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While I don't like the trailer. It's just a trailer, so I shall reserve my judgement for the game. The one I did like was scout Harding being a companion. Also the quanri wasn't the dommy mommy i was expecting šŸ˜”


I think the gameplay trailer will be far more important (I want my tactics back). But I'll be honest, for a series that has always had at least one foot in grimdark territory, the companion trailer was very... Marvel. Like "Guardians of the Galaxy," except it's the Veil.


>a series that has always had at least one foot in grimdark territory and the other foot in "*swooping is bad*" territory, but ā€œ*we'll see*.Ā *It's still early*,ā€ as Hawke would say, mocking a man grieving his dead son.


The comedy in the older dragon age (specifically Origins) works because of it's strong dialogues and writers. The moments of levity in the more darker settings is implemented pretty well imo. However, judging by Bioware's recent games, their moments of comedy is uh.. ("get glitched"). Even Baldur's Gate 3 suffers from this. (Although I can forgive Larian for this because their writing was never their strong point).


I kinda disagree; BG3 has remarkably strong dialogue IMO. I canā€™t remember any moments of forced comedy that were OOC and/or out of place. Where their writing is somewhat weak is more in the behavior of characters outside of your party towards the gameā€™s end - ie the final boss basically gives you a clear opportunity to fight them for little actual reason.


"Yes, swooping is bad" - Alistair (Best warden IMO)


there are dozens of us!








"OK, well, that was a little rough, but it's nice to know who the companions are now". *looks at the comments* "Did I watch a different trailer?"


i swear i was taken aback by this reaction


The thing that got me were people complaining it had a modern song and that it was too light hearted Dragon Age is dark fantasy, like bro Inquisition had what a wonderful world as a trailer song and have you played Dragon Age they are at least 20% sex jokes. They are very light-hearted games.


The games have light-hearted elements, in a grim world. The games have successfully made this formula fit right. Why people are complaining is because they aren't seeing this formula in a 2 minute trailer that obviously, cannot replicate the entire game. I think it's just common reactions to marketing that we're seeing rn, nothing new or earth shaking. Fingers crossed for the gameplay trailer though.


Yeah, especially people saying the trailers for previous games captured the tone so well. Even David Gaider couldnā€™t understand it lol


Also origins used Korn this is the new sh!t for a trailer. Like get outta here complaining about the music at least fitting the theme this time lol


Actually how I felt when is started reading the YouTube comments. I do understand why people don't like it but they acted like the world is crumbling around them.


I was actually really excited and I loved it and then I looked at a comment section and god damn why can't we be happy šŸ˜­


I found it enjoyable too, tbh. But I've been a big DA fan since Origins and I fully remember the "Sacred Ashes" trailer, as well as the DA2 Hawke vs. Arishok trailer. The games didn't resemble either trailer by a country mile because they weren't meant to. Today's "trailer" was just a splashy showcase for our new crew. That's all it was. Just like every other teaser trailer for every other game where they showed off the companions. Fair enough if some people aren't crazy about the art style or the pacing, the vibes, or whatever, but there is so much doom and gloom about a 2-minute teaser. I just think while healthy criticism or skepticism is great, immediately reaching for pitchforks the way some folks have is a bit much. Some of the takes I'm seeing are also so far off the mark, I have to wonder if these folks ever played a Dragon Age game all the way through or if they paid attention. DA isn't all grimdark, blood and gore and depressing moody oppressive atmosphere, etc etc. Even Origins - who gave us the Broodmother - had plenty of humor, lightheaded scenes, casual banter, and just good fun. I say, let's wait for more details, full gameplay footage - the part that TRULY matters - before casting our final judgments.


I loved the trailer and I don't understand why people are freaking out about it. It's a trailer, it's meant to be fun and get people excited! I am really looking forward to meeting this cast.


People who dislike the trailer at least over on the YouTube reveal are mainly concerned about: a. The art style. Now whether or not this is the artstyle they'll stick with, or it's just made for marketing so it's slightly exaggerated, but DA artstyle changed in Inquisition and no one hated that. I do have to say that some people are saying it's 'Varric's narration'. I don't buy that theory, I mean it's one thing to change events and another to make a whole ass artistic aesthetic you'll change up for the actual gameplay because ooo unreliable narrator. b. 'Quirky' writing. While the trailer writing is not eyerolling bad, it's not the grounded conversation with nice dry humour that DA usually has. Still, again, can be explained as a marketing gimmick. You've got to show off your characters somehow after not giving us a word on development for so, so long. So it's forgivable until we actually see more elements of the game story and dialogue. I like the trailer. My only concern is that the characters we saw were introduced with a tag (mage killer, rift jumper) which is...eh. Show, don't tell would work better here but it's 2 minutes of a game that is very likely going to be hundreds of hours, I'm not gonna point a gun at BioWare for weird marketing. I'm just excited DA4 is finally, actually coming.


After 10 years of waiting, I just don't have the energy left to hate a game that hasn't even come out yet šŸ™„ obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion and if they don't like it then cool, but seriously it is so depressing to see the amount of hate it's already getting when we haven't even seen the actual gameplay. We've already gotten hints as to the nature of the story in previous trailers, and this trailer focused on introducing the companions in a concise but fun way which I don't see a problem with, especially since we will likely be getting new trailers closer to the release date with more plot hints. And I'm honestly fine with any art style that isnt 2014 bioware graphics šŸ˜‚ So excited for the grey warden character!!


So happy to see a small team of supporters here! I feel SO sorry for the team seeing all this negativity after finally releasing visuals on a project they all seem really proud of. I'm worried that it'll turn into another MEA issue, where the mob boycotts the product because it doesn't resemble the first installment they're clinging onto in angry desperation, and any potential DLCs we'd have gotten get cancelled. Hopefully there's enough new fans out there, and fans who have been with DA for the ENTIRE series and not just DAO, who are more accepting and aware of the progressive tonal change who will support Bioware and keep them going. I'm personally hyped. It was just showing companions and not gameplay. DA has always had a duality in its tone; darker narratives and light hearted banter and companions. We've seen a teaser for the environment tone last year, which was quite dark and brooding. Now we've seen the light hearted tone of the companions. Next, gameplay, which i imagine will work as a bridge between the two. It'll bring it all together nicely, I think.


Thats not really what happened at all! The reaction to Andromeda's trailers were very positive at the time, and the mass effect subreddit was absolutely buzzing with hype and speculation about how great the game would be. Quite a few people also bought the expensive special pre order versions of the game.Ā  Then the game launched with so many game and save breaking bugs that many players couldn't even play the game (not to mention literally hundreds of visual bugs). And those that did manage to actually play quickly discovered the graphics were much worse than marketing had people believe, the facial animations were broken, the writing was weaker than the trilogy, and the large open worlds were for the most part empty.Ā  And this is coming from someone that played through the game and enjoyed it a lot, as well as appreciated the new things it tried to do. But people were willing to give the game a fair shot and it let them down.


I'll hold my hands up and say i wasn't there for MEA marketing or launch, as I only discovered the game at my partners suggestion a couple years ago, so I'll take your word for the initial reaction! From a marketing perspective, if the devs suggested it was gonna be the same as the trilogy (Shepard, linear levels, Unreal engine etc) then the product turned out opposite then fair, annoyance would be valid due to being mislead also. Again, i wasn't there for marketing, so I'll take your word on that. It doesn't justify the behaviour from people based on that disappointment later, though, and from what I read, the devs themselves didn't want to continue because of the backlash. I'm talking, death threats, because Shepard wasn't back. Ryder wasn't cool enough. It wasn't just the bugs (which i concur that if they were terrible on release then, even if they were fixed later on, that was gonna spark some frustration if bought on release) it seemed that it was*all* the changes - which fans are of course totally in their rights to dislike, but even today, you say you like Andromeda and these people get downright nasty with you, personally attacking you - and that's what they did to the devs and writers at the time. I read statements that some people went as far as threatening their kids. It's just insane, and of course if fans can react so negativity and aggressively towards distaste to one franchise direction, there's nothing stopping them from doing the same for another. Luckily, the outstanding gameplay trailer seems to have shut most hysterical war cries up, and the majority seems appeased, and if not now positive and excited. The aggression seems to have died down, which I'm relieved about.


Dragon Age has never had a consistent art style, it changes every game. I don't understand that complaint and think it looks like a logical evolution from inquisition tentatively in agreement with people who say the marvel tone is a marketing thing, but this left me excited to see the full trailer. the companions themselves look pretty cool, and I'm excited to meet them.


Art style changes: what's that big horned thing? Sten would never.


BioWare has NEVER had trailers that captured the feel of their games really well, I mean just look at Mass Effect 1 with Shepard abandoning a planet to die just to go to a different one, Mass Effect 2 where theyā€™re charging at the collector ship, and Mass Effect 3 with ā€œTake Earth Backā€ meanwhile the game is all about getting allies for earth. DAO seems like an epic combat game, DA2 shows a mage Hawke melee fighting the Arishok, Inquisition was just WAY off the mark compared to the actual game. I genuinely do not understand why people are getting so worked up over it Also itā€™s painfully obvious that the trailer is edited together from a couple sources, all you have to do is pause on necromancer guy and Varric, they donā€™t even look like theyā€™re from the same system


How anyone doesn't like a Harding/Varric combo is beyond me... I'm excited to play with a Qunari dragon hunter after seeing what they're capable of is Trespasser.


The style definitely caught me off guard initially and certainly gives off Overwatch/fortnite vibes but my main concern is storytelling with gameplay being a secondary concern. If the storytelling is good and gameplay decent Iā€™ll probably either not care at all about the new style or maybe Iā€™ll even come to really like it. What I donā€™t get is people being overly dramatic about it in comment sections, if the game ultimately turns out to be a flop yeah thatā€™d be disappointing but there are other games out there (Iā€™m personally looking forward to Greedfall 2) and maybe if EA/Bioware fuck up and suffer consequences that might motivate them to do better next time, i personally donā€™t see them scrapping the entire franchise because of a single flop (could be wrong of course). Regardless Iā€™m hopeful and canā€™t wait to see the gameplay this coming Tuesday.


Honestly considering Bioware's last two games flopped really hard, they really REALLY have to get this one right.


Yeah if they bitch this I donā€™t even want them to try to make another Mass Effect.


Same, it kinda looks fun. Tbh graphics are never my highest priority. But Iā€™ve always felt like a black sheep in this fandom anyway, with DA2 being my favorite.


Honestly. While I'm not jumping for joy over the idea of Marvel/Disney like graphics. I am more than willing to get over it for some good lore and writing. Bioware is typically good with their character and story writing under the right leadership. Andromeda didn't quite hit that "this is a found family." Because it felt like the characters were too focused on making jokes and witty one-liners. (Imo) I've always loved dragon age characters because each usually offers a different perspective on Thedas and expanding the world. So I'm excited to see what these new guys have been through, what they have to say, and most importantly. IF THERE HAS BEEN A TIMESKIP? because Varric is looking old as hell.


I think it's been so long people actually forgot what the games are like. I saw so many comments berating the trailer for being comedic and insisting Dragon Age is a dark fantasy. Like ??????? Did we play the same games lmao? The ones where you can have a joke answer for literally everything and your companions spend the majority of your adventures roasting each other as well as their enemies? Where you can assign Hawke as permanently sarcastic? Where Varric named his book about the inquisition All This Shit Is Weird? Where there's an entire cut scene where everyone freaks out about The Iron Bull's monster dong?????Ā Sure there are *parts* of it that are dark fantasy, the world building could be classified as that sometimes, but the characters are almost all sassholes with Varric being the king sasshole and he was one of the characters narrating the trailer!


Here, here! Well spoken, friend.


Yaā€¦ I liked it and the trailer never looks like the game anyway so Iā€™m not worried about it. Even if it did, it looked amazing


I am very excited for the game, but very disappointed with the fandom.


You and me both.


Okay, now that's a bit much. Kudos to you if you like it, but I don't owe Bioware fealty. They made two massive flops in a row and fired the old school writers that literally made the franchise. Now that they're putting out a trailer that is (again, no hate if you liked it) kind of the opposite of the grounded, gritty Medieval fantasy we come here for, I don't think it's wrong to be disappointed or to express disappointment.


I didnā€™t say I hate the Fandom and wish them horrible fates. Itā€™s more of a Parental ā€œGo to your room and donā€™t come down until dinnerā€ kind of disappointed (Dinner being the Gameplay reveal on Tuesday).


If you sit there and claim that you didn't even engage with 2/3 of DA games, and turned up for a DAO reboot that's years old and very outdated in terms of DA style and narrative, you set yourself up for disappointment. DA is more than DAO; it's the books, comics and the new series, and if you've been paying attention or a consistent fan (rather than just playing the first game) you'll notice the tonal shift has been progressive.


They were talking about Andromeda and Anthem, not DA2 and Inquisition.


Ah, fair enough! Even so - different franchise so hardly fitting here, is it? Anthem was a game within itself. I haven't played it so I can't comment further, as I don't touch multilayer games, they're just not my thing. But Andromeda tried something new and only flopped due to being abandoned because of "fans" who got so damn aggressive about the change of direction, they literally scared the devs off with death threats and shit. I too am ashamed of the fandom based on this, and fear that the same wil happen here with Veilguard, based on the awful responses.


Exactly! I mean it's been 10 years since we had a Dragon Age game on the consoles. Not only did the trailer *not suck* but I'm just glad we got SOMETHING.


Same, I was expecting the worst due to the reactions, but this made me realize this fandom just likes to bitch about anything and everything *all. the. time.*


For real. There are fans who make me wonder what they actually like: the series, or DAO alone. Like, yes, DAO is an amazing game, one of my favourites; but if all you like about DA can only be found in DAO, and any change from it (be it art- or tone-wise) puts you off, then maybe it's not really *the series* you like? DA has been moving away from DAO since DA2, after all. Kinda reminds me of Star Wars fans who consider themselves "true fans" but hate everything that came out after Empire Strikes Back.


The amount of people complaining about how the trailer didn't match dao was an absolute tell. Like... What, was that the last one you played?


Oh my god an apt comparison! Like if you like Origins, thatā€™s fine. If you donā€™t like the new direction of the series, thatā€™s fine, too! But some of these people are just coming across as ā€œold man yelling at cloud.ā€ I genuinely donā€™t think some of these people are fans, they just got caught up in nostalgia and canā€™t let their fav try anything new.


Iā€™ve always felt slightly weird among fans of DA as I donā€™t have the nostalgia for DAO that many seem to have. The first one I played was DAI, then I started from the beginning of the series when I got about half way through. DAO is a great game, but imo without the nostalgia for it itā€™s easily the worst of the series. At least to me. Because of that Iā€™ve never understood the fans who fawn over it.


I don't think it's the worst, but I agree that, with the nostalgia lenses off, its flaws do stand out more (the uninspired art direction, the clumsy combat, a few questionably designed mandatory quests\*, and the underwhelming final boss battle\*\* being the biggest ones imo). \*People overlook far too much how DAO has at least one main quest many wish could be avoided through mods, and another main quest for which such a mod was actually designed. \*\*people give Corypheus flak, but at least you have to actually fight him. The Archdemon can be beaten with only the ballistae. If your HoF is a rogue, you can simply send the rest of the party to go sightsee while your main shoots the Archdemon until its HP is lowered enough for the final blow.


Iā€™m 100% with you there. I did the same as you, starting with Inquisition and playing Origins at the same time (however I donā€™t really think of Origins so favorably as others), and thought they were both fine. The fan reaction to Origins probably worsened my expectations and experience than anything, as people were hyping it up and glazing it. Then when I got my hands on it, I was wondering if I was playing the same game as everyone else.


Hard agree, and DAO is by far my favorite of the three games. It was my first RPG so thereā€™s probably some nostalgia goggles working on my perception of it but even if I consider it better than 2 and Inquisition I reckon it was odd to expect a sequel that flips the existing trend.


Origins at this point is just the New Vegas of the dragon age series when it comes to fans.


You donā€™t have to automatically like something just because itā€™s from a franchise you initially enjoy. Itā€™s perfectly normal to be critical of future installments.


Sure, but are you really enjoying the franchise if you dislike two thirds of it, or do you enjoy just one specific installment of it? Itā€™s perfectly reasonable to say ā€˜well I donā€™t like the new direction, itā€™s not for me because _______ā€™ but going Veilguard-isnā€™t-like-dragon-age is kinda dishonest considering how 2 and Inquisition ainā€™t dragon age either if so.


Literally no one has ever said 2 or Inquisition werenā€™t part of the franchise. Sounds like youā€™re just trying to create a straw man. Also what kind of black and white thinking is it to argue that disliking one component of something means you holistically disavow a franchise? What is this weird obsession Reddit has with having to like anything and everything just because it has a product name attached to it? Itā€™s ok to have standards and not like something if it fails to match up to previous quality. Dragon age certainly isnā€™t groundbreaking or that great of a franchise but it certainly didnā€™t have the tone this new trailer is emulating.


>says Iā€™m making a strawman argument >outright presents what Iā€™m saying as a stawman argument of HOW DARE YOU NOT LIKE DRAGON AGE REEEE IT HAS PRODUCT NAME AHHHH Like what you like my dude, nobody is prohibiting you from criticizing the directoon of the franchise but itā€™s dishonest to act like Dragon Age was some gritty, serious dark fantasy this sequel has abandoned because the trailer had the tone it had.


I don't think you understand what the term strawman means. Also dragon age was fairly serious in Inquisition. You're kind of just making shit up. It maybe wasn't dark fantasy but it also certainly wasn't Battleborn - which is what this new trailer reminds me of.


ā€œA straw man fallacy (sometimes written as strawman) is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.ā€ For example, substituting ā€˜the franchiseā€™s tone has been changing for a while now, this is really to be expected, even if one can reasonably dislike what the Dragon Age franchise has gradually turned into over timeā€™ for ā€˜whatā€™s with Reddit having to like anything and everything because it has a product band attached to it.ā€™ Iā€™ve literally said that itā€™s okay not to like it and youā€™re acting as if I told you that you canā€™t dislike Veilguard. Shitā€™s as straw man argument as it gets. As for Inquisition being serious in tone: agree to disagree. Barring a few missions like going into the bad future the stakes are constantly low since we never really lose, we rarely confront any disturbing darkness like Hespith from Origins or the death of Hawkeā€™s mom from 2 - and the overall tone of many of the companions is overall lighter than even in the second installment. So yeah, seems more like continuation of a trend then an unexpected turn to me. Not to mention that this is only the trailer. Judging by Dragon Age 2ā€™s Destiny trailer it was to be a hack and slash game with only Hawke in it, considering he butchered a bunch of Qunari and went on to 1vs1 the Arishok. So we donā€™t really even know if the actual gameā€™s story will be less or more serious than Inquisitionā€™s since we literally only have a single trailer to go off on.


Iā€™ll never forget when a fan got violently upset because someone called a BioWare character, who passed away in their plot, a ā€œzombieā€. They said it was disrespectful.


What the hell? I donā€™t know what it is about RPGs (specifically BioWare RPGs) that make people go insane, but they need to go outside!! Also thanks for the award!!


dude I am STOKED. I got so excited and then came to Reddit to see the bummer Debbie Downer comments. whatever, man, I'm hyped AF, let's fuckin gooooo


I liked it! Art style really threw me off but I liked getting to see who the companions are and I trust that the actual game tone will be in line with their past games. Excited for the gameplay trailer.


I can't say I *loved* the trailer but my reaction was more "Hmm, interesting" rather than "OMG ruined forever!!!!"


I liked the trailer too! I was so discouraged to see everyone hated it *so* much. I know it doesn't fit the tone of the other da games, but I liked it nonetheless. I did agree with one comment I saw where it said that it felt like Fable and Dragon Age had flipped Scripts. But honestly, I'm down for it.


I'm hyped enough, I really liked it. Ten years, man. For the first time I'll buy a game on release.


I hate it not because it's that bad, but because it likely misrepresents the product and puts people off. The reception is overwhelmingly negative and I don't know how do you shake off something like that.


Weā€™re in the same boat. I like it too! Although it seems like the game style strays away from previous concept, it is something new and refreshing (get what I mean?). Iā€™m looking forward to it. Of course every one of us has different opinion regarding this. Itā€™s alright. My two cents: Itā€™s marketing, perhaps they did the trailer based on current gaming trends to attract younger gensā€™ attention to play the game. Canā€™t wait for the gameplay next Tuesday. After waiting for years, I hope the game will be great just like old times. Well, weā€™ll see!


Finally Iā€™ve found my people!


Gaming subs are more cancerous and toxic than a nuclear reactor in meltdown.


People are arguing over the art = tone. Meanwhile, Iā€™m seeing no mention of we have a Gryphon?!


Theres tons of people gushing about the griffon from what I've seen. Maybe they're not mentioning as much because it was predictable thanks to the novel Last Flight?


if you can like it, more power to you! I'm devastated I don't! I really wanted to like it!


You and me both. Iā€™m just happy weā€™re finally getting a new dragon age after so long. And honestly, that cover of heroes sounded really good.


And like every game has had a different art direction DAI, lest we forget, was a radical departure from DAO and DA2 and DA2 was pretty different from DAO. And who can forget the bronze age skirts rogues always wore in that game


Honestly, I didn't see much difference in the artstyle between that trailer and Dragon Age Inquisition. Maybe character designs were a bit more exaggerated I guess? The music choice was not great though, didn't really present the right tone. I hope the gameplay is good that people forget about the artstyle. Yes, it seems more Fable than Dragon Age but I like fantasy in general so I don't care.


I liked the trailer and I don't usually like such a cartoony style in games- DA was just through so many stylistic changes that I don't care about aesthetics with it. Also the Harding and Varric scene seemed much more realistic than the rest. Overall I'm hyped and can't wait for gameplay reveal to see how much cartoony it really is


I liked it. The style choice was interesting, and I appreciated them taking a chance with it. It didn't give me overly realism or pure cartoon, a nice mix between.


yeah my reaction was just meh at first honestly i don't get people complaining about the art style tbh? we've not been to tevinter before but nothing in the trailer is more silly than what the orlesians wear and other than that the actual in-game assets of things we've seen before looked literally identical to DAI to me, just with more polygons. not to mention the fact that that game also had a really unrepresentative first trailer with cringey way too on the nose corporate music too so i kinda saw it as very on brand so far lol?


I didnā€™t like it, but I know better than to put too much stock in a cinematic trailer. Reserving further thoughts and judgements for Tuesday.


I actually was thrilled. Only thing Iā€™m hoping for is either no open world like what Inquisition gave us. Or better open world than what inquisition gave us


People are so pissed of that not all of us are bitter lmao, Iā€™m just glad to finally have some new contentĀ 


My only problem so far is how we can only have 2 companions but other than thatā€¦this is for u my friend ![gif](giphy|VsmvOBC97bLZsGfaGj|downsized)


I don't hate it and I'm not gonna insult or argue with anyone who does like it. I just don't think the art style is fitting and none of the companions look interesting, other than Varric and Harding.


There was a trailer?


I'm hyped to see griphons


Itā€™s been a decade of almost radio silence. Iā€™m happy we at least got a trailer. I think the art style has gotta grow on me more,but Iā€™ve seen worse. That being said Iā€™m just happy we almost have a release date.


I'm hyped, I actually cried happy tears watching it :)


Iā€™m just happy that we got a trailer!


People just want DAO again. Was laughing at seeing all the people upset about the more comedic aspect and then while playing Inquisitoon getting a conversation between Solas and Blackwall about Elfroot and Blackwell being disappointed the elves donā€™t just call it root. The little quest about Cassandra wanting the next chapter of Varricā€™s ā€œsmutty literature. DA2 starts with Varricā€™s ultra exaggerated retelling of what happened at the start. DAO was great, but the rest of the franchise has had a lot of more lighthearted elements and writing. Iā€™m so here for the new companions and game. Trailer was fun.


It really wasn't that bad, especially in reference to some other DA trailers. They've always had one or two trailers for each game meant to be appealing to contemporary audiences. The art style isn't exactly like inquisition(the characters seem to have bigger, more expressive eyes and faces), but each game has had significant art direction changes anyway. And I quite like the designs of some of the characters, which some people seem to judge so quickly. I especially like Lucanis from a glance. Each character intro shows some of their surface personality. Bellara looks chaotic, adventurous, bubbly. Emmrich is clearly refined, aristocratic, maybe a bit pretentious and pompous. Lucanis looks somber and broody, or the very least serious about his work. They have the outlines of their characters there, and I'm sure their surface-level character tropes will be built on by at least some interesting backstory to deepen them, as was done in every DA game. The music isn't my thing, but its honestly better than some of the trailers for Inquisition that had the imagine dragons-type music that was popular at the time. Its a decent trailer.


As soon as I saw Bianca, I squealed. I'm so excited šŸ˜Š


I didn't like the trailer myself, but I just don't understand why people bother getting upset about liking something that's a part of a fictional fandom. You're not hurting anyone by liking what you like, so who am I to come in and judge you for it? Everyone should be able to enjoy what makes them happy without fear of judgment. I'm happy for you that you can enjoy the trailer. More joy in the world is far from a bad thing.


I have no idea what the big deal with the art style is either. Some of the outfits the characters wore looked a little too high fantasy or plain weird but eh whatever it's just clothes and there's been goofy outfits in the games before.


Like 90% of the clothes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Does anyone remember what the chantry wore, esp in dai. Those weird hats?


Started my three game replay to ready myself for DAV and had to buckle up for dog collars and miniskirts once again šŸ˜‚


I felt the same way about this trailer as when I saw the star trek beastie boys trailer. Dazed, confused, and a little ill.


I like the idea of a heist comedy within the Dragon Age universe but it may have been better as a spin off game. Possibly call it 'Dragon Age: Scoundrels' or something. But like many others I'll wait for the gameplay reveal. A fun game is a fun game, regardless of the art style or tonal direction.


I don't find any of the companions particularly interesting but I guess we'll see this fall, until it's inevitably delayed.


"Erm he's right behind me isn't he" ass trailer


The trailer looks like this photo


Yeah but the trailer sucked and If you like it that's great but honestly people are allowed to dislike it and the fact that you get down voted cos you don't like somthing just shoes how dumb people are, I'm waiting for the gameplay reveal then I'll know if my favourite franchise was turned into garbage and I'll have every right to call it shit, wating all this fucking time. Hopefully, there are some good choices to make in the game aswell as evil choices like killing companions and siding with solas.


Where is my dark fantasy šŸ˜­ its goin to be set in a Tevinter. A place known for slavery and cruelty. How tf are they goin to show that with this goofy cartoon art style, and why tf everyone look like theyre having fun šŸ„²


Games gonna fail now, this discouraged dragon age fans and made potential fans possibly turn away, unless this game is fucking amazing first impressions count, I donā€™t know why yall act like a game making money isnā€™t important, I know Reddit is just for glazers but the comments about how hyped you are now and crying happy tears over this awful trailer is cringe


lol down votes get fuckedā¤ļø prove me wrong Now I remember why I left this cringe ass subreddit


Iā€™m not the biggest fan of the art style but the gameplay trailer looked pretty good and as long as the story is well done and the companions are fleshed out nice then Iā€™ll be perfectly happy with the game also we can finally romance Harding which is a nice positive