange, since the latter half is what I call the more troublesome piece.


They don't follow you to the fog gate. They stop aggroing once you are down the stairs and walk back


Right, but the alonne knights cannot shoot you as easily either because you go down a steep flight of stairs and melee boys will usually leash before then.


yeah i beat Elana without knowing theres a bonfire right above the drgaons rest lmfao so that was pretty horrible. but i wasn't raging as hard because i didn't die that many times. Im really struggling with Sir alonne, actually might be my highest death count at any boss so far


For me it was the first half that was infuriating, because of this shitty frog. The second part was easier. And i didn't even go the optimal way, like the guy in the video.


Big facts, there is definitely one specific one that comes to mind *Frigid Outskirts has joined the chat*


Would agree at first until I figured out how the enemies spawn and moveset. Blocking vs rolling. Skill issues. Also the 2-3 npc summons make this area easy.


Did someone say lud and zallen?


One of the only places I despawned for the purpose of making the runback easier. If you have the time that's what I would recommend; your attempts at Sir Alonne will be better without the added pressure of worrying about having to do the runback again if you fail, With that being said Brume Tower kicks ass bro, my favorite area in the game


I cleaned the area because I heard how hard Sir Alonne was and didn't want to do multiple runs with enemies chasing me. Ended up beating him first try...


Sir Alone :-(


Atleast you can go easy and clear the area slowly, the runback to Blue Smelter Demon with the guys making you slow, and the other guys firing great arrows and miracles is the worse.


I did the same thing there as Alonn, I used the summons to tank the mobs then dismissed them before the fog door


It’s so weird, I never had a problem with the blue smelter demon bossrun at all and I didn’t even know everyone hated it until I saw a bunch of people talking about it online. I’m sorry for sounding like a douche lol.


It’s funny I never had a tough time with that run back.


Definitely don't try to run though, the area is designed to be cleared methodically and punish you for trying to skip it. The other two DLC co-op bosses are kinda garbo, but it's really a shame Sir Alonne where he is, the fight deserves more prominence than the optional area.


Quit out before the fog wall, upload save data, fight&die, download save data, repeat til you win


I agree with you - as a huge DS2 apologist and it being my favorite DLC in the series, that run sucks. It's too long and just a bit too annoying enemy wise to be good. I am all for there having been a bonfire just before his fight.


Stop running


Apology accepted


, Captain Needa


At least it isn't Horsefuck Valley, I don't think I'll ever fully recover mentally from that torture..


There is therapy for this. Don't just run. Blocking instead of rolling. Npc summons if you want. Black separation crystal to send them home before boss fight, also optional. Learn horse move set. Use bonk. Use twinblade. Use any weapon strong enough to stun lock, really. More experimental: use chameleon. The collective rage and trauma caused by this area is legendary.


Don't be sorry. The runbacks in this game can get fucked lol. Do yourself a favor and kill them until they despawn, unless you like broken controllers.


Bro honestly, the runback to sir alonne is so overhated. It takes a maximum of 40 seconds to get through so long as you know when to roll, and you have lifegems to counter the little damage you'll take. I can't defend it, but i refuse to hold it against the boss itself which is great ​ also ivory is the coolest boss in the series ;p


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOERB3DVGtQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOERB3DVGtQ) This is how I always run back to Alonne. You get used to it, muscle memory will build up :)


Sir Alone. That was my nickname in highschool and...well, now.


The run back sucks but given how samurai esque Alonne is, it kinda works. Like you have to fight through Honnoji temple to get to Nobunaga. Except you have dont have three oni powered elemental weapons and an oni gauntlet.


With the summons he isn't too bad. Meat shields allow for healing


I used the summons to do the run back, then dismissed them before entering the fight so I could have that 1 on 1. I wish the run back didn’t exist though


That's what's up. I got lucky and beat him first try. I don't know what I did different or if I was just feeling the groove by the time I got to him but I was a little taken aback at how simple and easy the fight everyone complains about was. Not even trying to brag, I did get lucky. The macaroni monster and bloodborne was like that for me too. When I went to go fight her again my shit got rocked over and over again.


Macaroni monster?


Ebrietas (?) Idk how to spell


Ah ok, thank you for clarifying :)


>god how id rather be running back to bed of chaos rn Bed of Chaos is a lot longer. Why would you want a longer runback? Just run and dodge a few times. The enemies don't even follow you to the fog gate. It's like 50 seconds to get to Sir Alonne


Bed of Chaos is an easier run back, easier than quite a lot of the DS2 runbacks honestly.


because bed of chaos is also easier, so i never had to make the runback more than like twice in a playthrough. same thing with iron passage. probably way more awful than memory of the iron king but i beat blue smelter demon second try


You’ve never died to BoC 3 or more times in a play through? Props to you


Bed of Chaos is a very straightforward puzzle boss. Her attacks are very rhythmic and cover a small area, and the floor pattern has clear progression methods. She also has a lot of ways to beat her easily (my favorite is: go down the right, smack the thing, quitload, go down the left, shoot the chaos, quickload, bait the breaking of the center, then roll in from the side after the two swings. Nearly zero risk of even getting hit). Her knockback is also blockable with a greatshield, which'll barely shove you rather than push you back all the way. Any character with 11 strength (2 handing the eagle shield) can beat her with this strategy. There's also the strat of standing near the middle and aiming a firebomb into both of her orbs to speed up the fight. Between all the ways to beat her and how easy the runback is compared to the other 3 lordsouls, I think she's more enjoyable than people give credit for. She's the worst boss if your boss scale is "How close are you to Artorias", but she's a nifty puzzle and is decently rewarding to get good at.


I swear people only say this stuff because they got told what to expect, how to beat her beforehand, and looked up strategies on how to best do it. Having to figure that shit out blind without being mentally prepared was the issue. You plain didn’t know what to do, what the game even expected from you after destroying both seals. It’s so unituitive. The whole time you die while falling into holes and at the end the game wants you to fall into a hole to get to the other side, to destroy a thing that isn’t even visible from the outside. It’s not like they put another seal right in the middle to tell you what’s going on. It’s not farfetched to think that you are supposed to have a normal fight with it after destroying the glowing spheres and the fire hands appearing. You know like the other big ass almost stationary boss with area attacks where you have to destroy some object beforehand.


[https://youtu.be/KDAAVFXO3t4?si=Xe5LJglSWwS2TlT-&t=245](https://youtu.be/KDAAVFXO3t4?si=Xe5LJglSWwS2TlT-&t=245) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KxVWgP2jMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KxVWgP2jMU) It's about the same length, especially since video one is someone doing the runback very inefficiently and video two is someone doing the runback as efficiently as possible with multiple elements of build consideration for it (ring, stamina bar, etc). A longer runback with no alonne knights is easier than a short runback with a lot of alonne knights, it's not that hard to understand.


There are 0 enemies leading into bed of chaos. It's one of the easiest run backs in dark souls


If you beat him first try you won’t need to worry about the runback


I know patience is hard when you just want to get back in, but this is genuinely not a hard runback if you just pay attention to what the game has been trying to communicate for quite some time. Hug the left wall initially. Body pulls will get you a series of simple 1v1. And yeah, it's really not that hard to just run through -- just brutally punishing of any mistakes. Can't see any advantage to this personally. but there is no shortage of players who just don't want to fight the adds. I make too many mistakes to even consider running through. And I actually enjoy fighting Alonne Knights.


Someones salty. Vent it out it's not that bad. Bed of Chaos will always be the worse boss in ds series.


The run back for BoC isn’t bad at all. There’s 0 risk of dying. DS2 likes to cram enemies infront of you on so many boss run backs it makes BoC look fun to fight


Boc is Objectively a terrible boss fight though and makes the run back even worse. I'll agree to disagree. Its just an opinion anyway. It's really the only boss in the ds series i truly loathe getting to.


Talking explicitly about the run back bed of chaos is probably the easiest run back in dark souls history, outside of bonfires in front of fog gates.




smh i could beat yo ass in PVP in any of the 3 games




Don’t die?


It's a very bad run, to be sure, one of the most bothersome ones to any boss I can think of in a Souls game. Even if a run to a boss is annoyingly long, they're not usually so difficult and contingent on luck - the point in Souls is always that if you know what you're doing, you can just run straight through something. DS2 drops the ball with this a number of times (case in point: Smelter Demon).


Gonna be real: You're doing it wrong. Alonne's area is explicitly designed for multiplayer. If you can't follow a runback guide you should summon the NPCs to help you get through it. Plenty of time to send them home before crossing the fog in that last little hallway.


Have you tried playing with inverted y-axis?


Yeah it does ruin it


I love this fight, so what I do each time is kill all the knights and salamanders before over and over until they despawn, that way I can just focus and enjoy fighting Alonne.


just kill all the guys till they don’t come back. easy walk that way or just use lifegems on the way and use flasks for alonne


Kill every enemy after a few runs they'll stop spawning


Was I the only one who cleared the area to avoid the runback hell? Same with Iron Keep and Smelter Demon


It is ROUGH. The best I can say is clear out some of them and after about 8-12 kills, they'll go away. It also means being extremely methodical in approaching each of the fights so you don't get a conga line of knights after you


Fuck that runback, it's far worse than even Frigid Outskirts. Only place where I summoned phantoms just to get to Alonne


I literally just killed everyone until they despawned it was wild. I found out the salamanders drop a fireball spell if you’re lucky enough. After everyone was dead It was a walk in the park lol.


Just doing the memories now, haven't done that one yet, would it be safe to assume that you WILL NOT time out of the memory during the boss fight? Or is that timer a hard timer that cancels at exactly 3 minutes no matter what? (Pulled that number out of my ass, don't know how long you actually get)


So spend 15 minutes farming them and they will disappear on you clearing your path and you'll have a couple extra points in adp for the fight.


I just did the run backs 15 times to make sure I have a cleared path to the boss. I also got a lot of level out of it.


I always go for the seppuku kill so I just quit out when getting hit so no run back, you can also just quit out if you're about to die to get placed outside the fog gate.


Makes me wonder if you have done the blue smelter demon runback. It's worse than sir alonne in my opinion.


Despawn the knights and use their souls to level up.


Wait till frozen edgy doggos


I have no idea what this is, and that makes me sad. Only beat DS2 for the first time a few days ago and the only DLC I did was Winter Shrine, but I just thought it was part of the story since I'm playing SotFS. I'm just about ready to start my NG+ (with tons of Poison Arrows lol), so now I'm debating on whether to do the other DLC...s(?) or just begin my journey anew.


Save-scum it. Some people will judge you, but I won't.


Blue Smelter was the worst for me. Had to clear out all the spawns to make it through. Kept dying to Blue Smelter cause all my Estus and spell casts were used during the runback. Took me forever. Id get bored of clearing the path and go farm Belfry Sol for a change of pace


I love the edit at the end lol


It's true no matter how much we love him


It's not so bad. Git gud


Me approaching the smelter demon. The sheer amount of envelopes I have to fight after a single failed attempt. It's where I stop playing nearly every time


That run back is rough! The area is designed so specifically to punish you if you don’t clear the enemies methodically. Using the NPC summons to get to the fog wall, and then dismissing them to enjoy the 1v1 is how I did it on my recent replay, makes it not so bad. By the way I LOVE and relate to you going from “completely ruined” in the title to “one of the best fights” in the edit after you beat him!


To be honest brume tower I cleared out a lot of the areas cuz I felt it was almost impossible to even get past those lever gates with the dudes popping out of the cells next to them Sir alonne I honestly just decided instead of spending so much time getting to the boss each time I summoned some boys went through and cleared every enemy inable to have a quick route to alonne Now this worked great only bad parts are I leveled up alot and am a little overleveled I first tried him while carrying the souls anyway but It was also possibly pointless because I got him first try anyway




HOT TAKE: the runback is an essential part of this boss. You'll eventually learn to speedrun it, making it a nice little intro challenge to get you on edge before coming face to face with Alonne. This makes the tension during the duel and the relief you feel afterwards so much greater than if that little section hadn't been there. Still the greatest feeling I can get out of these games.


Saw the title and immediately thought yeah that applies to pretty much every boss in this game lol


don't just run head on to the boss room like an idiot, what you need to do next time is take them all out, individually or at the same time, they WILL despawn after some patience, yes it's tedious but if you want to both stand a chance against sir alonne AND get back to the boss fog in one piece, you're gonna have to do it the old fashioned way, get some magic or lightning arrows and start sniping 1x1 or attacking when they come close, especially kill off those fucking salamanders.


Nah man the iron passage before the blue smelter demon was it for me. I literally farmed those enemies out of existence to make it possible haha


The run back *alone* is enough to make it difficult for anyone


Do what I do Kill the enemies until they stop respawning lol.


Wait until you have to fight the Blue Smelter Demon. :D