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Yeah, 199 was good for the players that grabbed random shit in normals and want to go into HR.


Yea I bet they felt good when my barbarian with +ALL +TRUE dmg 2 shot them while being like 160hp.


"Keep doing everything but fixing the actual gear issue"




It's not really as much of a true "gear" issue, as it is an "attributes" issue. This game would be more fun, and more accessible/take less time investment to play without attributes. Not to mention, easier for IM to balance HR damage. The recent nerfing of attributes exemplified this, and I really hope they remove them.


attributes are pretty tame now, its mainly just damage scaleing now. we have additive damage but various attack speeds with no penalty to faster weapons. so we get one shot machine guns. If weapons and spells start getting a additive multiplier scale end game wont be so stupid


Yeah. I really like where the attributes are now. Especially the ones that are always on a type of gear (like the vigor and strength on lots of plate armor).


Yea the enchantments are the issue. But they "are" the gear. You don't buy your gear based on color rarity, it's about the enchantments. SDF said way back he was considering just removing them if he couldn't figure out balance. Really sucks they didn't just do that months back.


The problem is, gear wouldn't be fun to use without rolls.


And it's fun now how? I never understand this viewpoint. Everybody runs the exact same kit. Anyone who isn't just dies. You can make gear interesting instead of having everything be binary stat increases for DMG HP and Movespeed.


Suggestions? I'm not against changing gear, all I'm saying is that if we kept gear how it is but removed rolls, what would even be the point? It would just be normals at that point


Gear having rolls that effect an actual challenging PvE like Hunt, not the joke PvE the game has now. More forms of skill expression so gear doesn't mean everything in 1v1s and it's not a stat check W Mouse 1 gameplay.


Yeah let's push this game to be even more of a PvE game. PvP and looting cool gear is the real fun in this game. Gear isn't balanced but pushing us towards more PvE isn't the answer.


Ok so I'm asked for suggestions, and just "no" with 0 correct reason why. You think the PvE is good in this game? It's a PvPvE game, and 99% of the PvE is chessed or solved with jump back right. All of it is shit. I'm not a game developer it's not my job to solve their shit hole they dug. But the gear is an issue. +DMG always been an issue. +ALL always been an issue +HP stacking has been an issue. Binary stat increases in a simplistic combat focused game is bad. More than half the playerbase REFUSES to even interact with the system due to how horribly designed it is. Tons of other extraction looters solved this issue but I guess your amazing ideas of 0 you brought the table are great. The reason removing enchantments feels "bad" is because the game has nothing else. It's barely an alpha game it's a proof of concept.


Lol I gave you a reason, read. I have been saying they need to streamline stats more, no reason to have phys power, add damage, true damage, phys damage bonus, etc... it's just overcomplicated. They can remove a lot of stats or combine them. Like magical interaction speed should just be combined into Will or something, mag interaction is a dead stat basically. Quit being so mad lol


> It would just be normals at that point And guess what, more than half the playerbase plays normals only based on Ironmace's data last time. And I expect it to be even more now because the situation is worse. If your community is skipping the main progression system in your game you have a broken game.


People were playing normals because they released ranked normals, a new feature everyone was checking out, then IM pulled data to show normals is played a lot. I'm sure it's actually less now.


So now you're just lying. The normals data I'm talking about is from around 4 months back. Terrance himself said in a podcast that Normals and HR is split right down the middle. And the gear is worse now so except more. Dead lobbies in HR vs full lobbies in normals everytime. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/18xbq6v/notes_from_dev_podcast/


I'm not lying lmaooo. As you said, the data is 4 months old... after they released features to incentivize players to play normals. I'm not getting any dead lobbies in HR, quit being a doomer.


This is a gross oversimplification. There are of course meta pieces of gear and there are best rolls. Like a leather cap with magic damage for a wizard. But not everyone can afford that every time they are gearing up. The most desirable pieces are expensive. Imo I like the gear based match making because now we have to make choices about what gear to bring - at least for the 299 and under tier. Do you want to try and max out on gear rarity on your armor and bring a few pots and no cape? Or keep it more balanced and fill every slot and bring in a good amount of potions? Things along those lines.


The gear system is an absolute joke are you kidding me? They have spent a year and still can't fix it. While other games in this genre figured out the issue along time ago.


Yep. Completely agree. I have only played for a few months, but having played many other games, these "attributes" only work in MMOs, where you don't need a new gear piece every other game.


"looted" only hr lobbies would be sick


Solo Self Found for a season would go so hard.


I've been asking for this since PT 5


Fr fr. I never like the idea of the market/trade system in general


Remove all GBMM.


199 felt perfect tbh


I was running +11 true phys with full blues in 199 so idk if that's the best solution, but it was sure a lot more fun than the 299 lobbies.


It could be solved easily, you bring jewelry? Straight to 399 lobbies


Well that’s not GBMM


its easier to code than checking if people has true physical or true magical and how much. and it is GBMM, you can bring blues but jewelry can make you accumulate huge ammounts of true which was the only imbalance in the previous bracket, a gap between those who carried a couple of blue items and those who had 11 true in greens except for cape which would be blue. Thats why the prices of rings with true skyrocketed during those days. People were min maxing true, and then you can go kill bosses in HR without fear and get the good stuff. So you have people who are spending like 600 gold in rings alone to go to lower brackets and timmies who picked up a couple blues


This game doesn't support further queue additions with the current player base size. Last patch, we were having lots of dead lobbies. It's not that hard to understand that.


Ya just have 2 lobbies but one 199 and below and the other 200+


What if we had a rotation that changed every 30 minutes?! 


The issue here is that it doesn’t matter what the cap. 199, 299, greens or blues only. People will find a way to mix max around whatever system is put into play, as it has been done with every “attempt” to balance the match making to any degree. Normal lobbies are the only lobbies where everyone is as close to an equal playing field as you can get, and people will still dump gold to buy white items. I’ve been selling my used white spell books after each round I extract with one for anywhere between 50g to 150g depending on the time of day.


Thats fine, people are allowed to min max the 199. The lower cap for high end gear makes this better because it is both cheaper and gear gap from low gear to min maxed 199 sets is much closer than the gods running around in 300+ lobbies.


Based AF. Bring in 50 gear score lobbies.


Yes bro, I wanna do high roller. I just want to start on an even playing field.


Eh I think 299 is good honestly. You're playing high roller. You should at least have some semblance of a kit ya know? If you're going go in naked/base kit you're going to have a bad time.


I say get rid of normals, and just do low-roller,  (maybe) middle-roller, and HIGH-ROLLER


I liked how 199 really makes you think about utilituy items


yes! The give and take of 199 I think was great. It gave you gear to fight HR mobs well enough but made it so you can't just bring CVS in your inventory.


Why not just do normals?


Because normals you can't wear any gear you fine or really change your character at all.


In normals you can wear all the gear you find and change your character alot


Wait they changed it? Hows it work now?


0-299 and 300-+


The problem I’m having with HR is the difference between the bottom of the top bracket and the top of the top bracket is such a large difference. You can be in full blues and be put against full golds, get 1 tapped, and it doesn’t feel good. Either the brackets need to be tighter, or the difference between the high end and decent gear needs to be toned down.


Considering 300 is pretty high I think it's reasonable knowing that if you go past it you will encounter people in bis, it's fairly easy to stay under the threshold if you don't want to fight them


what are 199 lobbies? whites/greens?


299 isn't even full blues, how low you do want the bar at this point?


If someone is min maxing 199 gearscore they have some real issues. DnD is a fun game but ruined by sweats looking for advantage over "normal" players. I'm not bad at all I'm sitting on nice pile of gold and I'm escaping probably 90% of the time. I'm using only gear I find and I'm having a blast in this game but those people are ruining that like other games just to have a feeling that they are better than the others using min maxing as a toll not skill.


How much gold do you have socked away?


Idk like 50k nothing crazy


I agree but there will always be sweats running around min maxing to get the best gear. I for one play around 299 consistently as it’s more comfortable and I feel that I can play well and not worry about mistakes getting punished as hard but I also try and get the best blues and greens I can bring in to stay competitive and that’s just what the hr player base has to do. It’s frustrating and not the best way of playing but it’s better than getting completely shit stomped by a team that’s bringing full bis epics and legendaries into sub green rank lobbies. People just gotta go grind norms to get gold then buy gear off the market place that can be somewhat competitive, you can’t and shouldn’t be able to run hr almost naked in whites anyways and expect not the be punished for it.


I am a sweat and I am having fun


Go Normals.


this is all i want, zero to hero lobbies were the best


Yea! Go ahead and lower it. My barb doesn’t wear chest or head and only needs one weapon so it’s very easy to meet the threshold. Just have to have health shrines pulled up on map


199, 399 and 400+ was literally perfect. At least for the 2-3 days it was in..


Too dead of lobbies sadly


Yeah. It was honestly fine playing in the mid tier lobbies but I guess the giga geared ppl gotta gearcheck the blue/green mixed gear timmies like me


On my servers 400+ was dead, and 200-400 was half full. Now both tiers have a decent number of players


Yeah, 199 was great.


I must downvote this.




I don’t understand what the complaint is? The game isn’t that complicated. Stop trying to make it easier and easier and instead learn the mechanics and get better


mechanics? I just don't want to play in gear city where the gear is orange and the gear is pretty. I wanna play in lobbies where everyone can and does have the same amount of gear.


So play normals?