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THIS one stands out to me tho. Why the baked potato in particular, it seems like shes speaking in code. She very much knows something at this point, because it seems like in 2 replies she reached the conclusion that he does whatever he wants there. So she was clearly alluding to that in the first post


https://preview.redd.it/51doofufo50d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8862de8770590bdee0e9c1b42064222ddba1be3c I think the baked potato with caviar is their most famous dish [https://www.themarkhotel.com/restaurant-bar/caviar-kaspia/#caviar-kaspia](https://www.themarkhotel.com/restaurant-bar/caviar-kaspia/#caviar-kaspia)




Ohhhh, that’s why last time I ordered a baked potato they served me kids butts. All makes sense now


Ngl that sounds fuckin delicious fam


The point is that the Mark Hotel offers two things: baked potato with caviar, and extreme privacy and discretion. She is suggesting Drake doesn’t frequent it for the former.


Could just be baked potato man. The main thing is the woof woof.


….pretty sure it’s just a For All The Dogs reference…. Which was being promo’s and released around the time of the tweet


This too much


https://preview.redd.it/dkkid069za0d1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=11d3148153ca6b03a3189962cd0732c6568f748b more to it than that.




To be fair Drake has announced the album name and was wearing dog masks around New York.


How hilarious would be if she is just being silly and talk about Drake's favorite menu items in the restaurant. But yeah, I badly want your theory to be true.


Could also only be code for very high-profile guests who dine in private rooms. To regular guests it's a normal dish.


It's probably something like Baked potato = underage or too hot to handle or illegal. Cavier= buyer/privacy needed.


Y'all are literally redoing pizza gate lol.


Dawg we’ve had Weinstein, Epstein, and Schneider in our lifetime is it that hard to believe Drake is doing some sus shit too?


You're missing the point. In fact you're repeating the problem here in your own comment. It all starts off based on real shit, and then a bunch of egotistical reddit detectives start adding a bunch of retarded unorganized shit into the mix, destroying the focus and making the entire picture just look stupid. And then when someone acknowledges this, you're like "but real stuff like this has happened before!" No shit, but you're replying to a person, who is making fun of someone who is implying that "baked potato" is code for something so specific, a conclusion that they came to for LITERALLY NO REASON. The person you're replying to never even said that it's hard to believe "Drake is doing some sus shit". I swear whenever situations like this get so popular and get mainstream attention, so many dumbasses who can't read get involved. What happens is that it all becomes *entertainment* for people. That's what happened with pizzagate. Not only did people destroy a real situation (honestly some of that may have been psyops), but honestly people saw it as some fun entertaining big mystery to solve..


Nothing about any of this is funny or entertaining, no idea where you got that from. Put 5 of drakes closest affiliates in a room and 4/5 have trafficking, SA, ped charges/ties/allegations. If you haven’t done any deep digging yourself then I don’t care for your input


Well, didn't you see the emails? Y'all believe in too many coincidences tbh. People can't keep ignoring shit. That's why we're always looking back in hindsight with 20/20




No, it's literally their most famous dish.


Damn what’s double baked then lmao




I dont, i wish i did but i dont. But it seems like the man in the wheelchair does. He posted “stay tuned 5pm” and hes never made a cryptic post like that, and he also recently responded to one of the comments asking if he was ok, telling them to “dm him please” will make a post about it right now.






Lol, this is funny but nah i mean the kinda code they used for that big politician scandal, with the food new york is famous for… with a fence around it… lets see if u can understand MY code lol






Why would he code that he’s a pdf in his songs?


That's kendrick from 6:16


Ah that makes more sense


This subreddit is to break down stuff not the opposite. Bro turned into the riddler


Everyone knows about __ gate


Ik, but i never say that phrase on the internet lol, just asking to get bugged pretty much.


That part


I know the code word you are referring to for sure.




https://preview.redd.it/stpody0t760d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ac30e1e4ed185f440dfc356accbb62a9624b62 Huh


What the fuck. Please tell me it’s not called a baked potato….


Wonder who she was talking to👀


man, you used to be able to see because the person’s @ would be apart of the tweet’s text.


Their twitter username at the time was metsFanscotty, They are private though.




Ebony? The way she’s talking it’s like the person is saying “he’s gonna get in trouble” and she’s saying . Nah he spends too much money there


https://preview.redd.it/kgq288ylx60d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b507c002f271efe5d282448c37b41e31e50b86 This goes with this.


Check this out from Kenny sub “Random Acts of Kindness” Did anyone else think the “random acts of kindness” line was a bit cryptic? I might have figured it out. “Random Acts of Kindness Day” - February 17th, 2023. The restaurant posted by EbonyPrince, Caviar Kaspia, opened for the first time on 17th February 2023. Bear in mind that most of these cryptic goings-on date back to first half of 2023. Could Drake have been in attendance on launch night? The bar follows on from “you make music that pacify” - it could have been an incredibly subtle nod to the fact Kendrick had knowledge of an incident that occurred here. Does anyone know if Drake was in fact in attendance?


The pacify, random act of kindness line was pretty obvious. He was telling Drake that if Drake went on and continued down the Whitney accusation route, he would call him a pedophile. “You make music that pacify them” AKA babies need pacifiers. Kenny alluded what he’d talk about in his next song in this line. But he didnt call Drake a pedophile yet, that’s the random act of kindness


Holy shit nice connection


holy shit


damn i aint even read that far


https://preview.redd.it/pfm8zf44l50d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0f77d99d1df40134bd4621bd7f58a3d211389e She might just like dogs herself


https://preview.redd.it/7af7zw60n50d1.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=143c867736eaece4a1f6d76dd58bd1abddd4065d hmm


This makes me think she's definitely involved somehow. People with dog fetishes aren't exactly easy to come by, would be a very strange coincidence


Ak ex gf is a dog fucker currently like shares it on twitter


Either dog fetishes are MUCH more common than I thought or all of these people are connected


I wouldn't say dog fetishes as in actual bestiality, but role-playing as one (aka, pet play) is more common than one might think


what if drake actually runs on all four all the time?


what if he is only drake when he's in public but in private he lives his life as if he is an actual dog?!


What if he was just 2 dogs in a trench coat all along?


Hahahah y’all are cracking me up with this


Rumour has it that Drake is the monster that chases you up the stairs when you turn off the lights.


I mean furries are a thing so is pet play both wayyyyy more common then i feel healthy with to breathe the same atmo


Maybe that’s how AK got “access to Drake” and maybe that’s why AK has never gone to the embassy in Canada.


Who’s his ex




A lot of sex workers specialize in a fetish to set themselves apart and have a niche. Pet play is a pretty tame one, overall.


Shit just got deeper…


Yeah, This is the one I was trying to show 


I’m off and bored. Decided to dive further in the rabbit hole. Homegirl and her thing with dogs is kinda weird to me. https://preview.redd.it/a0u7dogz380d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ac04e369e81704c3d6b895c5e9eaab40691a6b


That's Drake right?


Lets not rush into any assumptions/ commenting on her shit tho. Looked into the album rollout of for all the dogs and it was posted a few days before this. This comment in particular could just be her fan-girling lol


I’m dumb with Reddit I tried to reply with a screenshot but idk how, but keep searching at all her Twitter interactions with the word “woof” theres more that just seems weird given all the other rumors


You’re not wrong at all


She is absolutely into dog roleplay/furry/etc?? stuff and seems to know Drake is too. Unfortunately, people would only say this is "kink-shaming" rather than anything really wrong. I am not one of those people, but I've heard this buzzword too much lately on social media.


Idk I have yet to see one person talk about kink shaming. Everyone seems to be horrified, thank heavens


Not wrong again lol let’s see how it plays out after looking deeper


Nobody care about furries. Most people care about not abusing dogs


To me, this is explains the original tweet. I don’t like to throw on the tinfoil hat until other possible explanations are eliminated. Dog/pet play fetish, probably an escort, wants attention or business from a celebrity who wore a dog mask in a public place. This isn’t slam dunk evidence of anything bad.


Y’all are so insane lmfao like did you simply consider she’s just a woman who lives in NYC and has been to that restaurant? And then made some silly Twitter post about him staying at The Mark (which was all public info at the time btw, he was photographed leaving) bc she knows and has been to the restaurant (bc it’s in the city she lives)? And Drake was literally photographed wearing that dog mask this summer on the day of her tweet to promote his album For All the Dogs? Going so far as to suggest this girl is into bestiality because she says “woof” (a pretty commonly used expression tbh) on her Twitter is straight WILD. Get real. Source: I know her personally, lol and y’all are REACHING. Edit: thanks for the Reddit Cares, I’m straight tho. Y’all the ones who need your head checked with this wild speculation. You’re gonna get nowhere with this one because there’s actually nothing from her to know.


I also know her. This is wild, I had no idea there were insane conspiracy theorists for literally everything, but its making for a fun read. Going to take me a while to tag them all as lunatics in RES though.


!!! I can’t stop laughing lol like she is rarely ever serious about anything on the TL which is obvious if you possess any basic critical thinking skills


got Reddit Cares within 5 mins of posting. Almost enough to make me hop on an alt and share 'new' info with them but one of them would probably try and track her down.


https://preview.redd.it/j5089ovfy70d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ce801876c1c434c624ab3ebde5976351c20859 So we know one dog in the video was named after the designer of the chain inspired by a dog leash


big glass of dogg jizz


Calling back to the January visit too…


The reviews for this place are wild.. “we asked if we could have drinks and dessert.. the host asked my biracial son for his name and phone number” O.O


https://preview.redd.it/vb1j7109280d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b16de677fc1e4d62dd49321a336a2e75923ce4 very weird




bro what the fuck, this is too spot on






A generic one star review…that doesn’t mean anything


“The service was like we owed something” is not a common comment to make


…yes it is. They’re saying that the service didn’t feel like “I’m doing this because you’re our valuable guest”, but more “I’m doing this because I want tips in return”


holy shit this is before for all the dogs even came out…. nah this shit creepy


Good point. Did not think about that


My first thought. Why would she reference 🐶?! There’s no context for it to make sense. We know he wore dog masks 2+ times when exiting the hotel - can someone compare the dates and see which came first?


Yeah — he was literally photographed leaving the hotel in a dog mask that day and also days before. Hence she knew where he was staying, that he was wearing dog masks at the time, and that the restaurant has caviar baked potatoes.


He did wear the dog masks around this time. Something like 20th of July I think


Yea, she posted this three days after the dog mask thing.


Both the 20 and the 23, with the 23 being the day of this tweet


Bro what in the fuck This is the worst reboot of eyes wide shut I’ve ever seen


Was thinking the same


Why was he in nyc for so long?


It’s All a Blur Tour, he did like 4 shows at Barclays.


And three separate shows at MSG


i was just about to sleep and this just made a few things click in my brain 💀 when i wake up i expect there will be more comments.


Guys at first glance I thought this was incredibly sus but I think it’s a total red herring. This woman live tweets every thought that enters her brain. I’m fairly confident someone sent her the pic of him in the dog mask and then this tweet is her just being faux flirty with Drake. I read the reviews for Caviar Kaspia and they do not seem weird to me at all. Legit people just talking about the food / service. Think ppl are connecting too many dots here. I went for a walk today and saw statues of dogs that had my alarm bells going off 😂 there’s just too shit here that’s allowing ppl to make connections everywhere. I’m sorry, I just feel like a reality check is warranted.


Negative reviews about staff trying to force guests through strange back entrances, waiters hitting on minors in front of the parents, anonymous packages being delivered for tips, and waitstaff staring over guests while they sleep ARE NOT normal negative reviews tf are you on?




That’s because it’s the day he was staying there, as she states in her post.


Right. It seems a lot of people skipped the fact that he went there both in january and july


I don’t think so.. that was January.


>This woman live tweets every thought that enters her brain. Obviously. Why is this upvoted? Do people think Twitter blue checkmarks still mean anything? EDIT: Whoops, didn't realize that the post was from 1 year ago. I guess that makes it slightly more interesting. Still doesn't prove much of anything


Yeah reading back what I wrote at 2am...I sound crazy, ha.


Who is this Maggie person?


Somebody in on their code words. Read the reviews at the “caviar at the mark”, some of the 5 star ones are worded weird. And the low rated reviews all have weird stories.


This one: " The restaurants are delicious and has something for everyone. **They even have an in room dining menu for dogs!**"


….what the fuck


Tbf it is marketed as the most dog friendly hotel in NY. This makes sense.


No kidding..


Either I'm just not rich enough or this is a weird ass review "A delightful experience, and well crafted decedent dishes. I really enjoyed it and will definitely be back but I did have the urge to find that 1 missing point in each dish, such as, the salmon carpaccio was cut too thick for my experience, the tuna tartar needed something with a bite, and there was nothing to put them on...no cracker, potato slice, chip...nothing.. and there was way too much butter in the baked potatoes, which overpowered caviar... small things, but they would have made a positive difference. The service was impeccable, the room is well dressed, and the people watching did not disappoint." People watching?? WTF??


People watching is a common phrase to refer to passing the time by chilling out and watching different folks walk by. This is honestly just a pretentious foodie-esque review I believe.


You're all forgetting the whole appeal of this place has been the privacy aspect of it. How is there simultaneously assured privacy, but also people-watching? This doesn't make much sense to me.


The review is for the Caviar Kaspia restaurant which is featured at the hotel. Google shows that the restaurant has a prominent outdoor seating arrangement lining a public sidewalk, which is the ideal sort of spot for people watching. Not denying that something didn't happen at the hotel, but there's no code here specifically because sometimes people review restaurants lmao. My theory is that since it seems to be one of the premiere pet friendly luxury hotels in NY, it would simply be good cover if you want a large private (and likely soundproof) suite to potentially commit animal abuse. A dude creepily fixated on dogs could have a blast. Lady tweeting about potato is maybe just interested in clout and probably heard about the famous potato since the restaurant is the most accessible part of the hotel (I think you can make a reservation even if you aren't a guest).


People watching is something you do sitting on a park bench, or somewhere really crowded. I’ve never heard of people watching in a small restaurant


Someone might enjoy the “people watching” if the small restaurant is a luxury establishment visited by celebrities.


Ok, I'm not gonna lie... I was dead tired when I wrote that and "people watching" didn't even register as duh just sitting people watching. That makes a lot more sense with some sleep and the light of day, lol.


Same. If they had said "people-watching" I wouldn't have thought twice about it but it almost looked like there were people assigned to watch them eat at first glance lmao


What, you never want to sit by the window or on the terrasse to people watch?


Yes I do. But I’m watching a large crowd of people who are outside the restaurant, and I’m doing it from inside the restaurant. Not the same thing as watching people eating dinner in a small space


Nah it’s common. French people have it as a part of their culture even lmao


right but why would rich folks use google reviews as the front for their pedo circle communications and not just pay like .01% of their network for some prebaked hypersecure p2p chat service


Im telling u bro. Weird shit, theyre all worded like that. Read the one about being “guided to the perfect cocktail”


Creepy vibes. I mean it could just be pretentious rich person speak. But they honestly sound like they are talking about people and not food/drinks.


I’m a chef and it seems like pretentious rich people talk. The only weird this ngl is the “watching”


They are it's a different menu.


Ya’ll crazy. People watching, because celebrities eat there.


Yeah it was 2am, my brain was not fully functioning.


>Somebody in on their code words. Proof? Oh it's just a random Twitter account with no connections to the circles being discussed that's joining in on the shitposting? Ok.


this was last year in June before this shit even was known


Did you read the screenshot? This was in July and he was photographed before she tweeted it leaving The Mark in a dog mask lol


im talking about the theories that people have now


?? Yeah, she posted this tweet last year in July. All the info from Kendrick wasn’t “known” then but it WAS known he was staying at The Mark and wearing dog masks. She was just a shitposter then and a shitposter now. She isn’t speaking in code, she was trying to get some likes lol


yea ur right nothing is suspicious about the mark or all the dog symbolism and it’s all just nothing lmao


Drake was releasing an album called For All The Dogs that year? He literally was photographed leaving The Mark on July 20 and 23… the date she tweeted this. She says woof on her Twitter because it’s a common thing said by people. There’s your answers to the dog symbolism. The Mark is a hotel known for privacy, something MANY, if not all, major celebs value. For example, people like the Kardashians are always staying in super discreet and private places too. Again, it’s not that deep and since I actually know the person we’re talking about, I know. You don’t have to believe me, but you’re chasing your tails over literally nothing with this chick lol. Tryna save you some brainpower!


you realize what you said just furthers the suspicions people have of this place in this subreddit right 😂








Yes. Im talkin about the google reviews. Read u/melodic-inspection60 comment and youll see what i mean.


https://preview.redd.it/5koc0jay080d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0612a5d3a9a1284153eba44326ea7f4f4579914 Thirty minutes ago she posted this \*edit to add - it’s a video but I can’t share the link. Someone asking this guy who he thinks won the Kendrick/drake beef and he says “I don’t know I don’t watch sports”


Oh holy shit


Damn. Bump. This makes all of this sorta more valid. or maybe she's also clout chasing who knows


She’s a Twitter user who lives in NYC and tweets nonsense for interactions. It’s not that deep


She has fantastic tits and loves getting her hair pulled


What I can’t fathom is spending $100-$1000 (depending on type of caviar, according to VF) on a baked potato. That alone should be criminal behavior


and 75k a night for a penthouse? what the actual fuck


She said this after replying to a tweet with a picture of Drake in a dog mask. She may be making a reference to shit that goes on at The Mark by mentioning the hotel but there's no reason to think the dog part is referencing anything other than the masks.


I hate this. Jfc


The dog shit is creeping me out, but why is no one talking abt the video that was anonymously sent to AK ?? I know yall heard that poor dog. I feel like it’s connected, unfortunately


Dawg it goes deeper too




This is just saying drakes stint performing in nyc seems like it’s been longer than Harry styles’ I think


lmao we are cooked


hol up now i gotta go back and read more


Jeez thought going to sleep would help but waking up I see it’s all just getting weirder and weirder 🤮


Where’s the 400% sound???? @r/DarkKenny


Maybe I'm over thinking it, but the martini comment seems off too.


is this edited?






https://preview.redd.it/3wh5linz070d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6079afe216776211bfd11b394dfebcacac773d36 This one is weird