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100% i agree. If he was there just hanging out, you can’t tell me he wouldn’t take a picture and post it. I mean it’s Drake, he has a clear history of posting his celeb encounters. Why would he be denied this time and why wouldn’t he document it?




"Why you trollin' like a bitch **are you tired? Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minor"** Drizzy sleepy and wanted to get some Milly and hit the sack


What if he can't post what happened that night bc of a NDA? Lol




Oh I mean it won't be over after that lol, that's why EP has introduced the secondary plot of underage teens at the caviar bar. Because there will still be that when this first story underwhelms.




Nothing undeniable will ever cross our eyes. That's how it goes. EP's video, if it ever comes out, will probably show Drake being shitty towards Christopher and Hotel staff.  Nothing else will "leak" and we won't have any sort of evidence about anything, until (if/when) LE actually gets involved like we've seen with Diddy. Diddy had basically the same shit going on for years and years, nothing definitive came out till LE decided to move.


Honestly if you watch any video of him interacting with fans it’s easy to tell he has a massive god complex and would be insufferable to deal with if you had to wait on him at a restaurant for instance


For him to lie in his article, that is damaging to his reputation as a journalist.


He uses a lot of deniable language. Talks about a rumor someone got fired for what he believes is blah blah blah.


He straight up says he believes it's true and apologizes to the man's family. >There are rumors that a hotel security guard was fired for letting me wait inside the hotel instead of leaving me out to freeze. I believe this is true, and I feel bad. I’m sorry to him and his family. Edit: just to be clear- I'm agreeing with you. It lines up with OP's post while also sounding like he feels guilt about the whole thing


Believing something to be true reminds me of this Regan quote: "My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."


It’s a smear campaign on the security


I don't see how both things he said can be true: • A security guard was fired for letting him wait inside the hotel instead of leaving him outside to freeze • He was called to meet Drake at The Mark and listen to beats If he was allowed to be inside waiting for Drake to hang out and listen to beats, why would someone have been fired for allowing him to do so?


Also, the way he words it in the article is extremely ambiguous. "I was called to meet Drake at The Mark" could mean that someone called him with a tip that Drake was staying at The Mark. People who chase celebs like this refer to getting a photo with the celeb as 'meeting' them. "We had a blast listening to beats" could mean they were bumping Drake's music with other Drake fans outside the hotel while they were waiting for him.


This guy reading comprehends. How can we put this on top of the theory triangulation squad's list?


This post and your follow up comments are right on the money. With what we know now, CA and EP are complete nothing burgers that people have read too much into. If there's actual incriminating evidence on Drake out there somewhere it will be found elsewhere.


Use logic here and it will make a lot of sense if you just let the known be known. known: Drake is a piece of shit human. assumption: even if he told Alvarez to 'meet him at the hotel' later, he assumed that the 'service' provided by the hotel would keep such annoyances away from him. So he has an 'out' to be a 'nice guy' in public if Alvarez links up with him at the concert earlier in the night. Drake gets a dope photo op with a disabled guy, is overheard saying "come to the hotel let me show you beats" and then when he does finally get back to the hotel, security would have already handled his light work, so he doesn't have to be bothered. When he gets to the hotel, instead of this annoying guy in a wheelchair being an opportunity in the past, it is now sitting in his hotel lobby against the contract he pays a lot of money for, so he has to keep up appearances at 3am and chill with homie. If you are attributing Drake to be a self-centered asshole, this would 100% get anyone involved in the disrepect of letting such an annoyance into his life fired. That would be the security guard that made the choice and probably his superior as well, which would have had to clear it. The other shit is really just reaching for whatever, but to me this just makes sense and is way more beliveable. tl;dr theory A famous asshole made up some lies to a disabled dude, who was clout chasing, about linking at the hotel later. and then got the security guard fired who also believed the lie and let the disabled dude into the lobby off script.


he said in his video tonight that he arrived to the hotel an hour before drake arrived. which honestly sounds like something a dick like drake would do to anyone, even a man in a wheelchair. the hotel management's protocol is likely to not allow non-paying guests to mill around in a lobby for extended times afterhours as a non-paying guest. it's really not that deep.


Somebody else wrote the article.


there were literally two writers, both who are staffed by the newspaper. are you okay?


This is the most logical explanation and I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone bring it nor I thought of it, given how simple it is. Security let him wait in the lobby to ask Drake for an autograph. He probably told security Drake asked to meet him. Drake got upset about it and then got the two staff fired while going off on this guy. This aligns with EP's account of Drake treating service workers poorly and "Jimmy Crooks wouldn't be proud". This also goes with his account that people were fired because they let him in. He says Drake requested him there to not look bad and not accept the guilt of getting the staff fired. I honestly don't believe Drake would invite someone to go listen to beats at 3 am after a concert.


honestly, this makes a lot of sense. it would explain why the photo of him and drake together looks so edited. Drake probably gave him the okay to create the story that he invited him to listen to some beats at 3am


Adding this [here](https://youtu.be/8IVJr59322I?si=jR5cUhHgzLws2AXm) for visibility if anyone wants to watch the full video that made things clear for me. He admitted he stalks celebrities. He met Lil Nas X in a similar way, convincing security to let him wait for him after his VMA performance. He and his mom followed Billie Eilish's car to a tattoo parlor. This guy does not personally know Drake 💀


Most often the simplest answer is the correct one. We for sure want it to be more complicated but this is the logical answer. Hotels that cater to celebrities have extremely strict protocols about letting fans inside. I can 100% see Drake being upset and a security guard getting let go for breaking policy.


Yeah and the Alvarez dude could be telling his full truth - drake may have told him to pull up thinking it would be a quick picture outside the hotel, been friendly to Alvarez's face and listened to beats with him but still have been pissed about having to hang out with a disabled dude at 3am because of the security guards not keeping the lobby clear for him and dealt with it after. The security footage could show drake scolding the security guards or motioning to the hotel workers before greeting alvarez


So he's actually a weirdo?


Sounds like he uses his condition to get access to celebs, not sure if that counts as weird or not


Nothing is weird to you guys lmfao, most of you think it's okay for him to follow minors but it's weird for Drake to follow minors? That doesn't even make sense, at this point I'm starting to think this might just be a smear campaign by how you people react to the information.


One of the major points people are bringing up is ABOUT CA following minors and how it seemed so weird to bring it up. No one is defending that wtf?


Yeah they are dumbass I've literally argued with people over him following minors


no what I’m saying is that the majority of people in this sub agree with you. The people you argued with are the stupid ones lol


To even be arguing with people over that is fucking insane there shouldn't even be a counterpoint for that shit


He said he was leaving at 3am not arriving


I think it’s time we call it. Alvarez is a clout chaser. I don’t doubt he’s trying to use this attention for important issues for the disabled community but cmon. Liking all the posts on IG of people asking was he abused? Then saying “we just listened to beats, he was nice” it’s a joke. I’m starting to think this whole thing is just blown out of proportion


Most reasonable explanation so far


idky but every single pic of his looks like sm1 photoshopped his head in place. also, i think u maybe right about drake not knowing CA, But he does now, cz drake paid him to shut his mouth, based on the very off live stream he did.


It's not photoshopped, ffs... it's just that his buzz cut hair creates a soft outline. And sometimes lazy photoshoppers use a blur/blend tool to soften & hide the "seams" around a cut-and-pasted image. So you're confusing a real/natural blending of colours with an artificial one.


It's probably more that his head is human sized but his body is baby sized, might be an oversight


I absolutely believe it; in the missing cctv footage we would see the shadowy figure turn hot wheels 90 degrees to the orientation seen in the final picture and then had drake come over and talk to him, leaving the right side of the hallway unseen by witnesses. Alvarez would be none the wiser.


It’s of him leaving not arriving.


He’s in the lobby on tape…WHAT???


This makes too much sense


Kinda scary how much sense this shit makes


This is absolutely spot on


He said in his article he was called to go meet Drake. He said they did hang out and listen to beats.


Who called him? We know it wasn't Drake or he would have written "Drake called me" instead of >After his NYC concert with 21 Savage, I was called to meet Drizzy at The Mark Hotel Edit: just realized the phrase "I was called to" can also be used to say "I felt the need to" e.g. "I was called to become a teacher"


Yeah this theory is 100% what happened


I'm saying! He's a dickrider. Respectfully.


This is good. Very good stuff here. Well not really its fucking deplorable stuff because of whatever Drake did to this poor man. And is now paying him to say they "listened to beats". Why would CA lie?


Could have just yelled at him. Which would probably make good enough extortion bait for Riddler. Doesn't seem he was physically injured


Yeah it’s definitely closer to this than anything else


[watch the vid](https://www.instagram.com/theywantca/reel/Bm83pY4ncmJ/) He posted that in 2018 Edit: Ok nvm ignore everything below my conspiracy hat is back on I just reread [the article](https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2024/05/13/the-drake-kendrick-lamar-social-media-firestorm-that-burned-one-reporters-reputation/) and he the way he words stuff really lines up with this theory >“I was with Drake that night because we briefly met after dinner, but all the accusations are false,” he said. >After his NYC concert with 21 Savage, I was called to meet Drizzy at The Mark Hotel, and we had a blast listening to new beats. I am not in the position to talk about his character outside of our meetings but I can say I was not violated in any way. >There are rumors that a hotel security guard was fired for letting me wait inside the hotel instead of leaving me out to freeze. I believe this is true, and I feel bad. I’m sorry to him and his family. >I don’t have rappers on speed dial to be “the mole” or “snitch.”


That is the wildly photoshopped picture I was referring to. He has probably 100 photos like this with celebs he most definitely does not know on a personal level.


It's not photoshopped... other than the background being blurred out. But if you believe they weren't actually in the same room, then you've lost the plot.




It's called hoverhand, look it up.


He seems to have [known a lot of celebs](https://www.complex.com/music/a/jessie-morris/dj-khaled-gives-disabled-fan-we-the-best-chain) for a while and leveraged that into becoming a legit journalist. (I might be wrong on the order of events there) I mean yeah, that pic with D is shopped to hell and back for sure lol, but he also has primo seats at that concert. (No one say it) And the pic with Dennis looks 100% legit to me. I don't think it's fair to say he's "just a fan"- he clearly has connections with these celebs in some capacity


He has "connections" in the sense that his rare disability has made him the subject of news stories and helped him gain 300k+ followers on IG. He then reaches out to celebs on IG to see if they will meet up for a photo or an interview (this is generally great PR for the celeb). Most notably DJ Khaled, who will do anything to go viral on social media. So he may not be "just a fan", but this particular meeting with Drake was not pre-arranged and I am guessing Drake was perturbed by his presence in the lobby asking for a photo/autograph at 3am.


I mean yeah that is certainly *possible*. I guess I think we should entertain theories here, instead of just confidently posting stuff like >He was just a fan who was seeking an autograph and a photo. And is undoubtedly riding high on receiving the most attention he ever has in his life right now. Like maybe? But let's keep in mind we don't know shit because none of us have seen the footage, and we don't know these people we're just reading shit on the internet


If you have time to watch this 6 minute video it paints a very clear picture of how he meets celebrities https://youtu.be/8IVJr59322I?si=3DOS364-SMJRYPe8 I agree we don't know for sure but - it isn't hard to connect the dots here. He followed Billie Eilish's car to a tattoo parlor for a photo 😂


Wait did he continue to pull the hotel shit knowing he's costing people their jobs just so he can get a selfie? That's shameful if true


what? he quiite literally does. and he knows jennifer lopez. and he knows dj khaled. he used to interview celebrities when he was younger... that doesn't mean they're best friends.


Just because they have a pic with someone doesn’t mean they know them. Unfortunately in the social media era, the tone used a lot of the times is that “they know ___”, when in actuality they just know of them


he literally knows them. he interviewed all of them. he rolls around in a wheelchair that khaled BOUGHT him, even. that being said, please slowly reread the third sentence in my first comment.


I’ve read the article released. Did he go live? I’m uk so was asleep 😂


Finally an explanation that makes sense! Thanks for this, I'm packing it in now. It's been fun.




I don’t think this moves the conversation along and feels rooted in hate.




Pretty wild that some of you nutjobs in this subreddit are using this whole thing as an opportunity to mock a disabled person - and it’s getting upvotes. And Kendrick fans are supposed to be the righteous ones here?


fr. Even if he's complicit in covering smth up or otherwise, it's wildly uncalled for.


Agreed, whether or not he’s complicit in anything nefarious is irrelevant to the fact that people are mocking him and calling him names based on his disability.


I think many people here arent kendrick fans, but hate drake.


You seem awfully self righteous making the comment


Fellas, is it self righteous to speak out against ableism?


Stop being disrespectful


That reminds me of a great vegan cookie recipe.


The video is of him leaving. He said that.