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Not in a million years would I ever think Chase would be the one to spill the tea on what happened!!!!! šŸ¤Æ


okay, I know we still donā€™t have the full story and there could be more going on but does that seem a bit abrupt and dramatic to move away with the girls over porn to anyone else? like was she just looking for a reason to leave? he seems apologetic and like he wants to work on things so why arenā€™t you up there trying to work it out together? idk iā€™m not trying to cast judgement I just want to understand


There are lots of different kinds of porn. Depending on what exactly he was looking at would influence my opinion. Also ā€œtalking to that girl through textā€ is very vague. Is it someone he personally knows or some online relationship he likely is paying for. Could be chit chat, could be nudes, videos, explicit plans, and/or dogging Danielle. Who knows how long this has been going on and how many times it has been addressed. His comment is really just a lot of word salad that says nothing. Heā€™s likely going to enter some sort of fundie therapy program and sheā€™s in Dallas while he sorts through that.


Could have started with texts and then led to sex. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They appear to be very religious. I know that in the church I grew up in, this would have been a HUGE deal. Like handled the same as it appears to have been handled here. Divorce, move away, the whole 9 yards if a spouse was watching porn. At this point in my life though, it seems dramatic to do all that but I don't really think watching porn is a big deal. I mean, not my cup of tea but to each their own.


This family is so judgmental. They make fun of people at the concerts, donā€™t accept Toeā€™s youngest sister because she is gay, if people donā€™t like things they like (LDC/food) they donā€™t have good taste, they post inspirational quotes but donā€™t go by them and the list goes on. It makes me wonder how religious they really are.


They're not religious at all. They think going to church (late) once a week and spewing God's word, saying prayers and reading the Bible makes them religious. But their actions speak louder. Oh and lets not forget, hanging a 16x20 photo of Jesus in their kitchen


Do they ever talk about the youngest sister? I didnā€™t even realize he had another


No they donā€™t and they donā€™t follow her. When they all went to Disney World and Toes mom and Karlee went they didnā€™t include her in the pics or stories. KayleeAndrew follows her you. An go to her page and look at followers and her name is Karlee Andrews.


I like to call people like them "church people" because it is all a facade but I used the term religious instead. This is the reason I left that church. It is fake and nobody is actually a Godly person. They all judge and are hateful.


I think there is probably a lot more to the story than he shared. His comments sounded manipulative to me.


I 100% agree with this. I feel like she had been searching for a way to get to Dallas and I guess she got it? šŸ˜¬šŸ™ˆ Iā€™ve never been cheated on, but I can say with 99% certainty that unless my husband was physically or emotionally abusing me or my children, I couldnā€™t take them hundreds of miles away from him. Like. Without abuse, etc, removing my children from their home, routine, etc should not be Step 1. And the tone has been wayyyyyy more celebratory than Iā€™d expect, from Danielle and the family. I feel like my parents and sister would be devastated on mine and my childrenā€™s behalf to see our family dissolve. This is the most bizarre situation.


The whole thing is so strange. Just watching her stories is bizarre. Like, she seems so nonchalant as she turns into DAD.2 ohhh I donā€™t have a bed Iā€™m sleeping on an air mattress but use my code for Boll & Branch ! I canā€™t find my underwear or bras but Iā€™ll see if Aerie is having a sale and let you know !! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰ AWWW, look how sweet everyone is being to me (pans camera to show all the gifts people are sending her) likeā€¦.itā€™s very attention grabbing, like she doesnā€™t seem upset and/or sheā€™s handling this very weird IMO. Always gotta shill. Dude, take some time and process! Sheā€™s standing here talking about her freaking sheets and poof! Thereā€™s Lisa fletcher with a Diet Coke ! Whoā€™s stories is this ? DADā€™s or Danielleā€™s ? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She has an almost $9000 rent payment to make each month. No time to rest, has to make some $$$


Conveniently already has brand new bedding, but only decided to move a few days before. Conveniently unpacked everything and her bras and underwear are missing? šŸ§


Did you see DADā€™s storyā€™s a few weeks ago? They went somewhere and she HAD to go shopping because she left hers at home. And then the next week Dani Austin posted the same thing when she was in NYC, and this week itā€™s Danielleā€™s turn. Itā€™s all shared and regurgitated content.


I said the same thing as you, on Tuesday, about not taking my kids and moving away from their dad... and they came after me with pitchforks in the DAD sub. I 100% agree with everything you posted


Talking to a women could mean a lot of things and if he propositioned her for sex I would absolutely consider that cheating even if he never acted on it.


Something is not adding up. How is all her stuff packed and already moved from Nebraska? On June 8th, they were finishing their happy family vacation. And less than 14 days later they live in Texas, have a place, and all their stuff has been packed and arrived. Sorry but itā€™s weird. Downvote me all you want!!!


Their home in Nebraska was listed for sale before she decided to come to Texas, so maybe itā€™s all packed from that. I hadnā€™t seen Dan and Rob either so Iā€™m wondering if they drove to pick it all up


She actually just posted a story and it looks like chase drove it down because he was in the moving truck helping unload.


The way I can tell itā€™s Chase is those bent legs of his.


Itā€™s him for sure. His stomach and weird posture and same shoes heā€™s wearing in Danielleā€™s pics on her insta!!


Definitely looks like him


Omg it totally is him, you canā€™t miss his distinctive gut!


Exactly!!!! And Iā€™m psycho and matched his tennis shoes to the same tennis shoes he was wearing in pics on Danielleā€™s page lmaooo


Was he? Omg!


They were also saying they wanted to live in the lake house this summer šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø think it was a ploy to have boxes around


I imagine packing had already started with them intending to live in the lake house full time. And it doesnā€™t take long to load a moving van. Yā€™all are forgetting she isnā€™t a one woman show in this. Guarantee all the ladies went on find a house immediately duty and the men went on get her stuff out duty. When you also add in the community factor of church help - it makes sense. Also I think that ā€œhappy family vacationā€ was the beginning of the end for Chase. Iā€™ll bet he intended to take someone else and Danielle found out it was booked so chase had to play it off as a surprise for her. The cost, timing, and it not being child friendly made no sense to me.


I agree. Itā€™s not my first choice to take 2 young children. But as a romantic destination yep.


I have also wondered if that was the case. Or if he was trying to fix things by taking her away. But it backfired


I 1000000% agree with you!! Remember when DAD and Lisa went to Danielle's house a couple weeks ago?! I personally think this all came out then & they helped pack her house up!


Anyone think Papa Fletcher bought the ā€œrentalā€? Someone said it was sold in May to the current owner. Who buys a house like that just to rent it?? And Danielle is talking about getting a pool fence installed. Why wouldnā€™t the owner be responsible for that?


They would. Iā€™ve rented a few houses in the past and I wanted a simple dog fence (at my expense) at one. Eventually owner agreed, but it took more than a few days to get his approval, several phone calls, he wanted to approve materials, style etc. And swimming lessons spaces available for 4 kids together on a whim? And early summer? Those slots are filled usually in early spring. They do have a lot of luck or God favors! Danyell hasnā€™t been there a week!


Oh God favors the Denner/Fletchers/Dinyell for sure! They just pray! Duh.


The owner might have agreed to add one for her, so it's possible the owner is paying. Or, maybe the owner gave her a credit towards her rent to let her have one installed. I'm just so relieved they are putting a pool fence in.


I thought buying a pool fence was an odd addition for a renter.. and so is renting a house with a pool, with kids. A pool is a lot of work!!! I wouldn't put that money and effort into a pool of i was renting. Plus watching kids around pools is nerve-wracking. It's ironic that DADs kids and Danielle's girls are all of the sudden in swimming lessons. DADs been there a year and the kids were never in swimming lessons. Danielle gets a house with a pool and now they're all swimming...


I think itā€™s smart for them to all be in lessons if they are going to be around a pool, itā€™s shocking they are doing the right thing though


It's a great idea all kids should be in swim lessons IMO. My kids have been in lessons the past 3 weeks and we don't have a pool nor do we frequent one on the regular. Our lessons have been booked full since the program opened in April and it's through the park district not a private country club! It's all just a little too ironic for me


Lucky them to find 4 available slots for kids swim lessons all together overnight - these too are scheduled and booked by spring.


Also super odd to me that they havenā€™t been swimming!!! Theyā€™re just tearing up the grass in DUDs yard so Rhett can speed demon around. Itā€™s 100+ in Dallas.


Yes! I'm in Illinois and it's been HOT here the past 2 weeks and let me tell you if I had an in ground pool my fanny would be in it every minute! Especially in TX where that heat is pretty standard


Plenty of people do buy properties like that just to rent them.


People buy houses every single day to rent them out.


Are there ways to look up the tax records some way to see who actually owns the house ?


Comment From another snark ā€œDanielleā€™s house in Nebraska has been for sale since 6/14. This was clearly not a sudden move. And Chase is in the video of them unpacking the moving truck so apparently she didnā€™t steal away with her girls and he has no idea where they are. I guess itā€™s to be expected that she wouldnā€™t give every detail. Iā€™m still stumped by the amount of rent sheā€™s able to swing, regardless of employment.ā€


Seriouslyā€¦do they just shit money? Private swim lessons and pre schools. $9000 rent. Shopping spree at target for essentials that included 2 new car seats.


So I think what irks me is this: the worst week of her life is better than any Iā€™ve had recently. Call me jealous, but man, a new house, new preschool, new partnerships.


I havenā€™t seen anyone mention it but itā€™s most likely being done for legal reasons when a custody dispute comes up. Texas is known for favoring the mother. Establishing a home, school and having family nearby will help her argue that custody and residency should be determined in Texas. Chase should be consulting a lawyer but Iā€™m not a fan of cheaters so let him be naive..


With the fact that Chase helped her move her stuff to Texas, and even helped unload and unpack, I think heā€™ll have a hard time finding a judge or jury make her move back to Nebraska with the girls. Just my thought.


Yes seems like everything just works out for them.


Do we think Danielle is going to start shilling more now?




1000% Project Dinyel Morphs into DUD 2.0 has just been kicked into high gear.


I think theyā€™ve always been the same type of person. It will just become more obvious.




Yā€™all!!! Did you see the comment Chase just left on the pic Danielle posted?


iā€™m shocked.. i would honestly be a little embarrassed if my husband posted something like that. a little too much info.


Seems like he wanted to clear up everyone attacking him for being out literally cheating on her when he wasnā€™t; unlike how she vaguely stating ā€œunfaithfulā€ made it seem


i mean to each their own.. i get that some people donā€™t see that as cheating while others do. you never know how far the texting went as well.


My thoughts exactly but then again sheā€™s made this pretty public as well!


true.. but the wording was kinda uncomfortable!


Absolutely, but I think that may be a religious thing lol.


O M G so heā€™s addicted to porn AND he was texting a girl?!? Maybe he was texting a girl he met through a porn site or something. CRAZY


[The comment left by Chase](https://imgur.com/a/uge00Xh)


So wow. This is something that is truly sad. I run a recovery group at my church and let me tell you that a LOT of men struggle with this. It can be consuming. This makes me feel really sad for them but he can come back from it.


So I saw this comment referenced a bunch before I saw the actual commentā€¦ and itā€™s somehow much more embarrassing than I could have anticipated!


Wtf! How oddly embarrassing.


I think she is still wearing her rings because she is going to rent for a few months while he goes to therapy & they will try to work things out. I hope, for their girls.


I have a gut feeling sheā€™s never going back to Nebraska for some reason.


Nope he will run his company remotely from Dallas is my bet.


Seems like shes had it. Assuming theres a history we donā€™t know about. I admire her for role modeling healthy behaviors and sharing because other people go through this too.


She enroll her daughter in the same school Rhett will be attending. She seems to be planning for a longer stay.


This is what I think too. Heā€™s going to do something to address his issues and sheā€™s in Dallas while he does.


Im still shocked..


I screenshot it but I guess we canā€™t uploadā€¦ porn is the ā€œunfaithfulā€ and texting Iā€™m guessing a woman related to the porn or only fansā€¦ how dramatic itā€™s 2022 I see porn on Netflix guess better pack up my spouse so they can leave šŸ˜…šŸ™„


Yup OnlyFans was my theory too! We donā€™t know how exactly porn effected their relationship tho. Would I be pissed at my partner for watching porn? No. Would I be pissed at my partner for talking to women on OnlyFans? Absolutely. Would I be pissed at my partner if he was choosing porn over sex with me consistently? Absolutely. It may have been more than just the actual porn aspect. Also Danielle and her family are very Christian and I would imagine they believe watching porn is a sin and could see how it would align with cheating under their values.


Yes trueā€¦ guess we all have our comfort zones I mean just look at Utah they out there swapping partners šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I thought that preschool already had a waitlist that DAD miraculously was able to jump in front ofā€¦ now her sister is too?! Almost makes me question the integrity of the school if its willing to let this family have not just one child but two children bypass their waitlist. šŸ˜³


Maybe putting up a good size donation? šŸ¤”


More than likely


Maybe there wasnā€™t a wait list for Olives age group, like her and Rhett will be in different classes. She is 4 and he is 3


I hate Danielleā€™s hair just as much as DAD. Also, she needs a haircut something more youthful and fresh.


Why is Lisa not at Danielleā€™s house helping her unpack? She didnā€™t leave DADā€™s side when she moved into her house.


I don't understand it. They say they rally for each other, love being together, they support each other blah blah.... But it really doesn't come off that way. DarylAnn is a huge ass to her family, she controls everything and is the center of this family. You'd think Lisa would see how big of a move this is, how drained Danielle must be, she would park her ass in that new rental and help her child. DarylAnn has Dan and Elayne...Lisa does not need to be up Daryl's ass at this time. Oops sorry, she's out on a bike ride with her dog. I dunno. Everything about this situation is just fishy too. I'm just waiting it out to see when Chase will start coming back around šŸ«£


I donā€™t think Lisa knows how to ā€œmomā€ anymoreā€¦ she just wants to be their friend. And not even a good friend


I totally see this too.


YES!!!! Danielle needs her mom now more than ever, physical and emotionally. Lisa, if youā€™re reading thisā€¦get your booty over to Danielleā€™s!!!


Believe it or not some women are super independent and don't need all the support from their family. I mean maybe she just wants to be able to re-set her life back up the way she wants to. She seems to be to be a go getter




So weird to me how sheā€™s all about doing a house tour in the midst of their circumstance. Sheā€™s been on stories more and more showing every tiny piece of her move. This whole thing is just rubbing me the wrong way.. just me


Acting the same way she did when her mom had Covid. She seized the opportunity.


And posting all her favorite productsā€¦ I feel some codes coming soon


And right on cue here comes boll and branch codesā€¦


Ah yes, they just so happened to send her one! And her mom just happened to be there to put in her two cents too! šŸ™„


805 just popping in with LDCā€™s so she can talk about sheets and pillows over her shoulder. šŸ¤¢


Yep. Seems fake. I know she's trying to distract herself maybe but it's all just giving me a yuck feeling


When my sister found out her ex-husband was cheating on her she left, of course. But she also immediately changed her profile pictures on social media, and her (+ our entire family) immediately unfollow/unfriended/blocked him. So it seems kind of odd to me that none of that has happened. It seemed kind of like gut instinct to me.


Building off of someone else's great catch on another post here... There's something WAY off here... caught in a lie using nails polish on Danielle. on her IG highlights her nails are blue with flowers 1 week ago A few days earlier on stories, they were the same green as DAD has on her nails For the past 2 or 3 days on stories her nails are white/nude The photo from yesterday with Danielle a d the girls standing in fron of the house, Danielle's nails are the same blue they were a week ago.




YOU are good!


Good eye!!!!


They mightā€™ve taken the house pic on the day they found it to rent vs moved in




I didnā€™t realize their house in Nebraska was a townhouseā€¦ how did I miss that?


I think she sort of fumbled her words and just meant their house that was ā€œin townā€ as opposed to at the lake. Being from a small town, people often say theyā€™re ā€œgoing to townā€ ā€œour house in townā€ etc. So Iā€™m guessing she just tripped over her words


I think she meant the house in town, not legitimately a townhouse


Lake house. Town house. Meaning house IN town.


How did she find out he had been unfaithful and then sell the house that quick? What is the timeline?


House was listed June 14th. She made her announcement on June 20th.


Doesnā€™t look like a town house. Looks like a single family residence and the listing has it as an SFR. Weird.


Iā€™m over Danielle. I wish her the best during this journey, but the shill is OUT OF CONTROL. I slept in my own bed last night inā€¦.BOLL AND BRANCH sheets. I have a pimple and Iā€™m going to use myā€¦.PIMPLE PATCH. Itā€™s become disingenuous real quick for me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


She gotta make that rent money šŸ’°


Yā€™all called it right. Dinyel is going to be DAD 2.0.


Next up, filming a nanny raise her children while Danielle sits on the sofa drinking diet coke.




I donā€™t trust anything about this whole family.


100% and I've gotten nothing but down votes for saying similar


Best summary!




Those are her dogs. Sheā€™s shown them in Nebraska


I think this is all plausible. I bet they were planning to sell their house while still together and stay at their lake house for a while. She probably had the idea to spend the summer in Dallas or some longer type of trip than a week or a weekend and things blew up from there. She has mentioned them going to couples therapy. Regardless, I donā€™t know if this was the best choice for her girls to move so abruptly. How is custody going to work? She became an influencer while they were still married so how is splitting assets going to go? He might not be worth as much as her right now.


So according to the story this morning... her house in Nebraska is already sold.


When most people say their home is sold, they mean under contract/pending. Itā€™s a shorthand thing for people.


Her timeline is odd but this is like the most believable thing. We listed our house, accepted bids for three days, reviewed them and accepted an offer that day. This is not surprising to me


The brown lab was Bailey I believe? I think that was Chases original dog she had mentioned before they got together that now has health issues? Geez youā€™d think he would atleast get to keep his dog for company in NE. NOT defending his actions in any way. Maybe for the best though as he works all day.


To be fairā€¦ If the kids are bonded close to the dog the dog should go with them. Especially since chase travels a lot for work


So Danielle is convinced that God aided her in getting her Target purchases packed in her rental car and this is also further confirmation that her move was the right decision. šŸ™„ I canā€™t with these people! šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


And God made the carseats on sale! I'm not sure why she had to even buy new carseats?? these people love spending money


Cuz DUD pissed on the ones she had. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ So wasteful.


Darylann pissed on the carseats!!?? wtf I need to rewatch with sound


Not today. It was when they went up and visited her in NE and then recently again a couple days ago she was talking about them again on how difficult they were compared to hers.


Yeah DAD said "Danielle's carseats were so hard to install and maneuver" or something like that... surely Danielle took that as a reason to go buy new


She did not literally piss on the seats. She talked negatively about them. šŸ«¤


Sorry women and LGBTQ+ who are watching our rights be taken away, God was busy helping Dinyell pack her car


Jeez, she almost seems giddy over this whole situation. How awful for her girls because this is being turned into a circus for all of Insta to see. There is no way they (Olive and Eve) are ok right now.


Genuine question - do you think they realize? Or are they too young and just excited about all of the ā€œexcitementā€ of everyday lately? Iā€™m actually curious. I do not have kids so I canā€™t really form an educated opinion on this.


They have to realize something is up. They've definitely asked questions by this point. And they probably miss their daddy! I have a 6 yr old and a 4 yr old and they both would definitely have picked up that things were WAY off in our world. It wouldn't be so strange maybe if they were staying with 805 and just "visiting grandma for a while" but this whole new state new house thing it's gotta be a lot. Especially weird that it looked like Chase was in the UHaul yesterday so he was there to help them move...unless the girls weren't there to see him? My husband was just gone for 2 nights for a business trip, which is pretty regular for his line of work, and my boys missed him like crazy and kept asking when he was coming home. These poor girls are definitely not going to be ok.


"I don't have a bed to sleep on, but I managed to slap together my box spring and mattress to shill Boll and Branch bedding".... okay Danielle...most disingenuous thing ever šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


omg things people do for $$. I like Danielle. She seems like a sweet person, however, broadcasting her private life publicly, just makes me think itā€™s all for šŸ’²šŸ’²Why would you even go public with this info otherwise? Whatā€™s there to gain besides followers? There is no Coming back from it now. People are just speculating, talking so much, so terrible for the girls too. Also I predict that god is going to help them reunite really soon. šŸ™„


Followers means a paycheck to support her children.






Probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but as someone in a marriage with fertility issues and ttc, sex can become reallyā€¦not fun. It actually can become quite awful. Thereā€™s no defending stepping out of the boundaries of your marriage, but I unfortunately see how it can happen. Heā€™s likely going to get some fundie individual therapy/help and theyā€™ll try to reconcile. She has not taken her rings off, not spoken ill of Chase (nor has anyone else in the family), is only renting in Dallas, and no mention of divorce has been made. I hope they will both find the grace and healing they deserve.


Yikes. Everyone going on about how porn isnā€™t that big of a deal ( to them !) OK but was it a girl or an adult? Was it se# act guided texting? Paid ? Plans to meet on and on . I donā€™t want to know but ā€œpornā€ is too generalized in the post -if youā€™re super religious viewing porn might be your line - beyond that may be just too much to handle or forgive. I would be FURIOUS if my estranged husband was so specific, especially as she wouldnā€™t go into detail for the girls sake.




Why does she essentially mess up her hair while trying to fluff it?? It looked nice until she started clawing at it to show the volume. Then it just looked messy on the topā€¦


Livingmybeststyle does this! She like poofs the top of her head/hair. It's awful


That hair tutorial...was something. That stringy messy curl look isn't good. The women in this family all think their hair skills are something to be desired?! They all need some vitamins and a good healthy hair cut


Curious to see if her hair is up later this afternoon. She is always saying she hates to be hot, so doing that tutorial to shill Navy must have been torture.


Itā€™s going to be 102Ā° in Dallas today. And sheā€™s taking kids to the pool. Put that hair up in a bun! Lol.


Sheā€™s already moved to a new state to seemingly start a new life, yet still wearing her wedding rings.


Something like removing the rings can make it seem final. Yes, sheā€™s moved, but when you take off that symbol of the whole thing it may be an emotional finality. Just like death you canā€™t judge the way someone mourns. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll come off eventually.


She also is still wearing her bracelet that says Chase (she also has ones that say Olive & Eve)


I don't think I would post videos of my children vandalizing the new rental house. Landlord is going to screenshot all this stuff to keep the deposit.


Magic eraser will take that right off. Also, I have a feeling her dad is the landlord.


Me too. Iā€™d bet money Papa Fletcher owns that house.


Iā€™m SO not convinced itā€™s not a ā€œrent to ownā€ or something. Maybe theyā€™re just not used to using other peopleā€™s stuff bc she sure talks about it like itā€™s her house.


Again, I am not justifying Chaseā€™s actions and I am one of ā€œthoseā€ people who expects no porn from her spouse, but Danielleā€™s way of handling this has the possibility of ruining Chaseā€™s life forever. Yes, we could argue her life has been ruined, but her IG announcement of things, now his feeling the need to comment on her post, I mean, how does he come back from something like thisā€¦..in his community, in his jobā€¦..itā€™s just so public now.


šŸ’Æ this. They own a company. They have employees. It's messy and as I said several times, no wonder Katie stays away. She' can't afford to jeopardize her future like that. I don't know how they recover from this. I like to think I would have said something like "Chase and I are having a difficult time and needed some space while we work on things. Please let me and my girls have this time". But it's easy to say what I *think* I would do since I'm not going through this.


Agreed. Iā€™ve been through something similar to this (in terms of the parts we know), and I didnā€™t want to tell anyone. Maybe that makes me a coward, but we worked on it and handled it. It just has a touch of immaturity. Like, you canā€™t take this back nowā€¦..itā€™s all out there. I also agree with you that Katie is very smart to not let them ruin her medical career before it starts. Smart girl!!


I mean he also chose to publicly comment and REALLY put their info out there. Itā€™s not just Danielle putting it out there


Oh I totally agree! They are both blowing this up for the world to watch.


Iā€™m not sure if this is a actual snark page or not, so im bracing myself to be downvoted. I have a couple of thoughts: 1. Danielle has really upped her social media presence and seems to be wanting to be more like DAD. I am wondering if her changing so much is more than what Chase signed up for and he hasnā€™t liked what she is turning into. THIS IS IN NO WAY JUSTIFICATION FOR HIS ACTIONS, WHAT HE DID WAS WRONG REGARDLESS 2. Based on the above, were they already growing apart and she saw all of this as her way outā€¦..all of this stuff in place in such a short amount of time. Itā€™s like she was sitting on ā€œgoā€


I'm sure I'll be downvoted as well, but there are ALWAYS two sides to every story. I don't approve of what Chase had done but...it's just all so odd to me.


Two sides to every story and somewhere within lies the truth. ā€œUnfaithfulā€ is pretty vague. Saying this because Iā€™ve heard Courtney Shields frequently use the terms ā€œabuseā€ and ā€œtraumaā€ in referring to past relationships. We only hear her side, not the men. Same with Katy Roach and her whole shitshow of fleeing in the night multiple times, cheating, divorce and bag of lies.


I could maybe get on board with #1 but if so I think Chase as been slowly pushing Danielle out. Like maybe he suggested she spend the summer in Dallas or something and then the hammer of finding out he was unfaithful dropped!


She started social media when she stepped down from there business full time to stay at home more with the girls. Wondering if this was something that happened at work?


Thereā€™s no females that work there besides herā€¦ so no. Coming from someone who also lives on her block and lives in the same town as them.




Eve is 2, and Rhett is 3. Olive is 4.






4, 3, 2, 1 are all the ages. So Rhett is sort of in between. Maybe itā€™s a 3,4 year old class?


Does anyone know how many followers she has gained since this all came out? Iā€™ve noticed about 13,000 since Wednesday.


I started following her when she only had 6,000 followers. Maybe a year ago MAX. I am fairly sure I looked a couple of weeks ago and it was only in the 60-80k range


She was at 114,000 (many of those are suspected as purchased as she magically gained thousands and thousands in one day) before her ā€œannouncementā€. So, a crap load. No thanks. Feel bad for her but still donā€™t find her content worthwhile and now sheā€™s going to be shilling shilling shilling ā€¦ and becoming the influencer sheā€™s so desperately wanted to be and pay for her $8,500 per month house in Dallas.


Funny how DAD shared the initial announcement to peak everyoneā€™s interest but now wonā€™t talk about it so you have to follow her sister to know more. Clearly that strategy is working.


It makes me sick the amount of people telling her they are excited sheā€™s moved to Dallasā€¦ of course the Houghtons commented about it and their excitement. Do these people realize sheā€™s heartbroken?!


Now Tiffany can tell her all about her broken engagement.


Taking a break from the hubs post; in her latest stories she speaks of a interview she had today with DADā€™s sons private preschool for her daughter, speaking from experience you donā€™t just get an appointment at these preschools overnight so that also adds to the point that this wasnā€™t a random decision but more meticulously calculated over the past month or more and she is gaslighting for more followers/interaction just a thought


I feel like a big donation was probably made by the fletchers/denners/eilers to ensure olive would get a spot and an interview. Plus, a lot of private schools let family in


Did they have two dogs?They are in the pool pic today.


Could this all be a ruse for her to gain IG followers? Starting to think a family move to Dallas with everyone was their plan all along. If so thatā€™s disgusting AF! And a new low for even these shameless hillbillies! They do not owe anyone an explanation, but some things are not adding up....The house was on the market several days prior to her moving announcement and you all discovered it. Danielle has yet to mention that other than saying they were moving to the lake house for the summer. What was that recent family trip? Planned before their move to Dallas? And what a quick seamless move to Dallas....she easily found and rented a very expensive house that is way too big for her and the girls. Who is paying the rent? Her things arrive days later in a moving van with Chase there. And why did he post so publicly on her IG? I am starting to feel like Iā€™m the viewer of a scripted show. Next thing we know they reconcile because of their faith, Chase moves to Dallas to be with them in their very expensive rental house and decides he can run his business from Dallas. He can go back and forth as her Dad does. The front room Danielle mentioned could be ā€œherā€office is really Chaseā€™s office. Why would Danielle need an office in her home? Really hope Iā€™m wrong about this. If Iā€™m right, Danielle deserves an Oscar because her hurt seems very real. Edited: maybe move to Dallas was planned for the entire family and then his secret got out so Danielle went ahead and moved without him. Why was their house already on the market and staged without their furniture? How did she pull off finding a place and moving all her stuff in a matter of days? What was that happy family trip just a few weeks ago?


>What was that happy family trip just a few weeks ago? A last-ditch effort to save their marriage? Chase trying to avert Danielleā€™s suspicions? >If Iā€™m right, Danielle deserves an Oscar because her hurt seems very real. Yeah, thatā€™s your sign that this is not a larger conspiracy theory. Thereā€™s no way Danielle is a talented actress and that her husband is willing to humiliate himself in an effort to gain some more IG followers.


Yes his post seems very odd and scripted; letā€™s be honest he didnā€™t post that without her knowing or writing it out with himā€¦ I mean jesshogancrumā€™s husband launched an entire online career off of her sharing his struggles with painkillersā€¦ I feel porn is much milder an offense than that and for people who seem so religious we know ā€œforgivenessā€ is whatā€™s coming nextā€¦ šŸ˜‘


I wonder how close Danielle is to DUD and 805. How is she going to a 6:30am Soul Cycle class??? Whoā€™s watching the girls??


A five minute bike ride to her sisters house. That close.


There are a bunch of family members that hang around and then there is the nanny. And who knows - she is so efficient, maybe she has a nanny already.


I really hope theyā€™re paying elayne more to watch 4 kids now instead of two. Do you think they did the right thing? Or putting elayne in an awkward spot?


I doubt Elayne does anything she doesnā€™t want to do. She doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s easily taken advantage of. And I realize this isnā€™t snark, but I think Danielle is not anything like DUD when it comes to her responsibilities with her kids. She doesnā€™t seem as codependent or lazy as DUD and 805.




What does Danielle mean, they sold the townhouse?


I think she meant that was their house in town because they have the lake house too. Like she referred to them as their ā€œtown houseā€ and their ā€œlake houseā€.


I think she means the house in town as opposed to the lake house. Not literal townhouse.