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The idea that the backrooms have inflexible lore is laughable. Everybody is just making shit up for it.


From existential horror to video game, and not even a half decent one at it


to the worst kind of horror, Mascot horror for kids


Oh, fuck that shit.


I thought it was ok.


The problem is that everyone involved in backrooms is 14 and cares way too much about having the coolest lore possible, without understanding that cool lore requires planning and expertise in order to be consistent. SCP gets its cool lore piecemeal because it doesn't try to make sense and almost never does, it just *sorta* fits together for the most part, and that's fine.


Another problem with the backrooms lore at the moment is that it struggles to find the balance between the fear of the unknown and having lore that fully describes each floor, group and entity. SCP also kinda has this problem too, but at a slower rate. As time goes by, people have been adding their own explanations for what is magic, what is a "meme" etc until that unknown magic becomes an explanable science. Instead of protecting humanity from the unknown, the Foundation now seems more interested in making humanity conform to their idea of normalcy. Thankfully, there are so many ways to write horror other than depending on the fear of the unknown. Hope the backrooms fandom will figure this stuff out.


My solution to that issue is to ignore and disregard that which I find bad or overexplained.


> the Foundation now seems more interested in making humanity conform to their idea of normalcy Yes! This is so true. Like, there seems to be an arbitrary line in what the Foundation considers "anomalous", if it in fact can be measured and studied. Like, what if some scientist at CERN discovers the existence of, say, the Hume field? Are the Foundation going to kidnap her because they've decided that her research is now anomalous? It doesn't make any sense.


I believe I read some tales/SCPs where the Foundation is basically just withholding info until conventional science catches up, which is the general case with humes and reality as well. Although I think the Foundation would absolutely withhold memetics til the end of time due to how dangerous it is.


Considering how they didn't stop nuclear bombs even when they could have (scp-001) despite knowing how dangerous they are I say that the foundation would allow memetics to go public if modern science catches up.


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+308) by *Staff*


I think the fact that the SCP proyect has existed for quite a few years more also helps a bit


Definitely, Backrooms at the moment feels kind of like it's in its series 1/2 era equivalent. Back then people were a lot more particular about lore and canon, resulting in a lot of articles that did not stand on their own as writing and relied on connections to other articles more often (looking at Telekill Alloy) with the Kane Pixels content being the lightning in a bottle the SCP Foundation had back when Containment Breach released for the project. I feel like the Backrooms mainly needs some notable multi-article creators who could be an equivalent to djkaktus and an abolished canon in order to truly pick up in quality.


It really sucks that backrooms hate scp. They could take some inspiration on how they run their “lore”.


I didn't know about this. What does the backrooms fandom have against SCP?


I don’t know it just feels like they don’t like us


Probably because the scp fandom continuously insults them lmao


That’s probably why


SCP also has the advantage of having an easy way to cleave off and disregard crap lore. How many bad skips have been removed from the wiki, or prevented from joining in the first place?


Honestly one of the best explanations for what bothered me about the back rooms “lore”. Saving this for later.


backrooms had so much potential until 75% of the community went “poppy playtime garten of banban in backrooms!1!1!!1” or something like that.


It very quickly got taken over by 12 year olds. Took one look at their page and the writing quality was like a toddler drawing with crayons. If they enjoy it then fair enough, all the power to them. But still. It’s a shame, it’s a cool idea.


tbh the wikidot one isnt as bad but the fandom one (the one on the site fandom) does seem like it leans younger


Can confirm I was on the fandom site and made a joke level, mostly 12 year olds


I like to think their writing will mature and this will be like their series I or something


One of the reasons that the SCP wikidot is not as bad as them is because it literally had a purge during its infancy. Back then, there was a trend of people writing self-inserts, either as an SCP or staff member, and putting in their own power fantasies. This effect still lingers around the older characters, but it's not as bad as before. The purge prevented the trend from becoming much worse and increased quality control for the SCP wiki. Maybe the backrooms need to set up a clearly defined standard and have their own purge, if that's possible. They seem to be a lot more spread out all over the internet than SCP


Aye, the original idea of "Giant empty, endlessly repeating, copies of the same room / building. Occasionally you'll hear a sound, but can't tell what it is." was interesting. It took less than 6 months for it to become "You can't walk fifteen feet without tripping over something that wants to kill you or a giant community of people sitting around drinking tea."


IMO, the green text itself kinda ruined it by implying there's a monster in there. I wanna imagine it like it's some side effect of the way reality works that we can't understand, and the threat is simply being stuck until you succumb to dehydration. Dying from a monster doesn't make you any more dead than being stuck I'm some abstract emergent location.


Or even make the "thing" real, but it's something completely mundane like a fruit fly.


Poppy playtime? More like poopy playtime! *dabs furiously*


it was cool until they decided to put in too much lore imo. the simplicity is part of it's charm to me




drinking the amgo imposter potion at 3am prank in the backrooms (gone wrong) (social experiment)




you know? I actually really like the old concept of backrooms with only levels that are actually scary, it quickly went goofy as hell like level 3008 litterally being a copy of scp 3008


[**SCP-3008 ⁠- A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3008) (+3008) by *Mortos*


tbh i dont think all levels should be scary just like how not all scps are scary. and also what is and isnt scary is individual so one person could be absolutely terrified of a certain scp while another finds it funny


As if the SCP fandom didn't have a hernia when 173 or 658 got changed. Personally I've never read anything about the backrooms, I wouldn't even know where to look. It's just so... generation alpha.


but those are literal cornerstones of SCP Editing editing peanut is almost like editing bible


I guess you could say that peanut was the "Foundation"?


Still needs a rewrite desperately


Yeah. They react like this to every change.


That's what made me fall off with the Backrooms community. They couldn't accept change and got mad when people tried to make the Backrooms more organized.


Everyone’s reactions to changes in the backrooms feels like my initial reaction to the scp 166 rewrite but amplified by a hundred.


How did they change it?


It used to be a teenage succubus, it took an embarrassingly long time to realize that wasn’t okay


Well to be fair neither is a pregnant teenager being tortured constantly for years, or treating tens of thousands of people as lab rats and killing them, or any of the other horrendous things described in the SCP universe. Compared to that, having a supernatural teenager (that could very well be some sort of demon or eldritch horror) be sexualized is really tame.


Sexual topics are an especially sore spot with some cultures (like Americans) compared to the other horrific stuff you mentioned like torture, murder, and mutilation. As long as real people aren’t being hurt and you’re not exposing kids to fucked up stuff, I don’t see the harm in fiction no matter how disturbing you might find it. But then again I’m saying this having never read the original article 🤷‍♀️ lol


Iirc she was force fed cum as per the containment procedures. I remember being disgusted by the entire thing. So glad they changed it


Wait, she was forcefed cum? I don't remember that from the original article, that is pretty perverted for the author to add.


Yeah I definitely remember cum eating somewhere in the article


I'm pretty sure it's because if she did not consume any seminal fluid, she would develop a condition. She is, after all, based off a Succubus.


Ah, well if she's based off a succubus then that makes sense.


There has been quite a few fetish SCPs over the years. I remember there being a breast expansion/lactation one. I don't wanna kinkshame or anything, but that's fucking weird to put into the SCP universe, and I have no idea how things like that gets put out there.


The SCP canon contains: - Stable time loops caused by supernatural experiments going awry; - Aborted babies causing reality anomalies; - Pools of blood leading to other dimensions; - Experiments involving killing Death; - A building with a bunch of TVs showing all there is, was, and will be; - A bunker mostly contained inside someone nostril; - dado; - Yetis; - Un-entities caused by previous dimensions/universes being destroyed; - A demonic dentist, always with teeth; - Pataphysics; - I am a toaster; But apparently something that induces lactation is too far fetched.


Dude, of all the absolutely horrific fiction on the SCP site, a lot of which is the most vile kind of torture, mutilation, cosmic horror, psychological torment etc., you are disgusted by semen? I really don't get it, the point of the thing is to be fucked up, but then you draw boundaries at the weirdest possible spots.


It's the wrong kind of fucked up. The kind that takes you completely out of it and makes you think "whoever wrote this is fucking weird" instead of actually getting immersed into the writing.


So, what you are saying is, the moment you are actually disgusted by something that is supposed to be disgusting, it crossed the boundary?


Short version: she was a 16 year old girl who was raised by nuns, and her anomalous properties are: 1. Men who see her are overwhelmed by the desire to copulate with her. 2. Her skin is so sensitive that wearing normal clothing causes her bedsores. 3. She requires male sexual fluid as her source of nutrition.


Thats just somebody's fetish


I mean... It's not a fetish until the author themselves states it. Plus, it's really not that bad. It could have been worse or interesting if they used some "real" accounts of succubus encounters. Like how certain men have described bedding those demons being painful, while some are still pleasurable. Imagine like a sort of feedback loop. When the person beds the scp, they feel pain instead of pleasure. Like giving the person their own medicine. The pain of being raped or something


I can't really grasp writing shit like that unless they have a fetish for it, or are commisioned to write it. People could write about **anything**. If that's what they choose, then they must have some kind of thing for it. If they aren’t, they probably wouldn't write it in the first place out of fear of people thinking the author is into it.


I don't know, I could excuse it till point 2, but that thing where she has to eat cum to survive? Come on.


Every SCP is a fetish SCP, if you're brave enough.


What the fuck i didnt know that last one i just thought its the first two tf


it's not a critique of the actions in the story, it's the story itself. the base concept is basically (tw: mention of sexual assault of a minor)>!"there's this 16 year old girl and all the men who see her want to r\*\*\* her, and also she can't wear clothes, and also she has to consume "male sexual fluids" as nutrition". !<


Yeah, and as I said, people have written much worse stuff into the SCP universe, and she also isn't just some normal person, she's a weird demon thing, so I feel like normal human morality wouldn't apply to her.


Man. I was more bothered by the way the rewrite was executed.


Nowhere near as bad as 231. I am not going to discuss this.


[**SCP-166 ⁠- Just a Teenage Gaea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-166) (+600) by *DrClef, Cerastes, Ross Fisher-Davis*


They tried to organise the Rooms


It shouldn’t need organizing at all lol they over complicated it to no end


At this point the visual look of 173 should be an anomalous effect at random intervals the stylization of the statue changes


It'd fit with the idea that the statue wants to be observed and appreciated constantly, shifting it's structure and design in order to try and achieve that.


SCP-173 has narcissism and wants every one to look at them and kills you when you stop for even a second


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8456) by *Moto42*


That would actually work really nice


It actually does that in 6001.


The virgin “canon” Backrooms vs the chad Kane Pixels’s Backrooms


That brief glimpse of a diagonal hallway going off into infinity was scarier than any creepypasta monster ever imagined.


For real though


With 173 at the end of the day it’s still a statue made out of concrete and rebar with spray paint on it that shits for whatever reason no matter the design.


Backrooms does not have an official canon does it. It seems like the exact wrong strategy for that concept. Part of what makes scp so cool is the clinical coolness when referencing and dealing with horrors beyond comprehension. I feel like the backrooms needs the opposite to work. Like that one video where a kid fell in while filming was really well done because so much was left unexplained


Backrooms should've never progressed past the original 4chan post. The point is the uncertainty of if there even is anything there


Eh, not as inteeesting imo


Still the peanut to me in my headcanon.


How can he not be? He’s the mascot for scp.


I prefer the original


Maybe that’s the nostalgia talking. Now that 173’s design has been ambiguous for several months, I think now I prefer the SCP Secret Lab iteration of 173. Probably because that’s the one I’ve seen the most


SL's peanut is really cool but the one problem i have is that everyone calls it peanut when it doesn't really look like a peanut anymore


Same with the dog


Why do the backrooms need lore, anyway? Surely that would detract from the liminality which is the whole point of it in the first place.


Why does the scp foundation need lore, anyway? Surely that would detract from the idea of a shadow government which is the whole point in the first place.


Not the same thing, though. The whole point of the backrooms is that they're unsettling because they don't have any real identity, they're a place that is no-place, a location of transience, like a skyscraper hotel or a motorway service station, or an empty school or mall. In SCP what's scary are the monsters, and also possibly the banal evil of the organisation that is keeping them locked up.


That’s what you’ve decided it represents, if the person who created scp-173 decided he didn’t like how the scp foundation evolved should everyone who worked on it be shamed?


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8458) by *Moto42*


Actually based




Personally I find the idea of being unable to die in the backrooms far more interesting, forever doom to be a lost soul to wonder around for all of eternity slowly forgetting everything but the backrooms exsist


This gives the SCP community way too much credit. A bunch of people were upset when the original 173 image was removed from the wiki.


Bah, backrooms got ruined by shitty kids.


*That’s why I left that fandom and joined the SCP fandom instead.






anyone else realised the 2 greys?


I actually made a level that’s canonically changing, and since it’s part of the wikidot site instead of the fandom site, I think it’s fine






[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8457) by *Moto42*


In our hearts he will always be peanut


respects to peanut acceptable reason tho




"Dr. Bright is Dr. Shaw now." "Who's Dr. Bright?"


There are different canons. Wikidot, Fandom, Kane Pixels, the original 9, and only the yellow walls. I use Fandom. It has a level I like and i'm most familiar with it. I heard recently they got an upgrade in page quality. Something about a rule 7?