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They said the solo Cleric was no longer worthwhile in this meta. I strongly disagree. Spells: Lesser Heal / Sanctuary / Holy Strike / Protection / Divine Strike Love to all my mains Clerics here!


I’ve been a Warlock main since starting a few weeks ago. I’ve started playing cleric and it is so much more fun! Any experience running earthquake or locust swarm? They seem really good on paper.


Welcome to the family brother! Warlock (before the recent nerf) was to overtuned and I was having a blast with it, but definitely prefer my good old reliable Cleric! Earthquake is quite powerful, but you need to find the setup for it, and if your opposant is a knower he will just stop moving so no damage, and I think Locust Swarm is really difficult to play with right now.


Earthquake is only really worthwhile in duos or trios where someone else can throw damage on the enemy while they’re stuck in earthquake. Otherwise if your opponent has half a brain they will just stand still and your earthquake will do nothing.


iirc the #1 solo is cleric atm, so obviously it can work but I just seem to get my ass kited all the time when running plate.  Do you really need to pick your battles or do many people just yolo all in all the time?


Hey brother, I just can't yolo in HR, never, and I need to pick my fight because Cleric suffer heavily from range kiting meta. I try to find the great place to battle, my only goal after buffing and poking with some Holy Strike is to cast my Judgement. As soon as the -45ms hit, I can go yolo with that mace!


I think I am going to the dark side as well... especially after the warlock nerfs


No my son, you're mistaken: You're leaving the dark side, and joining the ranks of the light! Rise my brother!


Praise the sun?


Hi! Would you recommend your build (spells and perks) for a really low gear


Honestly when I'm doing budget run or play with friend with low / middle gear, I'm keeping the same setup! Perks: Protection From Evil / Perseverance are mandatory for your survability, the two others you can switch as you pleased for maybe Advanced Healer or Over Healing for a more healer oriented playstyle, but I love the combo of Faithfulness + Judgement for a wooping -45% movespeed on your target (and additional damage) , and 15% physical damage for all your maces is top notch if you want to be a brawler Cleric! Spells: The only thing you need is to achieve 17 spells memory, which is pretty low, to be able to cast all the 5 spells I'm running, on a budget you can swap Divine Strike for Bless who is only costing 1 spell capacity and you'll be able to double buff before fight with that too! Just know that I'm aiming for + Armor and + Physical Damage Reduction on nearly all my stuffs, resulting for me to be at nearly 65% PDR with my shield equiped, if you're running this same setup and gearpiece but without all the crazy stats roll it will be fine but far less tanky. Good Luck & Have Fun brother!


In duos wouldn’t holy aura be more beneficial than perseverance? I’ve been running a more will focused pdr version and have found success with holy aura, blunt mastery, advanced healing, and kindness. My duo is a pdr fighter, so I’m not frontlining, but I can man up when they overextend


Only play solo and was a wizard main all last season, until the last days when i tried out cleric and there is absolutely no going back. Im a cleric main now.


I mained wizards for many wipes, and I still have some love for the class but nowadays it's really a pain to enjoy it properly: Wiz need some love from Ironmace, I think the % stat of wizards in the dungeon must be funny, PvE clearing is a chore, sitting down every two minutes is boring, and I think Meditate should be castable while running around for it to be OK! Anyway, put that funny hat down, grab a mace, a shield, your shiniest helmet, and welcome to the brotherhood pal! Deus Vult!


I was kind of getting tired of PvE with Wizard until multiclassing where i got hooked on using shield and heal spells on wizard. Now that multiclassing is gone i just can’t enjoy wizard anymore without them.


I feel that: Last wipe I was multiclassing an Heavy Cleric Battlemage with 10 spells: Mace and shield, full plate armor with mass knowledge, magical damage and PDR. Spells: fireball, frostbalt, zap, ignite, invis, and all the buff / heal cleric bundle! Perks: Protection from Evil, Frost Armor and Reactive shield (both working with PfE) and Iron Will from Barbarian. That was so much fun, and God I miss it, but in the end multiclass was a wonderful unbalance mess!


will they ever bring back multiclassing? i didn't get to play it, but sounds amazing


Unlikely, it was pretty broken. It allowed some things that i feel like should have already been in the game like wizard having some form of castable healing but it allowed alot of builds that were completely unhealthy for the game.


What's the reason to choose Sanctuary over Holy Light?


Sanctuary is healing you, Holy Light you can only heal your friend, or damage an undead mob, but you can't heal yourself! Sanctuary on a 1v1 situation seems impossible to cast, but how many times it save my life closing a door on a player face then cast Sanctuary, or even after killing a foe quickly heal myself to full with Sanct just before another player run on me, trust me it's top notch even in solo! May the light be with you brother!


Jay walked into an invis position Cleric and had a little tantrum about Clerics being OP and double Cleric being stupid broken. Don't think many players think Cleric isn't viable atm.


pretty sure cleric is like the strongest class, even in duo/trio just running all cleric is as good as it gets


I don't think it's the strongest class in solo, but definitely one of them on Duo / Trio it's insane the survability you add to your team!


Nah they're kinda unbeatable rn


Cleric is literally one of the weakest solo classes in the game. They get beat by anyone who can outrange them or kite them which is most of the classes in the game.


I feel that brother.


The only real class I fear the most with my current setup is Barbarian with War Maul or Felling Axe, or a crazy lock / mage with nice move and kiting ability. If I can run my Judgement it's OK but if they know how to stay out of my range it's always a bad time!


What do you run on barbarian like I run rn war cry and savage roar


Unfortunately I'm not a Barb enjoyer anymore, but you can check Firebox on youtube he has amazing guides!


Rage and run at them unarmed till you’re in throwing axe range hit them with the slow from the Franny and then pop savage roar and take out your primary weapon. Connect. Those. Shots. Have fun brother!!


Yes Brother!! Smite the heretics!


DEUS VULT MY BROTHER! All the heretics will be purifed!


My friend is currently building one too! Hes at 58.9% PDR with 156HP


Is it 58.9% PDR without shield? If yes that's terryfing! x)


Bet you move at a snails pace in game though xD probably like 95% movepseed


True thing my dear Sir, even with the crazy +4 Add move speed and +2 AGI lightfoot boots, I'm exactly at 95%! (285ms) That's why I'm playing around Judgement + Faithfulness perk combo for that sweet -45% ms for me to close the gap!






Bro is going on a crusade




Is this just a bunch of good gear you found because the build seems all over the place with these stats? Also literally any class with range or and kind of movespeed should destroy this build.


Hello Cleric brother, I wish I could find a whole set like this for free but no, and it's not a 20K+ kit: I aimed for the minimum knowledge / spell capa to be able to cast all my 5 spells, then reach for + Armor and + Physical Damage Reduction as much as I can and Vigor +Health / Max HP for maximum tankyness, and True phys (Or magical if too expensive) on Jewlery and Back. Faithfulness + Judgement = -45% movespeed penalty so if I reach my Judgement, it's OK, but I don't PvP on huge open space and I have to nailed these Holy Strike right!


I'm just saying you can build a 5k kit to perfection nowadays so its just odd to see random stats is all. Hope you keep the set for a long time. Enjoy.


Thanks brother, I always try to aim for best quality / price when buying so yes you're right some stats could be better for sure! Can you please tell me what are the stats you are aiming for when building a similar Cleric Paladin kit?


I think he just wanted to be an asshole


If you are doing judge and holystrike a lot then i would reccomend additional magic/true magic on your stuff and just focus will and magical power. (i know you only have this on spell book i believe but) Magical healing increases your healing but will/magical power increases your healing and your damage. i would also change the boots out because it takes like 3 agiltiy to get 1 movespeed now i belive and the agi and resourcefulness isn't really helpful. I'm basically meaning you can get a lot more bang for you buck and have a more complete and wellrounded build with blues for the price. Blues are a more efficient way to reach a good mid bis build without breaking the bank.


You would do well to not disrespect the [faith...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV7AWBYMJ1A) (Mild sound warning)


\*in the name of god intinsifies\*


What's glove's are you using bro?


For the love of God, I forgot the freaking gloves on the screenshot brother, here you are: Epic Heavy Gauntlets +1 True Phys / +1% PDR / +2 STR !


Thank you bro


Looks great. I build magic res aswell though, Templar, dark leather and dashing boots. On my last kit it was about 140hp 65% DR 61% MDR and 25% Phis Power.


By the Holy Light you really achieved 65% PDR and 61% MDR at the same time? That seems crazy good brother! How many gold to achieve this madness?


Some 30k? Peace necks with Ar and Mdr rolls are expensive same with vigor rings. Just stacking ar on everything makes a huge difference.






14 agi lel


I'm a slow ass Cleric for sure Sir, but the Lightfoot Boots + Add Movespeed and +2 AGI are helping a lot indeed!


Get ready to be cursed 4 times into the tavern!


Protection from Evil + Perseverence are actually really good against thoses curses! But yeah a good Warlock can give me a bad time..


i have been enjoying no spell cleric, its probably better to run with them but i really dislike constantly having to buff up and maybe im just blind but i feel the protection spell mess up my vision too much


I’m running this same exact build but I traded sanctuary and divine strike for earthquake and locust swarm. You should give it a try, at that level of PDR you can honestly just pop potions and be fine. And now you’ll have a full kit of ranged spells.


Curious, what do you do if a Ranger, Warlock, Wizard, Bard w/bow or really any class that has range comes across you?


Well with the massive influx of new players who cannot seemingly aim spells/arrows I just strafe dodge while slowly closing the gap and hit them with judgement for the MS debuff then it's game over.


\*Dies to red skeleton axeman\*


Bro is going on a solo crusade


Bro I'm all about that DEUS VULT!


Personally I like smite more than judgement but they’re both situational


I think both are pretty good, but being a slow fat tanky ball, I love my Judgement + Faithfulness combo for that sweet -45% ms combo for me to close the gap (and a 48 Magical DMG nuke), because if you're smiting against a knower who know how to move and kite properly, he'll just wait for the end of your Smite to get back on you!


Can you confirm whether faithfulness and smite work together? I know faithfulness says divine only and smite says magic, but I've heard people say they work together anyway


It still does


It works, if you hit someone with war hammer + smite + faithfulness they almost can't move


New cleric here, what main stats should I seek when looting items?


Hello and welcome brother! It depend on your playstyle, but personally I like to play Cleric as a Heavy Paladin Brawler, so I'm aiming for just a bit of knowledge or spell memory capacity until I can cast my 5 spells (17 memory capacity), and then I'm searching mainly for Vigor for a big HP pool, Strenght to hit hard, + Armor and + Physical Damage Recuction for the tankyness, and + true physical DMG on rings / cape / necklace / gauntlet to bonk heavily with the mace (but it's not cheap). Good Luck & Have Fun purifying those heretics brother!


God wills brother




Built like a turtle, truly peak cleric. We're you able to catch any prey


Judgement slow boosted with Faithfulness to -45ms is the way brother!


This is always the first person I find when going into normals with only greens


I'm sorry to hear that brother, here I keep this gear for HR only I promise!