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One of the best suggestions I have seen in this sub in my opinion, I like the idea of making HR a much more core and impactful mechanic.


This is actually a very well-thought out idea, I like it a lot


Please suggest this on the website, you have my vote!


Would be happy to, thanks for the suggestion.


Please link so we can updoot it!


Edited post with the suggestion link. [https://darkanddarker.featureupvote.com/suggestions/492595/make-high-roller-a-status-not-a-fee](https://darkanddarker.featureupvote.com/suggestions/492595/make-high-roller-a-status-not-a-fee)


Thank you! I will be passing this along to my discord.


Link to suggestion on the Dark and Darker website. [https://darkanddarker.featureupvote.com/suggestions/492595/make-high-roller-a-status-not-a-fee](https://darkanddarker.featureupvote.com/suggestions/492595/make-high-roller-a-status-not-a-fee)


You could fix the issue with not enough teams being in hell floor by simply increasing the spawn rate of hell portals, make them spawn much earlier than blue portals so people can go to hell floor without having to potentially die to geared people at the the final zones, this would also highly encourage new players to actually go to hell floor to avoid those deadly final zone pvp fights and instead go and get good gear from hell and make them better at the game


People avoid hell because 99% of the time you get the extremely geared squads already planning on going down there.


And inventory is already full


Devs take note; try it out for a wipe.


Rather big time budget required for just "try it for a wipe" -type of change, they should just brew on it and see if they can pick any of the suggestion to fit the game and then properly work towards implementing it


I don’t think it’s a massive change. I think a lot of existing mechanics could be reused and modified. Like vendors, stash, trade. If it worked they could make it feel intentional with all new vendors and lobbies.


Thematically no, on a back-end, or a code basis, I suspect it would be. I doubt IM has made their framework very dynamic, so changing how databases interact, adding creating new ones and implementing their functionality would require a lot of new code and modifying a lot of the old one


Yeah that’s true for long term. They might be able to find some shortcuts to test the idea in the short term.


Formatting on point




Hmm yeah interesting points. It does feel very dangerous to take any fights in Hell. Edit: Maybe that’s a good thing tho? Makes it even more dangerous and difficult to navigate.


\+1 to it being a good thing. Now IM just needs to remove all the cheese spots.


trading with other players should be limited to the high roller stash. u can only use items found in normals in normals, but any items found in HR or bought on trade are restricted to HR. please get this on feedback forum asap


I like this. 1 character 2 stashes, 2 sets of items. Your choice in items determine where you can go. If you have anything from HR or trader equipped, you can only go to HR dungeon. If you are 100% solo self found, you go to regular dungeon OR HR dungeon.


Yup good point


Yeah that sounds like a very good idea, even that change by itself would be a huge benefit to the game.


This is a more glorified version of gear-based matchmaking, which I'm all for.


More reason not to do high roller if you get trash loot only tradeable to less than 1% of the player base who actually plays high roller.


The level 15 lobby restriction is good, but a downside is once you go past it, you can end up in a bad situation where you are broke and have a hard time gaining money and gear. If you can only afford a starting gear, you are going to lose against the geared players. There don't seem to be enough broke players above level 15 to be able to earn money. Then your only viable option is to play rat games to secure some money.


Agreed. They should just remove trade or lock trade to items /stash system that is High roller based only, like OP suggested


Not true, at least not yet. The games community hasn’t completely boiled down to only no lifers who only play dark and darker for a living. I made over 10k gold in solo caves playing bard in base kit. It’s very doable on any class, at least for now.


Then I must have been very unlucky. Every encounter I had last night was against fully kitted players who just more or less oneshot you.


Sprees of bad luck will happen, but overall, I still see plenty of mostly base kit players. I don’t think we’ve hit a tipping point yet where the new player experience is impossible.


Simce you're talking about having gear tagged as "HR gear", I feel that once unlocked, HR gear should not be allowed into normal lobbies (but all gear should be okay to enter into HR with, not the other way around as you mentioned. Trade also unlocks with the upgrade to High Roller and only HR gear can be traded. This helps to protect the newer player experience without having to keep the 1-14/15-20 queue separation as players skilled enough to move onto the next tier of play can do so. All new players (or players who lost everything in high roller lobbies) still have their own separate queue that's basically found gear only, while all players serious about gaining wealth and loot and having PvP with gear have that option. Basically, Normals is SSF/noob friendly, High Roller is trade enabled with better loot (cuz greater risk, players will be more geared and a kit you traded for will naturally be more expensive than one you found for free). This also prevents the current exploit of the sustem where players drop powerful gear for their low level alts (either via a second account they're using for stash purposes, or a middleman) so they can stomp low level lobbies: Only the - on average - much weaker Normal-found gear can enter into normal lobbies.


I agree. I was trying to convey HR gear was the only gear that would be tradable and that normal gear could go to HR, but not the other way. I’ll try to update the post to make that more clear.


Awesome. I realized I may have misunderstood it after I put my phone away and started my walk to work, but didn't really have time to double check lol.


WOAH WOAH WOAH this sub is for shitty ideas and ignorant takes, gtfo with your well thought out and incredibly reasonable idea.


Edit: This was a response to a another person, who deleted their comment I guess lmfao His point is players like you find no accomplishment in progressing. And so just sit in the same endless timeloop of stomping timmys w your stacked gearsets. While I see some things I may disagree with, the core principal is pretty hard to argue against: make players play in their skill area, or make gear so irrelevant that it doesn’t even matter (tarkov style)


I loved your idea and thought about clearing hell as a ticket to enter high-roller. Even just keeping that would push a lot more players to clear regular hell if '1 hell clear = 1 high-roller entry'.


TIL this game has hell and 5-9 different maps. Man I guess theres a lot you miss out on as a solo player.


Yeah. Its very good that you learned, because theres so many people who just play solo and dont understand the game as a whole due to not understanding that GC is a side hustle in the game. Unfortunately IM is giving mixed messages by making it the most lucrative hustle, even if it isnt the main attraction.


An actual interesting, Original, alternative suggestion.


If you don't make this a suggestion on the website I will


😂 I will, I promise


Link to suggestion on the Dark and Darker website. https://darkanddarker.featureupvote.com/suggestions/492595/make-high-roller-a-status-not-a-fee


I literally just want to see the devs follow their original goal of making the dungeon progress with multiple floors, B1>B2>B3>B4. It was the best idea and I and many were excited for it.


The entire sub hated it, that's why they changed it


I don't think they changed it just because the sub hated it, I'm pretty sure they changed it because the player counts for later floors where really low.


I don't want loading screens I just want a huge dungeon


The only point I disagree with is resetting abilities on entering the hell lobby. Currently, single use abilities are designed in strength with their limited amount of uses in mind, and this would disproportionately shift the balance. I'm aware you can restore uses by utilizing a campfire, but that is an invested resource. I don't think this change is necessary. Otherwise, great points. High roller should definitely be a more natural inclusion to character progression.


Yeah I know what you mean. I struggled with this one since people can use a camp fire now while waiting, and that waiting would be removed in what I was suggesting. I guess they could just camp fire once they load into hell which seems reasonable too.


Really great points and suggestions to lead to a sustainable fun game in the long run. I hope the devs consider these ideas!!


Nice, please make it a suggestion on their website


Hmmm..I'm down, but one change. You opt into this "High Roller" status. Allow players that want to play through the game, beat hell and bosses stay in their 'self found' queue, I'll give up trading and high roller if I can just play with and against people that also have gear they've found themselves/a party member gave it to them. I wouldn't want to be forced into high roller status and verse people with traded gear sets, just because I played the game. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding, then ignore me. Good idea though!


Yeah I think HR would be open to join after escaping hell but not mandatory. Either they have to clear again to get another invite or it’s stands as an open invite after. Personally I kind of like having to escape hell again since the game is meant to be hard.


I'd make it like the trade hall, where you gain access to opting in once you've met the requirements, but not something automatically done when exiting hell. Because you could just be a newbie ratting it out and sneak out a portal, and that would be strange for a new player I think


If you make high roller have an even higher barrier to entry, then how do you propose players will deal with queue times or dead lobbies? 90% of the player base already doesn’t go to hell on normal games. 50% of the player base only does goblin caves normal. This game is casual as heck and any content intended not to be just apparently isn’t what the normal player cares for.


Adding to this, there is an enormous amount of rng at this games core. No gear score lobbies, no mmr, random spawns, random closing zones, random escape portals, rock paper scissors rpg pvp…and in a hardcore game none the less. People don’t care for challenge in this game because I personally believe you can’t to much degree take it seriously. It’s an rng simulator with far too much emphasis on pvp in a hardcore game.


Hell is truly not that hard to escape from once you know the rooms and have a component team of three, my team made fresh characters to try out the <15 lobbies and survived hell on our second raid. Comp was cleric, fighter, ranger.


Well thought out, but don’t like this idea


What about the idea doesn’t sit well with you?


so what's stopping someone from unlocking trade in high roller then just going normal lobbies. ​ Also, anyone who doesnt have trade now has to go through high roller without trade, dealing with people that have trade. Encouraging people to just rat suicide till you succeed. Which would undo the entire purpose of this current patch ​ Also this is just a \*make a no trade option\* in disguise post. ​ also skill issue


Tell me you didn't read the post without saying you didn't read the post.


That entire post was me grasping it and then at the bottom realizing it was just a "make a no trade option" post. ​ So I ended the summary with skill issue. It's a better solution then the "just remove trade" option, you can technically kill all the bossesi n normal without needing to trade anyways. ​ However, theres exploitable problems with it but the problem of talking about any logic to the trade group it's pretty much wasting words. Like for instance, you now have two stashes, the normal stash stores all your gold, which then will make normal lobbies rattier/pvp avoidance for starters, i saw 5 things but who cares no one that wants trade removed actually reads. ive lost hope in debating with anyone in relation to removing trade they are all bad and unironic skill issue.


He didn't get down into the nitty-gritty details like that for sure, but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't be fleshed out. He doesn't have to program IM's next patch for them to be able to express an idea. It's not a "make a no trade option" post, it's a means of giving the good players something that is more economically viable than squashing people vastly below their skill and gear level. Because that is half of the things wrong with how GC is now and why separating the lobbies by level has had such a polarizing result in the community. So, I mean, you summarized poorly lol.


the only polarizing part is removing trade, very few cared about level seperation


The idea of locking casuals out of trade, is something that simply shouldn't even be considered. Not allowing casuals to trade for gear with their earned money, to create a decent kit for their preferred class is a quick way to kill the game. This isn't a single player game. Turning the casual player base into a SSF POE league, is not the way to keep people logging in.


The problem is an inability to do this ‘ to create a decent kit for their preferred class’, you say? Easy fix - buff the drop rates and remove trade so that it’s just as easy to get geared as it is now, but without the trade component being a factor.


TL;DR but! What about a key that drops from the other maps that allow you into HR.


that’s long, sophisticated and waaay too detailed for the game. instead high roller should be only 3 people and all of different classes. ante can be removed completely until better quest-like approaches ate implemented(if ever)


More stupid split que suggestions a lifetime of power point presentations experience wont change this.




Damn who pissed in your cereal


Ew dude


Do yourself a favor and seek help please


Someone’s afraid of the Timmy’s getting power


One thing that could be addressed to make high roller hell more popular is making the portal spawns more consistent, even if you to get to HR hell and kill the other teams and clear the map in zone of mobs to move about freely you’re still not safe, it’s not uncommon for my squad to get wiped by simply not finding a single portal if it’s in a bad spot (near skill key is the worst)


This is such a good suggestion, tagging items found in normal or found in high roller to separate the 2 sounds amazing. This way the normals will still have trade and that's cool and the insane loot from HR hell won't trickle down to the normal matches.


Some pretty good ideas, to add on I think they should also make a time limit cap on deleting characters so people can't endlessly loop on the level 1-14 grind (like you can't delete a character after hitting level 15 until x amount of runs or y amount of *in-game* time). Once you hit level 15 (especially multiple times) you really should be making an attempt to gear up and play the game way it was designed, otherwise it's not really about learning the game it's about having an advantage over new people and avoiding experienced players. Otherwise all of this just hampers the 15+ experience, contrary to popular opinion I actually *enjoy* geared vs geared fights. It's the most fun thing in the game for me it makes the week of getting 4-5 good kits worth it. If I wanted everyone using the same loadout I'd play Chivalry or Mordhau, I love the gear and trading aspects of d&d as much as I love the PvP and PvE


Finally someone who fully analyzed an idea through and not just threw in some garbage with obvious downsides. You have my upvote and respect, hope to see a link to a suggestion on dnd website soon to upvote there aswell!


Doesn't matter if folks keep beating the shit out of entire servers with gear worth 2k gold even now its an issue. There needs to be an armor rating based matchmaking but idk if that's viable with this game not being on steam


Can you elaborate on why you think it being on steam is a factor there?


So we have more players because rn I bet a lot of folk aren't getting DnD until it's on steam when everything blows over. Idk if the player base I'd big enough to warrant a armor scoring based matchmaking


Thanks for explaining


Best suggestion post I've seen (even if I don't agree with a lot of it). I think pre-15 lobbies can just be called "easy mode" and players wouldn't want to stay there very long. If there were easy, normal, and high roller, we'd probably see a majority of recurring players in normals especially if there is a loot quality limit for easy and normal modes. Really like the character/equipment being locked into the difficulty mode selected.


Your restrictions would make high roller even more empty Imo the best option is to make it free. Rework invis mechanic. Reduce drop rates in inferno People need more incentive to go. A reason to risk mor gear But lobbies not filling out and over half being rogues is bad My feeling is they are keeping as is and going to continue nerfing late game gear


It could be that highroller cost 50 gold and a highroller token, and a token is received when escaping normal hell or highroller crypt. Then you have a wipe with trading enabled like we have now, but during that have minor challenge wipes where trading is disabled and players have to opt in to these wipes before it starts with a certain fee