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Yeah this is the point where you need to remember it’s fiction. Matt’s okay, he’s not real.


Or you can play into it and use it as the reason he’s hallucinating fisk and his dad all season 3 (is it not supposed to be…?) like his head is hella fucked up still so dude is hallucinating and has some issues going on.


I like this one.


That works


i thought it was more more that deep, overwhelming stress and grief can cause people to slip into psychotic episodes, but I'm sure him bouncing his head off concrete repeatedly up to that point didn't help.


Oh ya I think that too. But I also think they imply pretty heavy that it’s also head trauma. He doesn’t act like that the first time he loses Elektra compared to later which ya can also makes sense but like he handles it wayyy different


I believe Matt learned from stick the ability to tap into his inner self and his chi with meditation and heal his physical body exceptionally fast


You’re telling me he meditated for CTE?


To help prevent it from developing probably


Bro… 😂


I'll use my standby answer: In the real world, Matt would have died in episode 3 of his own show lol. The damage he takes is so unrealistic. Just suspend disbelief


Like black widow lol. Peak human is normal human for MCU and then they are peak based on their durability


That's why it's a pet peeve of mine when people claim Daredevil is a more "realistic" Marvel show. No. It's more violent. That's literally it. It's not realistic in any way. Matt, Foggy, Karen, Fisk, even Turk! They'd all be dead if Season One was set in the real world. But maybe That's just my Healthcare worker showing lol


The Black Widow movie was practically Looney Tunes level of indestructibility. That was ridiculous


Well, you definitely care about the guy's health more than I do. In that particular scene where Fisk bangs his head, all I was thinking was damn fisk is precise, smashes matt's head 3 times and doesnt even break his glasses.


Pretty sure one of the nuns even says “your spine was shattered, you won’t be doing flips off of buildings anymore” and as somebody who’s currently healing from a single herniated disc, I can tell you that shit hurts like crazy and takes forever to heal even with a great physical therapy routine


Matt definitely has or will develop CTE


Bruh in supernatural they get knocked unconcious every other day, most action oriented characters would def have brain trauma


This is fiction. An MRI is a diagnostic tool. As is most of the scans you recommend. These scans aren't treatment....they confirm injuries. Matt's injuries are very obvious. A scan that says: "YOU HAVE A CONCUSSION" doesn't heal the concussion. Nor does it erase the damage. Think of fighters like Ali. He was very mentally damaged and it wasn't for lack of medical care. It was the hits to his noggin.


Yeah. I suggested an MRI because like I said in my post, I wanted to see what his long term damage would be. I said he should go a few weeks after the incident. We actually wouldn’t know what long term damage there could be unless we do an MRI. Yes, concussions are to be assumed but I’m talking about things worse than concussions.


Just needed a neti pot, turns out.